What are legally and morally grey areas to make money?

If it is only slightly illegal than it is ok but what are ways to make money which is morally and ethically in the grey area?

Extra hard mode:
It must not break any of the 7 deadly sins or 10 commandments


Yeah...just put the fries in the bag, man...

Begging for money on the street just as a side hustle, not even being in a terrible financial situation doing it solely as an easy additonal money source.


The wages are shit and prices are skyrocketing. If I would get paid decently I wouldn’t complain.

pretty much everything. no company or industry does everything by the books there's always some illegal shit going on

Find cute dogs in rich neighborhoods and feed them bacon. It’s not your fault if they follow you home. You can sell them back to their old owners after their reward posters go up.

How do you go about doing this more than once? Most of them have home security cameras so when you're walking around a 2nd or 3rd time they will see you as the guy that "stole" their pet. Plus the streets here are a lot more quiet so you stand out pretty easily when you are just walking around

Be first in Vesta tokenization process, it’s not regulated yet so is grey are of sorts

Shilling shitcoins on Anon Babble

all the fucking youtubers and course sellers and OF
basically the new economy lol

It’s not your fault if they follow you home. Quit being a pussy

be an OF manager for whores and act like a pimp with a faragamo belt

That's impossible. The 7 deadly sins and the 10 commandments were carefully chosen to create useful idiot goy cattle

t. jew

Hematite rings, healing stones and other scam shit for women

become a vendor for government who wants to use "green" tech, supply solar panels etc or some other "green" bullshit.

you gonna end up costing taxpayers a lot of money while replacing good stuff with mediocre stuff, bought in some faraway countries, benefitting their econs while killing your fellow countryman.

also you could mark it up like crazy, 70-120% is not unheard of, make some friends in govt. etc.

i;, a simple man, i hear hema tits I replied

kek, knew a woman that sold copper crowns polished stones that helped align your energy and chakras or some bullshit. She was weird as hell, Anon Babble would probably love her, but I guess it worked out well enough and she had a few clients.

I’ve always thought the new age niche is probably really profitable for an online business. Those people are crazy and will buy the dumbest shit for a lot of money. I knew a guy that spent a few hundred bucks on a spiraled copper wire that you were supposed to use while focusing your thoughts to manipulate the weather. Even after buying it he still thought it was legit and would show it off

the fib spiral on the wire got kind of damaged in shipping, so that’s why it doesn’t work. It’s not aligned properly anymore

I’m thinking about doing something like this now desu. The trick is probably to list something that is fairly expensive, but still affordable… you want them to think it’s special and not everyone is just able to get one. Like…you could sell regular lasers but say they are tuned at a very specific wave for healing the energy body, then charge $1000 for it. Kek

Thats pretty much scamming.

Is that not the thread topic?

Kek, just realized you are OP. Do you have a chromosome disorder by chance? I might have a laser to help with that desu

Lying like that is morally wrong and it is outside of the “grey area”
Also read my second post.

You have to go back newfaggot

Basically what you’re asking for is ideas like selling sabbath lamps to Jews. The rabbis already cornered that market though, so good luck with that

You are a moron kek

Ive started lurking here since early 2021. It was not that long ago but not too new to this place either. Also there is nowhere to go back to because everything else is much shittier, thats why I never use them,kek.

hi guys. Please post morally and ethically questionable ways to make money. It’s ok if it’s slightly illegal

what? No, not that… lying is wrong!

Kys retard.

Lot of laws are bullshit, If something is illegal it doesn’t necessarily mean it is immoral, same is true for the opposite.
You really don’t understand this thread, do you?

No. You made another thread with the same topic saying you were catholic and can’t break the commandments… but you’re still here looking for loopholes in your gods rules which makes you a kike. Either be a Christian, or don’t. Trying to exploit the grey area with a self righteous attitude makes you worse than an outright scammer imo

Yeah, and anyone can now easily open a blog and monetize it via Ezoic or Hydro Online

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depends on your definition of moral, but sales of non-illegal psychoactive compounds are a market that's not very saturated, and extremely easy to execute
i myself have been thinking of creating a professionally designed website, and moving to netherlands to sell research chemicals (for recreational use), or move to any country where vapes are legal to sell

same business, better moral aspect if you swap research chemicals to compounds such as nootropics, amino acids, peptides and so on

as common knowledge dictates, China is responsible for mass producement of all sorts of products, including chemical compounds which they export on an extremely large scale to other massive corporations, who export these same items on a smaller scale to smaller corporations, who export these same items to even smaller corporations until some of it lands in your hand for about 10.000% of its original price.

This is, obviously, how economy works on a global scale, but by cutting out the middlemen, there is significant profit to be made with practically any product you can think of, that has even the slightest bit of demand

With certain legal items, you could start doing this today on ebay. Look around on places like made-in-china, find items that are suitable.

I use Hydro Online is easy to get on

Doesn't that use crypto miners on visitors page and stops paying you when you earn too much? Sounds like a scam.

Selling courses on how to be a better and profitable man, there are too many retards that are easily gullible to such

genuinely curious to find out how they're anyway better than google adsense

Selling drugs for starters

That way you're not directly doing anything morally wrong but making the money kek

Your site doesn't get rekt with ads, no CPI discrimination, the pros of decentralization and much more, it's actually clear of any other platform I've seen

Selling women to men for money.
Take 40% of the cash and the 60 for girl, tell her you can keep the clients flowing.

But your source of revenue is OF, sounds morally wrong enough to me

Where do they get the revenue to pay publishers and keep the platform running?

How's human trafficking morally ok? That's a great sin right there

Unpopular opinion: there aren't many legal means to make a million

Should have specified: Needs to have a good ROI on time. All the shit you faggots suggest makes like $100 per day tops for 5 hours of work. That isn't the point of this thread.

I want to message some woman on r/povertyfinance whose car engine just died or something and pay her a couple thousand dollars in crypto for her to send me videos of her reluctantly doing some nude tik tok dances. If she's willing to do it for a couple hundred dollars I'd just block her and find someone else who absolutely won't do it for less than a couple thousand.
I'm new to crypto and I'm just not sure exactly how easy it'd be to anonymously send a couple thousand dollars to someone who's probably never used crypto before. It shouldn't be too hard right?
I'm 99% sure it'd be completely legal assuming I keep all the nudes to myself and I make her verify her age first.
I obviously wouldn't send her a few thousand upfront because I wouldn't want her to take the money and run off without sending anything. I'd imagine her making me send her a few hundred dollars for every few videos she sends me
How long would it take from me sending her some XMR or something until she has the money available to spend in her bank account?

Publisher nodes, subscription fees, they have a depin based model and backed by sui, hope that helps