When's the next bull market I can't do this shit anymore it's demeaning

When's the next bull market I can't do this shit anymore it's demeaning

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she just wants a free meal dude. being poor actually saved you from being used

tell her you if she want steak that you want a cheesestreak and to spread that wap

your reply is actually much better than just agreeing to the steak dinner anyway

hey babe want gas station coffee

you are a faggot

my girlfriend loves gas station coffee. we went there many times. without a car even. i guess she just loves hanging out with me not caring what exactly we are doing.

You're based anon is rather have someone chill with me and drink coffee than being at some fancy restaurant.

Bitch seems like a golddigger you 100% dodged a bullet. You can do better anon

Lamo try next time with

hey what's your favorite gas station ramen?

And then when she complains that it's gross and it's cheap hit her with the

you should have an opinion

Women don't know that money manipulates them, you have to trick a bitch into thinking for herself it's hard work.

You have to dress it a little bit.
Talk about a movie that has a romantic gas station scene in it first and then hit her with the cheap date.
Pull that mentalist shit on her by planting the idea first.

idk how people go out to eat on a first date. i get so nervous talking to women i would probably throw up or something if i had to eat a bunch of food. i will do anything to avoid going out to dinner

my girlfriend loves gas station coffee dates

Jfc, should we tell him? Anon, your gf sucks dicks for dollars. Sorry you had to find out like this

yeah let's make steak dinner plans for tonight when it is already 21:08

She's retarded

this desu. the bitch aint even paying for the coffee, beggars cant be choosers. this aint the 50s, bitches have jobs

Asking for a steak for a date is cheeky as fuck
You dodged a bullet lad
But you do also need to stop being poor


That's a B grade chick. Have you ever noticed how people tend to fit their names? It's not because their parents magically pick the perfect name for their personality. It's because over the course of your life throughout your baby years, adolescence, and adult hood, a person is called something over and over again as a name, and they internalize the tonal intonations and primal meanings behind such calls. 'B'. 'Buh'. 'Bah'. The second letter of the alphabet. Second place. Good, but not great. This chick will always mentally be second place. She holds herself to a standard, but not the gold standard that achieves an 'A'. 'Bri'. Also a type of cheese.

Teehee I want steak

Give this woman everything she wants and she will destroy you.

She's looking for a meal ticket. A girl that's actually interested doesn't really care what you're doing. My current girlfriend of 5 years we first met, got a coffee and got for a walk. But get this in all my autistic wisdom when they mixed my coffee order so I tasted both of the coffees because I couldn't tell which was which. She thought my retardation was funny and we hit it off. She got a cappuccino I wanted a black one but they gave us two cappuccinos. I figured that black coffee does sometimes get foamy so in all my wisdom I tried to differentiate by tasting both.

Based knower of the names
My name starts with A. The feeling it gave me that I am first rate - the main character - was important for my success. My children will have A names as well.

>you should have an opinion

Thanks I actually like that.

Is this bait? Nowhere does it say they expect OP to pay... especially in 2024 its normal to pay your own.

You cant even afford to eat a steak for yourself you shouldnt be dating

Also why own a car if u cant afford food?

Americans are so weird

words words words


I had one time girl from latin amerika

We eat and check comes

I pay by pin my half

Then she cant pay hers by pin

So only some cash she had, then she act angry and blocked me aftwrwards

This is a bait thread though. Nobody can force u to pay for someone else

learn to cook steak you retards

Correct, thats why I'm so glad my parents named me Charles Hapsburg II of Spain.

guy: gas station coffee and parking lot and chill

translation: i just want some head

girl: i dont want to chill, i want steak dinner

translation: i want free stuff bc my vagina

imagine talking to someone with an android

gas station coffee

anon. let me show you how it's done.

ok maybe but where are we going


the one close to me has coke slurpee and fireball coolers. and steel reserve. and newports.

ALSO. the FDA wants you to know that 'royal honey VIP' contains cialis and you can buy it at any head shop. another great dating tip. thank you FDA.

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naw she knows the right guy will make it work.
take her to waffle house. get her a steak and eggs.
or get her taiwanese, a 'night market steak' with noodles and black pepper sauce.
or bulgogi. go to a korean restaurant.
or a japanese restaurant. salisbury steak.

I could never get 'coffee dates' to work for me.
like back then, if a girl liked me enough to meet up with me, she didn't want to fucking talk and drink coffee. she wanted to fuck. or go get high and then fuck. or I guess pretty much anything, other then sitting, and talking, and sipping overpriced coffee.

