/GME/ - Q2 Investor's Waiting Room Edition

Basic Information

gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

Daily reminder


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short




Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to deliver


SEC 10-K Annual report FY23


GameStop Investor Site


What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Real-Time Trades


Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions


All other news/DDs/etc

DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain

Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: As always:

sneed hedgies

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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info

Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen

Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare

~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024

~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,

~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,

12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22

and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 291.091B, 59P = 4.934B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 299.271B, 57P = 5.250B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: 292.158B, 57P = 5.126B per (roughly)

4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)


Q1 24 8-K/10-Q


Q2 on Sept 10

2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.


798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency


100 page comparison DD


Legacy links

gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)

Use archives

Avoid DSPP:

GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


Please don't feed spammers and sliders.




strong together

am I HODLing?

you betcha

ever selling?

heckin no!



where we going?

to the moon


burning up


based as fuck


this is

Bots just mad because we figured out a way to make literal infinite money. That's why everyone is trying to shut us down. The government knows that once we figure this out, their tyrannical hold on society is over. We'll be able to buy anything we want. This is far bigger than any of you can comprehend. You know how the FED has been printing pretty much limitless money? We're going to be doing that, and we won't need the government to sign off on it.

Free healthcare? Covered. Student Loan Forgiveness? Even better: paying people to go to college instead. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Where we're going, we don't need fiat.

You all need to remember this. Us gamers know that when you keep on finding new opponents in your path, you're going the right way. This was never about the money. It's about making a statement to the evil rich elite of wallstreet and ethics in financial journalism.

When we reach the moon, you paperhands are going to be REEEing. But even you faggots can get your redemption arc if you act now, when the moment is darkest and all hope is lost. Remember when Finn was trying to run away in Last Jedi? Well like him, you have your chance to show your bravery and BUY THE FUCKING DIP. We're in this together, and you can be the hero just like all of us too if you're willing to take a stand for justice and the little guys.

Tomorrow is the fucking day bros. We're all in this together. Remember, the moment we realized that there's more of us than them is the moment we won. This is Occupy Wallstreet 2 and the rats festering in those big pretty buildings know we mean business this time.

Mark my words: there will not be a merger with BBBY.

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Jiemi will make it
Happy earnings everybody

Tuesday RRP: 281.392B, 60P = 4.690B per (roughly)

If GME dumps to 17 I make 30 grand

PS5 Pro $700

Disc Drive Sold Separately $80

Vertical Stand $50

Games $70

GameStop will be eating good next quarter. The Nintendo Switch 2 is also set to be revealed this month. All we had to do was stack while we waited for the next console cycle and we win

If it doesn't, how much will you have lost?

His life.

$0 until I see a position.

Something's fishy...

Strongly recommend that a sentence be placed here (or somewhere in the first part of the speech) to reassure markets that you are not making the speech because you think there is an imminent crisis

edging myself while Kenny edges his way to the ledge

m&m crisis

Kek dumbfuck retard brainstop baggies can not pump

You’ve said this 15 times today. One more and maybe it will come true.

imminent crisis


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Fucking Americans...

be bagstop baggie

can't pump

4 years later

still can't pump

Lol. Lmao even.


earnings tuesday wagmi witnessed, gonna make it w my gme frens

I literally said this before you posted it.
I wonder what the effect will be
As a sidenote, I saw the orange speaking at economic club of New York and he sounded like he had a meltdown. I'm not sure how he can rule when he cannot answer a simple question.

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The year is 2027… GameStop has evolved beyond just a retail store—it’s become a global entertainment powerhouse. Virtual reality lounges, retro gaming districts, and eSports arenas now occupy the same space where shelves of physical games once stood. The old ways of buying and selling are obsolete, replaced by digital storefronts and immersive, in-store experiences.

You don’t just walk in to buy a game anymore; you dive into entire worlds—virtual landscapes where the lines between customer and gamer blur. But not everyone’s happy with this change. The purists, the retro enthusiasts—they fight to preserve what GameStop used to be, a haven for physical collectors and indie gems.

Corporate sees only the future: NFTs, game subscriptions, cloud services. The gamers? We’re caught in between, in a battle for the soul of gaming.

I never asked for this… but I’ll take it

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oh no no

Anyone else gonna go for the preppy rich white greedy douchebag asthetic post moass?

post moass

Things that will never happen lmao


How can you have a post MOASS when it's an infinity squeeze?

based and same

How is this not market manipulation?

we investigated ourselves and found no faults

Oh, right...

You know what is true?

Kek dumbfuck red on every chart crypto baggies

You FSB/CIA sharty niggers need a raise.

100% leaked by a staffer on purpose. You've been warned

I ain't leaving my country manor, proper bruce wayne in dark knight rises level of hermit

I took a shit and it looks like GameStop


On the side of the road?


Its green?

On your mothers fat tits

this was really gay

Meme stocks are “super-low-quality, near-bankrupt-yet-still-overvalued companies often run by scammers playing to and preying on them, and do so using not-safe-for-work language with any who disagree and various ‘ape’ images as logical argument.”

Lmao fags. I didn’t know GameStop was “nearly bankrupt”? How does that work with a near zero debt position and billions of liquid cash? Fascinating

Should run

They can't outrun what's coming...

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lol lmao.gif - 220x123, 377.88K

Nothing is coming baggie

You're a bad person if you DRS your GameStop so don't do it, certainly don't DCA into it.

real thread deleted

fake/shill thread stays up

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he’s stealing more memes in an attempt to blend in

The sheep wasn’t enough for you?

I did say nothing. That means you
Dumbfuck baggroid

I am coming too

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People are going to look like absolute retards when they find out the FAAANGs and NVIDIA were the literal meme stocks all along. Even AMC is going to do better once the short covering starts.
I, for one, am ready for the greatest slurp of my life. My body is ready.

