Hello Anon Babblenessmen, newfag here, I am looking for your opinions on jobs, investments etc. mostly these questions are for Russian anons but international anons with wisdom are welcome too.
I will post some images so it's not all text.
Short intro I am a 22yo NEET living with my parents, dropped out of uni after 1 semester, 11 classes of school, 0 soft skills, 0 net worth (50k rubles (about 500$) saved up that grandma gifted me over the years but that's basically nothing, 1 month's average unqualified fulltime salary), mildly mentally ill (feeling alright on pills now, think I can work at least part-time), 0 knowledge besides rusty school knowledge, English, some ability in searching and summarizing info and user-level pc understanding.
Basically what would my strategy be if I want to make it by 40? I consider accumulating 8 million rubles and investing them profitably at 8-9% yearly returns with part reinvested and part sustaining my neet life "making it". I don't want kids, a relationship or my own apartment, I just want to do my hobbies at home full-time, get some profit from my creative work and be of some use to my family.
I know I need to find work, preferably part-time, but what would you recommend for an unqualified man? I don't think I can do brain-deadening shit like making tables in Excel, I'd want to kill myself after 3 days, and these require some high-level knowledge of these programs anyways. Can't do sales, customer support except in messengers etc. because 0 soft skills + I got spasms in my eyes sometimes from the pills, customers will probably think I'm a drug addict or something. (or do they not care about that?) Not physically endurant and quite slow physically so probably gonna shit the bed with frantic stuff like online marketplace orders assembling and packaging or warehouse work. Same for couriers, my dad works as one and he always tells stories how it's a shitshow with client problems all the time.