Name one benefit to web3 that cannot be solved with nationalized minting cash societies backed by production output and trust… You know deep down it is all fake and gay. You know deep down it is the final nail in the coffin of your own economic slavery. The more you push this retarded meme trying to get ahead of the curve and /makeit/ the closer you are to making a total dystopian society your reality. The entire narrative behind satoshi and btc screams Mossad/cia Jewish pyramid scheme and you know it in your gut yet you double down and push it as a technological revolution advocating for “smart contracts” and “digital trust” which really amounts to absolute control over your funds. Using these systems makes it possible for every transaction you make to be tracked forever. Not only that but you think it’s “trustless” yet you don’t even know who controls the majority of the nodes. Wake up and come home. Don’t fall for it.
The real blackpill here is that web3 is fake and gay and you are to blame for your own slavery
So really expect me to read that nerd shit? Line goes up, just does
Getting real sick of the pol bleed
Anyone who doesn't agree with OP is either a:
A) Jew shill siphoning money and power out of this space
B) A poorfag brainlet that doesn't have any other options
C) A smart fag who just doesn't yet realize how stupid all this vaporware is.
You're not funny and you have no purpose
How about we engage OP as to why he is wrong?
Abolish the government's monopoly on currency
But Micheal Saylormoon told me I will belong to the new oligarchs in 5 years?!
The government doesn't have a monopoly on currency. Currency is controlled at a level above the government. I could argue that government needs to re-establish its own control on currency (but that would require a moral government, and I'm not sure one such one exists anymore). Currency being controlled above the government has helped to facilitate every level of government being corrupted.
I know I'm going to be accused of being OP (I'm not, OP is just my fren and shared this bread with me), but we should try to have a real discussion. I first heard Michael Saylor talk many years ago and immediately recognized he was a retarded brainlet pseudo intellect (he was talking about how Bitcoin is 'crystallized energy' or some other dumb shit) and comparing it to Netflix.
The idea of abolishing the government's role in currency control is fundamentally flawed. A strong state must maintain control over its currency to ensure economic stability and protect the nation from foreign manipulation. In the quest for national prosperity, self-sufficiency and the well-being of the citizens above all must be prioritized otherwise you have no country and no people who want to help maintain any good standard of living. The government should regulate the economy, manage currency, and control trade to ensure that all economic activities serve the national interest. Only through firm state guidance and intervention can the people be protected from the excesses and corruptions of unchecked financial powers. Digital currency lacks intrinsic value based solely on speculation and is entirely dependent on digital infrastructure and a nebulous form of trust you call “trustless”. Without the stability and backing of a moral sovereign entity, its value can vanish as easily as a power outage or a loss of internet access. It’s smoke in mirrors and you are inhaling deep ghosted breaths all in vain.
Prove to me that you are even real, faggot shill
its value can vanish as easily as a power outage or a loss of internet access
I'd argue that people would be in a bigger predicament in the event of a major electricity/internet outage since many now-essential parts of society require these utilities.
But cryptocurrencies' value can disappear if the current super-governmental financial cabal decides it wants it to disappear. The fact that this isn't the case should make people even more leery. The government can effectively monitor and sanction all interaction with Tornado cash. Legal action was taken against the guys who exploited Flash bots to siphon funds from Ethereum validators. So clearly, if you're doing anything that doesn't "follow their rules", it'll get shut down in short order.
Our financial system, like our world, is not deterministic. With determinism comes control. Why would we want a more deterministic financial system when we don't live in a deterministic world? How is that better for the majority of people who don't have a say in that control?
100% digital money is the first step to no money at all. So I am all for crypto
Can you elaborate?
mixing the two is a huge sign of retardness to begin with
satoshi is a jew
this is even more retarded considering bitcoin is open source, verifiable, and there's notable antisemitic people behind it, it's funny that anytime some faggot is asked to answer this point, he always stays silent or fail to give some coherent answers
tracked forever
not if you don't transact on chain or if you have many identities/coinjoins and you break any link on a chain that is already non kyc by design
controls the majority of the nodes
it would be funny I think to see you explain how the consensus works, considering the number of nodes have nothing to do with rules enforcement
trust minimized is bad, trust my centralized system instead
KEK faggot, you're unmasked
I really wonder who is behind this post
A strong state must maintain control over its currency to ensure economic stability
it's over, get over it rabbi, be happy that it lasted so long
intrinsic value
>But cryptocurrencies' value can disappear if the current super-governmental financial cabal decides it wants it to disappear
or maybe not and it's actually a bigger deal that many wants to believe. they can't do anything but to join it, they've been outsmarted
mixing the two is a huge sign of retardness to begin with
No explanation given as to why, so nothing to respond to.
