AVI will be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies

Raj and his team of pajeets are roping from the +28% candle in one of the worst days for crypto and stocks in the last quarter as Hacken have now completed their SECOND audit of AVI's bridge. The 60+ page report outlines a huge number of NEW contracts and features as well as some very important security fixes that make it one of the only truly audited (aka not some no-name Certik "auditor") bridges in the space.

AVI will shortly be heavily marketed to Coinbase normies, one of the largest retail markets in the world with a market cap of 51.24 BILLION dollars

Pajeets are heavily fudding AVI to get a better entry for their owners so just know that you're being psyopped. Hold your nose because they will be here in a few minutes using their brown hands to try to trick you into selling for cheap whenever you see some retard with 30+pbtid; they've been at it for months just check the archives.

Thankfully the actual team members are ex-SHIB, have incredible connections with Coinbase, are active every single day in the TG, have received a 10 out of 10 score on their first audit with Hacken, have sneakily launched a V2 of their UX after testnet feedback and are days away from preparing their mainnet.

What happens then?

- AVI migrate their token to BASE and gets listed on the Coinbase Smart Wallet with active questing activities designed to pump normie adoption
- Bridge then goes live allowing ANY ERC20 or ERC721 token to bridge to BASE without any dev involvement
- AVI holders can provide liquidity like a uniswap pool to gain a percentage of bridging fees
- And like AERO, we are expecting a sneaky Coinbase listing
- Team continues to build towards their Arcade and other web3 feature

Once this takes off you will see the pajeets disappear as their owners vacuum up all the cheap tokens and cash out on Coinbase while laughing at Anon Babble midwits who weren't smart enough to buy a Coinbase token before Coinbase listing. Screenshot this.

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AVI’s obsession with jeets is worrying. Easy pass. Thanks, I guess…

This. All threads just spammed to no end by jeets HARD PASS

Not buying your overbought shitcoin that doesnt even consolidate. That usually means dogshit distribution where whales hold all the supply and will eventually dump it to zero when their goals are reached

Coinbase normies already bought this coin


AVI holders can provide liquidity like a uniswap pool to gain a percentage of bridging fees

How will that work? I can provide liquidity without getting rid of my tokens while also getting a percentage of the bridge fees? Will that be something we can do on day 2?

Day 1

If you trust that your tokens will be safe in a new bridge liquidity pool, yes. You should know that the liquidity pool contract admin can empty the pool though


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You can't hide your fuddie wuddies from Papa.
*kills Frodo*

AVI migrate their token to BASE

So AVI will have a coin migration? This is always a bad news

normies will be our SLAVES

yes, the marketing slogan of reputable people...

AVI team doxx:

Robert Wise
Mitch Glensburg
Lorenzo Giordano

bye faggots


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Who the fuck is Lorenzo

They haven't released a date for this yet, just implied it would be in v2. Bullish overall on Aviator and personally provide LP on the v3 Uni pool.

This is also untrue. Their medium detailed and even gave the address for where they have the LP stored for AVI on Base. It won't be migrated - it will exist on both chains, similar to Mog but using a more reliable system.


that's good news if you hold some jeet. It will surely give you good profits, but it will be more good if you'll add MBM on it so you could get juicy profits.

Calm down sweet pea.
You're gonna make it.

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Can AVI reach the fabled 1 dollar mark? Is that a real possibility?

Also: How does one go about providing liquidity and who will have access to the pool's wallet? I don't want to get farmed.

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side liners are buying!

Like I said in the other thread, fake pump. Hopefully you didn’t fall for it.

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fake pump

Tbh, I suspected it was. The $10k+ buys that randomly popped up when there was 0 volume didn’t make sense. It doesn’t phase me anymore at this point. Swingies have been controlling the chart for a long time now and they will continue manipulating it for as long as we don’t have any buy pressure. Now that the audit is done, the team has no excuse to delay this anymore. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the bridge to go live and marketing to start. If this shit doesn’t happen in the next week, I’ll be convinced that this is an eth farm


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It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the bridge to go live and marketing to start. If this shit doesn’t happen in the next week, I’ll be convinced that this is an eth farm

For the last 6 months the team used hacken as an excuse for the delay

the ball is in their court! All we can do is wait

Now that the audit is done their new excuse is that they are working on v4 of the UX kek. They spent the whole year shitposting in the TG but now the project has come to a stop because the interface isn’t complete. How convenient

That was the excuse 6 months ago too. They pretended like the bridge was done

10/10 audit

Turns out they just audited optimism’s standard bridge code last time. Second audit included their supersonic addition. Very misleading desu. They want people do be excited about avi and keep holding bags, so they haven’t been straightforward about progress or the state of the project. It’s always just “soon, big things are coming.”
You can finds threads on here from January made by anons who thought the bridge was going to be live in 2 weeks, based on what was being said in the tg at the time.

