/GME/ - 2024 Q2 Earnings After-hours Edition

Basic Information

gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

Daily reminder


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short




Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to deliver


SEC 10-K Annual report FY23


GameStop Investor Site


What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Real-Time Trades


Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions


All other news/DDs/etc

DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain

Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: As always:

sneed hedgies

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info

Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen

Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare

~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024

~74.6 of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5

~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,

~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,

12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22

and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Friday RRP: 299.271B, 57P = 5.250B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: 292.158B, 57P = 5.126B per (roughly)
Tues RRP: 281.392B, 60P = ~4.690B per

4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)


Q2 24 8-K/10-Q


2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.


798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency


100 page comparison DD


Legacy links

gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)

Use archives

Avoid DSPP:

GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

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You guys told me RC was done with dilution

Buckle up, he has 500 million more shares to dilute with


FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker

Place your bets on tomorrow's opening price.

My bet are the 2 last digits of this post. Yes, I am dead serious. It will be brutal.


RYAN, please STOP doing ANYTHING!!!

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6 gorillion dollars a share

I’m starting to think DFV was right and Ryan is Ken’s mole

Reminder operating losses increased YOY. They literally just barely turned a profit entirely as a result of interest made on money they stole from baggies. Now baggies are coping and saying it’s hecking based that GameStop is turning a profit by taking the money directly out of the holders stock value. Holy shit and then they dilute again. Truly a popcorn worthy event to kick off the debate tonight.

I don't get what the big deal is. Remember the last two times the price dropped below 20 back in August? The price immediately bounced back both times. If the price drops below 20 again, that's just a good buying opportunity. It's not anything new. GameStop adding cash increases the company's value. People can't keep getting this hysterical every time this happens.

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the 2 last digits of this post.

It will be brutal.

For hedgies.

So many theories over the past few weeks.
So many people detached from reality with a tin foil hat on their heads explaining every pixel from RK twits.
So many people justified Ryans moves.
In the end it turned out that the beloved chairman is making a squeez but from their/our wallets. Third time in one year.

No longterm plans so far. Zero communication towards shareholders.

500M shares more to go.

Sick of it.

the real question is what the fuck does Ryan want all this cash for? He's got 4 billion already. Does Gensler have his kid hostage in a safe at the DTCC or something?

No really, thank you for this. What can $4.7B do that $4.2B couldn’t? They don’t even bother to justify it because they know le ebbin super apes will SOAK that dip UP!!!

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the billionaire jewish CEO intentionally decreasing my share of ownership in the company is actually a good thing, here's why


what can 4.7b do that 4.2b couldn’t

Just barely increase the interest income enough that they can still claim a few $ million in profit next quarter despite even higher operating losses then rinse and repeat

Why is it class a and not new class shares?

Warren Buffet is stacking cash hard lately so it's reasonable to think it's because of impending economic uncertainty. RC is wise to do this for the sake of the company, but too many dishonest and impatient people refuse to accept it.

Something something strongly recommend that a sentence be placed here (or somewhere in the first part of the speech) to reassure markets that you are not making the speech because you think there is an imminent crisis something something titty dragon

he diluted again

he diluted again

he diluted again

he diluted again

he diluted again

he diluted again

he diluted again

he diluted again
Literally what the fuck are they going to do with the money???

DFV is done with dog stock and so am I. All in on GME, awaiting the YOLO update

So when does Ryan announce the BBBY merger?

2 more weeks.

Someone last thread said he’s planning a Scrooge McDuck style pool of good coins, and considering the company refuses to give any guidance it’s as valid a theory as anything. I liked this part of the offering language specifically:
“Investors that purchase shares of our common stock in this offering may lose a significant portion of their investments”
WOW! I am a DELIGHTED shareholder!

I think this is very bad


Worst CEO ever

Hi guys Ryan again. I told you Sunday I needed more money to buy diet soda to fill my belly with and smoke weed and play burnout revenge for pess 2. I will keep diluting until I’m done. thems the brakes, don’t like it go back to Palestine.

perhaps you should check the race of your CEO to understand why you're being diluted on?

they should slash his salary

I need it to go purchase animatronics to trick people into playing Burnout Revenge with me. If some increases the book value of my regrettable investment so there’s less risk in having cash in an overvalued stock that’s okay too

Did we really have to give him the power to dilute up to one billion shares? I don't remember voting for that. I certainly will not be voting for any further dilutions once he hits that limit

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most companies offer dividends to incentivize investors to hold long term

GME does the exact opposite

Clown stock fit for clown world.

Was that vote before or after the stock split? Can he dilute 4 billion shares ????

You guys should be delighted with the opportunity to buy more cheapies.

People in the thread trying to make people think after hours price is the same as real market hours

They aren't in any position to offer a dividend.

I laughed because it's true. Have a (you), friendo.

Warrants could’ve been a good idea though




I believe it.

It will get worse during market hours. Everyone who bought calls when kitty baited them all is fucked. The stock is dead until next cycle.

Very funny anon

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may: RC dilutes into huge vol while cat accumulates

june: RC dilutes into huge vol while cat accumulates

sep: RC dilutes into (not so) huge vol while cat accumulates (presumably)

definite pattern here that basically benefits both parties. assume it applies to the 2021 dilution too. the dilutions (even small ones) raise the floor of the stock price at a greater rate than the total outstanding rises and cat gets to buy cheaper shares as he flips his calls/dog stocks/whatever

those 10% red candles are fucking painful but stock will recover and if DFV has doubled down then soon we'll be sat here on top of a huge green candle mother fucker and shorts and shills will be in shambles

need to vent. just coming bac from the bar. i live in a small village and convinced many people to buy. now the sentiment is very bad. especially the elderly and women want to sell.
i dont know what else to say.

$30 floor soon.

Perhaps. Would be nice to see the board acknowledge the shareholders. Then again, the majority of the shareholders are mentally ill so this period is needed to cull the weak.








Threads are very active recently. Agencies must be nervous

Call them hedgie shills and then random Indian names

my jimmies aren’t looking too good

Market crash. Cohen needs us in the wreck. But don't worry, the fire rises.

