I turned 30 today

And I’ve fully come the realization, and accepted, that I’ve wasted my youth and my life.

15 straight years of hard work has gotten me absolutely nowhere in life because I’m a risk averse, socially isolated fucking loser. I got perfect grades in high school, a nearly perfect SAT score, and I went to a shitty state school for college because I “didn’t want to pay out of school tuition, college debt is too risky”.

I got a worthless degree because I viewed it as the safe, risks averse option, Mechanical Engineering. I studied hard and never went out because it was too risky, I didn’t want to fail any classes or get poor grades. I took a shitty engineering job in my hometown because it was low risk, I didn’t want to try and move across the country for better work, what if I hated it? What if I couldn’t meet people or be successful? I never invested in anything risky, I kept all my money in safe things like my bank account or a high yield savings account

I’m now a 30 year old fucking loser. Ugly, weird, balding, make dogshit money, but at least I’m debt free!

I wasted my life.

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same, but mid 30's and was making 10k a month from youtube, now i make 0 and im killing myself everyday. no jobexperience or studies. i saved 430k. at least im not bald but i have to use finasteride and minoxidil topicaly

one day you'll stop caring what other people think about you and just be yourself
that's literally all you have to do but like most people on Anon Babble (myself included) we built up an autistic wall around us but I've been slowly tearing it down and I'm beginning to blossom
I just turned 30 last month too
Just be yourself bro that's it

You have a foundation to build on. If you'd ditched your studies you might have had a hook-up that gave you an STD - and you wouldn't have your degree.

30 is young you fucking retard. stop having a pity party for yourself, the world doesn't care - do something about it. look for a better job, get fuckin minoxidil, go to the gym for a start. no one here or anywhere else can help you, you have to do it and opportunities aren't going to fall onto your lap. you have years of experience with a decent degree, time to task a risk retardo.

The only risk I’ve ever taken in my life, and to call it a risk is even a stretch, was taking finasteride. I took it for 3 months and woke up one morning because I rolled over onto my stomach in my sleep and felt pain in my nipple, now I have gynecomastia and there’s a small lump there. Thankfully it’s not super noticeable but I was one of the very few people that even gets a noteworthy side effect.

It doesn’t matter at this point, nobody wants a 30 year old autistic fucking weirdo like me to “open up” to them. It’s over for me.


Hey nice, finally it's gone up 10k.

join the club brother.

I'm 31, feel like I wasted my 20s. Was in crypto since 2012 and guess what? I have nothing. Never made it, always bought the wrong things every bull run. I did the right thing, went to university, struggled because I was raised in low income family. Got a good job now, this year I finally started making six figures. Guess what? I'm broke. Full of student loans, got maybe a couple grand in crypto, cost of living is insane (Canada). I would do absolutely anything to hit a mill. I just want to own a house, have a nice car, motorcycle, and be happy.

I was balding but took finasteride and all my hair came back at least.

I'm almost right where you are, anon, but I just turned 29. Found the love of my life, but we were too broke in the city to make it work, and her "mental health" declined rapidly, to the point where she just wasn't the same person. Dating at this point has proven to be ridiculously time-consuming and frustrating, and I'm not ready to move on. There's exactly zero money in what I chose to pursue in this life, even when you're world-class at it, so now I'm in the process of reorienting my entire life toward making money and being "normal" again. Just designed a product that a company's interested in selling, so I might be able to make it there, but you never know with how finicky they can be. Half the time, it feels like I'm standing still, watching life pass me by, as they say. The only advice I can provide you with at this point is to accept who you are right now. If you don't, every action you take from hereon out will be out of self-spite or self-loathing, and that's a horrible foundation for progress. If you can learn to find the value in what you've accomplished so far, you'll be much happier when things get better. I'd help pull you out of the gutter, but I have no idea how I'd do that from here.

happy birthday anon. 30 is still pretty young make best of the next 10 years

instead of finding someone else to open up to, you should open up to yourself

like said, no one here or anywhere else can help you, you MUST build yourself up
you have to find respect for yourself and others will follow suit

it fluctuates, my bag was 420k today actually
this fucking sucks compared to having a guaranteed income each month, i was on a fucking roll, stacking 6 figures each month, it was going to be the best summer, now im fucking demented

that's about 430K more than 99% of people on biz so shut the fuck up and get your shit together retard

sorry to hear that
i don't even know what to say, the only thing i can somewhat relate to is being over the hill as a 36 year old, but i'm doing ok financially and have had a gf for a year.
but i am isolated and mildly autistic, i have a lot of sexual function issues for example that my gf puts up with somehow.

it's all very tiresome, like you say at least you don't have debt, surely you have some savings? having no dependents or responsibilities can be a blessing, consider a career change.

i get the same feelings as you are describing when i get a lot of work stress for some reason, it's like i mentally spiral and start realising what a piece of shit I am at 36 - can't do a lot of things properly and almost feel like a child.

wish i could be more helpful but for the most part the world is pretty rotten and unforgiving. try doing something more drastic like using some of your savings to get a hair transplant and start going to the gym religiously, it will give you something to do and also has mental and physical health benefits, and will increase your mood, help with sleep etc.

My 30s have been no different from my 20s. I guess you guys are fat?

it's more being socially retarded that catches up with you
there's some forced social interaction and friendship in your 20s with college and being young at work (going for after work drinks etc).
being in your 30s everyone gets busy and people have families, you have to go above and beyond to even catch up with people once every 2-3 months for a beer.
i'm legitimately happy for you if you're socially healthy and have friends and stable normal relationships, it makes life a lot easier.

