Are you on track to retire by 30?

Are you on track to retire by 30?

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No but I hope I become that



40 maybe, unless I end up meeting someone and having kids

I regret selling my crypto

Yes, 25 atm and hold 5k chainlink for long term

already 33 for fuck sake. I do have 1 BTC and about 80k in crypto. I thinks i can ghet to 300 - 400k this coming run if i play it right. Then combined with my heritage I should be close or over 1 milly

50. 45 at best.

No, I'm already 38. 46 is the best I can do if everything goes according to plan.

You tell me, this is all my net worth and I have 9 months until Im 31.
About 200k should be enough to retire for me - one apartment for myself and another to rent out

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Old fags please how does one avoid this outcome? What would you do differently?

Invest earlier.
I was stupid and held my money in a savings account that really didn't pay out any interest because I was always waiting for the next big market crash before going in.

Not be a NEET in your 20s. I got my first office job at 32. Before that I used to do the odd job here in there when NEETbux felt too short. I wasted a decade of my life, but I don't fret about it too much. I look at it as an equivalent of being in jail. I needed that period to fix myself.

I'm 27 and already retired. put all my money into ICP and in an 8 year and living off staking bb

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Buying the dip is hella underrated. Gonna scoop up more TRIBAL tokens during this dip before their TGE kicks off on September 5th.

It's going to be 35 for me... Go on without me bros.

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retired by 30 in current age

bought a cheap home

You can only pick one.

No, I'm 35. It's over.

i retired at 25 and I'm on track to be back in the workforce by 30 based on how my alts are performing this cycle

The difference between slavery and freedom is BTC crashing or BTC going to 200k

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bitcoin tops before september 2025
my bags pump nicelt and I exit correctly
then yes i will be retired by 30

almost 33 and i MAY be able to do it but only if i absolute frugalmaxx and markets don't completely shit themselves. even then i might need to get some 30k-ish wagie job. so basically no, it's over.

my advice to avoid my fate is to unironically hodl and put every possible cent into some investment, even if it's a boomer index fund.

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I thinks i can ghet to 300 - 400k this coming run if i play it right.

Why wait for the bull run to stack gains when you can let SuperBots auto trade and do it for you?

I'm 35 now. My net worth is down to $1.8 million from ATH of almost $2.5 million. I could probably retire now. But I'm gonna ride it out for another couple of years and hopefully have over $5 million.

that guy sounds like a fag

i retired at 10 years ago at 24
keep working hard wagies

Could've retired at 31. Now 34 and very very far away.


6 fig folio

only thing missing from that pic is being retired with a house and being retired at 30


i have a kns/avi split

depends on this bull market

Damn, this jak is literally me

I still have a couple of years left and I'm already over 30, maybe I should make a rich dude move and let someone else take over the job, my $rot seems stable enough for that, plus I have nothing to lose anymore

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Maybe yes, maybe not, but I'm living fine being a content creator and a blogger monetizing via Mediavine and Hydro Online

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Based ultra NEET. I too did vidya for 10 years before I came out of it

I probably won't retire even if I hit 60 hahaha....

Don't be a rentoid from a low income dysfunctional family in central EU, it's that easy.
I was dealt a shit hand and been playing on ironman difficulty since birth. No inheritance, no family home where I could just basement dwell while saving all the money I earned. No support whatsoever. Could have become an alcoholic or be on SSRIs like the majority of wagies here so they can cope but I'm rawdogging this miserable piece of fucking shit existence. My mind knows no bounds.

Congrats anon. Great attitude

Stfu faggot that's nothing you little pussy

Try to breath through your nose mutt

Try to breath through your nose mutt

Try to learn English, Rankesh

I was close to getting on Mediavine before the google core update, now my traffic is lower, but I'm enjoying Hydro's service since it doesn't show ads on my website

I'm 30, my net worth is 100K
it's over for me, I will have to wageslave for the rest of my life

Oh the irony, pablo

is his own alarm clock

You fucking anons need to get on this.
You can literally tell yourself what time you want to be up before you go to sleep.
I haven't used an alarm clock in the last 8 years.
Even when I have to be up early for an appointment. I might be off to the early side sometimes but when you wake up this way, you're up. No groggieness, just a clean break from sleep.

Invest early and massively, reinvest everything. You will get rich sooner than you think if you're diligent with your investing.