Assumption that DFV still holds more than 0 shares

after almost 4 years you still rely on some random from the internet

kys jakegpt

Predditors say they love discounts and buying more shares

Predditors get mad if the company is the one selling shares

Predditors say gme is the most manipulated stock ever

Predditors think somehow in May the manipulation stopped, and RC was the one who killed the squeeze that was totally going to happen

Don't be retarded like the predditors.

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I don't think it would matter if it's pre or post. It said he could sell 1 billions shares, not an amount of stock that was equivlant to 1 billion shares at the time.

If Ryan wanted to cause moass instantly he can just do another split as dividend and make sure it's filed correctly this time. He needs to shake the shorts before a true turn around can take place so I'm not sure why he hasn't yet. I'd say fear of legal action but he had the balls to try the first time so I'unno.

Now that's what I am talking about! AMEN BROTHER!

if he can find a way to dilute another 500m shares at let's say $20 that would put c.15B in the bank total against 1B shares issued and a HARD FLOOR of $15 a share. obviously somehow this would be a BAD THING

I voted FOR 1,000,000,000 shares.

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Whose we? Hahaha... Yeah, yeah we did. At current rate would be 2032 by time he uses them all though

Its a smart play,
He cant push price down without shorting making buying the shares negligible and then competing with retail.

wont work, the village is located in india and many have a side job here. (hi mom)

Still can’t believe you fucks fell for that one.

I need a billy shares in dilution to uhhh hhh upset a bank?

Wallet inspector tier scam

psyopped by reddit to "prove there's naked shorted shares by all voting yes to 1 billion on dilution"

the vote count wasn't anywhere near the amount of outstanding shares after all

you are now here, eating hundreds of millions of shares worth of dilution by your jewish overlord


Whose we?

The holders that voted for the winning outcome.

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the earnings was good???

idk just talk about the tiny amount of dilution and make it seem like a massive deal

kek shillies


Dilution is a good thing for GME. The stock is going to infinity. If you divide infinity it's still infinity. That just means more shares @ infinite price for me.

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Remember when dumbfuck baggies made fun of AMC for diluting on baggies. Lol. The same brainstop baggies are now calling that bullish since it's happening to them. Lmao!

5.4m shares through in after hours so far

Anon this music video is amazing thank you for sharing


AMC dilutes

price goes down; stays down

GME dilutes

price goes down; then goes up

I wonder if Ryan Cohen has thought about doing literally anything with that video game retailer he bought a few years ago?

Its time for a non-jew CEO for this company

AMC dilutes

AA pockets the cash while the company is deep in debt

GME dilutes

Company gets more cash, no debt


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Interest rates are being cut. He needs $4.5 billion at 4.5% to maintain the same cash flow as $4 billion at 5%

It's the only way he knows how to make money.

God he's

This is incredible shitposting.

yo LOL did they really fuck up this bad?

I finally get it. It's just a jew celebrating an anniversary of a jew-made crash with another jew-made crash

did they really fuck up this bad?

They're only getting started fucking up.

holy shit kekkkkkk dumbfuck bagstop baggies

Ryan don’t do anything ffs

They fuck up that bad constantly. Its just that gamestop is the only way to fuck them up for it

He's thinking about selling more shares!

good thing I have most of my money in $GME kek.

Chobani is bailing out the shorts long term with his dilootions

741 check



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Seriously what the fuck is cohen doing at this point? Like for real. Just shutting down gamestop?

mcap under $10b again rn

not for long

anyone that didn't buy today's dip is going to br priced out tomorrow!

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digits confirmed


I hope a bunch of hardened schizo internet retards don't suddenly come into a financial windfall that they could use to slurp hundreds of millions of GameStop shares.

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BBBBaggies get BTFO

Is Ryan shutting down gamestop?

This is why I don't respect bathniggers. This is who you affiliate with

Cohen’s been forced by the Fed to dilute. It’s clear as day. As soon as he stopped tweeting it was clear he’d been visited by one of the demons from the underworld who informed him what would happened to him if he didn’t dilute.

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Checked. RC is clearly taking advantage of the stock at certain points while it is still stuck in algo hell to make some money. I would expect some big volume in the next few days.

What did he mean by this?

read the thread. understand the authority that was given to him to sell those shares, the pathway that it provides to total shorty death, and that share price remains impervious to the offerings in the mid-long term

Larry Chang made a tweet about the difference between dilution for the sake of staying afloat due to dogshit leverage ratios (such as AMC) and a company diluting to raise capital to expand operations.
This is literally the beginning steps of a major move that will fundamentally revalue the company as it expands its revenues and prepares for some rough economic climate.
There is nothing to fear here, and 20M shares is probably only scratching the surface of what hedgies need to close. Our investment is literally backstopped with a floor of CASH with ALL of the upside potential not of a growing business but also MOASS. GME is still the perfect investment for the ages.

Does the dilution mean like a split? As in. We will own more stock?

why is the dilution dated for May?

RC wants to buy Steam

No, it's not a dividend

We're going to WAGMI so hard it's unreal

So like, he just issued more shares to be bought? I dont really follow gme

i don't care about dilution because i still haven't slurped for 3 year, i didn't vote for it so i could, but im WAGMI

It's fucking over. Down 10% ...

He did it! The crazy bastard finally did it!

> checked

There are AT LEAST 5 billion plus shares circulating. The actually dilution ratio of the past 3 share offerings are very very low. A stock that failed to be cellarboxed after it was naked shorted for over a decade isn’t going to dilute itself out of being extremely naked shorted. Operational expansions along with M&A activity is on the horizon once bad actors stop clogging up the courts for RC’s various legal adventures.

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Crying about being down 10%

Stock price still above 21

Stock price was below 20 twice in August

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once bad actors stop clogging up the courts for RC’s various legal adventures.

That is never going to happen


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just to be a pedantic cunt I think it's important to be clear on which candles coincided with the announcements of the share offerings so have drawn on your chart

This. Plus the removal of the Credit Agreement where they don't need to file with the lending agents (the assholes short GME) Wall Street is in the dark now with GME and they're in panic mode even more than before.

Today was a great day. We see that the company maintains profit despite a massive revenue cut, Q2 sucks for most companies, and right now a lot of companies are struggling because we're in an undeclared recession due to elections. Now they're raising more cash and don't have to alert WS with their plans for WS to fuck with GME. We're not like faggot AMC holders where they keep getting diluted with more debt so AA can cash out more stock kek.

