News dropped yesterday

(stands for Okay But Price)

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chainlink is cool






8 more years

I think Chainlink is a good investment

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No crypto has ever been this close to massive institutional adoption.
If Chainlink is too slow, then the rest of crypto is even slower.

Massive double standard in action.

Doesn't matter, the price will continue to crab for a couple of years. At least we have more time to buy at these prices.

kek chart baggie



kek chainshit BAGGIES

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What project is closer to finally unlocking wholesale institutional adoption of crypto?

close but no cigar

10 more years should do it

complaining about having higher standards from the self-proclaimed "industry standard"

the cognitive dissonance would be hilarious if it wasn't terrifying
you are completely unhinged and out of touch

Seething so hard he forgot to swap IDs kek

Those huge news that ended the bullrun, the dtcc and chainlink thing, wasn't that project supposed to officially start by the end of 2024? Why there are no news? That wasn't vaporwave

seething so hard his only retort is muh double post
unlike you, moron, I'm not using my phone to id hop like a maniac
get fucked
btw, this is also his thread

You’re not supposed to have a higher standard for better projects.
That’s some “equality of outcome” bullshit for commies.

you're supposed to treat the God Protocol and the golden ticket to the 4IR, with arguably the best team in the space, as just another shitcoin

ok commie

Judging by the same standard is how you can tell that one is better than the other.
Equal standards for all, none of that equity “level playing field” bullshit.

LINK news

XRP pumps

ok, then it is total trash

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lol @ chainshit baggies

why are you so unsuccessful at persuading anyone on here to sell? Really, you're shit at it. no one sells. they just keep buying. wow. what a thankless task you have undertaken.

I know, I'm not here to tell you otherwise, just reporting the news verbatim

No crypto has ever been this close to massive institutional adoption.

did you mean to say no "crypto company"?

the actual coin itself does not appear to be involved other than fundraising though, so barring having an investment in chainlink labs ltd, how would you profit from this? Buy stock in banks maybe

lol bro posts here dont move the market

What a horribly made meme kek

tfw will NEVER be able to own a sui stack

it's so fucking over

Feeling a little optimistic, I still hate you all.

Why nobody answers me, for fucks sake. They banned me on tv and I cant stand current pol, give me an answer and a you

Holl crap this must be huge news for the price of di token

not the end of 2024 yet, bud, final quarter just started

The token is involved in literally every single thing the nodes have done since May 2019.
Pilpup harder, rabbi.

the nodes are subsidized by Sergey and then dump the rewards to cover operating costs
none is buying the token from the open market, there is no collateralization, it's all vaporware
keep screeching harder, shill

the nodes are subsidized by Sergey and then dump the rewards to cover operating costs

Exactly like bitcoin miners then.

Also, put the goalposts back where you found them.

Is LINK valued at $58k? then I don't think so
now you can put the goalposts right back to your arse

LINK is valued at pre-$81k where $81k is guaranteed.

token not needed

ok token is needed, but it's subsidized

ok so subsidization is standard in crypto, but token price is low

Where will he move the goalposts to next?
Place your bets.

token is not needed, and it won't be needed no matter how many times you try to equate your erc shitcoin to Bitcoin

token is not needed

Nodes literally can't function without it.

More info to come ahead of the SWIFT conference where Chainlink are speaking 3 times and then the Chainlink conference where SWIFT are speaking.

where Chainlink are speaking 3 times

Four times.

how do I prepare myself for what is coming? Meditation? Wax my balls?

holy based you literally DESTROYED that dirty Bulgarian fuddie lmao

Where will he move the goalposts to next?

i'm betting on

ok, price is $100 but that's nothing