Making it in Russia by 40, jobs, investments and stuff

Hello Anon Babblenessmen, newfag here, I am looking for your opinions on jobs, investments etc. mostly these questions are for Russian anons but international anons with wisdom are welcome too.

I will post some images so it's not all text.

Short intro I am a 22yo NEET living with my parents, dropped out of uni after 1 semester, 11 classes of school, 0 soft skills, 0 net worth (50k rubles (about 500$) saved up that grandma gifted me over the years but that's basically nothing, 1 month's average unqualified fulltime salary), mildly mentally ill (feeling alright on pills now, think I can work at least part-time), 0 knowledge besides rusty school knowledge, English, some ability in searching and summarizing info and user-level pc understanding.

Basically what would my strategy be if I want to make it by 40? I consider accumulating 8 million rubles and investing them profitably at 8-9% yearly returns with part reinvested and part sustaining my neet life "making it". I don't want kids, a relationship or my own apartment, I just want to do my hobbies at home full-time, get some profit from my creative work and be of some use to my family.

I know I need to find work, preferably part-time, but what would you recommend for an unqualified man? I don't think I can do brain-deadening shit like making tables in Excel, I'd want to kill myself after 3 days, and these require some high-level knowledge of these programs anyways. Can't do sales, customer support except in messengers etc. because 0 soft skills + I got spasms in my eyes sometimes from the pills, customers will probably think I'm a drug addict or something. (or do they not care about that?) Not physically endurant and quite slow physically so probably gonna shit the bed with frantic stuff like online marketplace orders assembling and packaging or warehouse work. Same for couriers, my dad works as one and he always tells stories how it's a shitshow with client problems all the time.

Janitorial work I could do but the pay is abysmal at 20k-25k rubles usually, I'd need 30k to be comfortable. I've seen 30-35k job offers though.

And that about covers like 90% of the unqualified work market.

I do not seek validation through work, so I don't need epic career prospects, I just need some time for my own creative work, hence the part-time choice. Anons that are employed like this with no degree, who are you working as? How'd you get in? Describe your experience.

I considered applying for courses in programming at a college or something, but idk if I'm really capable of studying at this point, a lot has been forgotten since school + I have been delaying employment for 1 trillion million years now, I want to finally work and get some money right now. Maybe once I'm employed I can take courses in my free time.

I feel like I can afford to fuck around for about 10 more years, after that my parents will get old and I'll have to support them with my bro (state pensions are shit if what I'm hearing is true).

After I find work, what would my investment strategy be considering Russia is now cut off from the world economy, SWIFT etc. due to this retarded war? I plan on investing ideally 30k if I can find a high-paying enough job, but probably 20k rubles from every monthly salary, so that should make 2m in 10 years if I deduct some for sudden upheavals in politics, economy etc. I'm not touching crypto memecoins or any of that shit, BTC maybe but I've seen polarized opinions on this board on whether it will rise or fall.

Do I just invest in index funds? I am not knowledgeable about Russian ones and the MOEX index seems pretty small at like 20 ultrahuge companies. I don't want to get my investments frozen abroad due to some retarded politics, am I safeguarded from this by investing through etfs?

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I've seen IT is booming currently at greater annual growth than anything else, do I exploit this? Are there anons here investing in IT long-term? What is your experience? Is it actually a bubble?

I hope to supplement whatever I earn from investments and work with creative stuff, like selling comics (manga) books, developing solo games. I think I can get like 500k rubles from this or more if I produce good work and market myself properly.

General advice beyond what I asked is welcome, if you wish to share your wisdom.