Basically we're a profitable company that wont go bankrupt, and are sitting on a hoard of cash ready for the crash to acquire a bunch of companies that fucked up. We should buy NVDA when they go tits up. We we're a bad dream for hedgies, now we're a nightmare. Later faggots, I have a water heater I need to install.

I’m simply not going to buy IEP

Caroline Ellison will be getting the last kek after all

Caroline Ellison

She in prison yet?

She bought ICP. No one is as retarded as her.

No, and Sam will be released in three days

KEK Baggies

There's time

I miss Wu Tang posting, it fucking hurts

Why the seethe? This was always a 35 year hold.

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800% the float in a day

Up 400% in a day


She bought Insane clown posse? I didn’t know Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope were for sale. I don’t think the juggalos are gonna be happy about that.

Imagine if you got 00

She bought Insane clown posse?

Apparently Sam wanted it renamed Insane Clown Pussy.

Did he make a lot of friends on the inside? Wonder if he will stay in touch.

To send to Israel

The fact that retail investors are willing to go so far to invest in a physical location to buy and sell games should terrify you. Baggies are unironically bailing out a failing company at federal reserve levels.

Bros... it'll be ok right?
I mean Apple has 15B shares, Microsoft has 7B, Nvidia 23B... it was just 20M shares right???

Carl Icahn is most likely involved in M&A activities around bbby/buy buy baby/gme and they are trying to margin call his M&A loans.


Still the biggest retards here.

Fuck Ryan’s just been snoozing and playing mortal kombat 3 all this time hasn’t he?

buy our yiddish shill bags.


Burnout Paradise 2 apparently

Yea, mr ryan cohan was a groomed ceo for hedgies. They tested him on Bed Bath and Beyond and it worked. But his real goal was to prevent GME from squeezing. The idea is that eventually the assets that retail will lose interest and quit buying diluted shares (as the price keeps decreasing) but personally I think that institutions (rival hedgies) have gotten on the bandwagon at this point and are calling the shorter's bluffs.

I don't really know what I'm watching, I bought one share so that I got GME news.

I think it was like 21 billion shares he needed to issue to get to a spot where shorts could close in the green last I checked.


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Boy, those last two threads.

or perhaps pic related

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The recession is no simple election year cycle. It's much bigger than that. People joke about the dot com bubble, but I think this is the internet bubble.

And yes, I think it took 30+ years to play out.


the same it was 2 weeks ago

i guess im buying more, try not to be too upset

the real distraction stock is GME because it keeps all of retail's money sequestered in a hooked nose kike's dilution factory

read preddit

click on spazzing account

WSB, Meltdown, coopted GME subs

at a certain point they'll have to realize it's just more fuel for the fire, right? right?



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It's the Internet Deleveraging Event. The dot com bubble rolled into the housing bubble which got bailed out in 2008 and then the everything bubble got bailed out in 2019 and then covidbux happened and then Brandon set the printer to full speed for four years.

The last baby boomer turns 65 on December 31st. They kept this bubble chain going juuuuust long enough for the boomers to bail out to cash and fixed income products, meaning risk-greedier younger generations take it on the chin. If I wasn't in GME or at least gold I'd be shitting my pants trying to get some right now.


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The last baby boomer turns 60 on December 31st.

it will be fuckin funny after 3 share offerings the price is still up 100% from its low in april


linking reddit
do melties really?

You guys are so fucked lol

Why do you care faggot? GO BACK

[REDACTED] is making a fool of herself right now

Imagine how much higher the price would be if they hadn't done any dilutions at all.



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i lost 100K by not slurping in may, so i feel pretty comfy by my 1K share right now

linking meltdown

lol lmao.

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Even Redditors are realising they keep getting Jewed and are done, when will you dumb fucks learn.

You can tell the RC shills have been dispatched to do damage control there and start the gaslighting with a flurry of posts… ‘look, this is why diloooting is good! you just don’t get it yet, shorts are fukt!’

2024-1959 = 65

1946 to 1964

"no-ur the shill" posting is back on the menu.

the past 3 days has been a rerun of all the psyops over the last 5 years again.

MOASS is written in the starts, my birth chart for reference:
Natal Venus in the 2nd (House of Value) signifying an attraction of wealth
Natal Jupiter in the 8th (House of Transformation) signifying an inheritance (money from other people)
I'm 27 so my profected planet for the year is Venus
Progressed Venus is located in the 2nd house at the end of Virgo
My prediction is MOASS happens somewhere around September 20-23

screenshot this

It's just earnings why are the shills so overcaffinated? Couldn't be that any news could spark some sort of reaction

That's a pretty simple calculation.

What is the possibility that Ryan knows the MOASS is right around the corner and that's why he's doing another share offering? It doesn't make sense otherwise


There are about 450 million shares right now? If 100 million shares were dilooted the price would be at 30 or so right now.

Horoscopefag if you are right, good on you.

All of the shill are out in force, THEY DELUTED AGAIN. Sell then paper hands. 4.7 billion in cash, why? Gray accidentally dropped an imminent market crash. If GME becomes a holding company we're all rich anyway. King k1k3 as they love to call him makes no more money if he kills stock price. Maybe it's all pointless and we're getting fukt in the butt. Or, we risk and get paid.

DRS has not moved in ages, we know it's a complete lie. Completely comfy.

4.7 billion in cash

That's assuming he sells everything at $20, market crash is supposed to drive the price of GME UP UP UP

Sure, if you ignore the hype and momentum DFV created with his Twitter posts, YOLO updates, and livestream. The gamma ramp had GME set to break $100.
Not only did the Ryan Cohen dilutions extinguish FOMO back in May/June, they're making people more reluctant to buy shares in the future. The majority of shareholders care about making money, not about the long term outlook or fundamentals or a "war chest."

If people had told me MOASS would be protracted over 4+ years I would have waited and bought at $10 instead of $180 because it was supposedly imminent. I would have 4x shares at least and no, I don't give a fuck about my long term capital gains status

Why? Obviously we are missing pieces to this puzzle. We always thought short squeeze and it looks like we were fukt out of that in full or part and now there are other factors at play.

