What’s your big plan?

Let's say you make money from a shitcoin, achieving a x100 or even x1000 return.

What’s your plan, and how will you manage it to ensure you don’t lose it all when the market turns bearish again?

not a single person here is "making it" with shitcoins. you need money to make money. 100x your 100$ investement will get you nowhere and trust me no one here will invest 10k into useless coins. threads like these are basically the same as day dreaming about winning the lottery.

Probably just cash out and fuck off to a private island is we’re talking about a 1000x on a shitcoin. But say it’s something I only dropped a couple of grand on then probably tether it, buy some cheapies BTC and ETH, stake that shit and then wait for 2030 golden bull run and fuck off into the sunset.

Tell me you’re linkie without telling me you’re a linkie.

I am a S&P500 ultra normie. I dont believe in gambling.

Why the hell are you here then? Nothing but degen gamblers, tech employees, and buttcorn maxis

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Why the hell are you here then?

curiosity and memes I also love to see cryptoshitters suffer.

I also love to see cryptoshitters suffer.

As a Webshitter who will toss a couple of grand on a shitcoin for giggles, not going to lie, that’s pretty based for a normie.

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Cash out and buy VTSAX, VBTIX and maybe some riskier stuff like S&P 500 3x but that would be max 10% of my portfolio because I'm still bretty young

you forgot to mention jeets, tranime faggots, and bots

In no real order:

get pilot's license and a fun plane

move to burgerland on EB-5

buy a big plot of land in a high desert and build a bunker-like house, or buy if similar available

move most of funds into more stable investments, have some for penny stocks

IDK about kids and family, my dad did meth and left with his tweaker gf when I was a wee lad. I don't think there is a father in me.

Well yeah, I figured that was implicit. I meant the users who actually have a soul.

Unfortunately you're wrong with that.

keep dreaming boi

If I bank hard from this Boinkers and Blum farming, I’m straight up gonna dip for a vacation, chill there, and cook up some solid plans on how to throw that cash into more gains.

NMGI buddy

I’ll reinvest half in Peaq, which is launching this month, and use the other half to feed the poorfags.

Thank you!! I've been saying this for over 5 years.
I'm a millionaire in large part because of crypto. But I did it by putting almost 6 figures cash into BTC and ETH over the years. Because I'm close to 100% sure that I won't get exit scammed. I will never put even $100 into shitcoins.

Kek, based chad. I’d rather throw my money into the DePIN token with 45+ projects building on it prelaunch than waste it on shitcoins like a dumbass.

get into index fund.

but 100x is unrealistic as it stand now.

If I did make that kind of return i would cash out. It's not that hard to understand. Are you saying if you turned $100 into $100,000 you'd put all $100,000 back into something else and go for broke hoping for another 100x/1000x? Jesus christ you people are greedy.

I have 6k in apu right now and I'm trying to get to 10k before things take off. Speak for yourself, risk averse effeminate faggot

The hell is going on?

should i believe this lie or shill?

only a full will.

Enjoy staying broke, anon. If you knew how dudes are printin' cash farming memecoins on the TON chain, you'd be sprinting to hop on the train.

X1000 is just a damn dream

i would find a good landed property and invest some money into it. the others would go into ETH for restaking

memecoins on Ton. kek

resstaking is good especially now that the market is down. i'm considering restaking Fil on parasail..

>memecoins on Ton. kek

NOT, DOGS, Boinkers and Blum says hello

A 100x will make me a millions of dollars you underestimate how much money we have in this here.

My plan is to ask the chads what's the next x100?

Is that even legit?

Crypto is dead.

They're not but....


Dump 2 mil into the s&p 500, or bonds if it's really looking grim.
Move to Baja California and chillax. Keep my withdrawal rate low and enjoy life.

objective lie, i've making making money with unicorn.meme for at least 3 months and let me tell you, its the easiest, shietiest and most easy way to make money in existence. Im not even kidding here, its literally free money from airdrops and a couple of minutes of your time, i can see why you didnt make it with that attitude tho

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If you think these assets will ever get you that ROI, you must be the d**best mf on earth.

really? idiot

I'm already working on my plan, which involves buying coins with their own blockchain projects that we can rely on for the long term, not those memecoins where you have to check every second to see if they crash or not, lol.

Memecoins are the real winner