It is misleading and the excuses for the delays will keep evolving for as long as the baggies allow it. That fake pump barely lasted 2 days. They must have gave up after they saw no one falling for it

The delays are mostly due to hacken audits tbf
something they don't have much control over

Yeah, it was hackens fault they didn’t have a UI or backend built last spring before the first audit. Was hackens fault it took all summer to complete those steps and test before the second audit. Sure thing anon. Now it’s hackens fault they are still finishing up the UI before main net. Cause that’s certainly not something they could have done the last few months while Hacken was reviewing the smart contracts, right?

Yeah, it was hackens fault they didn’t have a UI or backend built last spring before the first audit

They had a working testnet well before the second audit, so the frontend was clearly in a working state. But for reasons I don't really care about they now want a second frontend. Only thing we haven't really seen in a working state yet is the backend.

Keep in mind they're working on the Aviator Arcade, the entire point of the AVI token in the first place, in the mean time.

Wrong. It took a month to deploy the test net after the first audit, and the reason for the delay when asked was that they still had to finish the backend code and UI. When criticized about the shitty UI when the test met finally did go public, studio says… “it’s only a week old”. Let’s not rewrite the history anon

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Not sure why they're talking about the backend, unless they're talking about the backend solely to host the web UI interface for the smart contract as the testnet did not include Supersonic yet (which is what the "real" backend is for).

Having "prototype" elements replacing the in-construction counterparts for small project demos is quite common in large companies for illustrating to shareholders current progress on a project. My guess is that Skybridge and the Aviator Arcade are going to share the same UI, and this is why it's taking time.

looks like we're getting some type of marketing today

Having "prototype" elements replacing the in-construction counterparts for small project demos is quite common in large companies for illustrating to shareholders current progress on a project

No. Can we stop coping like this please? Public test net isn’t an internal stakeholder demo. It’s a UAT environment… public UAT environments are a final smoke test before going live. You don’t push unpolished code demos to the public. You push the refined product you are about to go live with… double check that everything is good to go, then deploy main net. Seeing it any other way is a bullshit excuse. I tried to tell biz this on day one of the public test net… massive red flag. Here we are almost 6 months later still talking about the same stuff

just two more weeks

Move up another spot on Gems Radar? Maybe yet another Rumble!

i was thinking another cryptoempress ama

monthly pump wiped out in a matter of hours

well it was nice but i'll see you all next month

Also, even if you want to think of the test net as a proof of concept demo, it was shocking af to see how little progress they made at that time, considering they had already been working on it for like 8 months. They are slow, that’s it. The delays aren’t Hacken fault

>What happens then?

you're implying that they are able to launch any products at all, which as of now has been an impossibility for some reason. there is not one holder who didnt expect the bridge to be released in summer. thats what EVERYONE believed, you're lying if you say otherwise. they dont even have the UX finished. they havent even begun having the invited tg members to test it out. then they need to address the fixes. then we get an ANNOUNCEMENT of the release date. you will not see the bridge until mid october at the earliest. i want to hear what has caused this delay. "timezone differences" dont cut it anymore.

and to add you will not see the arcade before 2025 at this rate. can any avi holder honestly say they expected this?

i don't expect much, been hodling this for more than a year now. I lurk every now and then and thats about it. I' m pretty comfy with my investment. My AVI stay ALIVI

They’ll start working on UX v5 before v4 is completed and we will have to wait 1-2 months before we get a “teaser” where all it will be is a color change on the logo

i don't expect much

that seems to be the growing sentiment

ready to launch


I don’t know why the team said what they said, but here’s what I think they meant

anon…stop trying to come up with excuses for them

Seems like even the die hard baggies are feeling exhausted. There was a lot of smug posting right after the second audit until they learned that second audit does not mean avi is ready to deploy. Still waiting on UX, but no deploy date given. Took the wind right out of your sails, didn’t it? Eventually these threads will die because nobody will care anymore. It’s a tale as old as biz. There’ve been a great many biz coins that went out this way

Early 2025 would be the best time for it to release though. Crypto market/interest will be choppy through the end of this year.

where is your le product you dumb baggie ?

nigga where is YOUR product? people feel mislead by how long this has taken.

Gtx 1070 ti

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im done im selling everything today. they cant do it, 1+ year later and all they have are testnets that are so fucked they are still testing them 4 months later. goodbye aviators Im Dnone

early 2024 was. (they had time). back when base projects were pumping. if avi pumped when everything else on base pumped, it would have a price floor a hell of a lot higher and be on exchanges already. positioning it for the 2025 run. its stayed a low cap shitcoin instead with no price floor

also, as a side note: notice that the wallets tried to pump the audit news all sold today. if you fomoed into that green candle, congrats, you got caught in (the teams) pump and dump. eth farm.

kek, selling what? you sold last week, 3 weeks before that. In fact, you've saying this for over a year you nigger.