Are you banking on an inheritance?

Never expect to receive anything in life, unless you are of a specific bloodline incarnation of Saturn. Live and seize your own inheritances. Opt out of kike schemes like Social Security through religious exemptions.

Your inheritance is going either to fund housing for illegal immigrants or Israeli missiles. That's what we call the kosher sandwich

If it happens it happens. There's no point in structuring your life around the whims of a person that might be one step away from changing their minds about you at any given moment. It was never yours to begin with so if it happens then congratulations and if it doesn't you never technically lost anything.

I think they're talking about inheriting the entire world whenever all the boomers and even gen x are finally ded. And

boomer parents

are being retarded as usual. fucking boomers truly believe they're immortal.

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These boomers are literally being primed for slaughter, and it's gonna be glorious.

couple days ago a girl a grew up with on my street had both her parents die within 2 months of each other randomly, both from cancer. The mom lost her marbles during her last months and got really pissed at the girl for no reason even though they had a great life. She cuts her completely out of her inheritance and leaves her with $20k at 22, no house, no parents, no car, nothing. Within the span of 2 months.

both parents were addicts. the inheritance they left me was shitty genes and trauma.

Nope. I'm pretty sure my parents are leaving everything to my "poor" brother who is a manager at a pharma company with a wife who is a nurse. My parents have already paid for his kids college, his daughter's wedding, bought his kids new cars when they graduated high school, etc.
Fortunately I planned for this eventuality and have been saving and investing like crazy, net worth is nearly $3m so I'm not hurting, but it pisses me off knowing that they will just blow through our parents assets like it was water flowing through their fingertips, neither he nor his wife have any concept of budgeting or self-discipline. Then they'll spend the rest of their lives trying to grift money out of me and my wife.

My boomer parents are great. They sacrificed a lot for me and my brothers. They gave me the help and tools I need to be successful. Not only do I want them to spend every penny of their well-earned retirement, but I'm prepared to take care of them when they become infirm. The only way they could disappoint me us with a reverse mortgage.

Boomers are the parents of millennials, not Z. X is the parents of Z. Do you just write articles to sound like a dumb fuck?

Grandparent's inheritance should go to the grandchildren and the parent's should go to their grandchildren. It helps build wealth

Boomer death will be painful at first (liberal policies) but then will be pleasure (illiberal reaxtion)

How about I just spend it all on me. I'm the one that earned it, after all. You want money, go get a fucking job and earn it yourself.

Gen z

boomer parents

It's hilarious watching Gen X raise shit heads that don't even know who to blame

Boomer is anyone older than 40 years old

No I’m banking on Link
And Im going to stop paying social security thanks to this guy. IRS form 4029.

Oh you're retarded. My condolences.

Boomers pretend that an inheritance doesn't exist so their progeny gets out there and makes their way in the world

Millennial are basically 28 to 48 now. Gen x is about 48 to 68. Boomers are 68-88.

Boomers' kids are like 30-50 years old now.

Boomers' kids are millennials
Genx's kids are zoomers
Millenials' kids are gen alpha or whatever retards born after 2010 will be called

their boomer parents

My parents are not boomers. That's my grandma. But we're not even American.
And yeah, I expect some. One house and condo apartment and some land.

My silent generation parents once mentioned they would give away all their assets to charities when they'd die.
So, fine, no big deal. I went and made my own money. I mean, why not.
Turns out it was all a lie, and they're just splitting everything evenly between me and my sister.
Joke's on them, their inheritance now amounts to a rounding error against my net worth.

18yo with a 78yo dad

If you father is an unironic boomer and you're born in the 2000s the motherfucker had better leave you a fucking inheritance for being so irresponsible to be literally grandfather-aged and still having kids.