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original thread


my quality content


jokes and friendship


further guidance

not at this time

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The United States needs to start considering the fact that not delivering the GameStop shareholders rightful stakes may constitute a threat to national security. For now, it is only a few hundred thousand gamestoppers who know that the legal contract of money is entirely desecrated and violated beyond repair. As more people learn that the social and legal contracts of money are defunct, it will cause an increase in extrajudicial disgorgements, repossessions and score settling.

I'm sure they care deeply about the integrity of the stock market in the eyes of gamestop holders

you wont do shit

made me laugh, nice post anon. let's hope gme makes me feel half as happy AH as your post did just now :D

They should, I'm quite rich

you sure are buddy, you sure are

The worse it gets the better, let's make a big ugly mess and force people to watch it together

Silence broke bitch

Just so everyone knows, after MOASS hits I will be claiming Caitlyn Clark as my gf. I called her first so everyone please respect my dibs.

The whole western governments have killed off and demoralized their best supporters and angered the last remaining people that could help them, you are pandering to 70-80 year old women, non whites, and alienating the 20-30 year old males, I am not going to work for a defunct legal contract of money so you should hope 85 year old Mary and 90 year old Joe have another decade of hard labor to squeeze out those shekels for yall


Oh my god, he sold his hkd and ffie too what the fuck!!!@

Toss my salad shill

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ryan cohen chabad, angleterre royal orders, vatican glown***** everyone seriously this earning report needs to be spectacular, it has been a dozen nothingburgers in a row let this scam market end

record scratch

Pumping before earnings = dump after

Dumping before earnings = pump after

my body is ready

Gensler's people are messing up in their panic. Something bad is coming. Something big.

GME is bankrupt isn’t it? The earnings are catastrophic. Fuck maybe I should dump now and buy back in once it hits the low tomorrow….

Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

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GameStop to acquire ubisoft and bring it back from the dead

My mom has fat tits? Based


she has shat tits now hoho!

This one has to go in

I'll upload one when I'm home from work. Around 7hrs from now.

dump before earnings

positive news incoming

Kek bagshit baggies can't get it up.

no hype

no profits

no plans

no dog

no dad

it's a short ladder attack! Someone call up the rick and morty divisions and have them coordinate with the fort nite squad! Remember apes together strong


posted it 20x award

You don't own any.



Unfortunately I do *sigh*

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ps5 pro no physical disk drive

How does bagshit make money if they can't even sell their goyslop? Funkpop sales better start taking off lmao

share offerings

Posted in dead thread

I dropped a battery on the floor and I am not picking it up unless gme will pass 100 $ tonight.

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Turns out it was infact yil poster who hand 0 yils left

30 minutes to earnings and shillies aren’t spamming red red red, bros im scared im not ready to be rich.

Idk, a cut from all digital transactions of ps5 pros sold in gamestop, like they had with eggsbox?

funny how we are all fudding to punish ourselves for getting excited

That sort of multiracial crime syndicate game would work better as a licensed anime game for Black Lagoon since everyone is already canonically there in Roanapur.

anime MC crew

Russian mob

Italian mafia


Colombian cartels

Japanese terrorist Aum Shinrikyo remnants


Muslim explosion-vest enjoyers

Indian scammer/hackers

corrupt local cops (Thai)


You'd just need to add the Wall Street / Israel faction and maybe remnant PIRA and some Haitian voodoo cat-eaters for the full set.

shillies aren’t spamming red red red

extremely related to cryptos. now they have a little pump so they ooo in their own threads. once they dump again its more fun to kek the bagchads.

Didn't we have an episode like this where someone was trying to collect avatar fags and then the threads were unusable because of someone spamming old posts/images from September to December or some shit like that?

The great Keith vs 45 battle, thousands of posts reduced to ash over the months… was a dark time

Always short gamestop earnings. Always. It's literally free money.

If it even goes to $500 today after hours I’ll quit my job today

I mean they are spamming like fuck though.

Nah not really, most avatar posters have become lurkers. Also I cannot remember such an occurance and I have read every single thread for the last 3 and a half years

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Multicultural crime game

Um but animetiddies

I like anime but you are the reason most don't.

No there was a period where someone unhinged was spamming old posts every thread. There is also a trend where disingenuous posters adopt the persona of an avatar after they’ve accumulated enough images. You’ll never catch these users posting OC.

nah not really

That definitely happened last year, probably one of the reasons I don't care to post the caroline jiemi anymore

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It's a premade setting with more interesting geography than just some street grid.


Thanks, Baker. I'm the catto.

Well this is it. If nothing is shared today about the future direction of the company I'm out and I wish you all the best, gorillas.

This. already dumped my stock. I’ll buy back in at a lower price if news is good

doesn the stock get pumped leading up to earnings? really strange that aside from the mini pump we got when DFV tweeted, it’s been mostly flat. christ, buddha, allah, vishnu and all the gods in between please let this be the beginning of the end.

You forgot to switch IDs

Kind of, they really didnt go after regulars, instead they just grabbed whatever they could scalp

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FF7 Money is called Gil.

Keith Gil


I dont have the balls to swing GME

let's go gme, let's go!

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Literally every earnings you say this. I know it's hard to comprehend but we didn't care then and we don't care now.

lesgo boys, see you at the top or the bottom of the next candle

I wonder what will happen

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kek dumbfuck baggots

Are (you) ready for earnings?!
Place you bets here
I go first:
No M/A, Dividend or any guidance, the business run at +/- zero profit and a shit-ton of money made from intrests.

Thread-Theme: youtu.be/Wl959QnD3lM

what do you mean? I literally switched 15 minutes ago?