this is even more retarded considering bitcoin is open source, verifiable, and there's notable antisemitic people behind it, it's funny that anytime some faggot is asked to answer this point, he always stays silent or fail to give some coherent answers
Answer what point? All you're doing is angrily responding instead of giving cogent, thought out responses. No one is attacking you personally, so there is no reason to respond in such an emotional way. Who are these "notable antisemitic people"? Also, have you gone through the BTC source code and verified it yourself, or are you just trusting that "other people who are smarter than you have"? I'm willing to concede in this discussion that BTC is 100% flawless and verified to work as intended anyway.
not if you don't transact on chain or if you have many identities/coinjoins and you break any link on a chain that is already non kyc by design
Again, this isn't a cogent response. The opsec required to interact with BTC truly anonymously requires so many steps and considerations and you're lying to me and yourself if you think that even 1% of users go through these steps. It would require linux machines with no digital fingerprint that have never interacted with your digital fingerprint, etc etc. This isn't the foundation for a monetary system. Sure, maybe it's good if you're trying to hide value from an illegitimate government. Both OP and I are against the current government and don't represent it. I think we'd both argue for a better, different government. If I had to describe myself, I'd say I'm an American nationalist and I'm not a fan of our current government or financial system.
it would be funny I think to see you explain how the consensus works, considering the number of nodes have nothing to do with rules enforcement
Please make a point.(ctd...)
it would be funny I think to see you explain how the consensus works, considering the number of nodes have nothing to do with rules enforcement
If there are 3 nodes in a system and I control 2/3 of them, it doesn't matter how the consensus works and I genuinely don't understand the point you're trying to make here.
KEK faggot, you're unmasked
I really wonder who is behind this post
I am behind the post, an anon, my identity is completely irrelevant to the points being made in this thread.
it's over, get over it rabbi, be happy that it lasted so long
You seem completely incapable of having a cogent discussion to the point that I feel like I'm wasting my time responding to you. This thread is intended to be an intelligent discussion and you've contributed absolutely nothing.
or maybe not and it's actually a bigger deal that many wants to believe. they can't do anything but to join it, they've been outsmarted
True naivety. I'm happy to elaborate, but you're going to have to earn another response.
If you feel like typing "kek" or making any personal attacks as to my intelligence, just save both of us the time and effort in responding to your pointless drivel.
No explanation given as to why, so nothing to respond to.
I won't spoonfeed you, why would I?
Answer what point?
learn to read? "how can bitcoin be some kind of controlled scam considering it is open source, compilable, verifiable?"
have you gone through the BTC source code
you have to review every line of code yourself instead of just acknowledging that there's countless eyeballs doing just that, which is the point of open source software
I think we'd both argue for a better, different government. If I had to describe myself, I'd say I'm an American nationalist and I'm not a fan of our current government or financial system.
it is impossible to maintain a centralized monetary system long term, as history showed us, it always end up collapsing, and the fact that there's winners and losers sucks for everyone but the winners (in the current day it's the usa, I can understand why you would like that, but understand others will disagree with that)
It would require linux machines
I disagree with this, and you can be private using bitcoin, maybe to this day it's not straightforward, but you can be private, especially if you use the base layer as settlement only.
Who are these "notable antisemitic people"?
timothy c may wrote pretty antisemitic things, and he has been praising bitcoin and satoshi, considering how involve he was in politics and computer science, it makes 0 sense that he would praise a so called jewish scam (szabo contributed to bitcoin to the point of being mentionned in the whitepaper)
If there are 3 nodes in a system and I control 2/3 of them
absolutely not in bitcoin which is the subject. you can control 99% of the nodes trying to enforce whatever gay rules you want (such as money supply change), you will be the only one following those rules, as other nodes will just ignore you. only works with a proper sybil resistance mechanism tasked with adding newblocks.
says the nationalist fiat advocate, delusional
All open source code has zero bugs and is not prone to human error
Ah yes, because anything open source is magically immune to flaws or manipulation. Ever heard of Heartbleed? Open source doesn’t guarantee security; it only provides transparency, which still relies on countless "eyeballs" actually knowing what they're looking at.
Countless eyeballs review every line of code, so no need to check myself
So, by that logic, we should just trust any complex mathematical proof because "countless mathematicians" have looked at it? Should we also outsource all critical thinking to 3rd world masses and hope the poos are doing it right?
It is impossible to maintain a centralized monetary system long term
Interesting assertion. Centralized currencies have existed for thousands of years. Even if they "collapse," they seem to do so less often than speculative digital assets. So, is it really impossible, or just inconvenient to your argument?
You can be private using Bitcoin if you try really hard
Ah, privacy... by requiring an above room temp IQ and jumping through numerous hoops and still relying on pseudonymity, not true anonymity it can be achieved! Keep in mind the several one or two word replies in this thread alone represent the large majority of people who would have to jump through these complicated hoops. If digital currency is so liberating, why all the convoluted methods just to maintain basic privacy?
