/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Commie coins edition.

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)
more at:pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs








Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

Does anyone have a list of about what premium to expect for each weight of silver and gold?

To the anon saying buying things with gold because groceries aren't worth thousands of dollars, that's what silver, junk silver and fractionals are for.

moon shot countdown begins now
this makes my silver go up

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I went into a "Coin and Jewelry" shop today. They had like 30 silver coins tops, mostly Morgans. One single 1923 Peace Dollar. $50 BU, pretty nice looking with good luster, but a huge gash scratch across her cheek. Liberty looked like she had a facial scar. Asked if they had any more like it and the literal tweaker helping me say "yeah in the safe" and then points to a Morgan on the tray. So I'm like "no, a Peace Dollar." A different tweaker gets prompted. "No we have nothing else like that one."

Weirdest shit. The rest of the shop other than the one corner of a cabinet with their Peace/Morgan tray was dusty old ass jewelry.

Why put "coin" on the sign if they know nothing about coins and have no stock of coins?



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Hello Gentlemen
Happy Friday!
Today's news

ETA for Pirate is here. Due to gold plate, ship date is on or before October 11th. I apologize for my aggressive expectations as I did not factor in the third party needed for that process

78 Apurand's sold so far!

2023 Anime Prospectors are on sale for $45. Once this stock is depleted a revised 2024/5 sculpt will be worked on

They sound like they are winding down the business.

1923 Peace Dollar. $50 BU, pretty nice looking with good luster, but a huge gash scratch across her cheek

You trollin' bro? A scar like this one?

No. It was an obvious scratch. Not bag chatter but as if someone scratched it with a knife.

I have a Peace dollar that was marked as a Scarface and it was only a couple bucks more than a normal one. Doesn't really look like a real one but still picked it up just because it was so cheap just in case.

promise me you will never stop stacking, /pmg/
promise me

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Ah ok, then all good.

Strange. WDYM it doesn't look like a real one? Normally you should be able to get between $100-200 for the coin, depending on the condition and the size of the scar.
Do you have a pic fren?


can't make that promise fren
I'm probably going to be out of a job in May
gotta save up my fiat
and even when I get a new job I doubt my next employer will pay as much as my current one
shit sucks :/

Doesn't seem legit unless maybe it's a really early example before the die really started fucking up the coins.

Won 16oz from my buddy's precious metal gambling website nonsense thing. 10oz Jew Street bar, 5 oz RCMP coin, and one silver maple

You get the silver physically right? I've never heard of online silver gambling.

I'm not a peace-die error pro, but it indeed seems like a stretch to call this one a scarface. It looks like the very early day of the die crack like you said, but idk at what point you can call it "scarfaced". It would require a peace dollar nerd to answer this, but i doubt die-errors chasers would pay a big extra for this one. Kinda scummy from the seller, even if not technically wrong i guess.
About the authenticity, since the scar is a metal surplus - do you feel any bump when you pass your finger over her cheek?


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Business thing he did. Is pretty cool. You can win a silver coin to go an ounce of gold.

bennys gettin a blowy

precious metal gambling website

That sounds sketchy as fuck.

I've been wondering if you could run a legal casino by making all the chips from precious metals, sell the chips over spot and people just take the chips home instead of cashing out

I've seen all the PMs he's got and he's got one of those fancy testers.
In short, you pay x dollars and receive a packet that can have a varying value of silver or gold. It's fun and such. Not best for investing in PMs lol. But fun.

you pay x dollars and receive a packet that can have a varying value of silver or gold

Oh so it's like a mystery box. When you said gambling I assumed it was like online poker or something. Doesn't seem that sketchy now.

Got all these under spot today.

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love them peacies

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Fucking nice, anon.

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The model for the face was gorgeous

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under spot

So under $22 each for the Peace dollars?

Yeah. Old man at LCS had a bag of slick Morgan’s and a bag of vf peace dollars last week. I was gonna come back to get them all but was sold out. 22.5x FV on circulated constitutional fractional too.

very nice anon

How we looking /pmg/ chads?

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I like buying the neat stuff from the Mint when I have money to toss around.

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a revised 2024/5 sculpt will be worked on

What will you be revising? Anything in particular?

can't stop stacking

I want the 2024 BU so badly (it's the nicest of the three) but it's just. $91+shipping+tax for 0.859ozt of silver.

Fuckin' mint.

yeah fuck those money grab 2024 remints. just get the real thing

how is bu the nicest?

Anything from the mint is BU technically unless someone actually used a $90 2024 Peace Dollar as currency for a dollar.

I considered it heavily. The proof makes her face ugly, and the reverse proof makes her face and the eagle an amorphous blob. Both proof versions are tacky as fuck.

Only the BU nuPeace really captures how beautiful the coin is supposed to be.

I almost miss being a newfag when stacking was affordable. Pic related is my first order.

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Gotta catch em all


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It's painful now. I want to redo my kitchen, but don't want to spend 4k on new shit when I could be buying PM's. I used to could do two money spends, now I have to choose one.

tfw you realize silver will never go below 20 dollars ever again.

It probably will. I bought my first tube of AGEs in fall 2020 and only TODAY has its value surpassed when I bought it.

The price of silver will dip again, probably to around $17-$19, because unlike gold it doesn't constantly appreciate in value. Silver is a true maintainer of value and its moonshots are once every 50 years.

Silver will go below 20 if JP morgan wants it to go below 20.

I'm sorry you feel that way.


they don't want it to because they can't have china buying up all the cheap silver

Audit COMEX and silver and gold absolutely skyrocket

Insane copers who waste their money on silver, a child's stacking metal, instead of buying gold.

Shills are funny. I already made a profit if I sold but why would I ever do that?

got about 15 ounces of gold, 1000 ounces of silver
way more excited about my silver

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Good pumping like crazy while silver teeters around $30 is really pissing me off.

calls realism a shill



The shills are panicking (and that's a good thing)

I don't know specifically but the original artist had some things in mind I guess

GSR is heading down, so don't know what you're complaining about

Silver still being around $30 for the past year while good went up $600 is fucking ridiculous. Silver should be at $50+ right now.

Impressive. I'm still not sure I was able to afford one year.

But I couldn't resist.

I keep saying "good" so pardon me but the gold to silver ratio should be 100:1 and it's not even 1000:1 yet.