Besides just stacking money, what should you do in your 20s to live without regrets?

Besides just stacking money, what should you do in your 20s to live without regrets?

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get in good shape before 30. Being healthy is the biggest flex possible

Try to have a good solid 4 or 5 friends/roommates to adventure, vacation, have fun on the weekends with. Those memories will be the ones you rely on when the misery of married life, 40’s and 50’s, menopause in your bitch wife all make everyday a grind. I would highly advise NOT getting married or having kids in todays day and age unless you are independently wealthy. Slave life is the pits.

this is a good one I am in my 30s and so glad i have a solid friend group that is willing to go on bro vacations around the world with me

stacking money

This is the last thing you should do. Go all in and take risks.

Not go bald like i did.

in his 20s and worrying about regrets

you've already failed sorry

health is wealth

whack off as much as possible while your dick still works good

This. If you arent busting 6 nuts a day something is wrong

this anon, just wank away and watch big titty mommys get creampied online in 4k

is 2x in the morning, 2x during lunch, and 2x at night before showering the optimal schedule? I have a short refractory period so I can get off a double nutter consistently but Im worried about missing out on the full experience that comes with properly spaced out jerking sessions

trick is to squeeze your nutsack like a tutti frutti puffer ball with your strong hand while finishing of with your weak hand. Tricks the ventral tegmental area and the cerebellum.

If you are american and cut you will never have the full experince fren

Don't buy anything you don't need, fuck wants.
Live with your parents as long as you can.
Stuff every last bit of money you can into solid investments.
Suffer now and enjoy later.
I did the opposite, I enjoyed my 20's but I'm now paying the price and playing catch-up 20 years later.

Be deliberate about what you want out of life.
Do you want a family? Start early, be careful about the qualities your are looking for in a wife, don't waste time in short term relationship. Don't put off getting married and having children because you're not ready (when you feel ready you probably waited too long).
Build as much muscle as you can as early as possible while staying lean (in a sustainable way). Pick up a recreational sport you can enjoy for the rest of your life and get good at it.
Spend time with your friends and family, you never know how long youre going to have them around.
Work smart not hard, get a high paying job and arbitrage location/cost of living if possible with a remote job. Spend time with your children when they are young

Unironically, read what Ted kaczinski wrote about the "power process". Every round man needs to go through his power process or you will end up fucked up later in life, this is true and very important to understand zoomers

not OP, but thx for the good advice anyway.

get married

lift weights

drink beer with buddies

hang out with kids

work smart

what kinda npc defeatist garbage are you selling us. take a look around, pedophiles are ruining the world. we killed god. you didnt mention anything about faith or fighting back, only defeatist shit, when this generation of men lie on their deathbed or before roping they wont give a flying fuck about marrying some ready-to-settle entitled whore or raising some gen alpha kids or lifting barbells infront of a mirror, their last thought will be that they left the world a worse place by not calling god back into existence and fighting back against evil.

Pretty much it’s very dependent on what you want from life. I didn’t have kids until I was 35. I trust that this is God’s plan, but I really wish I started 10 years earlier.

I’m 40 now, looking back the number one thing I wished I did was come back to faith, church, and God. I didn’t find my faith until fairly recently, and only did because of my kids. Don’t neglect your spirituality. You are in a spiritual war whether you want to be or not. The enemy preys on those without faith.

lift weights to get strong enough to fight God and chaste to withstand temptation. it's a holy war against globalization and abolition of all that's sacred to replace it with his to consume

Get a degree. If you can, get a phd in something that sincerely interests you until your 40s. Get in good physical shape. You need it not for the alpha-male points, but because if you will keep good health in your 20s-30s, you will have a lot less health problems down the line. Instead of wasting time on videogames waste time on recreational hobbies. Even something like wood carving would be better for you than playing dota. In short, you need to PRODUCE instead of CONSUMING. You will have time to eat junk food, smoke, drink and consume media when you are old.

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Realize that no matter what suggestions you heed in this thread, you will have regrets

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Get a degree. If you can, get a phd in something that sincerely interests you until your 40s

ignore this boomer

also take into consideration there might not be a later so try to balance it out somewhat

Buy a Vesta, become real estate owner, create a nice and comfortable life for your children

You need to be educated in at least one field of science.

Get ripped
Learn a trade
Stack $$$
Become a Sneed

mental illness wasn't listed

Just do what you can to get a gf or fuck bitches, it sounds cliche but they can only get so young compared to your age.

You have the capacity to be better fren, I believe in you. Being a doomer and hate is not the way.

Stacking STDs
If you're in your late 20's you're gonna have to catch up so I suggest fucking gay niggers

too real and 100% true

t. 40 year boomer

Have sex at least once with someone you love, not with hookers, just once, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work out, just once so you have no regrets
then you can just focus on yourself and making money for the rest of your life

My biggest regret is waiting for the perfect girls I should shun away ones that are not perfect

There were a few 7s that came my way. I should have just fuck them. Young love only happens once.

Spending your life chasing money only to die and lose it all would generate a lot of regret. Life is very, very short compared to forever. Like a flash of mist, a fart in the wind.

get married

check out this boomer betabuxx. whats for lunch at the old folks home gramps?

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no the fuck you dont

Tradie wagie cuckie wakie

too late for that lol

Once again just a reminder that that doesn't work, regrets will still be there

Seconding Get into good shape while you're young and it's easy. Being out of shape in your 30s is way more painful and harder to fix. And it only gets worse as you get older.

Also, spend some time on romance for fucks sakes, don't ignore girls completely for money.

first the money, then the power, then the women

No. That was a movie, don't base your life on that line. You don't want to be looking for a girl when you're old and balding, and girls your age are single divorced mothers.