The vibes are shifting

Idk if this makes sense but everywhere I go now, no one gives a shit

Like restaurant wagies stare at you like you're in their house, everyone wants a tip and everything that could fix the problems can't be talked about

It's impolite to say foreigners shouldn't be in 1st world countries even though they're competing for the same jobs which lowers wages and they're also driving up the demand in the housing market. So now no wagie job pays well and owning your own home is increasingly no longer possible for most people.

They're all trying to come up with a solution to 2 + 2 except the answer can't be "4" because "4" is remigration or forceful expulsions to drive down demand in the housing market and drive down inflation

And so we're left on the Titanic where it's very rude to mention the iceberg ahead but we all know we're heading for the iceberg....but it's rude the solutions to that problem

It honestly fills me with panic sometimes. Every time I see a brown person or a whole group of them all I can think about is how they multiply like rabbits and how the entire world is turning into a 3rd world ghetto. And all of this being spearheaded mostly by Jews. Another impolite fact that a lot of people would prefer not to look at

Even if you escape the rat race and become very rich, some mulatto skinned politician will rouse the masses against you and strip you of all your hard work

Is it just me? You guys feel similar or am I taking crazy pills?

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ok doomer boomer, fr fr

It's impolite to say foreigners shouldn't be in 1st world countries even though they're competing for the same jobs which lowers wages and they're also driving up the demand in the housing market. So now no wagie job pays well and owning your own home is increasingly no longer possible for most people.

if you ever mention obvious things like these you will be labeled a right wing extremist nazi. i guess the cognitive dissonance is too strong for those who allow themselves to even entertain those thoughts for long enough.
remember that diversity is our strength and cool it with the antisemitism, chud

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On the off-chance this isn't a glowie or demoralization post; I assume you're in the US or non-Eastern Europe in which case you're basically correct at the high level about those countries, although you're wrong about it being the entire world.
If you're a useful person you can escape to a civilized Asian country. If you want a le based Anon Babble enthnostate you're not going to get one, but there are plenty of clean, safe countries that still have a concept of rule of law and property rights.

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If you're a useful person you can escape to a civilized Asian country.

your solution is to be the problem in another country kek

We need that scientist from 12 Monkeys to head to the airport.

"There won't be a le based Anon Babble ehtnostate"

No one knows the future

I'm glad that Asians aren't dying from within like our countries are. But it's not my home

"The problem" is migrants committing violent and sexual crime at far higher rates than citizens and being fiscal drains. I'm not either, so I'm not "the problem".

And so we're left on the Titanic where it's very rude to mention the iceberg ahead but we all know we're heading for the iceberg....

Your'e mistaken. We have already hit the iceberg. Some people, like in the movie, stay in denial until the very end. Some accept it and make the best of it. Some are so privileged that they can't really feel the horrors going on below them. Some are fighting and scrambling to prepare for the icy water that waits beneath. Rome didn't fall in a day. Slowly at first, then all at once. Millions must die. Possibly billions.

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Idk I was bullied all my life and rejected by society and women but I'm a white guy so apparently I don't deserve any support at all. Whatever, I'm over it. They even have government programs in place to make sure I'm last in line for a job. Everyday I see less and less people who look and act like me and it's very disheartening. All these western countries have insane real estate values and a naturally declining birthrate. 100% of the housing demand is coming from immigrants. We're subsidizing them while they take our jobs and houses and fuck up the economy so that rich people can get richer.
It's unbelievable how short sighted our elites are. Do they think we're retarded or something..? It's so bizarre. I'm sure I'll be thrown in jail for life at some point for having this thought crime.

I bet you keep voting red or blue to make it go away.
Vote 3rd party no matter who. Even if its a communist. They won't win, but you will increase the 3rd party vote and the hunger for those votes.

but what if Trump loses?!

Doesn't matter.

We are at the end of western civilization m8, and there's nothing we can do about it. Just make the most of it and accept it's part of a natural cycle.

and everything that could fix the problems can't be talked about

you mean communism, right? yeah i agree

Is it just me? You guys feel similar or am I taking crazy pills?

No, you're right. And despite all the handwringing replies to OP, the only way out of this mess is to elect Trump. It's not a solution, but it would be a turning of the tides and a new beginning.

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What the fuck are you going to do about it?

The vibes are shifting

The vibes have shifted long ago. In fact even the last normalfag is a blackpilled demoralized end of the world doomer these days.
Nothing you said in OP is a new or unique thought, you can hear a whatever taxi driver or hairdresser regularly talk about the exact same thing. Since the coronameme everyone is completely blackpilled, full on demoralization frenzy on all fronts.

