Is buying a house retarded if you aren’t handy

I have a house and keep getting JUSTed by repair costs. I’ve spent like 8k so far this year on various repairs (nothing major just lots of little things). Plumbing, HVAC, drywall repair, painting, exterior shit that requires long ass ladders outside, electrical work. It’s so fucking expensive but I don’t have the time or energy to learn how to do it on my own or the tools, some of it is dangerous like falling off a tall ass ladder.

Am I just being a pussy for not DIY or is spending a lot on home repairs just part of owning? My wife is Latina and makes fun of me for not doing it myself, she says Latin men will just DIY. I work a white collar job making over 250k a year. Every time I call a blue collar guy over I feel emasculated.

t. White collar cuck

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Make your wife do it

Yes, just learn it yourself. Your latina wife knows how pathetic it looks when you have to wearily call every time something breaks in the house. Think of that being just like one step above calling mommy and daddy to help with everything. Literally go on YouTube at your white collar job and start learning

Just stop maintaining it. I paint my house in tiny sections. Will take me several years to finish. The roof, can’t blame you there

No, quit emasculating women, this is why things are getting so fucked. They don't need any more power

Him not maintaining it will kill his resale value over time as the problems accumulate. Nobody wants to play whack-a-mole with house repairs but that's the reality of it these days if you think you're getting a "deal" in these market conditions.

You can flex seal the roof right?

I took one step onto my roof and started to slip because the granules are loose. I want to get up there to clean moss. Just can’t. Going to have to pay 1k for someone to clean for 3 hours sigh

I will literally die if I get up there.

It’s so fucking expensive but I don’t have the time or energy to learn how to do it on my own or the tools, some of it is dangerous like falling off a tall ass ladder.

were you raised by a single mother?

1k for that or buy yourself a harness to attach to the chimney with high tread steel toes, your choice

Already tried skater shoes. Nothing to tie to. Oh well. My brother died from a spinal injury and he survived on a tube for 3 months. Even more afraid of heights.


If your walls aren't plaster, you purchased a piece of junk. Drywall molds with moisture. It is built in obsolescence. The fact your house has drywall in it tells me everything about the rest of the construction quality.

Nice McMansion fag lol.

Not my house
Isn’t that like every house in murricuh?

because the granules are loose

Your asphalt roof is garbage anyway. Now you know why you should have a slate roof, or metal one if you're where it hails a lot.

Isn’t that like every house in murricuh?

Every flipped house is, because that's all latinos in the Home Cheapo parking lot know how to do (poorly).

That's why everyone should live in pic related, but noooo biz will say you have bad taste because you didn't buy the Victorian house that costs $50k a year in upkeep

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looks comfy

Looks like a garage. The furniture matches because it looks like old tires. Built on a concrete slab? You know concrete in direct contact with moisture is gonna give you maybe 50 years, if you're lucky, right? But not to worry, I'm sure you added rebar, which brings that number way down.

Lmao in this current market you can sell a shit dilapidated house for 150k over market value

the fuck you talking about willys?

You make $250k/yr and you're feeling emasculated by a couple beaners doing blue collar work? The fuck is wrong with you? Just write the check and tell them to get the fuck to work. That diy shit isn't worth your time if you're legit making that kind of cash. If your taco wife has a problem with that send her ass to the curb, you're the head of the household so act like it

op just made this thread to profess his secret cuck fetish

You know concrete in direct contact with moisture is gonna give you maybe 50 years

I didn't ancient Roman buildings that stayed in conatant contact with water broke down after 50 years lol. Fucking idiot.

ancient Romans used portland cement

kek, you have no idea what you're talking about

True, I don't know a single man who would feel "emasculated" because they had to call a fucking plumber. If OP wasn't a complete fag, he could be reverse cucking tradies by calling them over to do work on his house while he pounds his wife in the other room making them listen.


Plaster does last longer but drywall will last at least 30 years, averages around 50. Not many people are in a home for 50 years, and a full home drywall replacement will run you maybe $20-30k. More likely what will happen is after year 30 you'll want to redo a room or a wall here or there and spend like $500-1000/year. By that point you've completely paid off your mortgage and saving for drywall repairs shouldn't be much of an issue.

Nevertheless, OP should try to do as many jobs himself as he can. Most jobs are very easy. Drywall is not one of those (at least not properly). Most electric and plumbing stuff can be DIY easily. HVAC probably less so. Painting and getting on ladders a teenager can do so OP should be able to do that.


know a guy that died falling off the roof dying DIY shit..

Drywall is flimsy garbage. Moisture in the air infiltrates it and breeds mold. The mold spores fill the air and poison you.
Plaster is very strong. Plaster is meant to breathe. It captures moisture when the air is humid, giving you cooler dryer air. It releases the moisture when the air is too dry, like a natural humidifier. It is not prone to molding like drywall is.
The only advantage, as you point out, is drywall is cheap. It's cheap garbage. That's like saying fast food is good, because it is cheaper. It's not good. It's not good for you. Drywall is garbage. When the builder/renovator used drywall, you know that he also used all the other cheapest fixtures and renovations too. Cheap wiring that will catch your home on fire while you sleep. Cheap appliances which will fail early and often. Cheap everything.
When I see drywall, I know I'm going to have to rip it all out, and when I do rip it out, I'm going to find even worse cheap things underneath the drywall.

Based plaster CHAD. Total drywall death.

Its not $1k to clean the moss off your roof. At most its $150 an hour lmao

Yep, this is how it feels to be a man

You should be able to do easier stuff and it pays to learn more advanced stuff, but also those repairs should last you a while. A new roof for example costs a lot, but it also should last you like 15-20 years. Meanwhile drywall is pretty easy to fix, but even if you pay someone to fix it, it’s a huge rip off, but still should last years unless you’re swinging a mace or a sword around in your house.

damn, I thought roofs lasted 50 years easily

It depends on the roof and the area. I also was pretty conservative with my timing there. Realistically you can get 30 out of most of them. 15 is definitely on the low side.

slate roof can last hundreds of years
metal roof 70 or so
asphalt shingle 25 maybe, that stuff is just cheap trash, same as drywall

have plumbing problem

youtube the issue

follow instructions

problem solved

A small percentage of that $8k could have gotten you all the tools you needed

How do you not know how to do drywall repair and painting?? Certain plumbing jobs I can understand and I’ve never messed with HVAC but there is no excuse to not do the painting and drywall yourself.

The fact your house has drywall in it tells me everything about the rest of the construction quality.

It’s easy to work with and lasts a long time. I’m in a house from the 60s in FL and the structure is all original, including the drywall. Even with all the storms and hurricanes, it’s done fine. Mold is a non issue unless you have a leak that’s been left unattended or some other uncommon problem

this thread makes me never want to own property aka a pile of dirt that needs replacing every 50 years