Aviators newest blog

Wait the fucking bridge is out?

Oh it's not out yet? So lets recap you stupid fucking pigs. SEPTEMBER 1!th. MORE THan a year after the birth of avi coin, and there is NOT ONE fully released product. THERE ARE fully released "blog posts" and these just amount to stixel's inchorent talking points that ultimately amount to ultimately nothing because there is not one fucking thing to come from aviator for over a year. NOTHING. Hey how about that summer game jam they were gonna have alongside the testnet? thought i forgot about that huh? go ahead ask what fucking went wrong there i would Love to hear their fucking answer. coin does nothing look at chart. Project DOES nothing look at the fucking releases (nothing). NO LISTING NO MARKETING NO ARCADE NO BRIDGE NO NOTHING.

And now after all this fucking time we get a blog post with NO DATE. They say 3-5 days out we get a ANNOUNCEDMENT. SO the bridge is till at A FUCKIGN MINIMUM, 2 WEEKS AWAY. HAHA ONCHAIN HALLOWEEN ANYONE? OCTOBER? are you fucking kidding me? this shit was suposed to be out in summer, (onchain summer) remember that fucking let down? here by my shitty hat. Now we wont get the bridge for another month. this shit is sickening

cope seethe and dilate
avi is working directly with coinbase its the most obvious play on this board


most obvious play

THE CHART IS FUCKING DEAD. WHENEVER THERE IS A pump, people just sell to get the fuck out as soon as they can. this coin is stuck in .002 limbo for fucking years. just fucking watch. daily volume of $3k what a joke, ill never forgive you faggots for shilling this stupid shit and their incompetent team. WHERE IS THE FUCKING GAME JAM? SUMMER GAME JAM HELLOOOO??? WHY HAVE THEY GIVEN UP? WHY DOES IT TAKE MORE THAN A FUCKING YEAR TO SEE A PRODUCT? WHAT DO HOLDERS GET OUT OF THIS STUPID SHIT WE JSUT SIT AND SIT AND SIT AND GET FUCKING NOHTING WHILE THJE TEAM GETS EVERYTHING<> WHERE IS MY FUCKING MONEY

wehy should anyon e fucking buy aviator? the chart. does. nothing. the team does nothing to help the price. the bridge will do nothing to help the price. why have they forgotten the arcade?




hwere is the game jam

wher>>>Where IS TGHE GAME JAM

lik like holy shit. 1+year later. nothing. chart hasnt moved a lot in months. they think this is ok? when do holders get fucking rewarded for this shit? PEOPLE ARE FED UP. GIVE PEOPLE A REASON TO HOLD>

get a life loser lol


Coinbase wants NOTHING to do with this piece of shit they cant even get a fucking product out in a year. fucking embarrassing. who would want to wotk with these incompetent developrs of the aviator team? thats fucking why jesse NEVER shows any respondance to aviator blatantly begging and begging like good little piggies they are for recognition. THEY HAVE NOT GAINED ONE FUCKING FOLLOWER IN MONTHS ON TWITTER. THINK ABOUT THAT. NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT AVIATOR. NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON BESIDES THE PIGGY BAGGIES.

yeah thats right nothing to say. You know im fucking righht. no one fucking cares about this piece of shit coin. no products 1 year, thats it thats the fud. i dont even care about the wallerts anymore. THE PROJECT IS THE FUCKING FUD. NOTHING THEY HAVE NOTHING FINAL TO SHOW. MORE THAN A YEAR> THIS CANNOT BE DFEFENDED

team can fump on me all tjhey want go ahead, i been cummed on before i can take it. GO a fuckng head. RELEASE A PRODUCT.

another article

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i cant fucking believe this shit. who would have thought wed be here in the middle of september with no bridge? i barely have the words to describe how disgusting this is to do. and then they have a private testing so their select group of pigy bagies can see but they wont let me see? how about you show us alll what you have been wprking on? im sure its very very very good! LET US SEE IT IF ITS SOOOOOO GOOD? WHY KEEP IT SECRETS? SHow us

working with coinbase

Thats why jesse is ignoring them right? thats why every coinbase rep ignores them right