Become a e-pimp like Andrew Tate

Just buy bitcoin retard, maybe some chainlink too. You won't make it with index funds especially in Russia

Find a way to sell goods that have been sanctioned

1. Join the SMO
2. ????
3. Vanish, body never recovered

What makes you believe they will grow? Just don't say it's an IQ test and post 1 arbitrary graph like some dudes in the catalog. At least give me materials to do my own research that you took these conclusions from.
That may have been a good idea for someone with a lot of entrepreneurial spirit, but I'm no businessman, no money to bulk buy from 3rd countries and profit like some corpos do. My acquaintance is 35 with a ton of experience and he still has trouble with business, sales of goods, etc, and he's a very sociable almost 100% busy in this area person, what makes you think I'll make it that way with my 0 soft skills, 0 negotiation and sales experience?
I know this is a meme but this could have unironically been a good option for men that aren't afraid to risk their lives. They give 2m rubles straight away to volunteers and 200k monthly salary. Well, it is beyond the scope of this discussion, I wouldn't go there if I could, not retarded enough to risk my life, and they don't take mentally ill people. That's something I am thankful to my health for: exception from military service.

do this or that or even join smo lamo

but I'm retarded pisspoor schizo, bad answers


I don't have the energy to expend to explain it to you. Theres been link threads on Anon Babble since 2017, and they are literally doing a pilot with SWIFT. Bitcoin, you can see it growing since its inception and is safe but will see lower returns. Just do your own research.

making it in russia

Step1: get out of russia

The country has been on a path of self-destruction ever since the war started as the government started cannibalizing the whole economy for the bottomless pit that is the war effort. Perhaps find yourself a well-paying job building tanks or knitting camo nets since that's where all the money is being syphoned to and store your money in a foreign bank so you can flee at a moment's notice when shit finally hits the fan

Pay attention to oil prices. Russia depends heavily on them being high. The country's GDP basically mirrors global oil prices.
Oil is an extremely inelastic commodity = small supply/demand fluctuations will affect the price greatly.

China is by far the largest importer of oil in the world and its economic rise has single handedly held up oil prices for the last ~20 years. Now its economy is faltering. With the Great Firewall being up, there isn't a lot of accurate data coming out, but what data recently does come out looks bad. If an economic collapse happens there, it will dump oil prices and thus also the Russian economy. Very bad timing for Russia right now.
All I'm saying is if crude oil price gets to sub $40 and stays there for months while the end of the war is still not in sight, its time to leave the country. If you entertain the thought of leaving in your head right now, it will be easier to do once you need to do it.

Memecoins are where it's at
You can use free airdrops to accumulate some more funds (2-3K USD) and then start trading

They aren't bad answers, it's just that as you aptly put it, I'm a pisspoor retarded schizo, so not a lot of paths are open for me and I'm looking for ones I may not be aware of.
Ok, thanks for the answers nevertheless. I was doubting Chainlink because from threads on this board I got the impression it's a coin that saw a sharp rise and has then long since fallen from grace. I guess the SWIFT partnership could turn that around.
BTC I'll probably put some of my investments in. I'll try to do my own research, just not sure where to start. ig I'll browse the bitcoin wiki or something.
Actual good effortpost. Thanks for the analysis and explanation. I have entertained thoughts of leaving, (this is also a reply to this post ) but I'm not sure I would feel comfortable anywhere else. Asian countries like Japan, China and South Korea have insane work culture. South Asia is retardedly hot, poor (though ig it's not a problem for me haha) and have shit hygiene, insects, all the tropical package. Though it is an option nevertheless. Muslims/Caucasian/Central Asians? Ultraconservative societies. Africa? lmao. Western countries are, on the opposite, very liberal, I'd choke with all the gay, trans and woke worshipping. Latin America is cool ig, but still some aspects like strange climate from South Asia and some wokeness from Western. I think Argentina or Brazil may be the best options of all. Well, either way, thanks for the advice, I'll have to get over it eventually. I just feel the most comfortable in Russia, it is my homeland and the most comfy country for me, even with all it's disadvantages... Maybe I won't earn enough and have to stay and weather the storm in the end. We'll see.
As for tanks etc. - defence industry doesn't accept mentally ill people I think. Also camo net weaving is done by volunteers. Like a quarter of the war effort is probably donations from common people. It's a shitshow.

