Chainlink - more lessons in opportunity cost

To all of those who have reached out and thanked me for the educational posts, appreciate it! Glad to help new people learn about various market concepts

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fudder thinks that "ether delta" is two worlds

lmao amateurs

aw it's nice to see an altruist who is genuinely concerned with my and other anons financial wellbeing

another issue here is that Link is down horrendously versus top numbers in 2021, whereas a lot of other alts aren't in that bad of shape

Current price vs '21 high:

BTC - down 20%
ETH - down 50%
BNB - down 25%
SOL - down 48%

and then...

LINK - down 80%

these are the actual numbers
this is the reality

Link, the worst hold in crypto

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what do you mean??? I'm listing historical prices. Are you implying there's been a coordinating tampering of this data? Must've taken a herculean coverup between all of the different coin price websites



4pbtid already


Sounds like a (You) problem really. Most of the people here bought during 2017/18 kek

You dont need to be this mad.

You held a shitcoin for 7 years and still haven't made it AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEK BAGGIE
Hope you're ready to miss another bullrun while zoomers casually make it with memecoins and fresh alts AGAIN
Lmaoooooo, fucking DOGE will outperform you again you baggie loser

Great post OP, keep posting this so unsuspecting newfags don't fall for the chainshit scam and miss the upcoming bullrun.

ok i just sold all of my chainlink becuase of you guys. What should i buy now?

which of the two most probable options do you believe is more likely...

that O.P is trying to fud link so that you sell yours, and i sell mine, even though link themselves still have 400 million more to sell? this appears unlikely. why would somebody go out of their way to make us sell our relatively small fry (compared to links 400 million) when if they wanted to buy more they wouldn't need us to sell ours to get some more, they can just buy some of the 400 million in the quarterly dumps?

maybe he's describing things as he see's them and it's kind of accurate.
BNB has done 460,000% while link is around 8200%, and link does hire advocates, and nodes are paid with dumps and unlocks, and there are payments off chain. Staking still hasn't been expanded. We were told about iterative updates, a year ago, still nothing, and told about build rewards, two years ago, still nothing.

All that said, I don't agree that Sergey hasn't encouraged adoption, i think he very much would like adoption and i think it might happen with trad-fi.

Literally anything.

just bought XRP. The recent fireblocks/chainlink partnership is bullish for XRP.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA gay cuck fuddies are getting fucking rekt

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Yesterday a fuddie had an “Imgay” id too

good thread OP. it's good to keep opportunity cost in mind with investments
for example, had I or any other ICO buyer bought ETH, we would only have 1/12 of the returns. and only 1/6.5 of the returns ghad we bought BTC
Chainlink has outperformed both of them fantastically since the ICO

How many other ICO coins are still around from 2017 that are still building and working with Swift,DTCC and fireblocks etc?
Seems weird that there's a bizarre fascination with Link on this board and its mainly negative and statements that are outright lies.
Really makes me think.

Why are you so smug when you have lost money non stop for 4 years you fucking retard?

chart baggie

those digits do not save you from chainlink's arch nemesis... le chart

What happened with Eth between Jan 2018-Jan 2021 and then Nov 2021- todate. Bagholders is what happened

Chainlink is not eth you absolute fucking retard. Right out of the typical bagholder catchphrase jar, comparing your bags to eth, just like ither bagolders of junk like vechain or whatever shit.
Link doesn’t deserve to be compared to eth or btc at this point.
I cant wait for the next bullrun. Link will do a shitty pump, maybe 40k sats at best then do a -90% again to ico levels in the following years.

I cant fucking wait to check in and see your smug little retarded cope

waah waaaah mommyyyyy!

Theres no cope wagie, Im In profit and fully staked.

I cant wait

i cant wait


yeah well. if you weren't a retard you coulda sold in 2020 and bought btc/eth and then you would be a mega super duper billionaire and wouldn't have to deal with any of this nonsense. that's gotta sting

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Damn thats a lotta seethe for a post. Take your meds and bite on something hard you digusting third world subhuman. Pool is closed and get fucked for buying the top lmao





Back to the discord you go you cuck faggots

since the ICO

you're down millions tho

print cat memecoin out of nowhere, shill on twitter

it goes from $50,000 market cap to $1M

duuuuuuuuuuuuuude my coin is better than bitcoin!!!

still building


raising $4B aka the cost of a skyscraper


***ladies and gentlemen we interrupt this thread for a message from chainlink labs***

-are you looking for a slow pace company with fully flexible remote options?