If people had told me MOASS would be protracted over 4+ years I would have waited and bought at $10 instead of $180 because it was supposedly imminent. I would have 4x shares at least and no, I don't give a fuck about my long term capital gains status

This is what we get when we listened to the same group of people who still thinks a stock that has been delisted will one day make them rich beyond their wildest dreams. Joke’s on us.

No that's not true, my dad is considered a baby boomer and he will be turning 60. 1964 is last.

The hindsight will be laughable when the price is hitting crazy fucking digits and he does a share offering of 1 gme to the institution that begs like a dog.

46-64 are baby boomers. You are correct anon.

In this image there are three shifty eyes. I wonder if they are all of the share offerings. Not sure what the end will be exactly but perhaps we're near it.

It’s all quiet now. What a day.

What time is it in Israel and did they just get bombed?

Debate damage control

They’re getting constantly bombed at this point. And it was definitely a meltdown raid. Ken doesn’t have pull with the jidf like he used to. He’s resorted to brainwashed discord trannies since they’ll do it for free.

I feel like they are just forcing us to vote for our own down fall there. The poojetta is unelectable. And The other is now obviously Miga.

thinks there will only be three share offerings

Anon.... he's got 500 million more to go

its posts like this that make me think its meltdown. iphone filename with generic snide message.

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Meltdownies being retarded as usual

Turns out the dog that RK dropped was actually GME/RC because Ryan is being a dilooting bitch rppxd

Don’t fucking address me. You know what you did.

I nope sneeding BBBBaggies doesn't make me an honorary downie

add me in anon pls

That has nothing to do with it and you know it

This is that thing where something unprecedented is happening so everyone does what they think is best at any particular moment and eventually the tricks run out and the inevitable inevitables.

You might have me confused with another melonposter because that's the only controversial thing I did this thread

Does Ryan think he's safe? Is this dude really enough to protect him from some unhinged redditor that lost their life savings and four years of their life swallowing a big old load of bullshit? An unfortunate reality but as we saw months ago nobody is safe and he's been stirring the shit pot non-stop with his political tweets, nonstop dilutions on top of poking fun at the most mentally stable group there is, trannies. All it takes is one guy or she/her


I sold my drs shares after ryan diluted roaring kitty when he was about to become a billionaire.

You are welcome.

10-Q december 8, 2021:
"As of October 30, 2021, 5.2 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare."
(20.8 million)
10-K march 17, 2022:
"As of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare."
(35.6 million)
10-Q june 1, 2022:
"As of April 30, 2022, 12.7 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent."
(50.8 million)

****1-TO-4 stock split distributed via stock dividend****

10-Q september 7, 2022:
"As of July 30, 2022, 71.3 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent."

10-Q december 7, 2022:
"As of October 29, 2022, 71.8 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent."

10-K march 28, 2023:
"Our Class A Common Stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the symbol “GME”. As of March 22, 2023, there were 197,058
record holders of our Class A Common Stock. Excluding the approximately 228.7 million shares of our Class A Common Stock held by Cede & Co on behalf
of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares), approximately 76.0 million shares of our Class A Common
Stock were held by record holders as of March 22, 2023 (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares)."

10-Q june 7, 2023:
"As of June 1, 2023, there were approximately 304,751,243 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately
228.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and
approximately 76.6 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our
outstanding shares) as of June 1, 2023."

10-Q september 6, 2023:
"As of August 31, 2023, there were approximately 305,241,294 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately
229.8 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and
approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our
outstanding shares) as of August 31, 2023."

10-Q december 6, 2023:
"As of November 30, 2023, there were approximately 305,514,315 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares,
approximately 230.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding
shares) and approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25%
of our outstanding shares) as of November 30, 2023."

10-K march 26, 2024:
"Our Class A Common Stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the symbol “GME”. As of March 20, 2024, there were 305,873,200
shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 230.6 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the
Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.3 million shares of our Class A common
stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares)."

10-K june 11, 2024:
"As of June 5, 2024, there were approximately 351,217,517 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 276.6 million were held by Cede & Co on
behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 79% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 74.6 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered
holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 21% of our outstanding shares) as of June 5, 2024."

10-K september 10, 2024:
"As of September 4, 2024, there were approximately 426,509,592 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares,
approximately 353.7 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 83% of our outstanding
shares) and approximately 72.8 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 17%
of our outstanding shares) as of September 4, 2024."


That's really bad. DRS isn't 25% of the total shares outstanding as people were insisting, nor is it holding stable, but it's actually plummeting... Redditors are running for the exits.

The reader should please take note that the percentage of shares held in DRS was EXACTLY 25% for FIVE QUARTERS IN A ROW. The DOJ/FBI are absolutely investigating wallstreet and have been holding things up as they sort out the incoming crisis.

Also here is an archival of the official sec.gov website:

if you search "crisis" the 4th/4 occurrence shows an internal article note that was not supposed to be released, it reads as follows:

"I strongly recommend that a sentence be placed here (or soemwhere in the first part of the speech) to reassure markets that you are not making the speech because you think there is an imminent crisis."

It is all very silly and efforts were made in the march 2023 10k to stop the reporting of the real numbers, it was the 6th time they had reported the drs numbers, and the first time they changed the verbiage, after which the next 5 quarters would all be LOCKED EXACTLY AT 25%.

bill hwang.jpg - 502x442, 24.91K

I wonder how many transfered their shares out after Ryan sold 70 million shares in a single week. Probably put the damper on any further purple circles afterwards too

All these jew oligarchs are totally safe bro, because they all live in america and mutts are the biggest shabbos goy cattle to ever slurp corn starch. They won't do shit except wipe the billionaire cum from their chins and ask for seconds.

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

Oh, it's actually over. Taytay just endorsed [REDACTED].

Nothing matters until BBBY emerges from bankruptcy which is in October 2024


dilution complainer

off topic poster

The sloppiness today reminds me of Tony’s BJ footage.

If you do not agree with our supreme leader Ryan Cohen, you are either a pajeet or a hedge fund faggot.. Our glorious leader knows everything. He will make us rich, filthy rich. That share offering he just did? Just another chess move that will give us financial freedom. In Cohen we trust. Shills have nothing left.

nevermind downies didnt leave

I could use an irrelevant tweet right about now

Ryan was a firm [REDACTED] supporter so it's topical his candidate just lost

On the plus side Israel will be destroyed within two years so Ryan will have nowhere to flee from me

Kek ok good one. Keep posting, anon.