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Anyway, I sleep now, if anyone else has any suggestions or wisdom I'll reply in the morning or if I wake up at night.
no, the morning will not be good

I think Argentina or Brazil may be the best options of all

Sure! You're used to seeing disintegration of society on a regular basis, right? Fucking dickhead

The best way for you to actually make it straight up killing yourself.

The sooner, the better

I was just like you except for the schizo thing and im an american. I never went to college and regret it deeply. I'm currently a tire technician supervisor that gets paid 23 an hour and make money off commissions. Here's my advice to you GO TO COLLEGE. If you're still living with your parents take full advantage of it and study for a useful degree like accounting. Don't get some retarded meme degree. Look up the degrees that is not over saturated and have a decent pay. I'm currently about to be 30 and I'm going back to college to study something since my job fucking sucks.

Don't fall for the trade meme I tried that and the people who work with you are complete scum. If you have no other option then go for a trade. The reason I'm telling you to avoid the trades is because in the long term you're body will get fucked. Even when you start you get paid the same as a cashier (at least where I live) since you don't know anything and you have to learn the trade. An apprenticeship lasts a couple of years. In my opinion it's better to just go to school and have a part time job.

Don't fall for some quick get rich bull shit shit either because if you waste 2 years on some bull shit pursuit like dropshipping and you find out that it wasn't for you and you barely made anything. Well guess what you wasted 2 years doing fuck all and now you're 24. Those skills you gained dropshipping, the only thing that can be transferable is just the self employed part. That's it. Even if you resell shit for a living, you can't do it your whole life it's unsustainable. You're getting older and you're parents are too, you have to take care of them. The only jobs you'll be able to get are shit tier but you can't quit because you need to support yourself AND your parents. You're still young so you don't realize how sad it is to them grow old. My dad was always strong and reliable when I was younger but I can see him slowly break down and I don't want him to work himself to death

Go to college and get a part time job. Use the money from the job to invest into crypto or whatever. Once you graduate get a job with your degree. Once you get into the job over time you can go get employed somewhere else since you have a degree and experience. Depending on the degree over time your salary will grow. Save that money from the job and invest harder. That's it. Also look into Chainlink and do some research on it.

Try to find LINK spoonfeed threads from a few years ago. Of course these days Anon Babble will be dead and there won't be a lot of enthusiasm about chainlink, since we're in the middle of a bear market. Here's one I found:

Ultimately all investing carries risk, but LINK is essentially a bet on crypto actually succeeding and doing something beyond just gambling. LINK may not succeed, but if it does, the returns will rival those of bitcoin.

Damn I thought I could escape the rat race by just investing small amounts but regularly and early, the calculator says I can get 9m if I invest 20k per month for 18 years at 8%. I have conflicting info on the college part, one of my acquaintances whom I trust says a degree means jack shit for the employer and experience rules everywhere. You're going to work your way up from the bottom either way, why bother with a formal education when you can farm exp in the area for several years and raise your salary that way? eg working as a waiter to working as a director of waiters to director of restaurant to director of a restaurant net, that kind of thing. Same for IT, banking, accounting. I think it makes sense that exp doesn't carry over in various fields of business, that's the way it is even if you have an education. Perhaps you fucked up your chances at a high salary by going into tire business in the first place. Though I agree that for some professions you have to have that initial education eg accounting.
Either way, I have considered going to college as I said in the OP, I just don't know where to go, all technical professions: engineering, architecture, robotics are hell to me, I can't imagine doing complex calculations all day. Modeling like AutoCAD tier stuff I could do I guess, but that's a narrow field. Accounting same, ig I could go into business analytics or something but corpo culture makes me sick. Also I have bad memories of my time at uni, power-tripping professors and feeling like a retard among gods of socialization. ig at this point I won't care much about it though.
Maybe I'll just grind drawing until I can apply for a design job. Or study and get some junior IT one. Gonna have to get some kinda job eventually.
Thanks for the wisdom, anon, appreciate it.
Ok, I think I understand, thanks for providing the thread and wisdom, anon.

