How the FUCK did boomers manage to do this wagie shit for their entire lives? This is the most miserable possible existence I could imagine. Glued to a fucking screen 8 hrs a day doing mind numbing shit that NOBODY actually cares about to watch digital number go up in my bank account so I can feed my fucking children.

I need crypto to go parabolic RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

How the FUCK did boomers manage to do this wagie shit for their entire lives?

They got to live in a high trust (White) society.

"I need crypto to go parabolic RIGHT FUCKING NOW."

(((they))) TAMED Bitcoin, so not happening

they earned enough to actually live a life worth living, and did it in a largely homogenous society
you get pennies and are forced to live in a brown'ed country

I need crypto to go parabolic RIGHT FUCKING NOW

it's somewhat bearable if you have a family to feed

Zoomers are this uneducated that they don't even know boomers didn't have computers and that they went outside

Or that this is the first generation of people who are glued to their computers nonstop doing mind numbing menial tasks


Are those kids gonna be ok?

I can't tell anymore. I have a family to feed and that's what keeps me going but if I didn't have a family to feed I would have just fucking given up on society and moved back in with my parents. I love my family but maybe I'd be just fine being a 40 year old living with mommy and daddy doing hobbies all day.

I literally work from home at a computer all day then as soon as I get out of work I have to do bed time shit with my kids until I'm so exhausted I pass out, often while putting them to sleep. I never go outside I don't even leave my house except to drop them off at school.

I love my family but maybe I'd be just fine being a 40 year old living with mommy and daddy doing hobbies all day.

it can be comfy. if you don't care what people think about you

boomer dad drives an hour each way to work and then works 12 hours per day for 10+ years

does household chores on Saturday or helps people with work around their houses and then goes golfing on Sundays

Works on the weekends too every couple of months

As soon as I moved out my dad just because a turbo automaton, legitimately built different. First thing he did when he retired was fine more work to do.

You just proved my point exactly. Also how the fuck do you get exhausted from sitting at a computer all day? Reminds me of those people who say "streaming is a hard job okay!!??"

Not to mention things were less uptight back then so you could IRL shitpost with the boys at work and not have to worry about getting written up by (((HR))).

They got to live in a high trust (White) society.

when was that? Blacks and Native Americans and Chinese and Mexicans have been in the US for centuries.

How the FUCK did boomers manage to do this wagie shit for their entire lives

the bran damage from chronicnlead exposure helped them disassociate

USA was 90% White when they were born and 80% White until 2000. You fell for multicultural propoganda from jews.

Alcohol, drugs, degenerate sex (vintage 80s porn with fake balloon tits), ugly houses, stupid pointless vacations for more degenerate racemixer sex, permanent threat of a hot war, commie terrorism (which they were often part of) in the early 70s, jew worship.

their jobs were their lives/hobbies.

There was this thing called segregation, you may have heard it

How the FUCK did boomers manage to do this wagie shit for their entire lives?

it wasnt as bad and they didnt have a frame of reference. they compared to peers who were also complaining which gave them some camaradery, now we compare with the 1% we see on screens

I literally work from home at a computer all day then as soon as I get out of work I have to do bed time shit with my kids

I work from home and I just leave at 1600 and usually autoclicker until 1630 which is my end of shift. What kind of retard works until 7,8, or 9pm????

you wake up in the 70s, what do you do?

check phone? damn no phone
watch tv? k this is boring
go for a walk? gay wtf
go to work I guess..? fuck it nothin else to do

retarded ass zoomer

the idea of actually have a fulfilling career is kind of a new thing for most people. back in the day you got a job, got married and gtfo your parents house and had your own kids to repeat the cycle.

that's because we watched our parents live boring lives, working soul sucking jobs.

this faggot misses driving drunk with no seat belt, exposing himself to dangerous amounts of lead and asbestos, fighting 'the man', being openly racist, and having terrible fashion

Time flow was different back then, way less information too. That’s when shit like vestarwa was unimagimable, and AI was a sci fi thingy

did boomers even have computers back then?

most of those were concentrated to certain areas depending on you town you may have never seen one in your life

okay where are the negatives?

