SWIFTs cross border CBDC connector using ISO20022 messaging format

kek fuddies

Checked and thanks for bumping this thread so I could see it.

not to be a fudtranny, but this hasn't really anything to do with DLT

I am bullish, I am not beyond bearish.

Chainlink is not a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and its going straight to 87k.

All the fuddies and nolinkers will be financially REWARDED and there isnt nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes to fruition. The ride begins here for you linkies, the game is just starting.

where did this come from?

cool so where does it they used the token to pay for this transaction? you faggot avacado's never post anything that that has anything to do with the token being used other then funding the fat ass.
I happy for sergey but fuck off with this shit

Just be thankful youve seen it.

don't you get it stinky
none of this matters because the price simply won't go up
you already lost

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no, really. some hints pls, if you don't want it to be traced back to you, just be obscure or something for plausible deniability.

intercorp payments facilitated by bankchains connected by SWIFT? well well


we all know its coming even the fudders but fucking when

2 more weeks linkmarine

i have waited 2 weeks 364 times i dont know how many more 2 weeks i got left in me

i can't wait till fucking 2026

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This just looks like normal MT information

What has the use of a standard they all agreed on using to do with chainlink?

So Swift is going to pay $8 every time they need to send a tx? Kek.

I hate to break it to you, but this will NEVER happen.

So Swift is going to pay $8 every time they need to send a tx?

What the absolute fuck are you talking about

realistically there will be no need for any kind of cryptocurrency or stablecoin once CBDCs are rolled out, including chainlink. Please give me one reason why a shitcoin erc20 token would be needed lmao

How are you going to send CBDCs from one chain to the other?
And how are you going to automatically trigger transactions or other events like Swift MT messages?

What are they going to roll CBDCs out on? Avax subnets. How are these CBDCs going to talk to one another? CCIP. Other chains and coins are not going to go away; people will still want to use alternatives to build networks on, games, currency exchanges, or to host their own smart contracts in whatever denominated currency they want.

Why would they pay $8? It depends on how much LINK they need to do it. This thing has sixteen decimal places.

They won't need any link retard. The day Swift does a cross boarder payment and uses LINK is the day Jesus returns.

hope you've been baptized

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Nice one

The day Swift does a cross boarder payment and uses LINK is the day Jesus returns.

You do realize at this point that Swift using Link is more likely than not, right?

always take financial advice from people who type things like 'cross boarder'

you do realize that the token is not needed right now right? it wont be for some fucking time either even with these products going to market. The fat ass refuses to do any work on tokenomics that creates buy pressure. So i'm happy for chainlink they did this but this does nothing for me

The token has been needed for everything ever since mainnet launched five years ago.

yes for selling, and thts about it

No, for the nodes.

ISO20022 is nothing special retard

7 years and nothing still, probably suggests that nothing has changed.

Then why does Swift keep talking about Chainlink?

I baptized myself. Does it count?

Because they need to pretend they're innovating.

Swift is only using Chainlink because it makes Swift look good

That's even more bullish than I thought lmao

KEK the post was deleted
CHECKED hahaahhahaahaha