I'm gonna be in the pool soon, so this is fine.



I'm a temporarily embarrassed pool member.

All you have to do is jump off onto the smaller rolling thing and balance your way to the big money bucket treadmill machine and then jump in and enjoy the ride

I just want to smoke weed and paint. Is that so bad? seriously? worse than working a paid job that deteriorates not just the enivrobment but our continued living conditions and that choice only functions as we continuously overpopulate the planet? and I'm the bad person that just wants to know people and share time with them and share my art with them.
Why are people so selfishly dumb that they only care about what fixes the problem rather than looking around at where our opinions are leasing us...

I was on the bike many years ago but I decided to jump into the conveyer belt. I've been rich ever since

Your sentiment is a danger to our democracy

not having a bunch of niggers with knives and guns below the poverty line.

It's actually cozier in the cash mines where all the cash comes from.

wonder who lives there
might they be a bit trollish in their appearance?

I think you could say they are of African persuasion, if you get my gist.

You can do that. Don't expect the rest of us to pay for your weed and paint though

the funniest part is that people that post shit like this are often the same that get scared when they hear about communism
it must be so nice to be brainless

yes but they are digging too greedily and too deep

You made up someone in your head that doesn't exist (probably due to projecting insecurity). The people that post this midwit slop fucking love the idea of communism, which is also midwit slop.

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i found one

i'm embarassed because when I hoisted myself up to peer over the edge of the pool at the wageslave consumers, my shorts slipped down a little revealing my asscrack
fortunately my ass looks great because I regularly work out and eat healthy, unlike the poors on unicycles

eat the rich

Grabs fistfuls of money from the buckets as they pass me

Nothing personal.

epic. I don't post midwit slop though, troon

ack.jpg - 768x719, 113.58K

You're under the age of 18 aren't you?

these brainless dumbfucks don't even know communism is good like i do


Where are the NEETs?

The NEETs live down in the money mines getting it directly from the source (NEETbuxx).

They’re at the bottom dragging the unicyclers down, wearing diaper and bonnet, sucking their thumbs, and posting racist garbage.

but they aren't making fools of themselves on the treadmill, based NEET jesters exposing the scam.

based neets win again


they just have to throw a woman with a hijab in everything now, don't they?

keep pedaling

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Don't need you to pay for weed, I can grow it. It's not some magic plant that requires $20 of labour per gram.
Also water and dirt, that's all I need.

You're an idiot that justifies what you want from others by what you can offer them. I don't want what you got bro. Kill yourself you waste of slavery.

verification not required

Is all that weed gcausing you intense mood swings? Maybe you should lay off for a bit. What's with the random hostility you sperg?

Hostility? idk what you mean. Just telling it like it is. You do all deserve to die, that's just the way it is.

Fixed your image OP

kek baggies.png - 797x570, 764.3K

don't be foolish idiot you can never succeed, just give up and fantasize about "eating the rich" or whatever

I thought weed was supposed to make you guys more chill damn maybe Reefer Madness was true


Assumptions based on faulty evidence. A subset of marijuana smokers suffer from being undesireables and are labeled with mental illness. But the sad truth is that it's all just language to maintain a work orientated society.

The truth is that supply and demand of labour outweighs the products that it produces. We live in abundance and not everyone needs to work to maintain what we have. The illusion of a pursuit for innovation is exactly what prevents our innovation and none of this will be debated in an empirical sense until our current efforts outright fail on multiple levels.

So you can think whatever of it, the reality is I have nothing better to do than to call you out on shit. I would prefer to be smoking marijuana and pretending that there is no social pressure to give money to landlords. In those cases nobody gets bothered and I find it hard to believe that this action on a large scale will collapse society because sitting at home all day is boring and all hobbies hold value prior to being monetized.

It is up to us to bring value to the small scale. If you don't defend the undesireables it is only a matter of time before you are included.

That is why you all deserve to die. Because you don't deserve anything at all. How long can you keep up your side of the argument? did you notice that I don't really have one?

The romans say that one cannot be defeated if they do not give up. I say give up and you cannot be defeated.