What the Fuck are you supposed to do if there is a recession and we crash for 2 years like in 2008 or dotcom or whatever the fuck?

Do I just baghold in cash? when do we start buying?

Let me tell you I was here during the covid crash, I saw BTC go from 21k to 3k, and THE BEAR MIND CONSUMES YOU, YOU WILL ALSO SEE LOWER PRICES COMMING, YOU NEVER GET ON THE MARKET, YOU GET TO GREEDY TRYING TO HIT THE GENERATIONAL HOME RUN BOTTOM. This is the problem. I never buy because I always expect lower prices and I don't want to blow my cash. I have no job or job experience or education, I have 400k in CASH in monetary funds. Getting in at the wrong moment could fuck me up, getting in at the right moment would be the difference that gets me to like 2 million and im finally free. I need a clean 5x from here. So I need BTC to crash real hard, but not enough that the whole thing is fucked. If BTC survived a 75% crash when it didn't even have ETFs and they were thinking about banning it, then I guess it wouldn't die now, but we have to go throught a recession and see what happens.

I feel like it's that time of the cycle again where there will be generational entry points, and the one that has the most cash, and buys the lowest wins. You will make solid ass gains withouth having to rely on shitcoins that could go to 0 realistically.

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To get some extra firepower, I will buy MSTR shares. If I get a good entry point, I think I can get to 2 million. BUT THE THOUGHT OF BEING 100% INVESTED IS SCARY, I MUST ADD. Realize that I have no income or job experience, as I am a royal NEET and I want to get to 2 million and live off capital income interest without having never worked. It is not only about being free, but being able to say I came from the bottom and made it without commuting a single day in my life. It is a passion against wagecucking that drives me. I made this money with online money making scheme that no longer works. So now I need to get the freedom port. 2 million is the goal, after taxes, which is most likely like a 5x. If I get a solid ass entry point on MSTR, I think I can get a 5x during the next 2 years or so. However, there is always that fear of uncertainty. What if things go south? I have no other money or ability to make money as it stands. It needs to work. I must win.

So what is your goal to GO ALL IN? at some point you have to do it if you want to make life changing gains.

I think im just going to keep like 24k in money market funds, so I can survive at least 3 years (im a monk that doesn't go out) getting the pathetic interest rate that they pay, and just hope that within 3 years, the rest of the bag which would be invested, delivers.

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You throw as much money as you can into index funds, take out a loan if you have to.

Index funds are fucking pathetic. How are you supposed to get rich with this shit? the loans you can get without being a richfag are irrelevant.

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YOU NEVER GET ON THE MARKET, YOU GET TO GREEDY TRYING TO HIT THE GENERATIONAL HOME RUN BOTTOM. This is the problem. I never buy because I always expect lower prices and I don't want to blow my cash.

DCA then

I remember people posting these graphs with the dot com and 08 crash candles copy pasted to the current price back in 2022

Then the market went on to make new ATHs and everyone who fell for the bearish analysis missed out on making shit tons of money in the last 2 years

More than plenty of enough money was made on the short side in 2022. And that decline was actually significant, not a garden variety 5% pullback

Timing matters. People who bought INTC in the 90s are down 50% today

This time is different

according to your graph, we're around 9/2007, and the lowest point was 4/2009, so 5/2026.
and it takes a long time to get better anyways so you can time it a couple months lag. e.g. from 5/2026, look for 2 months of consecutive recovery. then buy.
but humor me. 9/11 was 2001. 2009 was the end of the crash.
russia invaded Ukraine 2014, minus 4 years under trump. add a little padding in the front and behind.

does anyone here understand how the dodd frank 'orderly liquidation authority' (OLA) works anyways.
when obama signed dodd frank he said 'there will never be another bailout. period!'.
do any anons know why he's correct?

Dude it will be absolute hell holding your all-in position waiting for that 5x. Lets say you see it double and you have close to a million tied to the position. The volatility will drive you insane. What if it dumps and you realize you just had one million and the next moment it's gone? If could just dump right away too. Maybe 25% BTC max, the rest in SPY and cash, i dunno, but all-in is out of the fucking question bro.

you sound like a fag. all in, with leverage, number must go up.

post more please.
inflation has tamed growth

But what's the point? I want my life to start already, this is hell. I cannot spend any money until I get 2 million anyway.

yeah but now we are comming from a similar monetary cycle than 2000 and 2008

you trust fed to get a soft landing this time?

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gamestop as i speculate can't go lower than $10 and it'll likely stay around $23 for quite some time so for me personally this is where i park my money.

I have no job or job experience or education

There is your problem, you wouldn't have this mentality if you had the means to dca in and hold

I have 400k in CASH

This is one of the most retarded things I have seen on Anon Babble for months. You are obviously obsessed with stability. Ypu sound like you have an anxiety disorder or high estrogen.
I have about the same wealth as you but all in crypto and I sleep great and I get very happy seeing the crypto price crash so I can put 90% of my monthly salary in. Get some bloodwork done, low-T anon

this meme does not work in the real life

brainlet advice

You might now think you can stomach a -99% in your portfolio but actually being invested is different. You won't be able to watch your original 400k being effectively wiped out, you'll sell at some point. and that's exactly the problem, you can't tell when that x5 will happen, you might have to hold through insane swings, and won't even be able to time it right. that's why you settle for less upside by diversifying into different assets. all in BTC is insane. you simply won't do it because the prospect of losing the full 400k is too much to bear. it's that simple.

