Is $1 million dollars alot of money nowadays?

Is $1 million dollars alot of money nowadays?

Only if you're poor.

$1M networth is pretty solid upper middle class these days. Especially if half that shit is in your house and the other half is in retirement funds. Way better than being paycheck to paycheck. Worst case scenario you can liquidate everything and retire in a third world country

False. If you told a richfag they lost $1M they would be pissed.

are roasted and percolated beans from south america even good for you???

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imagine thinking "rich" means $2M

t. 15 year old aspiring youtuber

Only 8% of Americans are millionaires.

You’re one of those guys huh. Only 2% of Americans even have 2m.

1 million dollars is fucking nothing

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It’s more than what most people will ever have.

And yet it's still fucking nothing

Then what is everyone (most people)?

people who have less than nothing, of course. use your brain, anon, what there is of it.

So most people have nothing. Lol.

Debt is actually valuable, to say otherwise is borderline antisemitic

So most people have nothing and are also in debt. Lol.

bot thread

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If they have nothing and are in debt then they have less than nothing, yes.

Debt is good for the rich cause it pumps the market.

Yes, 1 million is a lot of money.
Even if you have an extremely good job it would take you several years to accumulate 1 million after paying taxes and living expenses.

Specialized surgeons, who are among the best paid people, can make maybe $300k+
So it would take them at least 3+ years to MAKE 1 million. To actually have it is another thing entirely.

durr just invest in crypto and make 6 million

okay good luck

can make maybe $300k+

Lol back in the 1970's. By the late 80's neurosurgeons and cardiac surgeons were making $700k per year.

But either way, only 2% of Americans are millionaires.

And yet it's still fucking nothing.

It’s hilarious how low status most people are once you look up the status. Lol

Doctors spend money like it's free, not a single one of them is capable of saving money, even paying down their student loans is a struggle. I have yet to meet a single doctor that isn't living paycheck-to-paycheck.

You're actually retarded and haven't researched what you're saying at all.


it's because we're not teenagers in the 80's, everything has become so expensive that it's hard not to think about how long it will last in the future, I mean, even with a $khai bag and half a million net worth it's hard for me to see this as a big deal

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fucking idiots all of you

1 million dollars will get you an amazing life in the philippines, thailand, malaysia, vietnam. youll be so tired of ripe teen pussy you'll kill yourself from all the orgies and drugs you'll be doing nonstop for days at end. its only NOTHING if you live in fucking McDystopia USA where a pizza is like 47 dollars. fucking idiots

t. sex pest living an amazing life on 25k dollars a year outside JewSA

They wouldnt be a richfag anymore so I wouldnt tell them

What's an "alot"?

Always was

I can do a lot with 1 mil. Some people it's probably nothing and don't know what to do with it besides buy property, stocks and land.

Actually $500k is life changing money even in the JEWnited states where a McGoyslop cost like $50 without fries

niggas in this board will tell you its a lot and life changing money when its pocket change you can unironically make in one year playing any of those shitty ass nft games (panda roll/gravity legion), consider making 1 movie costs way more than 200 mill now, so 1 mill is literally nothing

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I'm worth $2.5M and have a comfy middle class lifestyle without working.
1. over $5M would start to show in your daily life.
2. Don't ever just do nothing. I travel, teach, and do nonprof

It can still replace a full low wage slave income with 3% apr

Always was. Imagine throwing just 5% of that into NATIX. If you're not watching NATIX, you're asleep. This could blow up big in DePIN.

just save a million dollars anon so you can be poor just like other poor people

so ... you're saying a million dollars is fucking nothing?

How about you take an ad, faggot.

dude 1m is poor lmao you arent rich until you have at least 100MM. Fly private all over the world with a driver when you land at any location. Drop 50k - 100k on fancy dinners and designer clothes without blinking an eye. 1MM is laughable

Adin ross and trainwrecks lose 30MM+ on crypto swings because they have so much money in ETH and they dont even blink hahaha

Adin ross when eth hit 2.1k lost 38MM and didnt even care

tarded as fuck. It helps you make passive income so you don't have to actually work
If you have a home AND this pssive income, you basically won (well sort of because you would have to multiply it a few times in the markets due to inflation from the faggot government)

you would have to multiply it a few times in the markets

So... what you're saying 1m is fucking nothing?