I’m convinced theres only 5 other people here

Fuck you guys. I can keep this going forever.

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remember, you're here forever

That’s what I just said. Dumbass

he's you

Fuck you too OP. In the ass with no condom.

remember, you're here forever

The only thing I know is that I am the third strongest poster here!

It’s so dead here now

it was always dead besides bullruns

Nah, if you're here enough you'll learn to pick out a few regulars and there's definitely more than five. I know of specific people on here, like the Argentina femanon, the short dude with the vegeta complex, the youtuber who's desperately trying to avoid having to wageslave, the middle aged russian guy who pretends to be a girl to make money, and me of course. You could put together a profile for me too based on info I've given out if you frequent this board.

You're arguing with chatgpt bots shilling their rugpulls

Unpopular opinion: most posts on here are made by real people and the bots are fairly obvious.

i agree with this unpopular opinion. What is sad however is that the bots would not be here if they didn't work

Yeah it would be much better if it was like the old days and it was 10,000 pajeets constantly shilling their latest literal shit coin scam 24/7 .

There’s at least 3 of us with corporate wfh programming jobs here too whose souls are fading away. I just want to fucking retire!

im here since 2017 mfw. i keep coming back. sometimes I leave for months / half year but then suddenly. i'm on Anon Babble

don't forget lebAnon. the guy who begs/scams here

traffic down 99%

remember you're here forever

does not compute

only the people that are not rats in the rat race can keep coming back. basically if you are still here it means you are rich. or atleast not racing in the race with the wagies.

merit to what anon is saying. wagies are fucked spending time glorifying their overlords on stinkedin all day. other than jeeters & bots theres probs max 20 regular anons here

What's the story of Lebanon? I think I've probably seen his scam posts before, but apparently never seen when it became unraveled.

I am all the persona's you just described and more kek

I second this one. In my daily wagie world, I see so many mid to lower IQs flash by (usually younger people) that I'm certain most of the posters on this board are of the same age demographic. Yes there are bots but you guys overestimate the average fuckwit. I'd estimate 20% bots on a slow day scaling up to 40% when the jeets or whoever build up plenty of verified accounts and let them run wild for a bit.

Again, just breaking the site for india and pakistan as a whole would clean this place up a lot. It's political, not race based. India has too many races that hate each other to pinpoint one specific variable.

Eventually the slop coin talk would die and we could see actual discussion on business strata or some shit. Hell even "how do you guys pass as a normie for HR?" shit beats the shill coins.

that's so funny man.

youtuber desperatel trying to avoid having to wageslave is my favorite. he's a national treasure and what bizness and finance is all about. making crazy money on biz refusing to have a job getting demonetized and having to gamble to hit make it levels.

some people here I guess work thats cool why not.

I guess I make 7 or 8 lost count, I don't think im a bot? im a real boy.

the youtuber who's desperately trying to avoid having to wageslave

if this is the spainon he is pretty much the singular description of what Anon Babble stands for
going to every length imaginable to avoid even a day of waging in the cagie
he is not the hero we need but the hero we deserve

exactly, well said.

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None of you know who I am

Same I came back early this run though

Here since 2020 i found this shithole exactly when you were celebrating link in the top 5 or something.
Anyway i hope the 4 of you are doing good

unpopular opinion: /biz is the only good forum on Anon Babble now

Thats me

It has it's charm and is probably the most meme generating

Just be an edgelord and you can at least rule out the bots since they won't be able to contribute to your extreme conversations. I really start to think everybody is a bot online sometimes but I'm kind of a schizo already so it's to be expected.

Same lmao. 2017 ICO shitcoin mania was peak biz. Todays rugpulls cant compare..

how many of these shitters are still relevant lmfao

OP here I lost my password

6 people
And an army of brown link fudders

I come here basically once every month to see if it changed, see the 50 OPs by desperate shill niggers ("advocates"), laugh and leave.
Literally 0 alpha on this hellhole since 2020.
See you next month fags.