t. r/buttcoin

You should get your estrogen levels checked out

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can't go lower

damn you zoomer rascals

i would have never made 400k in my early 30's if i had a job
dca is just to get rich when you are old as fuck, i want 2 million now

you are a retard, the most gains are made on your entry prices, you are compensating because you feel fear because you know you are about to baghold your shitcoins bag, go watch andrew tate shorts cuckfag

i will never sell for losses, i have already bagholded a ton, this is not a problem, it's just timming, i dont want to baghold for years, see pic related

if you have 99% loss risk then you are holding shitcoins/penny stocks. with BTC is basically 0%. all other assets get diluted except this one. so what you do is jut get on BTC with leverage AT A GOOD ENTRY POINT, you get in hard, this is how you get rich, not some diversification bullshit.

the market always drops a little in september cause all the jews go on vacation and move to safer holds then people expect this and also sell

It unironically cant

Hope you bought a vesta nft in time to avoid being completely rekt

you are a retard, the most gains are made on your entry prices

No. Newfag. What looks high or low now is minutrized when the bullrun starts.

oh no. I bought DOGE at 0.10 and now it's 0.09!

It's going over a dollar, midwit-anxiety anon

you feel fear because you know you are about to baghold your shitcoins bag

Wow great no u anon. So surprised you're an unemployed basketcase with that sharp mind

yeah you might not risk a -99% with Bitcoin necessarily but -80 to -90% have happened multiple times. It's still a very young asset, you could see something like that again.

buys DOGE

very unlikely at this point, too much sidelined money wants to get in
in any case, the risk of going to 0 is 0, while with altcoins is very possible you baghold for life

you have to get in at some point, otherwise you risk being sidelined for life

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Timing markets are difficult. When misery spreads that’s usually when to buy. We are still surfing at all times highs. Folks are investing into crypto as if they are beanie babies - majority are shit speculatory cryptos with no real underlying assets or productive value besides pure speculation. If you are sitting on 400k cash with no job or education, you might want to set a portion of that money into divesting to address risk. That portion of money should likely then be invested in yourself so that you have a plan B rather than just trying to strike it rich off of gambling on markets. Investing in yourself would mean getting a job or education should shit hit the fan. Right now central banks see all problems as printing money, so the 2 million goal may be worth 1/10 of what it is today once you achieve your goal. Some portion of your money should likely be in precious metals. Some likely held in cash for emergencies. Some likely held in treasury bills. Some likely in low risk index funds. The remainder you can likely gamble with, but be OK with losing it all. You choose and make your decisions and take the risks.

buys DOGE

In 2017, anxiety anon

Investing in yourself would mean getting a job or education

He already said he has a sub-100 IQ. He could maybe clean pools or mow lawns. In which case, maybe a few thousand to get the business started

What Job is going to make me as much money as I did online?
jobs are a scam unless you are an STEMcel capable of going throught the abomination that is college while not getting laid while tempted by ultra hot girls. only if you are an high IQcel aka smart to do what told.

I MUST make money online again and I MUST make money from this capital by assymatical risk investments

With 2 million you can go all in on SP500 and do manual withdraws under 4% yearly and you will not run out of money while making money

Or put it on a dividend paying diversified ETF like VHYD

Nontheless, with 2 million on that situation, I would be making more money than most waging individuals in my country, and since I wouldn't be waging and im not a murrcan, I can move to any jurisdiction I want that has lower taxes within EU (I wouldn't move to some SEA clusterfuck)


only broketards buy shitcoins, you are not playin with real capital
you are broke and retarded which translates in buying shitcoins

i will go back to making 20k a month online while you wage for life

If you're going to go balls deep, I wouldn't do it right now. I'd put no more than 25%-30% of your liquidity into bearish positions... Buy as much as you can when volatility is low, and the markets are high, especially if you are into options. Hedge with maybe 10-15% bullish dip slurping on ""STOCKS PLUNGE"" days only, and stick to equity purchases. That way, when the markets crash, the worst thing that happens is you hold your bags. Keep the rest liquid, and keep a good amount of it as cash, not in account. You don't want to get caught on your ass and out of cash in a rouge banking situation like 2008. Re: Your total net worth, hold crypto, precious metals, and other physical assets (ie: house, car, guns n' ammunition, etc...) in an amount far greater than everything I've just described. Ultra longs will ALWAYS win in the ultra long term. Stay based niggers.

only broketards buy shitcoins

Kek. You don't even have the balls to buy a single crypto.

you are broke and retarded which translates in buying shitcoins

You are on here anxiety posting saying you don't know shit about crypto.

i will go back to making 20k a month online while you wage for life

Oh sure. You just decided to take a break from making $20k pm? Lmao. Your iq is showing bud

I dont do options. Its too convoluted to understand plus you are not going to be able to sleep properly at night with some liquidation countdown. You can just go big on some solid leveraged investment but that has realistically 0% risk liquidation, like MSTR ar a leveraged QQQ or something like that, where you can baghold if you get the timming wrong, but even if you get in and your entry prices keep going down, you know you are right long term and those entry prices will become great in the future. Everytime you buy something it always goes down for a while before it goes up, so its a matter of time. The point here is just get it as close to the bottom as possible.

If you are just learning about crypto, maybe look into the life changing gains people made on doge you idiot

You are a retarded brooke zoomer kys

You sound like a complete spastic mate


No. You just cannot fathom anybody having the balls to move substantial money into memecoins because you have little testicles and a high-pitched voice.

broke zoomerfag

h-h-help me p-p-please someone I am so s-s-s-scared to invest

i will go back to making 20k a month

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