-do you hate multitasking and/or doing work in general?

APPLY TODAY. Requirements below:

if white male:

-5.5 gpa at Ivy league school
-advanced degree, doctorate preferred
-25 years banking experience
-must pass several rounds of interviews and score 70% or higher on competency exam

if non-white male and/or gay/trans white male:

-access to internet connection / X account
-willingness to travel to company sleepovers once a quarter

"it's faster than bitcoin" "PoS is better than PoW" "it can handle more transactions" "it doesn't have a supply cap"

Stay poor shitcoiners.

I've held since 2017 and Link has made me a multi-millionaire. Kekfuddies

sure it has, stink bot
we're not buyin it
you're just a 2021 loser like all of em



on an anonymous imageboard

Do tell more about you and your friends anon.

shut your arse stinker BITCH
we're not buying your bags
kek baggie

Any more imaginary friends (or your 3rd device)?

shut your arse stinker BITCH
we're not buying your bags
kek baggie

And? Even marines who bought make it stacks seven years ago have not made it? What’s your point?

they're all rich and live in mansions now, im sure

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they're all rich and live in mansions now, im sure

can't speak for others but am retired, got the nice enough home with no mortgage, and am barely touching my nest-egg.
When not selling staking rewards (pure profit) becomes a no-brainer and you don't have to rely on gambling, moon shots, listening to muh advice etc; you simply getting on with it.
whatever you do, kids -keep buying Link at the insanely low price it is at today. You WILL win.

inb4 reeeeeeeeee

you forgot the capital R

what have you held that you aren't down millions?

Chainlink ticker LINK

and yet you take the time in your golden years to post on Anon Babble
ok boooooooomer

I stopped believing in chainlink when they hired chainlinkgod. A poltard with a frog folder that lives in a basement and has no real experience whatsoever.

it's the best thing that ever happened to that loser. he finally got to move out of mommy's basement

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7 years=boomer


posts like these show how not everyone is equipped for these markets and wealth
anyone from 2017-19 in chainlink still up a lot
most projects from that time are dead
those who were here will remember many names
so many here are fucked from putting everything into these and other projects and yet some link holders bet themselves up from owning one of the few projects to survive and with a promising future

they forgot the capital R

waiting on the poor brownoid response kek
i fucking love /biz

buy Link and wait

funny you bring up NEO
it's currently $9.38
bout the same as stink link
and many people bought it when it was ANS for <$1
so they could also say they are still "up a lot" lol

Surprisingly a lot of shills, deniers and copers out and about lately.

But yes, i switched from link to pepe like a half a year ago, one of the best financial decisions ive made.

Thanks for spreading the truth around here

the brownoidial soup

kek this is true but how many people bought it?
i bought ANS early too and made so good money but the thing about chainlink was that there was enough info for poor people to put decent amounts of money into it
it's just like people saying oh fuck i could have made so much buying memecoin x but noone other than whales is going to put money into something like that
just remember those early ANS presentations kek, so scammy
crazy the ath was $200

This is what irks linkbaggies the hardest, both “serious” and meme projects mooned in that seven year lapse, and many anons made it.

2017 linkies with make it stacks have not made it, yet they act like hot shit cause they are in the green but act like opportunity cost does not exist.

have you made it?
i was a 2017 linktard with 20k+ and i haven't worked since last bull run and it's been great
only people who didn't make it write seethe posts like this
go read some BAT threads sometimes, many from that time did not make it and they _are_ fucked up

ur moneys running out stink link
better get the want ads
i hear they need toilet scrubbers at SIBOS xD

have you made it?

i do alright. none of your business. get back to stink link. what about CCIP, bitch. $52 a day

CuK x new

Lolololololol meme agic is. A k