4:02 and no earnings. C'est finis!

no sirs plz just a vagene pic plz sirs i will sell otherwise cohen just one pic plz sirs plz even nipple pic i will sell you dirty bastard i will sell now everything unless you give a lick lick

I don't think anything at all is going to happen. Earnings miss, Drs roughly the same, no forward guidance just like every single earnings ever. Would be nice if they were like we're investing in treasuries, though.

most avatar posters have become lurkers

Kek no they fucking sold and you're left holding the bags

uh oh

Net sales were $0.798 billion for the second quarter, compared to $1.164 billion in the prior year's second quarter.
Selling, general and administrative (“SG&A") expenses were $270.8 million, or 33.9% of net sales for the second quarter, compared to $322.5 million, or 27.7% of net sales, in the prior year's second quarter.
Net income was $14.8 million for the second quarter, compared to a net loss of $2.8 million for the prior year’s second quarter.
Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were $4.204 billion at the close of the quarter.


umm, bagbros? anythig out?

the Anon Babble cockcage made most regulars lurkers.



sales are down, but a net +12m net income difference?

Net income was $14.8 million for the second quarter, compared to a net loss of $2.8 million for the prior year’s second quarter.

Lower sales

Income beat because of the cashies

Someone predicted this, nice.

I’m still green

Crypto baggies are still blood red

$4.2 billy cash on hand? We rich, boyz!

14.8M net income
-0.08 EPS estimate, 0.04 EPS


0,04 eps

made more than it costs to run the business

have a shitton of money in the piggybank

this will never go to zero.
homosexuals lost. Now the coffin is nailed.

31% YoY sales decrease

Algo hasn't decided what do do

We're making money now. Can't wait for Q3 and Q4

That’s not that much really. See Concord budget and other AAA slop. GameStop could make it all back with a couple of games

kek ryan:
-diluted you 3 times
-has no idea how to make profit


dude sales going down 31% year over year is totally bullish


Need those holiday sales

Kek baggies

YOY sales

kek at that retards spamming this

GME is a SPAC. This is gonna be the new Berkshire. The fact GME is now gaining money instead of losing it is huge.

Lamb mulls foliage at origin

Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were $4.204 billion at the close of the quarter.

kek towelies

beat by 300%


Just beat it

kek shillies

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be you

work at gamestop sf

only niggers

dont care because gay and dumb

lose job because based ryan closes down store

go to Anon Babble

This is vehemently false. Half of everyone came back during the crazy pumps. Try again.

imagine being this emotionally invested in a stock you don't own.

sales down

business running on profit

shit ton of money in the piggybank

n..no I still refuse to see the elephant in the room.


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Huge. This is a pretty rough quarter and now we are positive.

be you

write fanfiction about gamestop


Stupid algos only look at 10Qs so the $4B in cash, which makes a book value of $4.383B is only reflected now

Kek algo noobs

So you're telling me he has 4.2B and he's just going to keep sitting on it forever? Based!

sales down over 30% year over year

broke baggie bitch can't figure out what's going to happen next


nooo im so demoralized gosh darn, guess I better sell all my shares, that 14m profit is not good enough

gamestop is clearly a solid company based on the financials

somehow this is still a dying "meme" stock on the verge of bankruptcy

Comfiest investment. The only reason it gets hate is because of msm propaganda.

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Bagshit baggies can't pump

earnings beat


clearly a solid company

sales down over 30%

unable to turn a material profit


emotionally invested

You jew-tricked redditors spam this board with your gay threads, we come here to fuck with you; simple as.


guess I gotta buy more

CNBC refuses to mention GME profit because MUH ANALYSTS

goal post status

in an entirely different stadium

Holy shit kek. Really glad I dumped right before. I’ll be able to heckin slurp right up tomorrow when it drops to $15 or thereabouts.

I cast

Mother Of All Short Squeezes

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$4.193B cash and cash equivalents
Only 11.1 million in marketable securities

Ryan is done buying treasuries, he's looking to invest or possible M&A something big

how about you cast yourself a job application instead broke baggie faggot


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q3 beat offsets q2 miss

Hahahaha, oh man, the holidays are going to be fun

he doesn't know

step one was cutting down the costs of running the business.
This was a success.
Now they are in a unfathomably good position to grow as they wish. I know, your brain is not capabel of getting this, so keep humoring me. retard.

They’re buying Ubisoft and koss

what timeframe can we expect?

please don't buy fucking ubisoft

he doesn't know

cutting costs to the bone can only be done so much
you are still not turning a material profit and have cratered sales numbers
guess what happens next baggie?

4.2b cash on hand



calling others plebbits

kek, can't make this shit up.

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Positive free cash flow achieved

Credit agreement terminated

DFV returned

Yeah I'm thinking WAGMI fellas

Earnings kinda mid fr, fr,

Why not? They have some medium-shit tier games that would be 10/10 if they werent developed by faggots

sales fell by 31% in one year

holy shit

cutting costs to the bone can only be done so much

are you really this stupid or can't you read? They done doing it, business now runs on profit, and not only on holidayseason.
Why are you this retarded?

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mfw shills trying to act like being profitable and having more money than most banks in this environment isn't impressive

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they're done doing it

sales down 31%

business is running on absolute fumes of 1 cent per share

sales will totally stop cratering trust me bro

lmfao you have no idea how to value a company

at that point why wouldn't you just start your own studio?









I love gme

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last year eps was -0.01

this year it's 0.04

mfw you remember the float increased by 120 M shares


Laddies and gentlement, we got 'em (To buy)

God bless GMErica

Sales LOSS

Cash went UP

They cut costs so much that interest on their savings returned enough to offset a revenue miss in the worst quarter of the year. They can now scale costs to consumer demand, e.g., open stores if there's more, close them if there's less. It doesn't matter how much they make or lose if they scale correctly; they'll NEVER not have money coming in from their cash pile. Revenue beats or misses literally don't matter anymore. That's it. That's game.

as long as you refuse to further elaborate your retardnes, I refuse to flip (you)'s to you.