Controlling 99% of nodes in Bitcoin doesn’t mean control
Right, because if a malicious actor has overwhelming influence, the other "good" nodes will simply ignore them. This assumes all good actors can coordinate perfectly without any form of leadership or centralization. Isn't that a contradiction? You are either willfully ignorant having drank every drop of koolaid you could find or you are malicious and trying to subvert monetary systems that have worked for thousands of years. Show your hand and nose, faggot
which is the point, non negotiable, thank you
they seem to do so less often than speculative digital assets
gold hasn't collapsed, and bitcoin hasn't though it is very young compared, it also corrects the shortcomings of gold.
If digital currency is so liberating, why all the convoluted methods just to maintain basic privacy?
because privacy is very hard, not straightforward, and trading off auditability is not a solution
This assumes all good actors can coordinate perfectly without any form of leadership or centralization
your last paragraph made it clear you have no clue about what I tried to explain and how it works
the nodes people run is literally how the network coordinates, which includes filtering gay nodes such as those you would run
Show your hand and nose, faggot
use my centralized system instead of bitcoin
hilarious, no thanks
that have worked for thousands of years
almost missed this one
this speaks for itself
white people are house niggers, npcs, programs rather then people.
Dont listen to the cries of the hypocrites who cry about the elites, they are just now starting to feel the effects of their wickedness and simply want to capture the same relief.
The parasite will always consume itself, this is their reward.
There is no hsitorical disrtinction between the two, these people are just angry menstrating wives that want a bigger cut like carmela in sopranos.
Praise the elites for they are who will make the cycle complete so the world can begin anew
web 3 is a scam. Literally a gimmick for loser developers who think they're pioneers to scam big investor money
Also cont’d
an antisemite computer scientist who understands the source code praised btc so it is legitimate
I am an antisemite computer scientist who understands the source code and saying it is illegitimate. I’m also saying that your reasoning has a major flaw. You should stop going down this road anon you are too far down already and it’s impossible for you to recover at this point
The Zeitgeist Movement.
Political local independence (autonomous city states), resource managemenrt controlled at world level by AI and robots. No money needed, just data.
underage detected
Sounds retarded.
Since you have a penchant for your version of "trust" which you call "trustlessness", would you trustlessly accept my messages if you knew the people whose perspectives you adopt and share screen caps from to prove "your" (i.e. their) point follow me? (pic related)
it is impossible to maintain a centralized monetary system long term
Think about the external factors on which bitcoin relies: access to cheap electricity, access to application-specific computers that a small group of engineers have the knowledge to design (and an even smaller group of industrialists have the capacity to manufacture at scale). Do these considerations tend toward centralization or decentralization in your mind?
"how can bitcoin be some kind of controlled scam considering it is open source, compilable, verifiable?"
See above point, but I'm happy to make others related to government agencies, the mining industry, etc that are more specific if you're not convinced. Maybe I can share some text messages between James Macedonio, Adam Back, and myself which will be more convincing to you since you like to take peoples word for it apparently if you've heard of them. I mean, why step back and formulate your own nuanced perspective on things in 2024 when it is so easy to look at 100 character tweets or just ask GPT to ELI5, right?
you have to review every line of code yourself instead of just acknowledging that there's countless eyeballs doing just that, which is the point of open source software
All of this is entirely irrelevant and I already said in my previous post that I'm willing to concede that the bitcoin protocol is flawless code that works as intended. It is an irrelevant point to the one being made in this thread which is about the purpose and control of the protocol.
I disagree with this, and you can be private using bitcoin, maybe to this day it's not straightforward, but you can be private, especially if you use the base layer as settlement only.
Ok, great, then you must be more knowledgable than I am. I have a restaurant that I run where I try to do the vast majority of my business in cash. Can you walk me through how my customers can anonymously use bitcoin instead of cash? Preferably they should be able to use their phones (or PC at worst). I appreciate your advice because any time I've tried to do a transaction that I considered to be truly e2e anonymous, its required getting a new machine, using an IP with no relation to me, and a bunch of other really tedious steps that seem like they'd really slow down my ability to run my business.
timothy c may wrote pretty antisemitic things, nick szabo
As antisemitic as: "ALL JEWS SHOULD BE BRUTALLY EXTERMINATED TORTURE." Did he write anything that antisemitic? Is that one of your conditions before you'll agree with his 140 character tweets? What if I told you that when I say "a super governmental financial cabal" that I mean the same thing as when you say "jews"? And I also detest them and think (know) that you're drinking their koolaid? Are you making your community better by profiting off of bitcoin? Is anyone making his community better thanks to BTC, lets start there? Maybe if we start small we can make it more digestible.
says the nationalist fiat advocate, delusional
Nationalist yes, please tell me where I mentioned anything about "fiat." Additionally, "fiat" is a very nebulous term. To you, it clearly has a very narrow meaning where you immediately draw some naive relation to FIAT=JEW, JEW=BAD, THEREFORE FIAT=BAD! But all of this is besides the point as I never made an argument in favor of or against fiat nor mentioned it. Furthermore, it is possible to conceive of a currency whose sole characteristic of value isn't "scarcity" (ctd...)
