What are we buying during Septembear?
What are we buying during Septembear?
Rope. Kneepads, then a chair and more rope. Wbu?
Your sister for an hour, and AI coins because they're obviously gonna moon again.
peaq (thank me later)
Reddit seems to like this a lot so I'm wary.
(Reddit also likes shit like NANO and ALGO.)
i dont use reddit. Do you know where its going to be listed first?
even their discord couldnt give me an solid answer
No clue. Why are you so sure PEAQ is gonna moon? Besides the fact that you're bagholding it.
Direxion Daily 20+ Year Treasury Bull 3X Shares. Ticker: TMF. Buy and hold for the recession, its gonna get ugly.
Ok boomer.
It's a 3xed leverage ETF so you can still reasonably make 5-6% a day. My portfolio was green today. How is yours?
How is yours?
Green as well, boomer. By a good 12%.
im not bagholding it. i missed the presale but im going to invest $10k in it at launch.
i loved DeFi in 2017
and i love the Concept of DePINs in 2024
and peaqs partnerships are really promising
Some QAN and XRD
Not for long. When Friday comes around another 800,000 jobs will go missing and Wall St will dump btc to 20k again. See you at the bottom. Screenshot this and then liquidate to market buy TMF immediately.
Sure, boomer. Will do.
Is it 2017 again?
It has been holding up well.
Also APU.
just take a glance at this network and how fast it grows
I heard there was an AI token Elon released today, Xai or something, is this true? Might have been youtube comment scammers at it again
It's true but it still can't be bought by normal investors. Send me some ETH and I will buy it for you and send it back.
I just got into AUKI, Depin is trending now and it project happens to be one of the best
le boomer
Bro is so retarded he doesn't even understand leverage.
Intel, half price lowest price it has been in like 5 years due to multiple blunders, if you buy in now and hold till 2027 you will for sure make a boat load of money
As I already told a couple anons, $SCF
That shit had a 8x out of nowhere so I just have to slurp again
it had an 8x already
have to slurp again
Until they bin the diversity hires, they will keep having problems
a new brain or a chatgpt subscription to tell me what shit to hold besides my Rot next month, I'm starting to run out of ideas
Should I buy tmf or uvxy ? Which one is more profit and how much faster?
L1s Tara, Qan, Azero
silver, maybe 10 games of gold if I'm feeling frosty
Make that his 2 sisters!
If you're gonna get AI coins, you better sieve the rubbish out first because many of them that were slapped with the AI tag are even worse than shitcoins. Look for those with unique utilities like Data management, computing, model training, etc
Is that a metrics to look out for now?
Y'all still holding Pepe? Can't believe memes will have longterm holders
Even the so called shit projects will claim to have these utilities
I still hold Shib and Floki, so what are you going on about?
More reason why dyor is very important. You can use projects like Nuklai, Filecoin, Render etc as the standards here. Anything short of the quality of what they're offering should be referred to as shit projects
I've slowly been accumulating Gondola. It is quiet right now, but I just have a gut feeling it will go on a tear and I do not want to miss another biz meme run.
TMF all the way, it's the better ETF. I would be 100 percent in TMF for max gains tomorrow. Id market it buy it to be safe.
Look for those with unique utilities like Data management, computing, model training, etc
If the aim is to hunt for Al projects with unique utilities, check NAI, its advanced data management and model training sets it apart, and could make it a top pick in the Al sector.
What are we buying this month? Just watching the market and using upbots to take advantage of the dip, since its much easier to trade with its vault.
goodluck anon, and greet my grandma when you accomplish your mission.
I'm holding off on buying for now and playing the telegram games to make some cash. Blum, boinkers, and memefi are looking promising
same, plus Filecoin for restaking on parasail
Reddit also likes shit like NANO and ALGO.)
You got it.