GME rocks. Hedgies are fucked


Oh, you're ACTUALLY an idiot.

What does it all mean?

massive sales loss that has continued every quarter for the past year

They can now scale costs to consumer demand, e.g., open stores if there's more, close them if there's less

you have no idea how physical retails work do you holy shit lmfao

they'll NEVER not have money coming in from their cash pile

until sales continue to crater and they operate at a loss because they ran out of costs to cut!
kek baggie

they're gonna mail you a penny for every share you hold

Comfy baggie, reporting in!


i just found out s stacey is going to be my supervisor at work starting in november. please for the love of everything that is good, end this ryan.


Could they provide a small dividend now or they need a full year of profitability?

wouldnt that mean the eps would be higher if the share offering didnt occur?

Rayman and the woke mind virus

While everyone is watching the debate GME news will drop

FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker

My puts are gonna print lol, this shit is like clockwork.

Basically it means nothing will happen. Infinite crab. The GME holder delusionals will point to EPS and profitability and basedface, the bears and MSM will point to major revenue decline and basedface, and the eternal shitposts continue. Nice going everyone. Exactly nothing has been accomplished. Again.

bro can my zombie company making an adjusted eps per share of 1 cent give out a dividend?



earnings per share per share

what is everyone getting if there is a dividend of 0.04 per share?
for me its weed

$22 AH

Bros... not like this. What about the New Class shares? Where's the merger? Acquisition? Ryan?


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If it weren't for all of the shorts and the failed cellar boxing, gamestop's turnaround from being on the verge of bankruptcy would be more appreciated.

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God seeing the melties have a melty is great


Operate at a loss.

That's impossible now. Also, filtered.

The fact that these thread haven’t turned into an echo chamber in 4 years and there are still people saying anything negative about a video game pawnshop to strangers on the internet is truly still shocking.

haven't turned into an echo chamber

you're smoking crack

Because they got existing titles that people buy? Like Assassins Creed, which would be great games if they bothered finishing developing the games before releasing them.

echo chamber


Are you going to cry?

why would anyone filter the thread entertainers?
They are here to humour the crowd 24/7 for just some (you)s.
You miss out on the keks.

these threads are objectively an echo chamber

naw, its just low quality. too stupid to respond to.


I think you are wrong here. Maybe msn suits you better.

Time for M&A.

Again 72.8M shares DRSed


lol retard




about my last 2 digits.

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what do you think echo chamber means

wow I'm shocked

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I don't think you know what an echo chamber is.


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The fact you meltie faggots are in here every day proves it's not an echo chamber

it could happen

72 million shares DRS

120 million shares diluted

Good job baggie bros




Most important question:
Treasuries dropped from 300 million to 11.
What is Ryan going to buy instead?

So another 3 months of crabbing just to get another bullish news (sales decrease, same drs number)?

it means that someone who doesn't echo the echo back is non existant, and still you are here. Also the other retard. And a swarm of 1pbtids.
So no echochamber, just a gme themed thread on a mongolian throat singing expert exchange.
Therefore you are the only on of the two of us who doesn't know what an echochamber is.
But I know a chamber you'd fit into.

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low quality. too stupid to respond to.


They had a Zelda game release last 2q

I have like 2k shares lmao it's still an echo chamber

that french loan will outlive all of us

excuse me!
i came up with wagmi myself. it was just a coincidence that other people had the same idea.

still an echo chamber

what do you think echo chamber means?

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See, if Roaring Kike was really on baggie's side he would have exercised his calls that day and Wall street would have had a serious problem. He did not, so that should bring into question the entire narrative surrounding Gamestop in the mind of the baggie. However, that thought alone is blasphemy. They cannot even begin to comprehend the profundity of their trauma, much of it self induced but the source of it, meticulously constructed. The baggie's experience is that of trauma. It is the belief the entire world is against them and they fall deeper and deeper into cycles of hope and sorrow waiting for a savior that will never come. What awaits Gamestop is a slow death, that much is clear.


someone shouts wagmi

others respond wagmi

the outside world is mean enough
lets just not lie to ourselves

Damn it’s really over. These AH results are depressing. Glad I got out a little % over my cost basis today *phew*

Let Ryan cook. He's clearly laying the groundwork for something much bigger than being exclusively a video game store. Larry has said as much before.

Reminder no other general has had this many shills consistently for years. Ask yourself why.


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Can shill faggots explain to me how $14.8 million net income compared to a net loss of $2.8 million 1 year ago is a bad thing?

Can shill faggots explain to me how a company eith $4.204 billion in cash is near bankruptcy?

No, no, you're just a faggot.
Also, you're a moron.
"RK didn't sell because he's actually not on your side!"

Yeah, he's a con-artist who decided not to make billions just because...he wanted...he just didn't ok!?

Retarded, turd-eating, spastic.

dont worry. ill be here forever.

nice! stay hydrated.

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Chainlink threads get this too. I wonder if its related..

But yea reading paid stock bashers frantically fud an otherwise solid, profitable company is hilarious . Wagmi so hard

Is it scientifically possible?

nothing happened



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brown ID

opinion discarded


what are the chances?

Now what?

can shill faggots explain to me how a 32% decrease in sales YoY is actually a good thing?

3 months of crabbing into another shitty (bullish) earnings report

Wait for m/a

Maybe 8-K. Is the kamel and drumph debate over?

its simple. we wait.

Now your shares get redeemed :^)

Lash out all you want. It is a healthy part of the grieving process when you realize you have been duped.

Will accelerate the store closures. Fuck the legacy business, jimmie is a holding company now

imagine being this retarded.

