let me guess you're just waiting for it to 'take off'
Let me guess you're just waiting for it to 'take off'
who gives a shit about some whore's opinion
is this a message to 30+ link holders
feeling offended
But doctors have to do 10+ years of schooling and don’t start making big bucks until ~30 years old
First post Best post
And she's a pajeeta too
Once a man hits 25 he has to learn not to listen to every mutually contradictory person's opinion on their favorite status hierarchy that he finds on the internet
ah, but do they have 1.1 million followers on instagram? didn't think so. classy women win again
pronouns in bio
is female
Opinions discarded
linkedin faggotry
Napoleon only truly popped off at 28
But… she has 1.1+M IG
you will never find "the one"
some hole
some indian hole
telling me what I can or cannot do and what people think about me
I already became what i always dreamt of (storytelling) by the time i hit 29, Thousands of pages without requiring anybody to read my stuff, It was the best i could do and i'm proud of myself. Now i surf through life without feeling any pressure
Once a girl hits 25 she has either married a good man, or become a whore :)
It goes both ways sweetey
Fake followers and fake likes on her account where she posts "funny" quotes and shit
Hello SAR I am INDIA !
All these fucking retards know how to do is spam and scam
Pronouns in bio
Last name is unironically "dick shit"
into the trash it goes
chudcels seething itt
She's so right, ANYONE not being able to make it by 25 should be considered third class citizens
Every dude over 25 fucking a 20 year old begs to differ.
cum all Dixy (T)
This. I didn’t really start getting my shit together till about 32. At 25 I was still a complete fuck up with a kid on the way. Having a child forced me to grow the fuck up and make better decisions but I still had some terrible fucks up along the way
Worked min wage jobs all my life, Went to college at 25, graduated at 28 after failing a year and retaking it, got my first big boy job at 29, saved half a million by 35, on track for 1 million networth by 40
It's never too late to start, bless you
Once a woman hits 30 no one cares about her.
It’s a fake account.
Once a woman hits the wall, nobody cares about her at all, period.
nobody genuinely cares about her before either, desu
At 25, I had started waging at the bottom of the ladder for a whole year already.
I had a lot of potential and nothing to show yet.
That came later.
Don't believe the demoralifluensoors.
exactly how I felt when I hit 25 desu, I don't even try to get serious with a girl anymore since I'm not set up to live life how I want too and there's probably no chance she would stay with me unless I'm lucky or lower my standards which still doesn't guarantee anything in an era where ugly girls have hundreds of thousands of simps following their social media and inflating their worth. When I was a teenager dating was easy because you weren't expected to have much besides cool clothes/accessories and maybe a car
Once a girl hits 18.
Nobody cares about her.
shout out to her 46 indian simps giving her that upvote
wahhh i cant buy a girl a rolex so i cant get laid!
if you are buying girls you are buying whores, of course you dont know how to talk to girls so you only think in terms of financial transactions
how to talk to girls
you're right. I don't. Yet people online keep saying that women are just 'people'. I talk to women like people and can't get laid. incredible.
i want to find a way to make money off lonely dudes like me that doesn't involve being a pick me girl and making yt vids or already having a bunch of money like tate.
And it said that Caesar wept at the age of 33, jealous about the achievements of Alexander the Great (who died at 33).
My cousin was a cashier without a degree in his mid 20s and now at 32 he is a programmer and earns double my salary, sure it helps having a good start but it's cleary not over at 25.
What did you study and what's your job?
Women posting shit like this, especially pajeet women, is the equivalent of tiny manlet gymcels making huge demands of women they expect to compete for them.
People under 25.
Well done, anon. This is a good achievement. You have produced something using your own creativity. Whether it's appreciated today or not, without people like you the world wouldn't be where it is. Keep going.
You're not lonely because you're poor you're lonely because you're a sperg.
getting laid and a serious relationship are two different things
huh? obviously haha. i just want money to buy shit. I know i'm not entitled to sex or whatever. i'd rather a ferrari anyway
driving a ferrari expectations vs reality is a blackpill
I've driven the 360 and the 458, both are pretty damn good. My current driver is a 2012 Porsche 911 which is in exceptionally good shape for the miles it's done
Fair enough Im happy having sex while driving a 20 years old toyota 4x4.
Im still confused. Is that person a she or a him?
that's cool, i may have lots of sex in the future, but you won't have a ferrari.
I have kids they wont fit in a ferrari I will just buy some SUV or 4X4 in the future. God speed anyway.
It's brown who cares.
I also graduated and started my first big boy job at 28. Before that I was a student for 10 years in a predominantly female university city. Don't know how I would have felt if I had already been waging full time for 10 years at that point