Are we fucked or are they just trying to help Kamala?
50 basis point cut now 65% likely
anon, 50bps is a sign the FED knows something is rotten in the economy and they need to act fast.
It might cause a small initial bump on the market, but it's definitely not a good sign. Markets will be in deep red within 2 weeks after the cut. This doesn't help Kamala
They can lie all that they want like 20% of us are laid off right now
50bps is a sign the FED knows something is rotten
It's 25, not 50
The red flag to me is that crypto is dropping with the supposedly “good news.” I still don’t think we will see the major crash until after the election though
Cme group has always been right. Not trusting some random tweet
post the Reuters article then, not some rando on Twitter
Here, I'll post this for you in return
Nothing to see here guys big rate cut big pump BTC to MOON!!!!!!!!!!
So, what we have here is an article of a poll, not insiders knowing the FED decision.
And the poll was 5 days ago, when the even the CME FED Watch tool did overwhelmingly predict a 25bps cut. Market has suddenly shifted in the last days to bet on 50bps being more likely
What does all this mean anon? I am borderline down syndrome
US is starting to cut interest rates, more aggressively even than market has recently predicted. Lowering interest rates is seen as a method to stimulate economy when things are looking rough. Almost always this happens right before a recession. People always think the rates are dropped just in time to stimulate our way out of the path of a recession, it is always false hope.
Lowering interest rates more suddenly than people expect means people at the top know things are more worse than people know.
Try to be borderline autistic instead of borderline down. Makes you smarter at these things.
Fundamentals are good though
Bros I think it really might be over this time
Let it all crash I'm trans and idgaf
I’d say we won’t ever see a bullrun again unless Trump wins. If he does tho, I expect at least a 100x from rsr, ton, fun and ocean
Literally what they say every single time before a recession when cutting starts
Box office grossings: Strong
My friend is a manager in a CBD cinema. It's fucking deserted compared to 2019.
It's over. We will never see a 100k btc.
what do i need for the economy to look good
ok put that
So are we cooked or are we cooking?
we burned the meat and are pretending the smoke is "just the scent"
It's all very bullish really. You'll see soon enough. Doomers btfo
Considering how slow Anon Babble is let's hope this thread stays alive by Wednesday. Its going to be 25bps because Powell is autistically cautious. Since he's a soft landing sorta guy it's the same the other way around too. He's just a safe flier in general.
Adding onto it watch the chart look something like this. It's going to be the most boring cautious outcome kek but probably for the best
He'll just have some beers, take a nap and then follow up with some ordered pizza. Rinse and repeat every day. When the day comes he'll choose the option whatever is predicted the highest. Hard at work he is
lmao yeah sure
Lowering interest rates more suddenly than people expect means people at the top know things are more worse than people know.
i dont get the reasoning here. with a 50 bps prediction, it seems like the market knows that the people at the top are about to realize that things are worse than people know.
like this is all just circular gambling and the fed ends up creating what they claim theyre trying to prevent
the globohomo has finally triumphed, we're going to have a diversity hire for president starting this december
its joever, thank god i made enough money with to gtfo to another country, im going to a REAL country like germany or russia
Need actual stats not this bullshit. Are you retarded?
Kikes are in power and they’re getting castrated
I just paid 58$ for some hummus, a wedge of cheese, 300g of ham, yogurt, and a small bottle of mustard.
Remember to hodl redditbros! Diamond hands!
and here I thought cutting interest rates would make people more liberal with their spending and pump the crypto market. I'm not nearly as much in the green as I wanted to be before I pivoted out of crapto, I don't think I can bag hold for another 5 years bros.
I don't give a shit just pump my fucking bags goddammit I'm tired of being poor.
Monday morning, the NY Fed official said the case for a 50bps cut was justified, or something to that effect. Couldn't say whether they're responding to some economic uncertainty or making up for lost time (most Fed officials were actually in favor of one cut in the last meeting) or some other shenanigans. But that would at least explain the CME consensus.
That % increased to 70-ish but it’s about right where my calculations imply the rate should be. Kek we’re so fucked.