Was kinda hoping you would know chief

give it a couple weeks

You see, they’ve scraped out a tiny bit of profit by the hair of their chinny chin chin. Meanwhile they have lost hundreds of millions in revenue. Another $100 million + revenue dip (inevitable btw)? Say bye bye to that precious bit of profit for the quarter. They cannot keep cutting costs and their interest is not strong enough to make up for losing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue consistently.

Do you retards know the difference between revenue and profit?

now begins the slow climb to crabbing in the $30 range for the next 3 months.

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The same thing we do every night, Clinty.

the moment you leave this general, the average IQ rises by 2 points.
Not even kidding.



Do you?

You can only cut expenses so much before making $0 makes it impossible to actually make money. You’re delusional if you think they’re going to just liquidate all their assets in any reasonable time frame.


Kamiya.jpg - 400x534, 28.04K


lmao just because he fucking can





Swing chads win today (assuming you sold) Hail to the swing baby


General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands man your battle stations. The route of travel is forward and up.

zased, watch line go up, like what happened during the last dilution.

Estimated solely for the purpose of calculating the registration fee pursuant to Rule 457(c) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, based on the average of the high and low prices of our common stock on The New York Stock Exchange on September 5, 2024. The proposed maximum offering price per share of common stock will be determined from time to time in connection with, and at the time of, the sale of the shares of common stock registered hereunder. This registration fee table shall be deemed to update the “Calculation of Filing Fee Tables” in the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-3
(File No. 333-279472)
in accordance with Rules 456(b) and 457(r) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

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Posted it at least 3x in this very thread lol

another dilution


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The good news is the dilution is already done, it was completed last week.

Bad news is RC think it's worth diluting at $22

Now the threads are going to become even more insufferable for the foreseeable future. Let Ryan cook.

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dont call it dilution
its the offering we chose

My fucking god another dilution. Fr. What the fucking fuck fuck. What could they possibly need that fucking more money for?

I've been in link threads and I don't think they're as bad as here, but, I don't go often

What is the TSO now? Same as Chewy?

he's building a scrooge mcduck-style swimming pool full of gold coins

Quick! Baggie defense force! Come to this man’s aid! I detect a ledge!

what do you mean "what"? DILOOOOT

every thread gets hate. the ones that get bumped more often the most. suspecting shilling makes you shizo. its just losers keking other retards.

Since the new offering wouldn't appear on this ER. GME has about 4.7B cash on hand.

Lets wait for reddit baggots to create some dd about how another 20M dilution is actually bullish

Is RC signaling roaring kitty to pump this shit up so the board can cash in for shareholders?

Yes, price go up after the last round dilution.

What could they possibly need that fucking more money for?

fair question.

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h-he knows what he's doing

Reminder that RC takes no salary and all of the shares he owns came from his own pocket, which he has sold none of. His only personal financial incentive is to see the stock price rise. He dilutes his own investment for the sake of the company. Try looking at the bigger picture instead of freaking out about this shit every time it happens. And no, he is nothing like AA.

and if i wanted my part (i dont) i would get twice (didnt do the math) my share because of the "potential" (its a stock market term).



Hypes up m&a/restructure with shares renames

Delays 10-Q

*30 mins later*

Imma take a half billy dump on the market now

*poop emoji.jogger*

Now we can't do an m/a for the forseeable future

No further guidance at this point in time

I guess I'm used to it now.

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defending a jewish billionaire on Anon Babble

Go back

I'm starting to think the hedgies might be on to something here

good jew

bad jew

lurk moar

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I think it's legit 50/50 at this point.


I bet its the same ppl bashing gme, bashing link. So when they are inevitably ricod, they can say look—- thats just the culture

still an echo chamber, just not a safe space

I have no clue what happened, what any of it all means, I’m just going to buy more

Eat shit crypto baggies. I’m better than you.



Nice deflection

there’s no way he’s getting external incentive from the all powerful hedgie cabal to keep the stock under control

I mean even going by the basic baggie narrative it’s pretty easy to see he’s fucking you mate.

I will not play chess with the pigeon

I will not play chess with the pigeon

I will not play chess with the pigeon

It’s so hard not to

We'll guess it's time, to longterm hold some more and see what will happen.
Selling would be a waste after all this time tbqh. I don't need that money, so I can just sit and watch what will happen.
Time to have a life again.
See you frens!
I am getting the feeling that he wants to buy every single piece of retrohardware, no matter what...

This happens literally every quarter. Except for the fucking dilution. What the fuck?

who the fuck cares? "retail" was never the driver of this play. come in buy, sell, they dont care.
but i see that you may have to lurk more to agree.

Why can't they do an m/a for foreseeable future?

They're profitable. SNEED.

20 million shares are 5% of the shares available. It’s not like the massive scat dump from last time where he dumped 120M shares.
Might even be to pay for the bonuses for all I know.
Will those shares be used as counterparty in an acquisition maybe?

Ryan man what the fuck are you doing

Yeah. I bet too much on this shit lol. Fell for the hype. I feel stuck in life lol. I have no idea what to do.

I'm sorry but your linkies stay shitty
It's sort of an echo chamber. Mostly the negative of it, and then the people who just cannot ever stop taking the bait even 4 years in

I think all the shares will be used to un-hypothecate previously laddered dark pool shares.

I wish he would stop being a fucking pussy and unleash the MOASS bomb of 500 million or something.

pls no, not like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissss!!!

positive earnings

drops 7%

I think that the hedgies didn't prepare for this

checked, put me in the screencap
are you not entertained?

cohen commodus.jpg - 1920x870, 397.31K

how is this THAT bad. they can do to the price whatever they want. economy is also shitty and not improving. by collecting more and more cash, ryanna rises the min share price making it more and more likely for anyone to close for the price they need (0).


