I still can't get a fucking job - walmart edition

I still can't get a fucking job - walmart edition.

524628.png - 1324x746, 1.38M

Maybe try not being an annoying faggot who gets triggered by tik toks and posts on Anon Babble about it

5'3 and an attitude mogs them all

chastity cage and a dildo

It’s not body dysmorphia when you’re actually ugly

racist and a chad face

omg theres another one??

Post the vid.

walmart wants you yo go on to youtube and study their test

million dollar portfolio and a chode


incel and a basement dweller

mutts law

the brown girl is cute

you stole this from me. except it's just pussy, as "white pussy" adds too many syllables. i also got banned for that post

i an only 34 but i feel so extremly old i have NO idea what those texts or stances are supposed to mean or imply or anything

zoomers are the perfect goyim they can only think in memes

You don't know what a people pleaser and a scarf are?

post the video and this twatter and tiktok advertisement forum at least


people pleaser is a qt

womanlet cope
bitch had a forehead the size of Africa

she can people please me

These are the Sex and the City 2.0 generation of women, just realizing they exist makes me want to self-delete right now. These people get to live their entire lives doing whatever they want and no matter how disgusting or unnatural they are in fact constantly lauded for their actions to the point their ego has ballooned out of bounds. Literally everything is about them, and yet despite this they've crafted a narrative where they get to be the underdog.
I don't have a wojak dark enough, demoralized enough to accurately convey my feelings on this, so you'll just have to imagine one.

pixels on a screen nigger


we dont have new speak filters here you can just what you want
you fresh from youtube or something

It's a good thing you're here to claim such amazing invention.

I actually love that one
It just sounds so good

belly full of goyslop and a dookie in the oven
belly full of goyslop and a dookie in the oven
belly full of goyslop and a dookie in the oven

christ man. it's hunting season and youre inside complaining about this?

Many of these women are in their late 20s and 30s

if you can still focus on and enjoy hobbies in 2020+4 with everything going on, you are an NPC

npc mode sounds comfy. why suffer voluntarily? just turn off screens

ignorance of the world does not mean it won't still eventually find a way to affect you
It's the social media effect; just because you never made a Facebook doesn't mean that 90% of everyone else didn't
are you happy with the state of the world as it is today? because brother it's gonna get much much worse

Touch grass

it won't still eventually find a way to affect you

if it does, that's a perfect time to get unhappy. why be unhappy when it doesn't affect you?

they hated him because he spoke the truth

you stay inside all day anon? do you have friends? I don't think there's a single day that goes by for me that I don't notice how fucked everything is

also, peak boomer mentality
by the time you notice how shit everything is outside your doorstep, it's already too late

jeet moment

by the time you notice how shit everything is outside your doorstep, it's already too late

too late for what? are you actually preparing for the end of the world, or just sitting around getting antsy about doom scenarios that you can't do anything about? turn it off, don't worry about things you have no control over, realize that by bringing joy to others, you avert the doom you fear

is turning everything off going to pay my bills/rent? how will not thinking about it and just going about my own business help me when I get laid-off because my department is too expensive or replaced by some thirdworlder. It's easy to say "bro just don't worry about it stop letting it affect you" when the effects are literally ingrained in day to day life already. You sound like boomer who "already got his" and doesn't think the world is going to shit just because your little section of the world isn't on fire (yet).
I got bills to pay man, are you gonna pay them?

you got a job and your own place, that's pretty good

how will not thinking about it and just going about my own business help me when I get laid-off

how is it helping you right now? you are stressing over something you have no control over. continue doing a good job, improve your skills, call your parents sometime, tune out the doom prophets



how is it helping you right now?

no, but that's irrelevant since I've already lost my job so it doesn't matter any which way. I've tried it all already at this point man; there is only so much self-improvement you can do before you reach the absolute end of yourself and I'm there and beginning to reevaluate if I'm was even ever the problem at all considering I've tried everything by this point and nothing I've done has worked out