I hate to say this but this is a glorified toadkiller token and we’ve been had

761 words 4,092 characters


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direct suggestions from coinbase

5 bucks it was a blogpost or an email with their PR department lmao

fuck you stixil, fix the fucking project. bet you wish you hired me now huh

Raging retard jimmy. go die in a ditch faggot

AVI will make me so much motherfucking money. My dream is to make it so that I can live frugally and spend the rest on charity. I want to have so much money it won't fit in my pockets and I'll give so much of it away and help so many people. Straight up.

AVI will make me so much motherfucking money

You’ll die poor before that happens

You sound emotional anon. Are baggies ok?

No, my intentions are pure. I will find the girl of my dreams, buy a house, make her quit her job so we can both be NEETs and then I will spend so much money on other people.

So.... a 10 pages worth of "soon"? Bro, after one year of them doing this the only thing that will surprise me is if we manage to pump. Lmao

insiders don't want you to know that aviator-skybridge.eth is taken
so is aviator-hangar.eth... maybe for their upcoming marketplace? :eyes:

It really doesn't get anymore clear than this...... ITS LITERALLY PROGRAMMED


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The Three Windows—a singular representation of Aviator


aviator arcade

whats the third?

What? That they are still weeks away from launching a side project that doesn't make holders any money (unless they're using the bridge to trade eth memes cheaper)? Sizzle went from saying it would launch as soon as the 2nd audit was done to saying things will be released piece by piece...what does that even mean? It's a bridge, it's one thing, you can't release part of it! Dragging things out more and more because the arcade is nowhere near complete (and don't forget months of audits when it's done).

hangar but stixil doesnt want you to know that yet

Comfiest hold of my LIFE.

These guys have been working in a professional manner. They could have released a shit bridge but they've played it safe, passed 2 audits by the top auditors in the industry. Results, as shown on the testnet, are VERY FAST and SECURE.

Slow and steady wins the race. Crypto is a cesspool of broken promises, over-the-top unfeasable projects and rushed shit by irresponsible devs. Oh, and thieves. Many a rugpull has happened.

Some of you screaming children let impatience get the best of you. Many of you have never been entrepreneurial in your lives. Thus, you do not understand that complex things built from the ground up take TIME, take EFFORT and face DRAWBACKS. I am self employed and I know the difficulty of doing things with no-one to guide you. Many doubt you, and you even doubt yourself at times. "Am I going to succeed? Am I deluded by my own original ambition?". But when you push through, results come out eventually, they just do. It takes a big deal of determination and hard work. This is what I like about Aviator: I like the team's commitment, I admire their persistence, and I respect their vision.

So let's imagine the SkyBridge releases and it flops for some reason. Coinbase says no thank you. Hackers find a way to fuck it up. People don't use it. In that scenario I will polish my diamond hands with a diamond drill and hold my 1M stack like nothing happened.

If the Arcade flops, I will not give a damn either. If the whole Avi project tanks, I am not selling. I don't give a fuck. I bought half a year ago because I trusted these people, and I'm ready to hold to eternity. Shit happens in life and especially in investments. The next thing Stixil, Kerasu et al. pull out of their minds? I'll buy that first minute.

However, these are worst case scenarios, which anyone should come to terms with when putting money into something. But the thing is, big fucking things are gonna happen with Avi. This is the one.

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i think onchain summer was good for avi specifically, but overall a letdown.
avis team has directly talked about this before, and have shared a similar sentiment.
in response, the team, namely kerasu, has said things akin to

i wouldnt be surprised if they extended or redid the event next season ;)

on a few occasions

jesse just posted picrel today, which could possibly be a first peek at base similarly celebrating autumn

obviously base was always going to keep being supported, but what made kerasu say they might do something like this, specifically?
it could just be a lucky guess since he understands how corpo marketing works.
but him and the team have made these types of comments multiple times, and kerasu doesnt seem the type to repeat an assumption like that regarding such a high-profile professional partner theyve been working with for at least months now