How the FUCK did boomers manage to do this wagie shit for their entire lives?

They got paid more for working less and their jobs were stress free. The society wasn't as hypercompetitive back then.

I've worked construction and computer jobs before.

In construction you really don't achieve as much in your life, monetarily and otherwise, you still have some stress and be exposed to dust and toxic shit and fuck your joints.

However it's way less fucking boring than many computer jobs, you're outside or inside but getting fresh air, no women controlling you, drink beer, fuck around and are physically active. The doom and boredom of a air condicioned office just feels plain worse for some reason than say whatever joint inflammation you'll get working construction. I can't explain it.

Nowadays life is easier of course, it's just much more natural now and follow the simple path if you don't have a good routine where you do some exercise and talk to fun people and so on.

if you do that the office job is better. I think in the future we'll work less office hours because of higher productive and companies will have days to do meme training where you fuck around like google and stuff, until then it's suffering

alcohol cigarettes drugs, there's a reason why they are so popular

its mentally exhausting. staring at a screen all day with no regular physical exercise turns you to soulless mush, unable to function without external impetus. no real hobbies, no desire, no hope. just 9-5 on computer with no discernable end in sight. buck broken by the digital convenience jew convincing you that all your problems can be solved online(games, food delivery, porn), to keep you indoors and demoralized.

One possible solution to this endless cycle of stagnation could be seeking a more robust understanding of the myths that shaped the human experience. You could start today by watching this lecture by Dr. Craig Steven Wright (A.K.A Satoshi Nakamoto inventor of bitcoin) on this very topic.


cwright1134.png - 689x737, 512.42K

Boomers could buy a comfy house near their workplace with a lovely wife by the age of 25. My parents commuted 30 minutes max each way. Nowadays it is normal to commute hours in stress inducing heavy traffic just to sit in an office doing work you could do from your home or your local library.
You also see survivorship bias. The boomers who didn't make it just died before retirement age, from stress related diseases or just drugs or an hero. They also lived in a better society. They could spank a misbehaving kid in the street. Nowadays you either get sued to death or get stabbed to death if you dare to remark to someone.
I am comfy with my current job, but I need to utilize my free time better.
That's why they smoked and did drugs anon. Video games and phones killed smoking.

How the FUCK did boomers manage to do this wagie shit for their entire lives

Work culture was different for boomers than it was for us. Today, no one gives a fuck about anyone else. Even if you’re
part of some “clique” at work, those niggers will turn on each other in a heartbeat if they knew they would benefit from it in some way. Corporations have taken over most of the family and privately owned business where there is more of a gap between you and the guy at the top. I’ve been with my employer for 11 years and the owner sold the company 7 years ago to a national corporation. Prior to that, we could talk directly with the owner about any issues we were having. Annual bonuses with additional perks. Things were comfy and the overall sentiment was great. Now there’s 5 new positions that were put in place between us and the guy at the top as a way to separate himself from us. Overall sentiment is shit, everyone seems like soulless zombies, all the perks and bonuses removed, etc. I imagine this is how it is across the country. The economy being fucked only compounds the issue as the options for where to work and make a decent living become more limited

no one's talking about a full blown class war. why not? status quo? the middle class clasping their perls?

Zoomers unironically believe shit like this.

Yeah, I’ve done both too. Labor jobs sucked because I didn’t make enough money to get my family ahead in life. The computer jobs suck because they eat away at your soul.

Do not make your hobby your job unless you want to start hating it, though it might work if you are your own boss.

Zoomers have made their hobbies a job way more than boomers ever had an opportunity too. There are professional video gamers now ffs. People making way more money than they should streaming or posting retarded videos online. Pushing papers around at the fucking office was never anyone’s hobby.

its almost like humans were made to be phisically active