webm-related is a multi-millionaire and lives like a 0 income NEET who lives with his mother
Why do some rich people live like they are poor?
Why would you change your way of living only because you have money
what do you want me to do? buy a gold lambo and drive it around to impress you? im not your bitch. i do what i want
Unironically I would do something similar if I would make it. For me it’s not about luxury but it is having enough not to be forced to do anything and not having to worry about money ever again. Money=Freedom
an esports pro during the offseason I don't really think counts as a good example anon
Can I get the full doc with Christian subtitles?
why do some rich people live like they are poor?
Because you eventually realize nothing matters and you revert to going back to what truly made you happy and for NEETs most of us have relatively cheap hobbies.
Living the dream. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity.
Same. I most likely would do the same shit day in and day out. Only difference is I become a neet and everyday becomes the weekends.
This is unironically all you need.
be me
make it with link (well held past 2021 so barely made it now but was rich in 2021)
quit job
rent single bedroom apartment
matress on floor
big ass oled tv
big ass pc
dumbells and barbell laying around
premium tinder
premium bumble
fuck girls at their places everytime (say my sister is staying at my place)
tell them I don't work and own my own company (I don't)
somehow they get wet
5'10 6.5/10 face balding but Anon Babble
will later go turkey for hair and do invisalign for fucked up teeth
Literally don't need anything more, my below average success rate (some qts ghost without even a kiss, hambeasts fuck on first date, some qts fuck on first date too but rare for me) keeps the game exciting since the simp in me enjoys dates at a bar and talking to femoids, minimalist apartment keeps chores easy, laundromat below, meal prep makes food easy, mattress close to tv so basically live at the kinoplex, and when I want to treat myself I download movies at highest quality and use my sennheisers for immersion.
I would lke to buy a mega pc to play nintendo switch games with maximum specs, like zelda ToK 4K ultrawide screen.
Paradoxically those who are poor try to look rich and those who are rich don't give a fuck and usually look poor. I'm a dev who makes a lot of money and I still live like I'm a NEET and only use money for drugs and crypto gambling. I don't even own a car and wear the same clothes every day I bought like 6 years ago.
he has ascended, the feeling that he will never go broke is the greatest thing ever
im so heckin based because i fuck low quality roasties after i lie to them about owning company
They lie to me too by acting like they're not whores and wearing make up.
owning a company
owning shitcoins
Same shit anon except shitcoins have more potential and less headache.
maybe he's just not ready to splurge... yet. Seems he's spending all his money on food.
frens, I did this when I first became a millionaire but it was not fulfilling and I was miserable
try it out for yourself by all means but don't fall in a hole where you become too depressed to start a business
I pulled through only because I had a loving gf
T. Brokie
The more money you have the more snakes are going to go after it
if you aren't making a child all that sex is pointless.
what do you get from this except diseases? no one thinks youre some kind of alpha by fucking roasties, its lowest form of life, having the only happiness in live as sex is poorfag junkie domain
I don't want to get rich for a massive lifestyle change, I want to get rich so that I can ensure the financial freedom of as many generations of my descendents as possible. I just want to live a comfortable middle-class life, driving a Kia and sending my kids to public school. But I also want to not have to work, and to pass that privilege onto them as well.
Because only retards think that buying shit can make you happy.
nah. I don't want to pass genes.
1 type diabetes and feeling like roting corpse.
Post commie country.
shitty job
almost 30
manlet 5'10
You are literally above average.
Your problem is that you're an insecure little bitch lol.
Depends on where you live. That would be below average in any Scandinavian country.
Do not larp as me you diabetus faggot
I was married but she was crazy and had reproductive issues and I left.
nah 5'10 you still need to talk to bitches and seduce them and play nice, but I have a nice body so it helps
My best friend is a 6'4 Anon Babble chad with a full head of hair, once he talked to a girl and fucked her 10 minutes later I wish I was kidding, Chads live on another planet, but he's sadly too autistic to enjoy it
5'10 isn't too bad though, could've been worse
I just looked up the average for Scandi countries and it's like 5'11 which means you are only an inch shorter than average.
For god's sake, man, that's not even noticeable.
ngl, pretty based. if I loved my mum and was a weird fat, i'd strive for the same thing. good for him, hope he gets a gf someday.
Being around 5'10 is the best height because you're not so short that it's considered a disability but you're also not tall enough to go through life on easy mode.
Chads are unironically cursed because they usually don't feel the need to develop any skills, and once they grow old and withered and lack the desire for one night stands a midlife crisis as heavy as the moon will come crashing down upon them.
I'm 179 cm (180 for the ladies kek) and I did the same exact thing as your friend. hell I knew a guy who was 2 inches shorter than me and he did that on a regular basis. yeah, being tall helps, but if you're a gangly pussy it wont. its just about that alpha bro energy. im well past that and live as an ascetic recluse, working out at night and living completely sober while devoting all my time to reading, Jesus Christ, some vidya and saving stay kittens. take the white pill anon, pussy is a waste of time.
inb4 "cope". too short and you're likely to be spiteful forever, too tall and you are forever living in conquer or be conquered mode. both more likely to be snared by delusion. inbetween you experience both worlds and realize what a waste of time it is to care and move on with your life and just worry about securing happiness with the least amount of effort/drama.
183 is average in my country lol
Also being tall isn't enough, you either also gotta be charismatic, handsome or rich.
I am an averagelet and I agree.
I used to wish to be taller but if I were I'd probably just browse Tinder 24/7 for easy lays instead of developing worthwhile skills. I think God knew this and that is why I wasn't blessed with longer legs.
Therefore it's over.
Just be charismatic lmao
like a 0 income NEET
the weirdest part of my crypto journey is finding out that after all that effort i just got to a point the neets were at from the start and with almost no effort
we really are our own worst tormentors via the expectations of society that were carefully crafted to turn normies into obedient worker drones, so even for player characters it takes some time to break the hold over you
183 is average in my country
dutchanon? cause i really dont believe all those balkan numbers
Also I know two Bosnians and one of them is like 165 cm and the other 190cm. So who knows?
Based, but I was an incel until recently, still haven't had enough of it after 2.5 decades of inceldom
as long as one is happy, I for one just wanna make it to buy a lot of books, stop waging and delve fully into the great work.
first time I had great sex at 21 it was the greatest thing ever (had it before at 20 with gfs but it sucked). I gained so much swag, definitely increases sexual desire to the opposite sex. then by the time i was 24-25 I really started feeling pretty dead inside about chasing chicks Turning point was at a nightclub and having an out-of-body moment and realizing how fucking demonic it all was. Everyone looked possessed by nigger music and egotism. Looked like a neon voodoo ritual. Got out of that scene then for a few years i'd have lapses where i'd just wanna fuck a random pussy from a dating app and it was usually lackluster, missing that meaningful thing you get while in a relationship. actually had a better time receiving tugjobs at massage parlors. then I finally got around to getting over all of it and just seeing men and women as brothers and sisters. most people never get there and are lifelong coomers, but when it gets stale it's time to move on.