I will monitor the thread for some more time in case any other anon wants to comment.

You might have missed the boat by a couple of years or maybe not. Russia is in transition again. Like when the soviet union ended and a few smart people took control of the banks, oil companies, etc. Now the West is getting shut out it's time to start your empire.

damn a real gopnik thread, how good

Ceмки ecть?

Fucking retarded anon, buying btc or link in this market youre better off going to casino.

Well, i suggest doing it like i did, start off with some tech support role, where you can do voice only or over email/messages ( look for 1st line support roles tech) and work, save money, then keep growing ur tech skills over time and get junior devops or some other role and u should make it.
Alternatively maybe capitalise on the fact so many young men in russia are dead and like some other anon said e pimp russian girls online as webcam girls.

Btw are there many pretty single girls there who would want to marry a well off foreigner that are 19 or so and virgin? Would need a wife desu

Since you live in a country with low cost of living (generally speaking) you want to arbitrage by making money online - same income regardless of where you live.
Investing won't get you far for now, but will be useful once you get some cash on hand and a steady flow of income.
You could try something like print on demand and sell tshirts and mugs on etsy, redbubble, etc. Just use AI tools to create 10 good designs a day (use SEO first), do that for a year, voila you've got 3650 designs which even if they are shit will make you a couple hundred € a month and if you are good and get lucky you can make a lot of cash. Idk if you can make an account and what the banking situation is like as a russian citizen, but this would be one of the simplest approaches to use if you don't have any starting capital, skills, but a lot of time. Once you've made some money, don't come to Biz for investment advice, just buy some boring ETFs and Dividend stocks (watch out for withholding tax - that's why I like british stocks like british american tobacco for divis)
Hope that helps.

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The board might be called biz but ironically barely anyone here does business unless you count shilling shitcoins and bagholding LINK

also, if you wanna make it you have to do it mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well as financially. You are 22, start understanding yourself, your thought processes, your emotions, behavioural patterns, etc. This will make you money in the long run too. I'd recommend reading "Thinking, fast and slow" for starters. If you want to learn more about business, money and investing, try something like "The price of time" (interest rates), "The world for sale" (great intro to commodities), "Central banking 101" and some of the classics like "The intelligent investor". Good luck cyka

Lmao, this nigger is still trying to shill his 2021 bags.
Chain.stink is a shitcoin well past it's expiry date.


Just like OmiseGo partnered with McDonald's, Vechain did with BMW, and Chainlink did with Google, oh wait...

Desperate bagcel

the number 1 thing you can do is leave russia. Youre better off living in a hostel in the uk than with your parents in russia.

1. Find a job
2. Put anything you can save into BTC
3. Spend 10-50 hours watching Michael Saylor interviews to learn and build conviction so you don't become a paperhanded faggot
4. Repeat for 10 years
5. You made it

The reason why this works is because there's still a huge information assymetry regarding BTC. 90% of retards on this board still don't understand what money is, not to mention hard money. Read Nick Szabo's unenumerated blog on what hard money is. Read The Bitcoin Standard. You'll get it.

Yeah, I get it, I don't really wanna make it big by taking over in the time of decline and building an empire, I just want to survive in my corner of the world, simple as. Maybe I'll slurp up the bottom of the fall if I don't emigrate by then but I really don't want to engage in corpo management.
What makes you think btc or link won't grow long-term? I think the other anon made a convincing case. Though as said, ig a test operation doesn't necessarily mean success...

tech support -> junior devops

Ok, thanks for the wisdom, I will consider it.

Girls that want to marry someone well-off

You can find them anywhere if you look, be aware of gold diggers tho. You gotta marry for love dude, no point otherwise, carnal pleasure is transient and low-satisfaction power.

t-shirts etc

Ok thanks, my 35yo acquaintance I talked about is actually doing this, not globally but on the domestic market, after he sold his last business.

