Is $1 million a lot of money nowadays?

Is $1 million a lot of money nowadays?

depends where you live

Depends on how much money you have right now.

stop posting this dumb question every day

not as much as yesteryears

Goddamn I'm lonely

especially if you assume post-tax lump-sum
if youre a wagie, how much do you make a year, and how many years of work is $1mil for you?

if youre a wagie, how much do you make a year, and how many years of work is $1mil for you?

minimum wage

this you can live like a king in certain thirdie paradises just from fixed income securities with 1m dollars.

if you want the hustle and bustle of big cities in the goywestern world then youll be back to slaving away in 2 weeks

i'd say $1M net worth would put someone very solidly in upper middle class, assuming it was 50% home equity 50% retirement accounts. not rich anymore but it's a very comfortable net worth

Depends on age, but yes.
If you're 60+ it's a lot as in it's basically your life's savings or net worth.
If you're younger than that and have it, you're doing well.

$actually 500k is indeed life changing money


T. Net worth of 1.1 million

$1 million is enough to never work again, if you play your cards right. The problem is that everyone here thinks they need to own a yacht and doing instagram flex-tier shit. I understand that housing prices are outrageous and $1 million can’t even buy you a nice home outright in some HCOL areas, but people who end up with these kinds of windfalls really need to lower their expectations and live more sustainably. Focus on growing that money in the market and don’t do stupid shit.

Its funny to see people in these threads always say that they would buy a house in cash

does the average person have 1 million? No.

it's a lot of money even for the top 1%

Need some advice fellas. The only debt I have is $37k on a house I bought 10 years ago for $139k @ 4.25 interest. I'm currently not employed because last job was a DEI nightmare and quit. Wife brings in $68k after deductions. I've got about $100k in liquid and semi-liquid assets. I want to start a business because I cannot go back to wage slaving, even if I was getting a good salary.
Does anyone have a good idea for a small business that is overlooked these days? I'm looking into High Ticket Affiliate Marketing. Anyone have any experience with that? How about BRRRR renting houses? Even getting a loan to buy and repair a home, then rent it out to section 8 for top dollar what the government gives for my area. I know that opens another can of worms. Looking for ideas here. No I do not want to buy and flip scam coins. No need to respond if you have less than me or live at home or are an internet smartass.
Another idea I had was buying the raw ingredients for Essiac Tea and pre-packaging it into small one serving pouches. A home-based tea business sounds cozy. Any thoughts on that?

1 million dollars is fucking nothing

it depends if you're still a NEET yes a mil is alot but if you want to buy a small home you'll be back to being a wagie.

Like I said

High Ticket Affiliate Marketing

15 years late there friend. Oversaturated.

Food is getting expensive and we all need to eat. Find a way to buy cheap fruit/vegetables and sell them in your neighborhood to test out if there's a market for this. I live in Canada, 4 apples is almost 10 dollars. I would kill to find someone that would sell for cheaper. Possible for easy comfy work.

is it? cause only 2 % of Americans have it

Imagine putting that into staking for USDC rewards with TRIBAL. Could turn a good sum into something even more.

With that, I'm set to start life. Grabbing some Bitcoin, ETH, memes, and my share of the % that Tribal gives to community members

For most people the money they put in their house is cash they will never get to touch again until they sell their last house (typically occurs when old people go to the nursing home). This is because people commonly upgrade their homes and take out a new mortgage for the upgrade cost.

This is the case with many boomers who did not invest in a retirement account but are technically wealthy because the value of their paid off house, but they have no cash till they sell their house.

So in essence, if you have a million it’s better to invest in stocks and bonds and use the interest to pay off your mortgage (your monthly payments become smaller and smaller over time due to inflation too).

They could always call this guy to get money from their house

A reverse mortgage is selling your house, you just get paid slowly over a couple years. Once the money dries up the boomer parents are fucked and will starting asking their kids for money. Eventually they move to a nursing home once their health deteriorates. Once the kids stop paying money (in addition to medicare funds). the nursing home will let the boomer die quickly (not before some last ditch couple $100k surgeries or treatments in the hospital to extend their life a few months). It’s all a money suck to leave you with no inheritance.

yeah if you're a poorfag

if you have a million dollars you cant afford a 500k house...more like 300k

no, $10 million dollars is the new 1 mil

1 million is nothing, the fed prints that in the blink of an eye

of course it is, are you retarded? if i had a million dollars (doubtful considering my only way of making money right now is with and we know i wont make one million with shitcoins in a thousand years) i would stop posting on this god forsaken board and start fuckin hookers left and right

mfw the 34 people on this thread have probably never even seen a milly irl

165465489.png - 372x482, 192.59K

absolutely disgusting kek


glad idek who she is

whitest black dude I've seen

I will get to answer this question after I've made it with my qan bag
