I can't do it anymore

I never liked waging but I did wage for a good 4 years of my life and invested in crypto. which went relatively well. although i should have been a multimillionaire already. I fucked up many trades. But I'm still relatively well off and have 5 bitcoins and another 1 bitcoins in shitcoin. i also sold off a bitcoin between 60/70k. I have not really worked a job the past years and idk what the fuck is going on but I'm just not motivated anymore. for anything. especially not a job. I actually have a super wagie wojack factory job interview today but I think I am not going to go. the NPC interview is going to go full retard. Any job really. the entire B.S Human resources... the... slavery. the people talking to you like you are some retard ( I have a degree but do do low jobs now cause i gave up my IT carreer many years ago when my folio was big). I'm stuck bro's. my CV/RESUME is completely fucked with a 3 year gap and a 1 year gap. I could explain the one year gap saying I'm traevlling ... but now i also have a 3 year gap (I was just enjoying my life and travelling). so when the HR Roasters see that they probably never want to hire me cause I am not a good wage slaves.

I also lived outside of the country for more than a year with my new foreign gf. but even that doesn't really scratch my itch right now. it feels over. is it normal that it feels over at 33?

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I have a 1 month gap and that is enough to give employers the ick. Can't imagine how fucked you are

it doesn't matter for the lowly factory wagie jobs. but yeah.

What is the best Pepe token? Pic related for me. State your business. Tell me why it isn’t pic related.

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5 BTC is enough to live in a cheap/sea country not spending too much until your parents die and you inherit their house and shit.

I know but I'm still stressed. what if buttcorn doesn't go to 200k? then I am fucked. if buttcorn goes above 200k then of course I never have to worry again. but knowing the jews and how they always want you to be a slave they will probably short it forever so the price never goes so high that im completely free.

No, its not normal that if feels over at 33, because at that age as a man you are supposed to have a family to provide for or run a business.
what would it take for you to "make it"?
if you do, are you just going to sit on your ass and do nothing?

what would it take for you to "make it"?

bitcoin to $200k and I retire.

hey man, freed prior wage slave here as well, 37 years old.

people usually tell you to look within, but my fucking god man, looking without is going to tell you why you feel its over now. i have the same itch as you do, good fucking lord the world is boring now.

it's funny, i have friends who are 24-27 and a couple who are 50+, and they're saying the same thing. last few years just turned everything to shit.

friend of mine put it really well recently: everything looks the same, but it's as some alien species just took everything and swapped with a replica of the world in the last few years.

people usually tell you to look within,

i've been studying spirituality for a decade and I am also kinda done with it. investigated all of the religions too. idk man I really don't want to "look within" but at the same time. outside there's nothing to do either. I've already done everything there is to do outside. i wish I had a part time remote job to distract me for a bit. I slept 10 hours. it was a nice sleep. but I really did not want to get out of bed. didn't see the reason to. it's raining outside too so. dreamworld was comfy. atleast there I am free. I don't need to slave i can go where i want.

I've already done everything there is to do outside

you truly havent, but i get the feeling - i have the same. the problem is lack of connection, and that is because of a world that is changing too quickly and is too multiculturual.

imagine living in a small town where you are more or less friends (at least by todays standards) with literally every single person. like, you know their names, their stories, their families. you have a son, you are a friend of your sons teacher and know him personally. and so on. if that feels pointless and boring to you then i obviously have no clue what im talking about, but im dead certain the problem is that we truly fucked up society irreversibly the last decade or two

I also lived outside of the country for more than a year with my new foreign gf. but even that doesn't really scratch my itch right now. it feels over. is it normal that it feels over at 33?

so you are telling me that having a gf wont fill the empty void of my existence?
t. 50 yo avoidant

this is the best demoralization thread ive read in a while, keep it up.

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gfs are fucking boring, ive had like 6-7 and always end up feeling i'm just better on my own, happens after about 2 years for me

gfs are great for the first 12-24 months, then the sex starts to dry up, the nagging level rises, you realise how much money they cost you, and how you don't have your freedom anymore.
Many such cases.

inb4 someone comes along claiming to be mega super alpha bro who has his woman as a dripping wet slave for 30 years straight.

it could be worse, we could live to 128 kek

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Here's what to do, create a website advertising IT consultant services and freelance, even make a business. Make it nice and legit, then on your resume add that you were working freelance for all the years of your gaps up until now, even when you were working another job. When they ask questions just blame everything / any failures on the pLandemic which threw a wrench in everything.

t. 11 year gap

Life is a punishment if you're born poor, that's said I try to work as little as possible and will not have kids if I'm not rich.

gfs are great for the first 12-24 months, then the sex starts to dry up, the nagging level rises, you realise how much money they cost you, and how you don't have your freedom anymore.

