Non american here. Trump is going to win the US elections and save our internet coins right?

Non american here. Trump is going to win the US elections and save our internet coins right?

The first time was fun yes, but there is literally 0 chances. And democrats hate crypto. Looks grim

It’s theater

He wont be able to get any crypto legislation past House or Senate

Not even close

Stop coping. Your portfolio is full of shit and nobody can help you except yourself.

I don't think you understand how rigged elections are in the US. You don't need to provide any form of identification to vote in person or request an absentee ballot. You can control swing state's by dumping ballots in blue shithole cities like Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee. It's what they did in 2020.

I don't think anyone actually believes they will let him win again. he might get all the votes, but our media will never report on it truthfully and they will rig it however they need to in order to get a Kamala win. same as last time desu

Trump is losing. He doesn't have the popular vote and George and Pennsylvania are looking to go blue again

Pretty much everyone knows this isn't about organic sentiment anymore but rather how much Dems can rig it

crypto 4 yr cycle does not really care some mulatto niggers in africa 2.0.... and their erections

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Also this
>You can control swing state's by dumping ballots in blue shithole cities like Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee. Mail in votes are leading to people who didn't vote as much in the past like black and young people vote way more

trump is going to be given the election so all the angry goy will accept the bullshit they normally wouldnt have accepted under the demorats.

that means more soldiers for israel, and the launching of the digital dollar that has been in the works since the first trump admin. your buttcoins will be made irrelevant, and possibly illegal, as they are forcibly converted into digital dollars on a fed blockchain

the cryptojews wanted link to win because they were butthurt some other jews got in the game first with bitcoin, but jews are suffering from the same generational problems everyone else is. theyve been winning too much and have gotten soft and when push comes to shove they lack the ability to make things happen.

mail in vote are.... le real

my source? i just made it all up. this is not financial advice. do not convert all your fake assets into real assets, that would be antisemetic.

Have fun playing with your bitcoins.

mail in vote are.... le real

He's doesn't have the popular vote. Simple as

depends on how the debate goes
there's a lotta hyper behind Harris right now but I doubt anyone actually gives a damn about any of her policies

He flushed all the assassination hype down the toilet when he started sucking off israel more violently than ever and talking about importing more migrants
Literal the total opposite of what his core base wants from him

If that were true they wouldn't be trying to kill or imprison him, and get 3rd parties off the ballot

If that were true

It is. Look at 2020 when even less people were able to mail in vote than this time.

Imagine not wanting this man to be president.

rajeet, mail in voting + no voter id + trying to jail a candidate ala maduro = fraud
you lack self awareness

He just admitted to losing last time today my low IQ friend

There will be less mail in voting now than during covid lockdowns dumb dumb.

Nobody with money wants Kamala to win. No corporation wants their taxes raised or for a wealth tax to be implemented. Joe Biden got elected because he was the only Democratic candidate who had a track record of sucking off the wealthy, which is why he essentially forced everyone else to drop out in 2019. They might coax kamala into being a shell of her former self, but it's a lot more safe to just let trump win, let him make them 10x richer, play defense for a while, and then when shit hits the fan (which it will) they have a lame duck president they can just rip apart and take power back from. And people with money always, always win.

He just admitted to losing last time today

it's quite possible to lose due to cheating on the part of your opponent

We busted them up in the gilded age and we'll bust them up again

I am American and I seriously doubt he will win. It just isn't happening. My only hope is that the markets pump regardless.

Yes but nobody with a 100+ IQ actually believes a "wealth tax" will happen regardless of who wins.

Why would lying be commendable? We're just admitting her platform is either awful or just deceitful, neither of which draw popular interest.

lol brown retard. He said if someone like Jesus counted the votes he would Ca and he is correct. Yes no one doubts your shitskin gremlin pals pack the offices with real fake ballots. Not this year though we are straight up killing these old nigger ladies when they try to commit election fraud. Death to election fraud if dem agents. Minecrafterino kill all niggerlinos btc to 150k by December

trumpfags already getting their copes ready fucking kek

Aren’t they supposed to force his head down lmao. Funny how the female dei hire is crouching protecting her head instead of his.

wdym, save? I'm doing just fine trading memes
You aren't holding any (((bluechips))), are you anon?

Nice coin you got there.. would be a shame if it was a security

He will win, but America is going down. The Zionists are moving East now that we are a drained husk.

He's the chosen one

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Don't think he'll win. He's pulled too much BS in the four years since, some of his most devoted loyalists are stepping back from this one given his endless U-turns (green cards, abortion, the steal, etc).

Trump is the most kiked president ever

sol, arb, eth and fil for blue chips
trump wins and we're on full send mode.
delegating filecoin seems like a good bargain

I highly doubt orange man has a chance in hell to win the US election.

Last time he was in office, he got past house and senate. Towards the end of his first term, almost everything he passed was an executive order.

It's a coin toss right now. According to polls, Trump was winning before Biden dropped out, and now Kamala is ahead of Trump. Trump is ahead on the Electoral College Polls, which have far more weight than the people.

Kamala is literally copycatting Trump, lying about what she's gonna do when she's in office, because she's already in office as the vice president. Kamala is a scam.

For up to 18% on parasail, definitely a good bet if you're looking at long term benefits

I don't see Indi woman winning it either

havent you noticed all the jews running to trump, of course he is going to win. libs lost the jew mandate. i honestly think they fucked up so bad and lost the rothschilds and co. a lot of money (they backed hillary) in 2016. this whole media circus leading up until now was a drawn out last ditch effort to save face in front of their masters but they were actually played into becoming an anathema in rekindling nationalism for ww3. you're gonna see a fag witchhunt in the next few years.

Being an early user should turn out to be worth something in the near future

Thoughts on mining Filecoin?

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