Vibes being shifted would mean being hopeful and optimistic, what you described is already the current "vibe" which is already present for quite some time now.

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Accurate. Every fast food place doesn't have a single clean table to sit at because nobody working wants to do their job. They also probably aren't hiring enough help.

And sadly the illegal Mexicans here are the only people with actual good work ethic

yep, that about sums it up

everyone knows what the solution is but its rude to say it

great way of putting it
its really not complicated, its only made so by the fact we're supposed to pretend reality isn't reality

I was bullied too but am asian. Before giving me shit about my race just realize both my grandfathers were air force passport bros who married asian women. At least you're white and still have a chance. No women in the Western world wants anything to do with asian men. Not even asian women like asian men.

am asian

stopped reading right there

You would be best served by going someplace where the women accept and value asian men. Why stay where the odds are against you?

someone posted this here couple years ago and it's a great watch. Talks about how current world is starting to look like late soviet union where everything has become so dethatched from reality but no one's allowed to talk about it

adam curtis documentaries like this are just cope, he comes up with fictional narratives to why the world is going to shit rather than just naming the jew

i guess so but talking about larry fink for 20 mins is a good start

Yeah it do be like that.

It's not only immigration, also endless money printing which devalues everyone's purchasing power and enriches elites.

in civilized countries you can get great service without the whole tipping guilt trip scam. here in burgerstan we get asked to tip in places we aren't even sitting down at

good stuff. thanks for the link.

half the time I don't even know who gets the tip. for all I know it goes straight to the corpo.

you're right that you can still live quite comfortably in places like thailand phillipines malaysia argentina which are reasonably safe but

don't think for a second that westernization (attitudes, DEI shit) isnt slowly leaking in, and that they somehow are immune to global economic downturns and things could get messy there

countries like japan korea taiwan just forget about it - the economy there is also in the gutter

better than staying in the states for sure

You're an idiot because first of all. Immigration is great for the local economy. It boosts most of the sectors and if you aren't getting them to build houses for you, populating your country and increasing the pyramid scheme. You're an idiot.

Secondly money printing is only as bad as it's used. Like a gun. It depends on who wields it.

Thirdly you need to go the fuck outside. You spend 90% of your time on the internet and it's mushing your brains together with every lugwit just like you. Propaganda all over social media and you believe that people are this retardedly wrong. Speak to some damn people ffs. Yes they all have some flaws about them. As a whole, the entity that ends up voting, they aren't so bad. No worse than you anyway.

Go to bed Cobson

I openly say the same shit in public that I do on Anon Babble, but yes, most people are unprincipled pussys. Oh, and every right-winger agrees with me, the problem I they need an actual right-wing leader, not a 90 IQ middle-of-the-road businessman.

no one gives a shit

well no shit, it's been clown world for over 5 years now. Why the fuck would they?

It's impolite to say foreigners shouldn't be in 1st world countries even though they're competing for the same jobs which lowers wages and they're also driving up the demand in the housing market. So now no wagie job pays well and owning your own home is increasingly no longer possible for most people.

They're all trying to come up with a solution to 2 + 2 except the answer can't be "4" because "4" is remigration or forceful expulsions to drive down demand in the housing market and drive down inflation

And so we're left on the Titanic where it's very rude to mention the iceberg ahead but we all know we're heading for the iceberg....but it's rude the solutions to that problem

I was saying this in 2005 kek. Normies will never wake up.

Foreigners help create a more diverse and inclusive society. They bring their culture that helps enrich Canadian culture and social cohesion

He is Nazi incel. Don’t respond to him

No you’re completely correct and I’m now 100% Catholic partly to cope but also because the Bible is very clear that the world is going to turn into absolute shit before the end of time and that is clearly the path we are going.

this is so fucking corny and outdated already, reminds me of the "Occupy Wall Street" Obama-era vibe. I get secondhand embarrassment watching this in 2024. Ironically, Adam Curtis' theory has been proven in just a short amount of time that it was not based on reality. He got it completely wrong, just like a lot of libtards and libertarians did back then. They ended up just reinforcing the vice grip of our corpocracy

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this is so fucking corny and outdated already, reminds me of the "Occupy Wall Street" Obama-era vibe. I get secondhand embarrassment watching this in 2024. Ironically, Adam Curtis' theory has been proven in just a short amount of time that it was not based on reality.

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