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drs 70 million shares

get diluted 120 million

get diluted another 20 million

Kek paypiggies

This anon is onto something. Subscription added

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Why are u getting angry? So the same ppl are bashing link, that are bashing gme? Judging by ur emotional responce it seems so


Anon Babble put a fucking auto correct

My entire life savings is in this kek

Somebody needs to share this: with the predditors because they clearly don't understand anything

I have no idea what to do.

get a job,
get a hobby.
get some movement (outside),
eat good (learn to cook if you are poor).
Don't make your life dependent of a happening or other people (does not mean to close other people out of your life)
Shrimple as

The hedgies are terrified of Ryan dumping a hot stinky load in my mouth. Why?

[Wonka music intensifies]

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sorry, misread your post a little. (im very excited)

diluting intensifies

The stock dipped below 20 twice last month and it wasn't a big deal, but now people are freaking out? Fucks sake

Shills don't know that 20 milly added to [UNKNOWN] billy shares is "pissing into a sea of piss" dilution

Shills don't know that the average price has gone up after each past dilution


Dilution is actually positive

Kek baggie

Dilution is actually positive

Kek baggie
You are all in an actual cult. Imagine going back a year and telling yourself then that dilution would bring about the moass. What would your past self’s reaction be?


No, no, shit, fuck no man, their salt is fucking hilarious, if they are to stupid to see ahead, that's on them.

It was $11 earlier THIS YEAR lmao

Don't they know the whole world is watching what they are doing?

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making myself a double cheeseburger to get over the pain. see you in the next thread.

got a job (mid paying)

got plenty of hobbies

workout every night

Kinda bored and lonely in general though need gf. But I feel like I don't make enough for a woman.

living paycheck to paycheck

prices fucking through the roof for everything

just stuck where I'm at holding onto gamestop as my only hope

New floor of $30 coming soon.

Only one year? Yeah I’d feel the same. You had already lost control of the narrative (and silos) by that point. 3 years? Maybe then I’d worry a bit. At this point everyone and their dog knows what the money is for. But keep screeching since your job is to entertain the thread.

Dilute """5%"""

Raise cash holdings 8%+

Not as good as the last few times but I'll take it.
It's free real estate.

you handle it better than rVwuhkLF, kek

Ryan sells 20 million shares at $22

I will sell 22 shares for $20 million dollars each

We are not the same

Its bullish bc if there are billions upon billions of synthetic shares in existence, he can raise funds with no affect on stock price

Back a year? Nigga... I FORGOT Gamestop for almost 10 months. I am completely desensitised, nothing emotional from this at all.

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Kek dumbfuck retard diluted bagstop baggie


Janitors this is unacceptable even for a volunteer position do your unpaid jobs.

Shares: diluted
DRS: down
Stock price: down
Just 4 more years guys when Trump leaves office in 2028 the patriots will take control just like Q predicted and trigger the moass


Kek. Who has the worst Jannies? It is probably Anon Babble. Maybe Anon Babble

Jobhopp then, idk how your contrie works.
then start enjoying them.
nothing compares to outside activities, workout is just the officejob equivalent of sport.
If you think you "need" a gf, you 1. make your life dependent on others, and 2. make you seem "needy" which turns women off.
there are so many ways of asynchronous ways of making money. Make a robloxskin or search something you'd enjoy and get better in it.
thats why I said cook. How much is 1kg of onions and eggs? add some cheese and you can eat 3 days for $3.50
don't make your happines dependent on happenings.

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It's going lower. Lol. Lmao even.

They haven't sold the shares yet numbnuts, learn to read


Kek. The only baggies remaining are dyed in the wool predditors who want every dissenting opinion banned

"Can you do it better?"

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Shuffle time!


yes. Chainlink unironically made thousands and thousands of anons multi-millionaires overnight. These people were never supposed to be part of the new elite. Same things gonna happen with gme for the same online community, except this time the stakes have never been higher.

My bad, I confused it for insider trading. I haven't been here too often recently so I don't know if there's been any recent trades from insiders. Maybe Pinecone needs a bit of extra supplements for the pile of uninvested cash to get more swole, getting him over the line with some type of merger, or possibly aquisition, which they may do, as laid out in the 10-Q. Pretty sure that's the last of the shares in the sales plan for now, as another anon pointed out.

The "new" hype is definitely waning as there wasn't a restructure laid out in the 10-Q. Could just be some DTCC shenanigans.

Time for your quarterly dilution baggies
Four more years

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ICP is the new Chainlink. I'm glad I've been using most of my stock DCA into just cash, maybe we really will crash to $15 and I can scoop some GME up on discount

It’s fucking over lol. Yikes. Maybe in another 10 years right bros? Make sure you never ever realize profit and just keep dumping money into the void. That’s how you own the elite.

Because Roaring Kitty has signaled with his meme post that he is dropping his stake in Chewy to buy more GameStop. When DFV does his next LIVESTREAM and shows his increased position in GME, the shares are going to roar higher. When they do, GameStop will sell those 20 million shares, converting them to close to a billion more dollars $$$. Then GME will have $5 billion. Cohen is building a warchest to turn this company into a juggernaut. Think GMerica --- the next Amazon.


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$21.4 is my B/E. If it doesn't go below that much by tomorrow I'll be happy. But I'm out anyway, jews belongs into ovens.

He's authorized to dilute 850million more shares. Why did you faggots vote for that shit?

echo chamber

shill spam


There never was any hype for earnings that was genuine, the class a new whatever wasn't new.

It's back to waiting for market crash, same as it ever was. (Literally since 2021)

Rookie numbers, gotta pump them numbers up to 850 billion

4 more years
Kek diluted baggies

I.... but the filing says proposed max offering is $443m?

wanna know how I know this shit is never going to pump? Roaring kitty already made billions. If this shit pumps hes going to become a quadrillionaire. Impossible. Swallow your pride and admit we got swindled.
with jews you lose and ryan cohen is a jew

tumblr filename

You fell for the hedgie kool-aid. In fact, I'm confident you partook in brewing it.