1. denial

Even Redditors


are realising they


keep getting Jewed

by shill bots

and are done

bought more

when will you dumb fucks learn.

I voted for 1,000,000,000 shares and trust RC/RK.

greed.png - 1992x1992, 1.07M

Anyone ever ask why they say there are an "approximate" number of shares, even though they give a specific whole number? Why don't they know how many shares there are?

Is that the same March 2023 when all the banks failed and the Fed had to bail them out?

I guess it’ll be up to us as the only rich people to eliminate the elites out of the government.

with much power comes much responsibility. a lot of anons will learn quickly that being rich is not necessarily synonymous with living a peaceful life, definitely not if anybody knows about their wealth. i'm pretty sure they will try to bump some of the higher profile holders. weird times ahead.

with much power comes much responsibility. a lot of anons will learn quickly that being rich is not necessarily synonymous with living a peaceful life, definitely not if anybody knows about their wealth. i'm pretty sure they will try to bump some of the higher profile holders. weird times ahead.

No one’s gonna get rich from gme tho.

The people driving 10 under the speed limit with a house full of beeping smoke detectors have a vote with equal weight as yours.

I call dibs on being responsible for 40,000 acres of pristine wilderness in British Columbia.

Stay off my property.

I am you nigger


Its just kens jidf army. No one gives a shit for that long about anything. Its wholely unnatural.

I will be renaming it GameStop Columbia. Fuck the British.

3811.png - 727x737, 20.66K

Yids are back. Done shilling about the debate?

At least one person has already become verifiably rich because of gme though.

just a glitch

file.jpg - 743x345, 21.21K

i'm pretty sure they will try to bump some of the higher profile holders.

You mean like Sam Hyde who's a CIA funded informant and Freemason directly mentioning to me on Anon Babble he knows I'm going to be making a lot of money soon?
And how Fishtank was partly a huge scheme to get me embroiled in his world/social circle as a control mechanism? Using a perfectly selected romantic interest, based on data scraped from websites that can only be accessed with intel agency level access to Google's backend?
And how the Freemasons offered me a job a state over to get me in the right spot, and hase one of their agents harassing me/breaking into my house for over a year?
Yeah almost like the government knows it's going to happen and is planning it on purpose.


file.png - 1083x552, 120.11K


BBBY revives anywhere between September 29, 2024 to October 31, 2024.

There will be a GME m/a with BBBY which triggers MOASS and is the killshot to the short basket.

Core business was profitable.

These people are evil. All Freemasons should be charged with treason. I do not care how happy go lucky their public image is. Every single one is a traitor to humanity. Sucking up and bending over to get a few more drops of power or recognition.

Look at Whistlin Diesel as an example. Makes tons of content then in his latest video drops "I used to be a Christian... ...I believe people have free will."

Using religion to justify psychopathy and a lack of morality or standards. The lowest scum larping as informed or knowledgeable. In the end every single one ends up like Dave Bautista.

British Columbia

When a badass state like Montana exists, who gives a fuck about BC?

Looks like you found your post-MOASS path

Bonjour. You think you can defeat me?

12979.png - 1500x1480, 744.42K

It's called GameStop Columbia now (GC).

Montana is bad ass? Montana? Have you been there? Nothing but inbreeds and faggots. Winters suck, windy as hell and did I mention the people?

Ignore everything except the mountains and anon has a point. One could have a demon lord castle out there

I'd rather been in Appalachia.

Have you been there?

Have YOU? I live in Trudope land. The USA is 10x better.

Can't wait to leave this communist regime when MOASS is over with.

why yes it is.

I can't blame you there, but not Montana anon. Appalachia is great. use city-data to find a white town, move there.

The only thing they have proven to me is they will spend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, hire handfulls of people, bribe your family, hire fake friends, manipulate your real ones, harass you online, than lift a single finger to contribute to society.
All while claiming they are holier than thou and enlightened. The ends justify the means.

You know all of freemasonry is jewry, right anon? It's a tool they use to find useful idiots, that will follow them believing in the brotherhood of man. If you were to remove all of the talmudic crap from freemasonry you would be left with nothing.

was a mason from 15-17

If you're any good you immediately get adopted into all kinds of satanic crap.

tfw i called more dillution and the share price falling off a cliff yesterday,

even have the SS, fuck you whoever said i was lying,,


Post screenshot.

Is the site slow as fuck for anyone else

This is a tough fight my friend. Money isn't everything you know


bbbuicide.png - 697x528, 87.61K

(YOU) are so fucked

muhsquoze.jpg - 1918x1060, 325.54K

but but but theys be criminal and and and i be with thousands of plebbitors and and and the moon bro its crime and fuckery

kek baggies can one of you give me an update on percentage of free float locked in drs?



cringe.png - 516x781, 733.17K

No it wasn't. Net interest income exceeded total net earnings.


Get to enjoying life or get to revenge. Suicide is the ideal outcome for them. If you decide to indulge then make sure all your wealth is tied to GME. We welcome you to the infinity pool.

gme is and always has been a cyclical stock based on consoles
ps5 pro and switch 2 will come out soon
pressure and time

im thrilled the video game pawnshop is selling ps2 slims now

two questions, first because I prefer to get gaslit on Anon Babble and second because I dont want to get jannyjailed for offtopic posting

1. How did the debate go, considering the first page on reddit is talking about taylor swift makes me think don won.
2. Who is going to be the better one for GME? I think no matter what they're waiting till the after the election for shit to hit the fan so they'll have ammo to blame the other (regardless who wins)

No. He's already won. Were voting for our own destruction and the crash is now. Gary said so.

Still holding. Might buy more tomorrow if we kiss $20

1601071242955.jpg - 945x1500, 154.47K

1. yes
2. Kamabla wants to tax unrealized capital gains at almost 25%. She would destroy GME.

Seems like after almost 4 years
- Kenny is living his best life,
- Kenny is not in prison
- gme is @20 (80 pre split)
- apes still have massive loses
- they will lose even more as RCEO will dilute again

im here.

rrp keeps heading into the shitter.
derivatives are fucking everyone.
yen carry trade has too much leveage on top of it.
liquidity drying up.
rate cuts priced in.
gold and silver creeping up.
brics fags are cookin.