You seem to be a fan of the gold standard and bitcoin (you know nothing about my perspective on the former, so if you assume I'm in favor of or against it and argue at this point, you're, again, arguing against some straw man you've created).
Without fail, currencies (and resources) of scarcity tend toward centralization as the most powerful entities centralize control. So I find it a little contradictory that you, on one hand, tout "decentralization" and on the other hand tout "scarcity". I kind of think they oppose one another given time...
so you are saying that the most powerful entities in the world want everyone globally to go full crypto (btc specifically since you talk about satoshi) and will do everything in their power to make it happen? sounds ultrabullish to me
it's nice to be with the winners once in a while
On one hand I hear from shut-ins about how the entire world is becoming some Orwellian dystopia, on the other hand if I walk into a corner store, the cashier is some chubby black girl browsing Instagram who actually wants you to shoplift so she doesn't have to ring you up, and if you make eye contact with any stranger in public you can just see the terror in their face as if you've broken their daily programming and this has never happened to them before.
sounds ultrabullish
Can you explain what "ultrabullish" means? Does that just mean "sounds like the number of dollars for which I can exchange my crypto is gonna go up"? Is that the only thing that is important to you? I'll ask a dumb question...would you rather live in and be confined to Kira, Uganda (but you have $100M), or would you rather live in 1992 San Francisco in a comfortable (non-homosexual) neighborhood with white and Japanese friends working at a cool company with your friends on something that is going to benefit your surroundings?
be with the winners once in a while
You're not with the winners Anon. We're all losers.
i'm saying that if global adoption ks inevitable, the ones who bought first will be rewarded
alright, try to start minting your own currency. try it. your mannarino march won't save you. hitler and gaddafi tried, too. rothschilds own banks and where they don't, the USA complex invades. crypto is a way to backdoor freedom into finance.
i have 0 knowledge about what life is like in Kira, Uganda
the other scenario you described sounds mid, to be generous
a midwit life with like a wife and kids is a nightmare to me, we are probably not on the same page
anyway, if you know something is gonna happen (elites and powerful people will defend and push crypto) you can either profit from it or cry about it, it's your choice really
I ain't reading that wall of text
Too busy flipping shitcoins and cashing in airdrops
dog id
chadly what are you aping these days?
It’s not Jewish satoshi is japenese and vitalik is Russian so its honorary whites
You don’t even know who controls the “nodes” retards I know it’s AWS centralization of validators is what vitalik should talk about but people are lazy and you can’t trust a random nigger in his basement with a beast pc build
You shouldn't call others "retards" when you can't even successfully formulate a sentence. How does this string of characters come out of your fingers:
You don’t even know who controls the “nodes” retards I know it’s AWS centralization of validators is what vitalik should talk about but people are lazy and you can’t trust a random nigger in his basement with a beast pc build
I wasn't coming here to argue and genuinely wanted to try to have an interesting discussion, but the unfortunate reality is that this has become another awful corner of the internet in an increasingly awful society.
sounds mid
This is the absolute state of younger people in America and the world at large. Ignorant, no ability to formulate thoughts (let alone to eloquently share ideas). How and why have you let yourselves become so pathetic? Maybe that would be a more interesting topic of discussion. Do you even have the self-awareness to realize how awful you all sound?
Do you even have the self-awareness to realize how awful you all sound?
you wrote stuff like
(non-homosexual) neighborhood
and you are teaching morality lessons
lmao, you have shit in your brain buddy
You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded
not possible when the gov mandates what is acceptable forms of payment that they take. You notice how as soon as the gov found it acceptable for spics to speak spanish when dealing with them it was normal for beaners to not have to learn english?
Go here for actual intelligent conversations. Sift through the autistic mental conversations, trolls, and sociopathic manupulators on here for breadcrumbs. Reddit seems to be the better of the two lately. But that's my take. I use both boards accordingly.
no ability to formulate thoughts
let me quickly guess your ""thoughts""
god exists
specifically the christian god
which is exactly the same as the jews' god
but jews are bad
reproducing is good! it's a great idea to have kids
legacy is important! you should totally care about what happens after you die
average alt right bullshit
nationalism is good and makes sense
it's a total coincidence that the religion i believe in is also one of the most popular one, if not the most popular one, of the country i was born in
let me know how many points i've scored
i eat people like you for breakfast, i could eloquently discuss with you and totally demolish you on every single point you make
but by experience, i just know that it's way quicker to call you a retard