You won't do anything and you don't know how to run the world anyways, retard

If I had an inheritance I would not be on Anon Babble desperately praying a rally happens

I don't know what my parents' net worth is.
Since they retired they've been going on cruises like 3 or 4 times a year so idk how much will be left for me & my brother.
Their house is worth about 250k.

grandpa founded a global software company

sold it in the 90s, multi-millionaire, enough to buy multiple expensive houses and tons of cars and what have you

always liked to show the cash off around us growing up; would always take us out to dinner, took us to the country club, always bought us stupid bullshit for Christmas, paid for boxing classes, etc.

siblings get old enough to want to do things like go to college, obviously they ask him for help

suddenly he cheaps out, gives bullshit offers, stuff you'd expect from a crummy scholarship (2k or so,) throws around "loans" and what have you

don't even bother asking him for anything since I know I'm gonna get burned

have a trust fund with about 30k or so in it

admittedly confused as to how you can have such a small amount in there after 20+ years of growth

ask broker how much he put in there

five thousand bucks, in 2002, at the peak of his wealth

I know I'm whining about something a lot of people would be really grateful to have, but it's more the fact that my grandpa's a fucking poser that bothers me than it is the money. For reference, he spent 40k two years ago on a bathtub that got some scorch marks, and he gives his leech wife a credit card to go wild on. So while her fat fuck theater kid nephews are living it up in Manhattan on a 3k per month rent, and the bathtub gets a VIP treatment, me and my siblings were given 5k and that's pretty much it.

I think most rich people have this sort of mental illness where they're incredibly insecure about and fixated on their money, which is why you get this sort of behavior; why you get stuff like Nancy Pelosi swinging stocks well into her 80s and retards on WSB dumping 700k into Intel stock instead of just stuffing it into a high-yield savings account and calling it a day.

Even if your parents are rich boomers they like to control their kids, even into adulthood. They will play with you with money and keep you dependent on them, the quicker you get 100% dependent of boomer parents the better.

waah my grandpa only left me 30k

kill you’re self my man

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I've planned my life and retirement calculations around the fact that I'm not getting an inheritance. Currently, all going smoothly, we should be financially independent and set up for retirement by the time I'm 40, give or take a couple of years if markets are particularly good/bad. I doubt either mine or my wife's parents are going to die in the next ten years so an inheritance doesn't change anything meaningful for us anyway, whatever we do inherit is just going to mean bigger numbers on a screen. Many people have said this before me, but that's one of the problems with inheritance is by the time you get it, you probably don't need it anyway (and if you need money by the time you're 50, you're NGMI and any money you get is probably going to be wasted or be detrimental to your shitty life).

Government in our country appears to want to make inheritances illegal anyway so good luck. Even if your boomer parents dont live to 120, dont give it all to the dogs home, and dont spend it on cruises, the government will just take anything thats left anyway.
Not only is it the case that people today have lower living standards than their parents for the first time in 100 years, it is also the case that they will not be able to acquire the same advantages through inheritance which will allow them to equalise this situation as a result of intentional government policy. The powers that be intend for you to be a serf. This sort of situation has historically led to revolutions like that in France - but this time its different because the elites (Freemasons etc) are already entrenched in power and so have nothing to gain and everything to lose from a populist uprising. It wont be allowed or instigated.

Gen Z with Baby Boomer parents


my mother wants to sell the house i helped pay the mortgage for 15 years.
they offer her 300k, she wants to keep all of it..
god i hate boomers. only hope the vaxx takes her before she sells.
but then i would have to sell the house to give half to my sister who didnt put a penny.
life aint fair bros...

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What boomer has a gen z kid? I'm 34 and both my parents are gen x

yeh same in my cunt. no tax yet but the two 'state sponsored' media outlets are already starting to plant the seed. In the west in general though, with the impending boomer death comes the potential for the greatest wealth transfer in human history. there is no fucking way the l33t or governments the world over are just going to sit back and allow it to happen with taking their cut. Probably why every cunt is gearing up for a big war. fleece the boomers at the same time.

My parents will leave me a nice amount of money but I'll be like 50 or something by the time they go. I cant just wait 50 years for a chance of money, that would be retarded

If you really have multiple millions why are you humble bragging in an inheritance thread on Anon Babble? You could be traveling the world and going somewhere/doing something new every day

I'm not white so I don't get an inheritance.

My parents aren't even born in the US.

most non retarded people only have kids if they know they can provide for them. Unfortunely for you most of the third world is restrded

My parents let me live in a warehouse they own. I semi-renovated it into a house. I don't own it yet but I don't pay any rent either, just bills. They promised I will inherit it.
The problem is it is in a shit town in a shit country that I want to move out from.
I am also supposed to inherit agricultural land, won't be much after all of us grandchildren divide it. It will literally be less than half an acre in the middle of nowhere.