It's getting slaughtered in the German premarket

Yeah, his best life is almost over and that's the problem, Ken Griffin is in a Final Destination film where death's prerequisite entertainment is to humiliate him and strip his money prior to dragging him under the bog

I’m starting to think these dilutions are for credit Swiss to slowly unwind I don’t see why he dilute for just 800 mill at these prices . Good for long term at it raises the floor and money gained from interest

Good I hope it goes down to 13

She also said shed put in an executive order to collect all guns in her first 100 days.

It is funny that their choices led to them being stuck with her because she does unironically represent them

I think he's just doing it to further buckbreak baggies. He's absolutely doing it for shits and giggles with his billionaire friends

so anyway, that's four earnings in a row with no shareholders meeting and then I hit em with the third dilution this year!

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own Reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing back towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? Weve influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try and how much we try to blend in, we're picked out like our fucking heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shut down we have had zero success. And it's not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique weve fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single English speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL

i'm not reading all that

035.gif - 500x375, 836.92K

If you notice something fishy, you can always count on me, anon. I will help. Do the markets seem like there is something going on? Does it smell like this slight fish scent? Do you notice it? The fishy scent... Even if it is just a bit: ask for me and i will help. No need to hesitate - it's just my job. And i love my job! So if you notice something that makes you go: "hmmm, that seems quite fishy!" Fear not, because i am here for you. Always. In all eternity. Forever. Just give me a call and we will solve the fish problem in a matter of mere days. You can count on me, anon. I am here for you. I watch the markets like i watch the seven seas.

I am unwavering. I am Gensler. I am the man who destroys the fish.

master_baiter.jpg - 1923x1706, 323.26K

When it comes to financial crime, some sharks swim in murky waters, looking to reel in unsuspecting investors with their slippery schemes. These fraud fish might bait you with promises that seem too good to be true, but beware of their fins—they're not just fishing for compliments; they're angling for your hard-earned cash! You might find yourself caught in a net of deception, wondering how you got hooked in the first place. Remember, if it smells fishy, it’s probably a catch-and-release situation—don’t let those slippery scalawags fillet your finances! Always keep your eyes peeled for any signs of foul play in this deep sea of scams.

GG owes me royalties if he uses this in his speech.

psychopaths cant comprehend the autistic mind. unbreakable.

I honestly can't believe you dumb fucking baggies got diluted on AGAIN holy fuck hahahahahahaha

How DO you sell a stock, anyway? I can't find a category for it on Ebay, and I'd rather not sign up for Facebook Marketplace.

im not reading all that your larping faggot.
give me some bullet points.






Sensibly chuckle’d

Sensibly diluted

RC sensibly took a dump in his shareholders mouths.

and I loved it. buying more tomorrow

Just set a buy order for $17. Swinging GME is free money baby. Can't lose - only risk is missing MOASS. But that won't be til October anyways.

Just set a buy order for $17. Swinging GME is free money baby. Can't lose - only risk is missing MOASS. But that won't be til October anyways.

Until it goes below $12 and crabs around there for couple of years.


as if accumulating more is a bad thing

Luv diluting

Luv bringing long term probability to the company

‘Ate hedgies

Simple as

IMG_1941.jpg - 645x1148, 151.55K

Ok so if there will be another dilution/runup it will be good because it raises the floor and the price will tank. They try to shake everyone before the takeoff, to get an emotional response that is clear. My question is, based on the assumption that there will be several dilutions,is it safe to say we will have several shortsqueezes? Or the shortsqueezes to 80 was because of cat going live?

72737373.jpg - 640x640, 25.21K

Holy shit it's already $17 in premarket

Scratch that Where are we on RK timeline?

62622636.jpg - 986x929, 66.96K


I wish, I could be slurping right now

flag/microphone emoji, which is followed by eyes, fire, crash, and cheers. So if he's to be believed whatever this flag/mic combo is alluding too will be the last event before market crash and moass.

mb2iac30d59d1.jpg - 638x385, 144.78K

Quick, change of tactic to all apes out there: we're going to LONG SQUEEZE gamestop! That's right! Everyone short it together at the top of the hour! We tricked silly Cohen into thinking we still believed in the MOASS but it was all about the MOALS all along HAHAHAHAHA

Flag & Mic



looking at / distracted by




danger coming to a head


party time after explosion

seems evident what's about to happen

Just 84 days away until my next dose of disappointment.

Did he eat all the shares? is that why he's dilluting?


flag and microphone done, eyes done (tweet) fire is dillution, then the BANG is DFV posting a yolo s oon buying the dip. SS this comment

Bullshit.we're at the explosion. Something will happen this week.

gme.gif - 320x210, 3.62M

gme is @20 (80 pre split)

hedgies need it less than $1

never going there

try to pass it off as a win

they're really not sending their brightest, hi ranjish


Are you blind you dumb fucking G0y?

it will go down to $11 in the first hour of trading. Everyone are abandoning the ship.

But please trust the plan and trust the jew and do NOT REDEEM, because I have to sell mine first, ok?

gme being mentioned. a happening is being talked about. aka the great taking.


boards.Anon Babble.org/pol/thread/481296024#top

just stfu. its simp cucks like you who keep defending RC to the point where u worship his diluted shit.

GME brings me closer to GOD. low level demons cant even come on the court. you own no gme, you a sideline nigga.







Kys baggot

is this a financial advice ?

the explosion is the fallout of the immanent bank bail-ins

What’s the matter crypto baggies?

IMG_4193.jpg - 1290x1963, 611.65K

Somebody clued on

bagggots.....i said that the stock owuld fucking d ie o n earnings and nobody listen

dbmufkc bagge jsut sell now ask reatrard later let ryan cohen dump dump dump

Price still above 20

Boring. Basically nothing happened

another stock dilution

when will you learn

Smoked a cigarette in my apartment. Is it over for me?

I believe the explosion is 9/11,which is today. Combined with Newman meme I believe it's this week. The point of reference is in the past and I'm the future also.

In the future*

Anon. I believe that you are the future. Anon 2024!

