the burn rate is shooting up like crazy
doesn't it only need to be like 2 trillion to make icp deflationary?
canister count also rising faster than normal
Outside here, i don't know.
blocks your path by becoming deflationary
kek... nothin personnel kid
ffs i meant to make this a post oh well wagmi bros
i cant believe im going to say this, but im about to FOMO into ICP
better than fomoing in at $70 anon
You're running out of time, that's for sure.
is it finally time
Insane Clown Posse?
Its also worth mentioning that only 1 subnet is doing all this burning. Imagine what it willl be like when 10 or 20 subnet will behave similarly? ICP will become hyper deflationary.
I have been preaching on here for years that ICP means Blockchain Singularity. Unfortunately, most crypto investors can't think forward into the future by even months. Oh well.
After more than 2 years i finally got rid of all the ICP i had in neurons so should be a massive straight daily pump from now on, the coast is clear
What is the suicide stack for ICP?
100 icy pees will be worth $200000
so id say 100-200
burn rate
So, it's got a built-in Ponzi mechanic to create artificial scarcity intended to pump the price?
Hmmmm, I wonder why nobody outside their mom's basement takes crypto seriously.
Are you being serious? How long til that happens? 2030?
You turn ICP into cycles which are burnt to power canisters (smart contracts). It's not a SHIB-style burn just for the sake of it, more burning means more canisters are doing computation.
Yes im serious, ICP will hit $2000 by 2030 at LEAST. Honestly i'd wager before 2026
Wow ok, I'll buy 100 ICP suicide stack right now then. When and how do you think we will hit $100?
Its hard to say. The network has been going crazy recently with this bob stuff. More of these memecoins will attract shitcoin slingers which will be a good boost.
DeFi will eventually all migrate to ICP simply because canisters are far more extensible than smart contracts on any other chain.
If I were you i'd buy however much you're willing to lose right now then DCA as you play around with the ecosystem.
Also if you have an iq over 95 you should spin up a dfx development environment and play around with deploying and managing canisters. It really shows you how good the tech is.
well timed publicity stunt
Doesn’t this coin have a high market cap while having the ability to infinitely print coins without a cap in the future?
Link holders will never learn
Sell the news anon
>Doesn’t this coin have a high market cap while having the ability to infinitely print coins without a cap in the future?
Like ethereum?
And like everyones been saying, the supply will actually be going DOWN as the cycle use keeps rocketing up.
The news hasn't even started. This is all from a single memecoin on a single subnet. Once every subnet has multiple of these projects burning cycles and the burn rate is in the 10s-100s of trillions i might consider offloading some.
Never selling my peas
Thanks for the info. I'll try and DCA towards 1000 in the hope of making it. I just hope it stays below $10 for a while longer. I don't have any other crypto than ICP.
You turn ICP into cycles which are burnt to power canisters
Sounds like some kind of vidya. I can't take that kind of thing seriously.
And, just because the burn mechanism is hidden by some fancy chicanery, doesn't mean it's not intended to be a burn mechanism to create scarcity. The fact you guys are so hyped by that kind of thing is exactly the reason they engineered it. Some of us are just a little quicker to smell a fishy tactic than others.
It's the dumbest fucking shit imaginable. But it is pumping the price.
Your loss anon. You should at least grab a few pees and play around with the protocol and see how you like it.
And yes, burning will make my icy pee more scarce. However it's mass adoption that will really pump the price.
This is all from a single memecoin on a single subnet
Yep, totally not engineered to do exactly this kind of thing, so people like you will drool over the burn rate, buy up bags and hope you can sell them to another sucker before it all falls down.
Sounds super legit.
Seriously, does none of this sound fishy to you? I can't understand someone writing the stuff you have and not saying to themselves 'hold on a minute....'
I’d say it’s genius. Whoever developed this shit is fucking brilliant. No doubt about that.
Yeah but here's the thing, I already bought my bags so I don't need to buy any more
I had my bags before this happened. Bob is just the first of many too.
How many ICP do you both have?
