The BIS finally comes out of hiding

Working with Link. Took these guys awhile to show face.

IMG_3730.png - 1170x2532, 1.62M

I know right. I’m feeling pretty smug right now.

all the information is out in the open for all to see

99.9% of the cattle ignore it

Strange world

I don’t think normies are capable of doing independent research. I’m not going to lie and I’ll admit I’ve always been a weird person with a unique way of thinking. So it’s no surprise that I found Chainlink while the normies can’t.

I think they self censor their independent thoughts

I can't believe in the Illuminati that's for crazy people

Thats sad and I think the world would be a way more interesting place if people weren’t afraid to be themselves.

advisor to bis is not bis remember when chainlink had that faggot advisor that apologized for interrupting a black woman and didn't even know mainnet was out

Get a load of this mental masturbating.
You’re 90% down against BTC, 85% down in USD.
Meanwhile everything else is 4x the value it was in 2020 while link is half of what it was 4 years ago

Its a piece of shit lmao look at this cope.

Maybe it was applicable in 2020 to do that kind of masturbating retard, but you are not superior to normies at this point, you are fucking bagholding severely for years like a normie

Listen guys, Chainlink will be over 1k one day just not anytime soon. We have so many bullish things that have failed to pump up the price. Even if Jesus Chirst himself said Chainlink will reach 81k, it wouldn't pump the price. All we can do now is wait.

Do you think the entire worldwide financial system is supposed to change in 4 years? I'd like to understand your view point better.

Cope n seethe Mr Angry who got scammed by Bancor and now has a teeny tiny stack stacket and less to his name than many newbies.
Kek - LMAO even

damn u got him good

time and time again i click on these clickbait threads hoping once linkcucks will have something and every single time it’s a pathetic let down. i get it chainlink is paying some mid tier employees for their association, you all lose your shit, is that all there really is to linkcuckdom? paypig indeed

theyve been like that for 7 years lmao. i think its a fact they are all into humiliation/findom

Calm down poor person

Haha you sound mad and that makes me happy.

why didn't they pay them the last three years?

Stop, it took that third world idiot 2 hours to come up with that. You’re going to upset him. They usually get active in about three hours from right now. I’m sure I’ll wake up and this thread will have 100 replies

not buying your bags, Sandeep

It won't pump the token price though. Chainlink will be used to enslave the masses.

.9% of the cattle ignore it
The cattle need two things: big news and a corresponding reaction in the price.

As long as you can keep the price from reacting to big news, the cattle will stay away.
Which explains why the Bitcoin suppression has been so successful in keeping Link out of the top 3.

They don't. I once told a midwit irl he shouldn't get his investment advice from Youtube influencers. He called me an idiot and asked where else he should be getting advice then from.

That being said, don't pretend >80% of this board didn't get spoonfeed hard on Link and is just autistic enough to hold for this long.

Which explains why the Bitcoin suppression has been so successful in keeping Link out of the top 3.

hooooly cope. you sound just a delusioanl as xrp. you're all the same just a different tribe.

>be italian

>have a son

>name him italo

These spagettis are creative, huh?

Yup but i cant imagine someone dumping his money into this without checking if the memes are indeed true. Its a long way from some schizo saturn meme to towncrier and intel sgx

Verrry interesting if you know the history of BIS/crypto/Chainlink/Carstens etc.
Is an “advisor” bending the knee?

It's the truth anon, also you hold Link as well so stop trying to fud.

was he added this week? why isn't he higher up the list like the other new added speakers
it's as if they're trying to cover him up



You need to factor in that BIS fucking HATES Chainlink so that even this level of representation is a concession to the inevitability of it all.

you are right anon
I checked all speeches from carstens from the last years about crypto/defi and he is critical as hell about the whole topic

link seems to be the exception for him or at least the inevitable solution

I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.
Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
All the shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you linkies, the game is over for you.

ACK.jpg - 1000x1000, 171.15K


Your memes are outdated schwabanon. We have been through 3-4 cycles already since you left.

for fucks sake an employee of BIS becoming an advisor to some project DOES NOT MEAN the BIS itself is working with said project
shills are utterly pathetic

I am too excited. I need to calm down. October can't come any sooner omg.

does any other coin have an employee of BIS as an advisor ?

The funny part is how shwab anon was right lmao.
His started those pastas in like 2020?
Since then LINK did nothbut dump, bloated into 700+ globo homo company full of roasties

Guy is is a legend

how about a former US treasurer sitting at the board of directors of a coin?
does that seem important to you? or is an advisory role of some BIS employee a bigger deal?

any other protocol announcing this would have huge immediate gains but retail are poor fags now and not getting handouts, so i guess nothing will happen until the institutional wallets open up after some regularity clarity