I fucking hate myself for letting myself feel hope at RK coming back, I should've sold at $24. Holy shit I hate this company so much.

nice argument

I admit it.

They will never not fuck up

There hasn't been a crescendo though

Interesting that they're offering Class A and not not New Class stock

I'm now convinced this shithole and reddit are just an echo chamber of people who bought GME when it got really low and you want us baggies to keep buying it.
I'm selling all as soon as it goes green.

Ryan cohen is just like Adam Aaron, all rich people are


I'm selling all as soon as it goes green


it doesn't matter. it's just 20m shares to keep the company running in comparison to billions of shares borrowed-not-yet-sold by hedgies.
the stock will continue to slowly crab upwards inside a tight channel until margin call.

AA gets paid with stock and bonuses. RC doesn't get paid...yet.

That filing is for Class A common stock, everyone converted to New Class stock yesterday

I'm a retard that bought at $28 so I'll probably never see green again, or if I do it'll take do long that I would've been better off just selling at a loss and buying something else. This stock is fucking miserable.

We dont even get paid fucking dividends



didnt roarking kitty cash out on his gains? How is it that he can cash out but we are supposed to hold? I'm done holding on this shit for years.

Alright boys make your predictions NOW

sub $20 tomorrow

$15 by the EOW

Every new share offered by GME means 10 new naked shares.

Why would I be mad at RC making the idiosyncratic risk bigger?

I admit it. I got out just in time to get a few hundred $ out. Worth. Maybe if the price really craters I’ll buy back in for more swing action

[UNKNOWN] billy with a b

Share rehypothecation is a hell of a thing.

well ,fuck me. This is going to 19 by tomorrow morning, isn't it?

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Stop asking questions, goy.

didnt roarking kitty cash out on his gains?

the day he reveals he cashed out his entire position is the day this stock goes back below $5 lmao 99% of baggies would immediately sell the remaining 1% would just rope

kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>sub $20 tomorrow

Check AH. It's going to hit that tonight

This shit is free falling in AH market, I wouldn't even bat a fucking eye at sub q5 tomorrow. Fuck I hate this cunt do much. Spits on everyone a third time and all I see is coping shills crying about how thirsty they were for spit and how anyone upset at being spit on is just hydrophobic. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone so delirious they've said "ugggh fire sale emoji" yet.

oh no, the company is making money by sell shares which there is extreme demand for. aaaaa the world is ending aaaaaaa

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it's okay when Ryan does it

when anyone else does it it's gay

Remember when it was quiet for a few hours?

Cope harder, Sneed faster

literal cuckold

Why would they need money if they're profitable with 4 billion in the war chest and just terminated their credit agreement? What is this money for? Is there a shareholders meeting or a call so Ryan can explain this?

declining revenues

increasingly profitable

That means Ryan's running a tight ship and improved efficiency you faggot lmfao
He's making more profit per unit sold and somehow that's a bad thing

disingenuous response

vaguely homoerotic joke

a complete misunderstanding of financial statements

Bet you didn’t consider any of that, did ya?

Selling shares and accruing interest on the cash is the only business model they have and it’s not a healthy, long term or sustainable one
Kek baggie

Your CEO (from the tribe) is dumping shares on dumb goys (not from the tribe) and has helped to unwind all chance at a short squeeze (which would hurt the tribe).
Do you guys not see the irony here?
What the fuck.

everyone converted to New Class stock yesterday

Stop with that bs. Schwab has had it listed as 'new' since 2021, and thats the one of the only broker where it showed as 'new'.

Most of the time other companies do it, it's to cover debt. Gamestop has ____ debt?

It was sub 20 twice in August. What's the big deal?


holy shit why do so many faggots care about a stock they don't own?

No further guidance goyim just buy the new shares I printed out of thin air and shut your mouth

Objectively speaking there's actually no reason to buy at the moment or in the future which is a nightmare for a stock. Who the fuck wants to buy a stock that has no dividends that'll just be diluted within a quarter?


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Imagine going back and telling your 2021 self you would STILL be holding this shit and hoping for MOASS by the 2024 election
Kek baggies

oh cool so it's super good for investor value, he can just keep selling shares forever and making money on interest holding cash. Why doesn't he just sell off all the assets and park it in cash? It would be an infinite money machine

That'll do, PIG ID. That'll do.

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i was told that mr cohen was different from all the other (((ones)))

I think you are onto something here, bro.

now that you say it, maybe ai generated gaming doesnt have the potential i expect.

Jesus fucking christ Ryan are you diluting in the aftermarket?

trump winning is the only thing we have left this year and thats assuming he actually wins and Ryan Cohen endorses him. And even if that happens its not even assured it will pump

I think Roaring Kitty should face legal action for roping everyone into buying calls with his tweet last Friday


Also - how many more shares does kike of a ceo need to dilute just to exit the company without all this paperwork?

bruh im just not gonna sell thats all. I enjoy holding knowing that it makes u angry

Lol I told myself by the summer of 2022 no moass I would sell. What a clown I am.

Yeah at this point he is a honorary jew

He's readying GameStop Keiretsu (Holding Company) to slurp as many shares of quality companies after the big crasherino.

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naw, theyre all the same. they all follow gods plan to find the chosen ones.

Cultists on Reddit who are so retarded they actually base their investment decisions off Reddit memes
Schizos on here who believe all Jews are bad except for the CEO of the company they invested into because they fell for Reddit memes
Grifters who think they can earn more money from views/donations/live meetup ticket sales than the cost of the paltry few shares they bought (PP and Pulte for example)
These are the only 3 categories of people still buying this diluted sack of shit
No wonder DRS is down by 2 Milly within a quarter

Why doesn't he just sell off all the assets and park it in cash?