I got gas station coffee money

Girls don't care they just want you to show that you've put effort into the idea.
If you have $4 for a date then I hope you're a student. If you're a student there's lots of free things you can do. Look around for muesuems or just free events going on in the city.
You come off as dusty bro

you need a $1000 komodo joe.
ruth chris quality steaks on the stovetop + oven.
but smoking it on the joe. exceptional. love mesquite.

3rd world brown virgin detected.

sounds like a pathetic worthless cunt. think chad has to buy steak for some entitled bitch to meetup?

you dodged a bullet. this IS financial advice

You cant even afford to eat a steak for yourself you shouldnt be dating

what fucking room temperature iq take is this?

you should only date if you are X amount of money rich

especially in 2024 its normal to pay your own.

You judge by what you read and hear online, don't you? You don't actually go on dates and interact with women irl? Because the reality is pretty much the same as 20 years ago. Women still expect you to fully perform within your gender role, they just refuse to do the same on their part. This whole "woke agenda" and "transgenders" and all other stuff it's all purely internet shit, it doesn't exist irl.

I should add it depends on the context. if she dines and dashes fuck her, lame scamming bitch.

if the girl is willing to sleep with you and wants to be wined and dined first, totally worth it.

problem is it's hard to determine the MO.

careful anon. if she's too full, she's not gonna put out. you have to be fun. but not too fun.
and what is that, the classic pua rule is? you have to fuck within 6 hours of interacting with her.
and if you don't, you get locked out and become a 'friend'.

Not every girl fucks on the first date though, this isn't good advice
Some of them do though and will expect it. They will give you the hint.

yeah true, apps / sushi and drinks as to not overload the system.

point is some of these evil twats deliberately just hit people up for fancy dates with no intention of romantic involvement.

the hard part is sorting out who's who

2 hours

But lets be clear we are not PUAs

Look how many words this guy's saying. Damn son. You shouldn't be asking questions, you should be vague about the what and the where, and just DO the thing instead. This guy's probably in his early 20s too if he's talking this much.

this thread has convinced me that 99% of Anon Babble has rarely interacted with a woman

they haven't bro, dont take anything here seriously

I'm married with 2 kids so I'm out of the race, thank God I'm not still some lonely early 20s dude taking girl advice from Anon Babble anymore kek

first date

"I'm thinking steak"

Should have left her on read.

Why is this broke loser trying to court a woman if he doesn't even have enough money for a decent meal? Stay in your lane. Tired of all these 110 lb zoomer twig faggots thinking they deserve a woman when they can't provide and can't defend and can't do anything really other than be useless pieces of shit.

Just keep stacking your bags up. Now that I have vesta to keep company to my kas, sol and rsr, I feel like it can pretty much start tomorrow

"All women are whores and disgusting sluts who fuck on the first day

"If a girl doesnt fuck within 6 hours shes trash ghost and move on"

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oh sweet summer child. so mich to learn, so little time.
suck a dick, faggot

show up to a steak dinner date expecting that you're just going to pay for yourself

Actual retard logic. Women WILL tell the waiter to bring a single check and then get up to dine and dash if you tell her to split the bill. She's going to need to go to the bathroom at the end of the dinner and will sit in there for 20 minutes or more before just walking out unless you cover. And guess who's on the hook with the restaurant if a dirty bird pulls that shit? It's not her.

Don't even put yourself in that kind of situation with a rando in the first place. Coffee date or nothing.

it's funny. game/pickup used to be this idea you could persuade or confuse a woman, who thinks you're unattractive, to want to have sex with you. and I think everyone figured out attraction is physical. sex is physical.
and at the end of the day, either she wants you or she doesn't.
if she doesn't have sex with you in the first 6 hours being around each other, more hours together isn't going to change that. by that time you've set the expectations for the relationship.
you spend all that time, when attraction should be the greatest, talking and sipping coffee. what do you think that relationship is gonna be like? it's gonna be sexless and boring. and there's gonna be alot of coffee and talking.

also if you're serious, the '6 hour rule' is 6 hours of interaction.
if you go on a 'first date' and you end it under 2 hours, you have time for a second date.
ending a date early is great way to build rapport anyways. you're creating scarcity.
but point is don't burn your time texting/calling her. you should meetup as fast as possible. and if you're into her, you should have sex with her as fast as possible. go out of your way to break up whatever you're doing to kiss her. tell her you 'want her'. powerful words.