I've worked construction and computer jobs before.
In construction you really don't achieve as much in your life, monetarily and otherwise, you still have some stress and be exposed to dust and toxic shit and fuck your joints.
However it's way less fucking boring than many computer jobs, you're outside or inside but getting fresh air, no women controlling you, drink beer, fuck around and are physically active. The doom and boredom of a air condicioned office just feels plain worse for some reason than say whatever joint inflammation you'll get working construction. I can't explain it.
Nowadays life is easier of course, it's just much more natural now and follow the simple path if you don't have a good routine where you do some exercise and talk to fun people and so on.
if you do that the office job is better. I think in the future we'll work less office hours because of higher productive and companies will have days to do meme training where you fuck around like google and stuff, until then it's suffering