Yes I can make a bank account, I have a debit card that I made recently to get my future salary, it's empty tho. One thing I am not sure about is if I organize a foreign operation how would I circumvent the sanctions, what would the legal side be like taxes etc, should I receive payment in crypto? How do I get money from abroad into Russian banks since while I'm living here I have to buy food, goods etc? I think payment in crypto for goods and services is illegal in Russia, but I am not knowledgeable about this, ig I'll have to do my own research if I go this way.

I think at this point I have already semi-made it spiritually due to reasons I do not want to describe, I just want to secure my material wealth so I can live a free life. The self-development and investment book recs are cool though.

Good luck cyka

Thanks blyat, appreciate the book recs
One other reason why I'm afraid to leave Russia is that I'm afraid I'll face discrimination due to my nationality, with the recent war it seems like Russians have been vilified to the point of devils, I am afraid employers will deny me work or something like that. I am already mentally ill and a NEET for 3 years, I think I may not be able to make it even with a degree. Well, future is dark no matter where I go, I can only do my best.
Thanks for the reading recs. Much appreciated.

If you have a credit card or can use paypal it should work. Have you tried opening a bank account in a country like Serbia or Georgia? There is really no reason not to sell globally nowadays, there is absolutely no extra effort on your side.

Honestly, need something that would allow you to take advantage of your time and generate income that can be scaled. I would suggest scalping crypto maybe, so long as you leverage your risk and dont ape in your $500 like a retard. There's a thread on cryptocraft forum by machinator about it. He's from russia as well. Lots of educational material in your language

This is the worst advice. Firstly you can eighter go t a nonwhite country or to a country which hates russians, and secondly you wont ever make it as foreigner who gets a shitty job and has to pay abnormal rent.
You will see how shitty the west is.
So yes i think you should do IT, i think russia needs IT guys.

PayPal is blocked in Russia. Or, well, rather, it doesn't service Russian customers itself.
Bank account in 3rd country may work. I'll look into it.
Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.

Ok I think I will stop monitoring the thread now, I will check back in like a day or once it falls off the board in case any other anon wants to comment. If you want to crit/approve of any plan that other anons in this thread outlined feel free to read and discuss. Thanks everyone that answered meaningfully for your wisdom, it was a very enlightening thread.

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I used to be a janitor and worked my way up to tire technician supervisor in 2 years. And guess what? The only type of jobs I can get is manage positions at other jobs with less pay. The experience part is true but a degree does matter because although you can work from the bottom at one corporation, it's not guaranteed that another will take you for the same pay. Also a degree can get you an entry job and then you can grind from there. And if you decide to leave, well now you have experience and a degree. Jobs don't care about the degree, they care that you went to college. A college degree is equivalent to a high school degree in the 1950s since majority of people have a degree now. Good luck with whatever decision you make anon.

I love it when young people with no work experience, mental illness, savings already talk about investing and whatnot. nigger get a job and start saving money. you should put that money into yourself. for you shit like certifications, job experience, degrees are better than having a few $ in stocks. you need made to make money. you will never be able to save enough to live off your returns with the average russian salery.

Be my guest, go work minimum wage and put it all on fucking crypto…
You really think the jews will let it win?
If they ever use crypto in the banking industry they will have their own, none of this shit.
Also btc literally has a lifespan, look into it.
But go ahead and live in wonderland instead of going to work and studying in your spare time.

btc literally has a lifespan

So does gold technically. Well almost. Even if in far away 2100 btc is 1 million and impossible to use in that sense of easy transactions, it would still be able to prop up countless other cryptocurrencies that would be usable for transacting. That said, im bearish on crypto. Global economy has to die somehow before people take it seriously

Learn AI SaaS coding skills, build fast app concepts and share them on social media like VK. attach Stripe (or Russian equivalent) to your app to accept payments as soon as possible and share with your friends. Use the funds to continue building and improving. Listen to the Pieter Levels - Lex Friedman podcast for more details.

Godspeed, Rusbro.