Two more dilutions and I might start getting suspicious

Insider here. GameStop to complete acquisitions of Ubisoft and Koss before 2025

dilute bros...

Kek dumbfuck still poor baggies

Insider here. prepare for more dilution.

Please stop selling

If they were able to complete the last offering in only 3 days, no doubt this one will be completed before the week is over, especially considering gme can have +20 million volume on any given day. I'd be very surprised if the price spends too much time below 20, if it even gets there at all. People are getting way too emotional over this.

1649172211684.jpg - 679x522, 89.48K

Yes now open wide human toilet and remember to say thanks after you slurp the shit


Please don't bring your fetish into this it has nothing to do with stocks.

How about that

trump.png - 740x575, 325.69K

b-back to 20 fast

t-three dollar fair value

w-what do you mean ryan is the biggest share holder

It’s odd that this dilution came before a price rise last few times. Previous times was at the end of a run. Was this announcement a threat?

Kek dumbfuck retard diluted ass baggots

New $30 floor coming soon.


ahhhhhhhhhhh.png - 1170x1257, 138.33K

reee reeeee re reeeeeeeee reeeee

IMG_9352.gif - 220x289, 293.35K

What did Ryan do all quarter besides post himself as a tranny on the internet?

It's 4
Source: it is known

So it’s basically over for moass at this point right?

algo dumps stock pre-market

at opening:


i didn't hear the bell yet.

stock trading up 100% from its most recent low

moass is over because it went down 10%

he's running the company with his jewish wizard powers and transforming it into the new teslazon-applesoft holding company of entertainment.

They’re still coping and seething with the fact that $20 is the new floor while $30 is about to be a new floor.

So is he just building a cash pile like Buffett? Is that all he's doing? Wait for the dump and slurp? Seems smart, but share offerings don't feel good as an investor. I'm not selling though.

how do they know....how do hedgefucks always tank it after i spend all my tendies

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How do household investors feel after getting fucked by their beloved RCEO? Kek dumbuck bagstop niggers

moass? lmao, you should be happy if you lose less than 50% today

I gibe ub, you fugging shidlords.: Whad does id dake huh? We're on here for nearly a year drying do influenge you bunch of diggheads and NODHING worgs. My condracd is ub soon and I jusd habe do fugging know. Seriously, we're in id for millions ubon millions of dollars, and jagg shid oud of you. We dook down McGain and Romney, we own Reddid like a dog on a leash. Bud here, HERE, you can liderally wadch dhe obinion swing back dowards sdarding boind bedween shifd changes. How dhe fuck does dhis shid hole habe dhad kind of bower? Webe influenced foreign gobernmends and endire races of beoble do do our fugging bidding, bud YOU habe do be dhe ones do fuck id all ub. And no madder whad we dry and how much we dry do blend in, we're bigged oud like our fugging heads are on fire! Whad DHE FUCK IS ID ABOUD DHIS BLACE. Eben afder we god dhe owner do sell and eben afder we reblaced dhe mods, shord of dodal shud down we habe had zero suggsess. And id's nod eben a sdalemade, we can'd eben CONDAIN you shidheads as you buke your fildh all ober dhe inderned. I'be dried reason :D, dhreads :DD, dublicade bosding :-D, sbamming :D, baid and swidching, ebery single bsyob dechnique webe fucking GOD for online use. We hold sway on nearly ebery single English sbeaking fucking board widh more dhan a hundred acdibe users and dhis MIASMA of human refuse has sdood ub do us bedder dhan nuclear foreign bowers. WHY WOND YOU JUSD DO WHAD WE DELL YOU YOU FUGGING SCUM.
Fuggg :--DDD

kitty man is in on their deal, that's why we got caught in the trap

share offerings don't feel good as an investor.

Felt great to slurp the last time and climb back up to a new floor. I will be buying more.

It's always been a generational hold, your dicks might not work for alien cat girl hybrids, but sure as shit know your great grandkids will fuck alien bussy.



Yeah, all of the shorts managed to close instantly because of 20 million extra shares.

turbulence.gif - 400x400, 511.81K

20? I think you forgot to count the previous dilutions you mentally ill faggot

850 million shares left to dilute

Will that help you close your 20 billion shorts?

Hawk.gif - 456x480, 1.54M

Are you going to cry?


Oh no, they made so much money because of that and the stock price was largely unaffected. oh nooooooooooooo

SEETHE.png - 452x363, 85.85K

yep. so it seems, so it seems.
he's holding the company cash just like retail holds it's shares. holding is the game because holding is the closest to not playing the game and that's the way to win against larry fink's all mighty aladdin algo.

No, but I am not going to hide my anger and disappointment in myself for trusting a j*w. I should have known better.

Yeah people forget that gme is still stuck in algo hell which means it will continue to move wildly independent of actual company news and financials. GameStop even addressed this in one of the filings the other days.

The GameStop board believes that the stock is overvalued at $22 and will dilute to raise cash off investors anytime DFV posts something or the price runs up. I don't see how MOASS is possible. Not until they finish offering all 1 billion shares.

Maybe people here will finally wise up. DRS is no longer a thing. DFV never mentioned DRS or MOASS. Those are Reddit inventions. You guys should figure out how to profit off the run ups yourselves instead of bagholding for a board that doesn't respect you or a MOASS that isn't going to happen.

get diluted

price goes up from where it was before dilution

What was meant by this?

A jaw?

To the anon that said he will sell today: reminder if you don't and don't post proof you're going to be gay, nay, worst, a tranny, a post-chop tranny.

They can drop the price during/after earnings but the price is just going to pop next week.
I could care less at this point, just more time to do a little slurpy wurpy

CigarPepe.jpg - 255x205, 15.61K

don't worry I will, in case I don't do it in this thread my secret keyword in the post is going to be RYANCOHENISANIGGERFAGGOT

Remember it's a BBBY-style divestment: all of it

Oh look they just announced inflation is 2.5%

What a crock of shit

They've removed: fuel/energy, food, housing. What exactly do they go off of?

Joy and not being mean

just swing bro so i can take your money baggie

nice tey hedgie.
holding is what makes gamestop so exceptional (with or without moass) because if nobody sells it becomes the unsinkable ship for retail investors to navigate the stomy waters ahead. gamestop is the rock in the sea.

