The nerves on this guy commenting about the ill effects of centralisation when he's the one defending Chainlink...

The nerves on this guy commenting about the ill effects of centralisation when he's the one defending Chainlink hoarding all the fees and premint. He was also the one saying you should say "on chain" finance instead of "decentralised finance". What a joke.

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Based Zach Rynes.

1k eoy

Do people still hold LINK?

Zach's cool. Lot of good content. Great ambassador for the project. Looking forward to hear him talk at Smartcon Hong Kong Oct 30-31 Hong Kong. Still time to get tickets for this awesome event. $1000 eoy

Based. Can't wait to eat a fuckton of wanton noodle and get hyped about the 4IR.

Yeah he's pretty cool, he was quite relaxed about the Bancor one sided Il solution. Nice guy, very tech savvy

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We're allowed to be wrong sometimes, you know. We're all human. Sorry you lost so much. Maybe you've managed to get some back from wageslaving? Our paths are all mapped out for us. I was one of the lucky ones who didn't touch defi back then.

List one thing that has ever happened in your life that was your own fault.

IL protection

no such thing

Lol, you have to be an absolute retard if you lost money in this Israeli blunder because of how obviously shitty it was.

Just pointing out how retarded your god is, he understands nothing about game theory and decentralisation. And this is quite relevant now that we hear him trying to defend CLL' s centralised take on the fees and subsidies.

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regulatory capture has something to do with an exchange taking deposits to spend on personal stuff/democrats

your god

i listen to a lot of people who talk about Chainlink. Now we have institutions onboarding, with or without Zach (or any individual, for that matter) it's happening.
You'd have to be an absolute retard to miss out on what's coming down the pipe just because you dislike one person's point of view.
Is this where you stand? you gonna miss out?
Hope you have some rope stashed. You're gonna need it.


Non American detected
Curry skin detected
Opinion discarded

if institutions are onboarding why don't they buy link?

10,000 swift members.
400 million tokens.
40,000 link each to run a node.

maybe institutions aren't onboarding when you think about it.
or maybe the token isn't needed.


if the token isn't needed then ccip isn't needed. sound like you're trying to convince yourself. good luck.

You can pay for ccip without using link

but then it's sold for Link to pay for nodes

No it's not, as confirmed by your god. So, no token isn't needed, even for ccip. Guess he's not too worried about centralisation after all.

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if you decide to not invest because you don't believe the token is needed, that's your decision. however, the fact you loiter around link threads fudding them, just tells me you act in bad faith, and are most likely up to your neck in Link tokens. Just like everyone else in this thread. Just like all the Link threads.

yeah. it's just holders trying to make other holders buy more to spite them. it's the oldest trick in the book and frankly tiring after all these years

bagholder fuddies are at the stage of mental deterioration that they now equate "decentralization" with their bags being pumped. kek

Nice head canon. No one said that. Code the inflation, code everything in the protocol, CLL shouldn't be handling fees and "subsidies" manually outside of everyone's sight. If you disagree with this I have serious doubt you want what's best for the network, you just want more money for CLL.

Never forget.

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And he’s gone quiet kek. Every single time. No one can argue against this.

bahahahahahahaahahaahahaha dude look at your pussy ass worshipping a 24 year old trans obese “god”

You disgust me

This is why you dont get laid. Chicks hear your whole pushover schtick and realize you cant be trusted. Men without balls are a massive liability

Women learn this by the time theyre 16, which explains why you never got laid in high school either

If by “cool” you mean being on trans medication and letting other dudes cum on your face…then yeah he’s “cool”


LMAO it was about 2 years ago when I first heard a normie faggot like you use that word, at which point I realized it was dead

Did someone make a reddit post at some point or something talking about something being “based”

Why exactly did you quote the god comment????

Your god is a 24 yr old obese tranny…thats just a fact kid

Want to know why….because you and your cult are…..

THE Cuckolds of crypto

Wooooooooo bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahah

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude le fud issssssthhhhh BULLLLISHTHHHH

-NXT threads from 2014

for all dear holders do not look at the LINK/BTC pairing.

If you do, consider some introspection.

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Check out the 9 minute long nervous breakdown a few comments above me lmao


laughing on the outside, tears streaming on the inside

BTC $11,000
ETH $300
BNB $20
SOL $3
Link $20

BTC $57,000
ETH $2,400
BNB $515
SOL $130
Link $10

here's the screenshot fyi OP

going to be used in the eventual court case

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from the chainlink code of conduct @

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind

Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks

Public or private harassment

Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit consent

Discussing the price of a token or asset, or giving any type of financial advice

Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

that second to last bullet point was clearly violated, as have several others. Per the Chainlink website, these should be reported to: [email protected]

dude fud is bullish

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6cw5tWCQ must've lost everything with bancor lmao

thanks for playing

Sergey shit in the pool.

that explains why it's closed

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14 hours of hysterical manic post spamming


person a is in a cult that scams people

person b is not and calls out said scam

you: person b is sick!!