That would be telling. ;)

I think you should get your head chopped off because I just don’t like you.

okay well I'm not going anywhere, but I'm really fucking sick and tired of reading new theories every week

I bet ur on pol shilling “zion don” too
Ur agency needs to be more creative

holy shit the freefall. RC literally killed the stock after a mildly neutral earnings. How can this not be on purpose?

fuck knows what's going on but I'm buying more here and I bet the fucking cat is too

So, what's your guys plans at this point? It's obvious we're going to tank to the center of the Earth but I'd feel deliriously retarded holding through several big pumps just to sell at a 14% daily loss. I'll probably hold until it goes back up to around $23 and bail at a loss unless something actually big happens that convinces me we can get back to $28. At this point I'm willing to accept loding thousands of dollars just so I don't have this agonizing failure hanging over my head.

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shilling “zion don”

naw, its just my way of coping

trump winning is the only thing we have left this year

Explain how Trump winning would cause moass?

Kosher Cohen is probably eating Roaring Goyim's foreskin right now

RC literally killed the stock

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I'm just gonna keep holding and invest in other shit

sub $21 boy o boy premarket is going to be depressing. remember when GME reached 10$ at some point? We are going back and dilution will make it dump below $10

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If I had gone back in time and told myself not to invest because it would be $80 presplit I would have called myself a faggot and showed myself my diamond hands

I'll probably hold until it goes back up to around $23 and bail at a loss

Nah because by that point you’ll have convinced yourself that the increase back to $23 is just the start of the moass once (next Reddit conspiracy theory) falls into place and you should hold at least until next earnings
Just the same as the last 4 years. Desperation and gamblers fallacy

if you turn it sideways it looks like a long jewish nose and rubbing hands

Because hes on team jew, and if team jew wins over team jew in the election, then, uhm, white powah or smth like that

literally looks exactly like the VW squeeze chart

Don’t worry baggies zoom out 4 more years

not MOASS, just a small pump when trump wins. cohen is pro trump

The price hasn't even dropped below where it was barely two weeks ago. The stock price does up and down independent of any news all the time. The company might as well make some money while market makers use the algo to crab and kick the can.

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the GameStop Keiretsu had been circulating ever since GameStop authorized Chobani to buy stocks on behalf of GameStop.

you faggots keep saying nonsense words. I'm holding until we spike and then I'm selling.

because the market is closed. Once this shit opens and retail doesnt want to face losses you will see a gradual dump and people FOMO sell

CEO is pro candidate so his business will magically make more money when candidate wins

Explain how? Do you think Trump is gonna sign an executive order mandating everyone buys their vidya from GameStop?
I’m pro Trump too does that mean my small business will magically get more customers when he wins?
Kek baggie


I'm getting out tomorrow no matter what. This is not worth my nerves.

So, what's your guys plans at this point?

Make more money and buy more GameStop
Which term did you not understand?

have google

don't use it

No, stocks move according to world events especially USA presidency

just get out now before it goes lower

so many theories over the past few days, so many people detached from reality with a tin foil hat on their heads explaining every pixel from RK twits, and in the end it turned out that the beloved chairman is making a squeez but from their wallets

dilutes you AGAIN

offers no guidance AGAIN

Maybe if you baggies wait another 4 years he will start offering guidance

See you tomorrow.

This. Dump ASAP while you still can. It’ll guaranteed be even lower by EOW so you can buy back in if you feel like it and have better cost basis


They completed their last 2 share offerings in only 10 trading days due to the extreme demand for shares. You're retarded if you think there will be panic selling, especially when the stock price hasn't even reached the lows of August.

Screencapped. If you don't sell tomorrow and post proof you're gay.

posts it AGAIN

Wow I sure love this echo chamber of people who don’t even hold the stock scream at me and call me a baggie. Completely for free. Kek

I will deliver.
But for now, this is my last


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just send it back to $10 already i want to buy.

ofc there will be panic selling. Whales are expecting that so they can scoop the low price. Wouldnt be surprised if Ryan and Roaring kitty bought it once is reaches a new low.
Now im actually convinced that Roaring Kitty and Cohen are stealing from retail. Thats what the MOASS is.


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Can't really remember if I've been here last earnings. Is the thread always this bad?

Yeah this thread has become and echo chamber I wish there was another thread similar to this one that only has comfy posters. It may be a bit awkward though.


Cohen is stealing from retail... by diluting his own shares

You really are retarded

Sneed hedgecucks

I’ve heard someone say this more times than I can count while the stock was trading at $10.

Except for the fact that we've been treading around 21-22 for months with rare dips up to $24 that die quickly so I know there's no hope associated with that movement. RK coming back and not even being able to make it rise for a single day was the final sell signal for me, and I wish I took it. People are as vocally rabid as ever but the lack of engagement on all GME related media and his inability to affect the price show how few people are buying this trash anymore. RK is just playing the crowd and RC's a greedy kike that made a career out of flipping failing businesses. Fuck this shit.

MOASS is inevitable

They ACTUALLY believe that shit. Amazing.

Ryna Coher is Jewish?!?!

it was worse last dilution imo, so many of those accounts saying there is no squeeze potential were now 100% certain there was a squeeze, RK was leading it, Cohen destroyed it
aka trying to accuse RK of market manipulation while smearing RC

You are a literal brain dead retard. Leave the fudding to the larpers and smarter men.

worse, he's canadian

the part where you claimed to know what gamestop's strategy is

Huh, he didn't look druish


Holy fuck I'm going to be sick.



Is he jewish?


he doesn't know

You should cry about it and then kill yourself :)

One of these days maybe tomorrow
They are going to be like
Pull it
And it will be 2$ that's when you finally go all in and it moasses a few days later