He's right you know

Why aren't you burgers taking advantage of this?

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damn. great deal. i have a 500k networth. i'd buy that and retire, homesteading on my land. how much is the property tax on that shed lol

the houses like this where i live are all on the black side of town

So go to West Virginia or something.

you don't have to go this cheap either, plenty of good 150k-300k houses all over. you just can't live near teh big cityyyy which Anon Babble apparently hates so surely that's not a concern

The irony is these homes can only exist because everyone in the states is obsessed with either megamansions or le downtown city hustle and bustle. Only the backwoods rednecks actually profit off this situation. Truly ironic.

big city has its advantages. especially if you want to get a gf. cities are full of poon.

then pay the expensive prices like all the other poon chasers




forest fire



shitty roads

nearest grocery store is 1 hours drive

nearest hospital is 2 hours drive

not an argument.

cities are full of poon

Yes. liberal, unwedable poon.

Enjoy your aspergillosis, nigger

Correct, those are several arguments.

I could make a similar post about your "hustle and bustle" city, what's your point?


Nice false equivalence. I don't live in a city. I live in a small town with less than 5k inhabitants. Nearest city is 20 minutes away and has 60k inhabitants.

all your neighbors are crackheads and the closest stores for 60 miles are a dollar tree, weed store, and a gas station

several correct ones

There are literally no blacks in Melvin, KY. The 1% claimed in pic related is probably from the Mexicans that don't speak English and checked the wrong box on the poll.

Nice false equivalence

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I know there is a particular word in Swedish (can't remember the word) for when you are so frugal you end up losing money.
Like the type of guy that drive 20 minutes extra to get to another store where butter or whatever is on a discount, what you earned got lost in gas, you lost money by bargain hunting.

This is one of these cases, older, poorly maintained houses are a money sink, and only a fraction of the money you pour into the house will appreciate the value of the house.

theres no mcdonalds nearby bro how am I gonna eat


This tired troll seems to not be getting as many replies.

the “addition” looks a little suspect. I suppose the rest of the house might be a tear down too. my real objection is living that close to the road. if you have 9 acres and are living in the middle of nowhere I’d want to be like an acre from the road, not 10 feet.


Dumb frugal basically

American homes are also made of wood. So these abandoned homes are basically termite hives.

On shit shacks like this you’re basically paying for the land. It actually would be smarter to just buy land and build than have to deal with tearing down this shithole and rebuilding.

get robbed and killed by methheads

I’ll pass

Idk. In the city, the women over 25 are doctors and lawyers. In rural areas, the women over 25 are all single mothers.

I’d definitely rather have a liberal who makes 6 figures than someone near poverty stricken which has a kid that’s not mine

There are far too many citbug suburbanite pansies on this website
They dont know we are only a couple of generation removes from creaky wood floors and timber heaters

You think West Virginia doesn't have a "black side of town"?

You live in a suburb that likes to pretend it's not part of metro sprawl.

At that price, you knock the existing structure down and rebuild. Your biggest issue are services and environmental. Probably want to do something about the septic tank and remediating the land. That's where the expense is going.

Okay Cletus, go back to fucking your sister

I remember this thread
retarded Swede

Anyways, there's really no free lunch. Property here outside of Columbus has been getting super expensive lately, and outside of Columbus/Cleveland/Cincinnati there are just no jobs. A lot of my coworkers do 1hr+ commutes. Can't even imagine living somewhere like New York or California, though people in those states can make double or triple the salary.

My town was built 50 years before the nearest city. I'm not an American. I live in a rural town, but not in a fucking moldy meth shack in the middle of nowhere. There is a huge spectrum between dystopian bug cities and abandoned mining towns with a population of 10 squirrels.


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faggot OP keeps bumping his own thread

Why aren't you burgers taking advantage of this?

because they're nowhere near where I work.

Literally because of niggers.

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