How do monetize childless rich men in their 40s?
How do monetize childless rich men in their 40s?
Hair loss substances that actually induce further hair loss.
Push consumer hobbies on them that are surrogate activities for their lack of masculinity. Obviously you can do these hobbies cheap you need to tap into their consumerism via marketing.
fly fishing
Suicide/Euthanasia services.
That demographic - among white men - is the single leading demographic for suicide, by a wide margin.
So presumably monetizing them would be to set up a fund promising them their life’s accumulations will be put to a good cause, while providing them seamless legal, administrative and logistical support to wrap up their affairs, estate and provide them with a painless euthanasia and appropriate burial.
I’m not kidding either. And it’s a growing market.
cool thread, can't wait to see 20 something year old virgin bizraelis pretend to know what 40 year old men spend their money on
i spend most of my money on guns, fishing/hunting, and tools
exactly what was talking about.
Funko pops
im 45 with 8 figures and i dont spend most of the money because. not sure what i would even buy. im divorced for 5 years now, no kids and i think about dying a lot.
Are you going to remarry and have kids?
That is for then. Product/Market fit found.
remarry at 45
lmao even
A rich 45 year old can't get a woman in her 30s? What else is he gonna do? Hire hookers?
Most sane men would not remarry after getting married once anon.
remarry and have kids?
younger women do not want a 45 year old. plus start trying for kids at ~47? its getting too late.
maybe, but a sudden suicide by gunshot has a much more dignified feel to it. going through months of paperwork for my (distant) family to find out i was planning to take the cowards way out seems worse
younger women do not want a 45 year old.
Go Anon Babble and Anon Babble.
trying for kids at ~47?
Just don't do it, bro.
younger women do not want a 45 year old
Is that really true? Seems like there'd be plenty of 35 year old women who'd be fine to settle down with a rich guy at that point.
How do monetize childless rich men in their 40s?
You sell them investment snake oils to protect their wealth. Stuff like real estate and bonds.
I am 30 years old and I never even kissed a girl
im 100% sure there are, but you also have to consider if a 45 year old man wants to deal with the bullshit a single 35 year old woman is bringing
get out there bro. clock is ticking
Aim for 25 y/o then. They're more fun and still fertile for many years.
Read Pinned Tweet or Nigger
how did twitterfags get away with this?
Hair transplants.
If you can make motorcycles better than Yamaha, let me know. I'll fall for your tricks.
invest in porn, prostitutes, fast or unique cars, boats, motorcycles, mechanical devices, computers, entertainment systems, basically anything fun or sports or hobby related.
Make cheap 80s/90s nostalgia tshirts and advertise them on facebook.
Expensive sports cars financed through a bank of your choosing.
why don't you get a fucking hobby? Go out and ride a bike or hike a mountain every day. Get out in nature, be active. Help someone in need. Sponsor a struggling family. Instead of offing yourself why don't you use your God given existence to bring light to others in any way that you possibly can. Do not let darkness break you.
there are 21 year olds who want to settle down with a 45 yo rich guy, especially if he still looks good
overpriced bbq stuff and gear, with MANLY MASCULINE alpha male marketing bs and like beard oil and stuff, overpriced shaving gear.
This is actually for 35-40 yo somethings with those masculinity crises.
You're sucking blood from a rock there. Childless rich women in their 30s are why 60 cents out of every dollar in videogames comes from mobile games.
That's how you got divorce raped.
AI robo girlfriend
AI robocook
AI robo cleaning lady
Wall Street Playboys.
Think they sold when they rebranded to BTB?
I always read murmurs not sure. Wonder what Anon Babble expert opinion is.
8 figures
no direction in life
There are very few people I'd recommend this to but you may want to consider Academia anon. Everyone there is sad and rich, just like you (difference being they are not self made)
I did not realize that was the same account, lmao. 100% sold in 2021 if I remember correctly, writing style is completely different
Sell drugs
haha yep they are. I've followed them from WSP days into BTB.
yeah thats what a lot of people say, about the writing style change. would make sense as to why they rebranded.
now they've got their little jungle cult on twitter going.
idk I think the newsletter is written well. feel like WSP days was the true alpha, BTB is solid though.
they (he) probably have ghost writers for some of the substack posts but the ecomm material, takes on culture, and and tone of the posts feel like old wpb
Masturbation tools
Well, a 35yo could still do that as well
Where i live you avoid it tho write docs so the woman have no right to take anything
Makes sense what you're saying.
I've subscribed to the substack since it came out.
Yeah they churn out so much content weekly it must be outsourced for parts of it at the very least.
The macro econ top level stuff seems to be decent analysis.
I've gotten wrekted trailing and following them into some of their aggressive crypto calls though.