I have 663 ICP.
bit over 500
and then about 100 worth of them in memecoins and tokens on icp
And you think that's enough to make it this cycle?
I dont know
Should I put all my eggs in the ICP basket? Get 1000 of em?
no clue. Im gonna keep buying more though
Welp, best of luck with the Ponzi scheme, lads. I don't mind if you admit that it's just tulips with fancy words; it's when people try to mix that in with it being a serious network that I don't like.
Anyway, as I say, I hope you do well and can pass the burning match to another chump at a good price.
Chasing pumps is generally a bad idea
Years? Hope you didn’t buy this shit at $400 anon
its up to you anon. I wouldnt want to tell you to go all-in on ICP right after it pumped.
it's when people try to mix that in with it being a serious network that I don't like.
again, I implore you to get one or two pees and mint some canisters and use the network. Its 100% serious
I've been trying to build some canisters but I'm really bad at programming and unfortunately ChatGPT doesn't really know motoko
You realize this has a $4B mc already, right?
There's bindings for rust, python, c++, etc. but its a bit more complicated to get them working.
Motoko is a bit esoteric in its syntax imo but just keep practicing and you'll get used to it.
it'll be >$400B by this time next year
Oh, and just to answer the 'but I already bought my bags' comment. I meant that the burn mechanism is one of the main things that got you to buy your bags in the first place, not that the current movement is enticing you to buy. You already knew it was a well-engineered Ponzi scheme that had a fancy burn mechanism that would attract buyers, so you jumped in early. That's the whole point. Ponzis are great for the people who get in at the bottom. Well done for realising the quality of the grift--now you just have to wait for the suckers.
how does $265k sound next year?
I meant that the burn mechanism is one of the main things that got you to buy your bags in the first place,
I had no clue that it would be deflationary so soon. It came out of the blue.
I bought because its the best L1, technologically speaking.
I really wasn't expecting some fag to invent a dumbass way to burn cycles, I was waiting for big corpos to start building their IT on it
If the network were 100% serious it wouldn't need
turn ICP into cycles which are burnt to power canisters
and deflationary burn mechanisms. I'm trying to point out that it's a Ponzi that is well-disguised, so it looks 100% serious.
Wake up and smell the coffee, anon, it's standard scam artist stuff.
But look, I have to get to bed, so I will have to wish you the best, I hope your bags do really well.
If the network were 100% serious it wouldn't need
turn ICP into cycles which are burnt to power canisters
So the network should just provide computer for free? Burning cycles is simply how you pay for resources on-chain.
You are just seeing a ponzi where you want to see one.
Both of these anons are clearly bots. They have both replied after each other with the same response and did so here
So, as well as dodgy burn mechanics and Ponzi scheme antics, ICP are now relying on bots to spam their crap. kek, okay.
that other anon is retarded too because he doesn't think bob is based
Bleep bloop
i am a BOT running 100% on-chain on the INTERNET COMPUTER
So the network should just provide computer for free?
No, they can just charge customers fees like everyone else. Those fees, should the network becomes successful and breaks even, are used to reward investors. It's a simple business model that has worked for centuries.
Creating elaborate mechanisms that *just so happen* to create artificial scarcity is something that should, rightly, be viewed with suspicion by any serious investor.
But, as I say, I have to hit the sack. I hope you're right and I'm wrong (we don't need any more scams in the crypto space), but evidence and experience would suggest otherwise.
oh well. again, its your loss anon. you should look into the network more and I think your opinion will change.
Have a good night
People ask me all the time, how do you make such tremendous investments? Let me tell you, folks, I have a knack for finding the very best, and I mean the BEST, ponzis. Believe me, nobody knows ponzis like I do. I've been around, I've seen them all, and I only pick the top-tier ones. Why? Because they're the finest. They have the best potential, the best returns. Tremendous returns, folks. And everyone says so. It's not just about investing, it's about investing smartly. So when it comes to ponzis, remember, I know how to pick winners. Always investing in the best, always winning big. That's the way to do it. Trust me.
You really think we will hit $400 by next year? If that happens, I'll be a rich man. So it won't happen sadly. Maybe by 2030 tho.