100% this

im gonna ghost the wagie interview.


i ghosted it and took a sunbath. now im cooking. i feel a lot better right now. why do i always feel like shit in the morning. like the first 2 hours

dude just lie. thats what most poeple do on the CV calm down. do you think they give a fuck? rhey are looking for slaves. any one willing and that has the basic requirements will fit. they need you harder then the other way around. you can count on that.

You can start a Youtube channel or a blog on the traveling niche and then monetize it via Adsense or Ezoic.
With the money you have at hand at the moment, it should be easy for you to dedicate time to the new work without many financial worries.

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You can start a Youtube channel or a blog on the traveling niche and then monetize it via Adsense or Ezoic.

i got banned from adsense for fraud 15 years ago. they never allowed me back in.

The easiest solution would be to just volunteer a few days a week and use that as experience and motivation to leave the house.

Dude just make shit up. Fill the gap. Add a year or months to the jobs you had, make up a new one, say you were running your own business. Mention that in 5 seconds of conversation, theyll forget it in a minute and thats it. Stop complicating shit.

As for motivation you need an ambitious goal, some kind of dream related with the skills you have, but most people are absolutely unispired retards so in that case yeah they should just be sucking their bosses dick for the rest of their lives, its not like theres anything else useful they could do.

Its unbelievable to me how fucking retarded most of you and your problems are. And i tell you this shit and you just ignore because its not what you want to hear, you just want an excuse to keep being a loser.

you just want an excuse to keep being a loser.

i have bitcoins , i have a gf. I don't really need a job my dude. if you are a wagie. don't talk to me like that.

Ok youre just very contradictory then, i dont know, i guess i dont understand your problem. Good luck.

i guess i dont understand your problem. Good luck.

it's just over my dude. I know reality is a scam. the literal matrix. nothing i do here actually matters. and i'm giga coping.

I never liked waging

Who the fuck does at this point really. We just do this slop to get paid and pay bills to not end up homeless on the street. The year gap is fucked as you say, but if you can try to get some extra certifications done. True to be more useful than the other candidates.

try to be*


the thing im trying to say is that I can't be a rat in the rat race anymore dude. you go do the certifications. it's meaningless to me.

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You can use Hydro Online which is easy to get on

I understand, but nobody here can help you. Its all on you man, wish you the best.

It’s amazing how stupid U.S. work culture is.

69babe on eth

Just work part time or as a barkeeper or something. Or get some underpaid junior dev. job and stop working or quit as soon as the training phase is over. If you got a degree anyway, you should get many offers. Semi motivated people without degrees are hired nowadays for the slave dev. jobs so you should easily get one and pretend motivation for a while (of course you have to have an exit plan, i.e. the next bullshit job in the pipeline).

I went backpacking in the forest for a week and I felt happier than I have in years. I really want to quit everything and live in a tent and read books and listen to the birds chirp.

my CV/RESUME is completely fucked with a 3 year gap and a 1 year gap. I could explain the one year gap saying I'm traevlling ... but now i also have a 3 year gap (I was just enjoying my life and travelling)

lmao retard, literally make up some bullshit job to fill in that 3 year gap, do you think someone is actually gonna go check whether you worked or not?

if you do, are you just going to sit on your ass and do nothing?

maybe. i figure i'll find something worth spending my time on eventually.

Imagine not taking any opportunity right before everyone goes on a multi year hiring freeze and markers crash

my portfolio went up more than one year of waging after taxes. i'ts just a waste of time at this point.

OP is a known scammer/beggar literally the only faggot still posting on this board same pictures, same sentence structure, unironically has stolen more from people here and has more money than most, but makes sob stories up so he can gamble your money then come back and repeat this shit to infinity.

today my portfolio went up more than a year of waging.

> hiring freeze

i don't care desu i don't want to get hired

> market crash

I already cashed out 4 years of living expenses between 60k and 70k. i plan to buy stonks.

How much money have you scammed from anons here jew.
One of two things, you're desperate for attention or you're scamming.

how am i scamming?. im not lebAnon.

I didn't mention that scammer...
Are you him?
Seems like it he's posting on pol right now.

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