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we got handed a free win
its literally all spelled out, and has been for months
the only reasons to be turned off continue to be impatience and getting investment intel entirely from biz, for some reason
its not often at all that these opportunities come up, but they do

have a (You)
you literally just registered both of them yesterday. just shows the avi team is so inept that they couldnt even register their own ens name after a full year. good luck with your grift, scum

this is also reliant on the assumption its about autumn, to be fair
it could also just be about bitcoin since theyve hinted at making their own version of wrapped btc

These guys have been working in a professional manner

kek avi is hardly talked about in the tg and when it is talked about, it's buried in an ocean of half naked gifs of some mexican twerking in a banana hammock (the projects mascot, per the team), talks about smoking weed, racist remarks about "jeets", etc. Never mind the fact that core team members are actively dumping the token on its holders (hi Pengo) while pretending nothing is going on. Professional? Fuck that

Slow and steady wins the race

While skybridge has been in development for the last 8 months, people have been bridging to Base without issue. Few people / projects care enough to migrate over from eth, so "deploying to base" isn't going to be as big as you guys think it is. Skybridge will simply be another option alongside the other bridges that are already available. Sorry, you lost the race

Crypto is a cesspool of broken promises

Many of us have been holding avi for over a year now. Trust me when I say we know this all too well

if the project flops, I'll never sell. In fact, I'll follow the team on their next farm.. I mean project

t. team member

Thanks for making it obvious enough, but the gig is up. You milked this board for what it had and no one on biz is buying this tg hype man bullshit anymore. Time to move on to some other platform. Be honest, which team member are you? No baggie is this delusional to say that kind of shit

If the Arcade flops, I will not give a damn either. If the whole Avi project tanks, I am not selling. I don't give a fuck. I bought half a year ago because I trusted these people, and I'm ready to hold to eternity. Shit happens in life and especially in investments. The next thing Stixil, Kerasu et al. pull out of their minds? I'll buy that first minute.

Oh fuck we’re entering the phase where the team slowly starts to call it quits. They will start putting it into the heads of the baggies that there is a chance the project won’t do well. They will keep repeating this narrative in a subtle way and when they finally decide to sunset the project, it won’t have nearly as much impact than if they were to suddenly do it. The delays and the hesitation to release anything after over 1 year is now starting to make sense. It’s fucking over

youre right
the testnet never happened and theres never been anything at all this whole time
when i deployed a token and it worked perfectly even back on v1, sepolia was faking it
they got paid off just like hacken was twice
coinbase too

Six months of testnet for a fucking bridge anon. This shit is so retarded I don’t know why biz is still hung up on it. Who fucking cares anymore.

my rubic stays cubic

if its so ridiculous, why hasnt anyone else made it?
half-baked versions of the idea have been attempted in the meantime, and the results are buggy, broken, centralized pieces of shit that rug people.
is there another bridge that lets holders instantly deploy their holdings onto other chains like this- not even for base, just in general?

They needed someone to tell them that it would be a good idea to unify their branding style across their portfolio? Kind of basic isn’t it? Website, bridge and eventually the arcade should look like they match. No shit.

Skybridge is centralized anon. Whether or not it’s buggy and broken remains to be seen in production

what do you think that

Six months of testnet

youre claiming they had was for, then?
or the two audits you fags complain about so much?
worked perfect even back during the v1, but youre right, it might be a completely broken, buggy, unusable mess on launch because you feel like it

Why did it need two audits?

added functionality
why do you think they ran a testnet for bugs and feedback AFTER the initial audit to begin with?

What added functionality?

it worked perfectly even on v1


added, additional, extra, more, etc.

its truly not that hard
why do YOU think it needed two audits, anyways?
walk me through that implication

Coinbase told us our branding, literally 90% of what a token is, was shit and we should change it entirely

Because the first audit did not include the contracts related to supersonic, which is the bridges main selling point. I’m asking why they did the first audit at all? Seems like it was just to make it seem like they had made enough progress to pacify baggies desu