I lost 80%. Its fucking over. 3 years of my salary, gone just like that

I lost 80%. Its fucking over. 3 years of my salary, gone just like that.

thanks for playing.

literally everybody loses everything
you are next

You have good taste in women at least

I've already lost everything kek. $400k in 2021 all gone. I almost roped last year

now make them back

that's the plan. gonna take the rest of the decade though. shit happens

The thing is, this is a lot more common than you think, 99.9999999999% of people who've lost money in crypto just don't talk about it, because its embarrassing to have lost money in something others have made life changing gains in.

The truth is if you weren't an early adopter to Bitcoin or Ethereum you either have to get incredibly lucky to make it, Not saying its lottery tier odds, the odds of making it off shitcoin gambling is probably 10,000X higher than winning the lottery.... but still, it requires a ton of luck.

and loses are varied
there is huge amount of scams and theft
it is not only opsies bad trade

Yeah that too.

So many people have lost their crypto to scams, hacks, phishing, accidentally exposing their private keys.... losing their private keys and not being able to access their crypto ever again.

So many lives have been fucked up from crypto lol

Yeah but none of them are as dumb as me. I bought every pump and sold every dump. I did so because I was constantly in fear of getting liquidated. I finally got liquidated today.

Hiw do you lose so much? What was the game plan?

It's over for you and Newjeans

Reminder to take some gains.

I got liquidated for 150k on a LONG back in early 2023 as just before the bull-run started, the market snapped back and scam wicked me out just as the 1+ year long bull-run happened.

Trust me I know what you feel like right now lol

Do you think we have a chance? Im going to stop using leverage now and buy back once it looks like the bull resumes. I only have 20% left and im going to live as frugal as I can to DCA my income into AVAX/INJ/PEPE. Fuck im a little suicidal but i know its only 3 years and I can make that money back

you stop being brown first

Friend, there's always a chance in this market, even with $1-2k. If you find the right memecoin at the right time...

But you've fucked up now and can't play the "Just buy Bitcoin and play it safe" route anymore, you have to degen mode now.

you have to degen mode now.

I wish I stuck with btc. I was up 92k in 2023. I have about 15k left. I hope we both make it. I'll be happy with a simple 10x.

no, all you have to do is buy something sensible and hold, don't use leverage

I guarantee that 80-90% of people who can do that make it over 5-10 years. Sadly not many have the patience and will to do it.

Just checked, 50 out of the current top 200 coins did a 5x or more, the best 10 of them all did a 10x minimum.

If you had made 50k per year and put half of that in Bitcoin for 4 years and then waited 5 years you'd have 500k. That's how easy it was and still is. The dollar has no bottom.

My investments are with good memecoins. They will come back.

Just checked, 50 out of the current top 200 coins did a 5x or more, the best 10 of them all did a 10x minimum.

in only 5 years
most people are too impatient to just DCA and hold 5 years.

Here's some helpful tips then....

1. Dont buy a coin thats crashed already, they never re-pump

2. Find what is actively pumping and has high volume and a good narrative, buy that as early as possible

Follow Elon and monitor his posts on X, so many times he posts a meme, it will be created and it will pump to 10-20+ million. If you can get in early on those at <1 mc market cap you can make 5-10-20X on Elon based memes.

I dunno about degen gambling that hard with what ive got left.

why are newjeans niggers on Anon Babble ?

You can recover it with MBM Jeets this will surely give you x1000 profit.

See it by yourself pajeet

What happened?

I hope you make it, anon.

Cute bugs, sadly they are my weakness but i need to marry a white girl to pass my genes like my ancestors

It's a long story but basically I had a manic episode and liquidated everything at the literal bottom in 2022 and blew it all on flights, hotels, steaks and strip clubs. so at least I got some use out of it

Generations of NEETs with diabetes. Go forth!

once the bull resumes

Stop it. Get some help.

Bro. I found out I had BPD same period. Swing traded 40 ETH, 50k XRP and 2 BTC to zero over 10 days at the bottom. Absolute darkest days of my life. On suicide forums.

I was on sanctioned suicide a lot last year. Also took multiple steps towards unironic an heroing.
I don't know what stopped you from doing it but my nephews are what saved my life. Suicide just isn't a viable option

You can make it all back. It's just that the timeline for that is a lot longer than some people can deal with. I'm already in my 30s so my goal is financial stability by 40. Being rich while still young is off the table but oh well

Yes mate. I also revised down what I need in life. Rejecting materialism has made me a better person anyway. WAGMI bro

It's called an absorbing barrier. Being aware of it is the first step to avoiding it.

That's only 3% of your time. It's okay. You'll make it back quicker than you think and it'll compound.

only 3% of your time


You have learned the expensive lesson that every trader does sooner or later. Now you can either give up or use it as a motivation to actually learn how to trade.

I lost 30 years of salary this year. Only got 2 years left. Rope worthy

I bet you also looked at 1minute candles like the retard you are. Even most algos use much higher timeframes than that.