Economics = scam

economics professor with decades of education

isnt rich

teaches teenagers in the college

makes less money than an onlyfans prostitute

interdasting. sounds like economics as a science is bullshit.

All of our efforts here are to cling onto a world that may already be long dead

It is
They are fags who just like to draw graphs and make retarded faggot equations about nothing.

t. Bachelor's in Econ

nah, it's just proof that this world is full of pathetic incels who can't get a fucking date (it's not that hard)

nobody thinks economics is a science

Anon line still go up

Why would an economist be rich? They just look at past trends.

by science he meant "hard science", not social science.

computer “science”

doesn’t science anything

just copy and pasting stack overflow and ChatGPT debugs

Sounds like computers as a science are bullshit

makes less money than an onlyfans prostitute

that's a very, very tall bar to pass. no self-made man out there makes that much money if he's not already born into wealth.

It is bullshit like every other social "science", you can only "prove" things if you make up overly simplified models to remove all confounding variables present in the real economy. For example immigration is good because GDP GO UP, nevermind the country becomes a 80 IQ favela.


doesn't science anything


doesn't engineer anything (new)


doesn't write anything (significant)


doesn't art anything (meaningful)

99% of doctorates out there didn't even research anything important. it's quite literally all fake and just a way to keep people busy.

economics as a science is bullshit.

Yeah, no shit. Academia is a propaganda wing of the memetic cancer State

an economist without wealth is like a biologist without children

>teaches teenagers in the college

those are adults not just teenagers. 18-19 is an adult more than a teen, still college age includes 20-22 year olds

They forgot to take into account that money is fake and the whole market is propped up by VC's with capital allocation to keep inefficient market participants afloat until they kill out all the other market participants who aren't propped up by borrowed, printed money.

economics as a science

it's not a science...

econ is not finance. econ = the study of the distribution of ALL resources. half of econ disciplines don't have anything to do w money, retard

maybe not undergrad but master or phd in econ is basically just a specialized math degree

Economics = Talmudic jew magic to harvest money from slave goyim

>makes less money than an onlyfans prostitute

median econ professor making 120k a year

median OF girl making 2k a year

outliers represent the average

You are being facetious right? right? You're not honestly THAT low IQ

i liked the scene where shes naked in bed shitting and puking herself

Only risk tolerance matters. Doesn’t matter how smart you are

Economists are like racists, but with money


physicist with decades of experience

can't lift the heaviest stone

can't even make a black hole

Sounds like bullshit to me.

this is OP's girl now

low IQ comparison, humans can contribute to the fitness of the species even without reproduction, e.g. Newton.

can only compare average with average

no other comparison is possible because stupid


phd in political science

isn't a dictator


being a low IQ jew > phd in economics

Whoever said economics was the science of getting rich? Who gave you that impression?

It's the science of how society deals with scarcity of resources, you stupid fucking twit.

Like 99% of humanity makes less than a successful onlyfans prostitute though.

LOL the tripfag is triggered

economics isn't science, its right-wing ideology
see also: sociology and leftism

2b9.jpg - 810x1080, 281.98K

Pretty hot for a teenage heroin addict

True. All an economist does is give you hints on the bigger picture of where the global economy is heading. They're not bankers, but most are capable of becoming long-term investors if they can take the financial services route (has a high turnover during periods of recession tho, and are known for overhiring and overfiring).

meh, one of my Finance Teachers trades were hilarious, he'd talk about loosing £40k here and there. His Surname was also Lovejoy and he was the most miserable person imaginable.

Peak midwit post. Anyone who understands the economy should be able to make money on the market. Granted, there's always luck involved in the markets and smart people can get randomly wrecked but on average an economist should be a better trader than a random retard.

those who can’t do, teach

why are those who can’t do, poor?

Hmmm. Maybe for their shit takes like “The Internet will never be as big as the fax machine”?

who is the vegana bhai

I just fapped to this