Gen Z is being left with the housing bubble bags, kek

Cuckllennials are still renting out shitty apartments

Rather be house poor than be an apartment fag.

Gen Z still live at home and didn't fall for the move out at 18 meme

Gen z is all furries and trannies anyway

gen z is gay

Gen X and Millennials are also gay to be fair thougheverbeit.

Gen x doesn’t even matter. their generation was absorbed by boomers and millennials

Gen X is the middle child generation.

Boomers are based and bluepilled.
Millennials are cringe and redpilled.
Gen X are cringe and bluepilled.

We are still waiting for the based and redpilled generation.

I can't speak for everyone else but I'm a Zoomer and I inherited my house from my parents who recently retired and bought a new one, I think that might be a huge reason why. Gen X aren't massive sociopathic faggots and seem to care more about future generations than Boomers do. Like I said though, can't speak for everyone.

have zoomer kids and they'll be in the same position as you soon enough. boomer parents put me in debt and kicked me out of home at 18. took forever to climb out of that hole.

having provided for my parents, myself and my kids, I don't have a very high opinion of boomers. the societal harm caused by one narcissistic generation of turdburgers will reverberate for a while yet

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Boomers aren’t based. They’re the most selfish out of all the generations and zoomers are literal tech slaves

It's not bags as long as immigrants are being shoveled by the millions into our countries and our currencies keep losing value.
As a millennial, this is where gen Z is winning. They understood early on that sex is a fucking meme and you can pleasure yourself much more intensely than any woman could do it for you. Sure you will be missing the soft touch and kissing, but I don't think eternal slavery is worth it for a bag of fat with wet holes.

muh family

I'd rather start a family as a homeowner at 40 than as a rentoid or mortgage slave at 30.

Zoomers will all expire from drugs and STDs by them any of that matters

They’re the most selfish out of all the generations


Can't be house poor until the mortgage is paid off.

that generation hasnt been born yet and is all chinks

you brocolli headed mulatto zoomers are all going to die for israel at gunpoint and whatever is left over will be wiped out shortly after

buying my first house at 60 for cheap and renting it out to pay to live overseas and living at home then sleeping in a van until then. fuck renting.

just touch yourself till marriage, whats the problem

never moved out

never paid rent

put every cent into the s&p500

can retire in my mid 40's

yeah I think I made the right decision. fuck working and fuck paying rent lol

your kids will be turbo autists
t. parents waited until 40s to have me

o boy the weekend time to mow my lawn

Continental US can easily sustain a population of 1 billion. Housing in desirable areas is only going to go up until someone nukes this place or we completely lock up our borders and start mass deportations.

move out at 18 meme

this was perfectly doable till 2010

I know a few people from work and friends of friends are only covering their interest. 1 guy was saying he hasn't paid any on the principle in 2 years.
what did you think was gonna happen when you put 5-10% down?

At this rate you dipshits are going to be paying $6k/mo in rent to Gen Z landlords while you're still waiting for the crash.

It’s fine, WWIII is heating up and zoomies will be drafted. I may buy one of those poorfag zoomie homes as an office since I’m going to be Jody maxing as a millennial with a zoomerette fetish.

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Gen z can’t even find jobs

I’m a millennial and I’ve owned my home since 2019. House is now worth double what I paid for it too.

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didn't fall for the move out at 18 meme

This actually depends on if their parents were using full boomer logic. Alot of genZ & millennials were kicked out at 18 simply because "they are adults now" and are cucked into rentiod life.

I'm 30 and still live with my parents and regularly have sex. I live in a Western country btw.

boomers are cringe and redpilled
gen x is cringe and no pilled
millennials are cringe and bluepilled
zoomers are cringe and redpilled

Millennials are the only blackpilled generation
Gen x doesn’t exist
Boomers are old and psyop’d so badly they can’t figure out truth
Zoomers are fuvked by technology destroying society and are too young to realize it

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wow do you fuck mom or dad

move out at 18 meme

Literally not possible in Ohio unless you have like 5 roommates and 3 jobs.

That's not what bag holding means. No zoomoid owns a home lmao.

Based. I’m moving in fellow millennial

I'm just going to work and invest for a few years, maybe start a vidya game studio as well. If any of my ventures go good I'm hoping to buy some cheap land in anywhere but the south and the desert, and build my own cheap mcmansion, and homestead.

No I realize it, I'm just trying to fond ways to game the system. Most days it's hard to put my phone down. I normally can't even read for more than a few minutes at a time and it makes me want to fucking kill myself. I'm hoping something just destroys the electrical grid to save me

Same here dude
Phones are now an addiction destroying the world

Population is only growing due to immigration

This pumps the government budget

but increases tax burden on natives

Germany, Sweden and Netherlands already planning out deportations

this will free up demand for housing while also lowering government spending

Prices for housing will plumet while government will scramble how to justify the big tax burden

We live in interesting times. We might see the first deflationary recession in our lifetimes.

2 more weeks

Also Gen Z is niggerlicious