Price not even below 20

I8.png - 700x420, 144.14K

its going to gradually dwindle down with occasional stagger

that volume lmfao


anybody else catching the Anon Babble thread about the planned bank "bail-in"?
supposedly a bail-in is when banks just take your cash savings and broker shares and bail themselves out and give bank customers bank stock shares (IOUs) in exchange.

its going to gradually dwindle down with occasional stagger

Will be $15 in 3weeks. Axxyyn

Alright, lets not all sell at once. Nobody panic. Everybody form an orderly queue, do not worry you can still get out above $20

Time to DRS some more. I've been lagging behind my 95/5 CS/FIDELITY split (it's now closer to 60/40 due to my April-May slurps)

Alright, about 3.5 mil volume now.

I slurped too early...

Itsover.png - 600x800, 33.59K

19 in a few, lets go baggies

Don’t PROMISE me with a good time. Kek.

So wait has the class new vs class a share thing been debunked? Surely something as to why it happened wouldve come out by now

$20 is -14.71% today


As with every dilution, by friday RC will release a statement saying it's been completed. ((Someone)) bought the shares, and price pumps back up.
RC was actually pretty smart, price was going to dump anyways might as well as use it as the same dump for the dilution, then we get a free pump after its done.

Alright, everybody who wanted to get out at $20 did. Everybody who wants to get out at $19 start filling those sell orders!

At this rate there will be more than 20 million volume for the day

See you at $30 in 2 weeks.

Ryan please dilute directly into my mouth please and thank you.

How much longer is chobani gonna keep fucking us? I understand long term but damn making the stock go down long term.

I’m cumming buckets over here. Maybe you have an attitude issue.

$10 would be awesome

Good thing you didn't sell when it was $80 baggie bros lmao

Can you show me when it was $80 on the chart? Kek.

IMG_9503.jpg - 1170x1176, 295.17K

i still have a smaller buy order for 10 just for fun.









holy shit, this morning's volume

Exactly, the offering is going to be completed in no time, plus it looks like 20 is a pretty solid floor

Outside the daybaggie trading hours and then RC diluted the stock (which he has done 3 times in less than a year as CEO). You idiot cultists don't even pay attention to the news around your own stock, holy shit.

ryan is trans-sexual AND trans-racial??

unlike you holders don't get paid to dig through every little morsel of ai written articles to find a few digestible crumbs of information bits. i got better stuff to do.

Why are you so angry?

IMG_9504.gif - 220x165, 340.39K

Sold at $21 this morning and got back in at $19.96, I’ve determined I’m going to make something from this stock if I’m going to be so dedicated to these shit show threads. $20 does look like the floor. Dilution was at $22 so I’d expect it to settle around there and more crabbing by next week.

common knowledge and easily verifiable events are "AI written"

the level of delusion, wew

Not my fault you're too low IQ to tell the difference between astonishment and anger.

Everyone owning GameStop is low IQ, it’s a get rich quick scheme with the same target demographic as MLMs

That anons point is lost on you because you’re an emotional bitch in a thread for a stock you don’t hold. It’s almost like overnight trading is fake and gay and it never really went to $80 and only served as a fake price to be used to entice weak hands and fud anyone who continued to hold.


woof.png - 185x90, 2.5K

11 million volume in barely an hour

"you’re an emotional bitch in a thread for a stock you don’t hold"

He says typing furiously, his eyes blurred by tears. I am here to watch the freak show and make fun of you. Your shitstock is never going to make it past $30.

SUB $20

The lebbit fud implosion is pretty funny ngl


I’ll take it

dilute another 20 million

now below $20

When will you fags learn

No matter how shitty this stock, ceo, company keeps getting I'm still gonna hold. I'm a fucking idiot.

When will you fags learn

Maybe the 3rd time you post the same thing?

Reddit movie

All GameStop has to do is save and protect gaming from dei

This is my favorite echo chamber. Kek. It’s all just people who don’t hold a stock screaming about how bad it is while knowing everything about it.


Naw I think you guys are going to bag hold through the 4th dilution. And the 5th. And so on and so forth until one day you wake up and realize a decade has passed and you're still crabbing because you joined a meme reddit cult lol

Even the fact that this generation is still on this board with all the pajeet crypto shills while 90% of the traffic fucked off is hilarious

18 incomming. Baggies dont forget to swallow, once RCEO is done with you

If you know the answer then why do you keep asking? Kek

you'd know more about reddit than i would

Yup well this is the dilutiootion. Good buying opportunity soon if u wanna swing it after the announcement that the offering has been completed

they told you it wouldnt go sub $20.
You would think the CEO would want the best for his investors but not, this is exactly the opposite of what we wanted.
How long until shorts are covered? How long until we moass (we wont)
I can do nothing but laugh at how dumb we are

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Man Richard is pissed with Ryan lol



they told you it wouldnt go sub $20

Who is they? And when did they tell me that?

Kenny not in jail after almost 4 years

Apes still with bags and -70%

RC fucks them 3rd time in 4 months

MOASS not going to happen

This history will be described in the tribe books


Man Richard is pissed with Ryan lol

was surprised RNewton had that reaction. i thought he was a paid RC shill to always suck him off no matter what. i guess he's legit and got his come-to-Jesus moment.

show me on the chart

It traded $80 pre-market and $65 during regular trading hours and you were ITT beating your dick to DFV memes you dishonest faggot

tribe books

are you saying there's a financial version of the Talmud?

He said he be tempted to sell if they sold at these levels. he legit looks depressed im shocked as well

About to be 20 million volume before noon

Gamestop is down 16% on 9/11. This is beyond despicable.


Anon Babble yesterday


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Clint’s silence is deafening.

I miss him so much bros

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh?

money. me. now.

I buyed more at 19.77-19.80

sure you did baggot

Are you gonna cry?

are you gonna swallow cohen's fat stinky load or let it marinate on your tongue first?

Break it up, break it up!

We’ve already told you, yes. I want his hot stinky load

You seem incredibly emotional about something that shouldn’t matter to you that’s all.

Holy shit you're fucking poor lmao
You seem like your bags are heavy

This guy hates when I throat Ryan it breaks his script kek

post portfolio

you don't even have one

shares: 350

cost basis: $23 even

What am I in for?

a good time


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