He's right.
we know rates are going down. we also know house prices are at a tipping point but to say there will be a 2008 crash implies the twitter faggot doesnt understand why that crash happened.
we just hit record credit card debt and most auto loan delinquencies in the past decade. cost of repairs and HO insurance is through the roof. people are being priced out of home ownership and defaulting on their other debts just to keep their homes, that's not gonna last forever
I will only consider buying a house when they cost less than 1 BTC
I'm definitely not buying until a crash
If that means I'm accepting the risk that house prices just go up forever and ever and never crash ever again cuz reasons, so be it. If that happens, I'll buy an RV or something kek
Buy when you can afford and be okay with being house poor
My kid is about to finish elementary school yet he still lives in a fucking apartment with me, a multi-millionaire, because I followed this advice.
Fuck that guy, and fuck this whole website. I'm out.
that was good advice pre-pandemic, not now
plenty of great houses you can buy for 800k-1mm so why are you bitching, retard. oh yeah, because you're larping on Anon Babble
85k downpayment
15k "fees"
now have to pay taxes, maintenance, upkeep
all for a 3k mortgage, more like 4k after costs
vs renting 2k a month and putting the 100k in something that yields and not being stuck to a wood box for the next 30 years of your life
85k downpayment
all for a 3k mortgage, more like 4k after costs
Way less than that lmao
ok cletus i dont want to live in the woods or some nigger town thanks
median home price in america is 450k. Down payment is 20%. No reason at all to calculate home ownership affordability based on any other number.
Thats not a 3k a month mortgage
No, I'm not larping. I haven't bought because I still want a bigger house. I'm planning to buy whenever the rates come down.
sorry but i will be buying a house 100% cash in 2026.
There's no crash coming. Literally a new paradigm
Stay in your containment state saar
Nice quads.
I'm a multi millionaire
I live in an apartment
You fucking retards have been saying it's going to crash for 10 years now.
See the OP but replace "millionaire" with "deca-millionaire". I hate that I'm like this. I am genuinely moving to a real house next year. No more doing this to my kid.
This is just timing the market, for houses.
this. ill think about it after this happens in couple years.
Yeah no shit. Do you show up in every thread that says "buy this stock" and post "this is just advice to buy a stock." ?
But that’s not why 2008 happened. What caused 2008 is not happening now.
yes. i agree. everybody should be rolling equity from their current RE holdings to new RE holdings. you can do this infinitely without repercussion.
Yes goy, let God's chosen people buy all the property
Based and Infinitemoneypilled.
"fixing" 2008 was the equivalent of having dysentery and clogging your toilet
so you go grab everyone else in the house and tell them to grab your shit out of the toilet and eat it
and they do, so you stand there proudly with your hands on your hips
but unfortunately you're too retarded to understand that the problem wasn't a clogged toilet, it was you having fucking dysentery and you just spread it to everyone in your house
2008 will happen again except instead of clogging just one toilet with diarrhea (housing, mortgages, and MBS), the entire house will be covered in a 2 inch layer of diarrhea that covers everything in shit
There could be other issues. There's a group accusing appraisal districts on inflating housing prices so they can fraudulently increase tax revenues. All you need is something like that confirmed and there to be mass layoffs to spark a sell off. Sellers want to get the best deal, but if other people start a sell off more people will end up capitulating
Yeah there's many other ways a crisis could happen. CMBS is fucked, public, private and household debt are at all time highs, stock market gains have been increasingly concentrated into a few companies most of which don't have the revenues to back up or will end when the AI bubble pops.
the volume of sales is at all time lows, and it's because of this boomer mentality of "i deserve 1 million dollars for my crappy shack from 1910". soon they will capitulate.
or you can wait for rate cuts and golden bull run and buy your house at a good rate or buy it out in full
only way lower interest rates spurs more price growth is if we go to 0% again
No, you sound gay though or a frustrated incel, Your outburst reeks of it.
lol we shall see. as long as the fed keeps printing metric ass tonnes of money housing prices (and prices of anything of value, like food or gold) are going to continue to rocket upward. the only way prices drops is if the government stops spending, and that's not going to happen. trains leaving the station, get on or own nothing and like it forever.
Nobody could get a mortgage in 2008, nkt even Bernanke.
Only works if you buy outright in cash.
Boomers will start up money printer again
to save their asset value.
In other words, you vill live in ze pod and pay all your money to ze Blackrock.