You are grass is always greener thinking that if only you had "taken more risk" you would be an incredibly fulfilled, wealthy, and happy person right now but actually you'd probably be near the same as you are now, if not in an even worse position. You are just realizing that when it comes to wageslavery the juice is not worth the squeeze and nobody is getting rich waging, not even 200K+ fags because they almost always have to live in expensive cities/suburbs and have to commute long hours, which is a hell in of itself. Maybe you would have gotten that better job, but it would have come at the expense of living in an expensive urban shithole and would have been much higher stress. And for what? if you are actually subhuman-maxxed as you say you are you wouldnt have gotten girls anyway. The only thing I would say you truly fucked up at is this

I kept all my money in safe things like my bank account or a high yield savings account

This is truly retarded, at 23 or 24 you should have had the sense to buy and hold at least some crypto, which is the ONLY way joe shmoes can make it. By buying and hodling crypto for at least 10 years and if you time it right and dont fuck up you can have few millions in your 30s. Look you arnt getting rich and you probably arnt getting a gf/wife so I would say quit your shitty boring engineering job and go travelling for a few years, waging is pointless in this brave new world. You should hobo max

itt: chainlink victims starting to realizing they've been had

Just turned 45 and I don't give a fuck I'm not growing up. Still banging hot 20 something's don't plan on stopping

how? do you understand my conodrum
i have no job experience and no studies at mid 30's
this money does nothing, unless i can like 5x it but i have to spend a % each year

I was 21 when I bought my first BTC in 2013, I am 32 now and I still haven't made it, stupid internet coins stole my life.

Anon I'm 31, and literally the same. Got an engineering degree at a cheap University in state, found a job at a local manufacturing plant in my small Michigan town.

Except I have invested a bit. I've got a few hundred thousand and a shitbox of a house.

I also never had a GF until I was 27, since then I've been through 3 gfs. None of them are interested in marriage.

just be yourself

Gayest bullshit advice ever. I have never got a gf by being myself.

No, you're right I was equally as depressed in my 20s as I am in my 30s.

why did it go from 10k to 0? do you have any tips on making a youtube channel? sorry for your circumstances frend

lmao cause you're a depressed fuck and not confident with yourself. a self-fulfilling prophecy just like the OP. what are your hobbies? what do you do after work?

If you're really that inept just go learn how to be a plumber or electrician or something retard. It's not hard, you make decent money and right now you have years worth of cash to use while you do it

my dude you literally need a 10% return on that 430K to make $43,000. Like bro just throw it into an index fund or bonds or some shit and just bum around for a few years. it will magically turn into a million one day and then you can retire. you already won

I am also a 30 year old socially isolated loser incel that has nothing to show for all my hard work and would be living exactly the same with zero net worth then I do with my 1 million net worth because I live with my parents still and have no expenses anyways

what are you talking about bro. do you seriously want me to sit here and give you sympathy after saying you have ONE MILLION DOLLARS.

i had a gf in high school but then became a shutin and i am 28 now, I work from home and have a decent job but getting out again is goofy. There's a good amount of social events you could possibly do though.

As autistic as this sounds I'd recommend getting into LLMs as a psychologist. I include my entire life story and it gives me suggestions on things to do to go out and be social again. Lots of things you can do. Doomer/blackpill shit is just cope to keep doing the same lazy faggot shit you've always done. You just need some shitty self help stuff and to actually start doing stuff, if you already have 1m or some shit you have a ton of freedom to do stuff. You gotta focus on the positive : )

It’s not a lot in Canada. I can;t even buy a shitty suburb house in my area and there is no point anyways when I just be a loner in a new home vs just being a loner at my parents home

I'd recommend getting into LLMs as a psychologist

I'd only install one that I can setup on my own rig, because I don't want to open up to some shitty filtered glow LLM like GPT that just funnels all of my private info directly to law enforcement.

Doomer/blackpill shit is just cope to keep doing the same lazy faggot shit you've always done.

Yes and no. The fact that housing, rent, hoeflation, etc,,, is 10x higher than had I just started 5 years ago is a pretty unavoidable fact of life. Not something to get depressed over or a reason to roll over and die, but being forced to participate in a forever appreciating asset like housing after 14 years of it going up in price is gay as fuck. Ces't la vie

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read the gay science you are acting like a faggot
for the llm yeah anything on your rig will probably suck, I don't get why anyone cares about people using your data though, all they can do is advertise you just don't write anything incriminating you did.

I read multiple Nietzsche books pal and you didn't even read the rest of my sentence before emotionally reacting like a woman. I said the ponzi economy shouldn't make people depressed or give up.

Just give your data to advertisers


not using chatgpt on linux on public wifi with fake account


i am from canada too. dude the gains you make passively on your investments can cover the cost of renting a pretty nice place. have you ever been to SE asia? you can stay in a 5 star condo on airbnb for like $80 a night, which is the same cost per day as a rental here lmao. I hop around different cities day to day because you only need 30 seconds to find another place to stay. food for thought

Just be yourself

I've been doing that and now I'm even more of a closed, asocial weirdo. I'm just a lot more unapologetic about it.
The only thing that changed the above was taking SSRI, but that's a dick killer and I'd recommend anyone to stay far away from it. Not worth it.

being yourself doesn't mean doubling down on weird anti-social behaviors. it means embracing who you are, and not conforming just to please others. other people will recognize and often respect a confident, genuine person. if all you have going for you is boring ass closed-off shit, it's not going to get you anywhere. you still need to do things and try to improve yourself lol

i threw out my pussy ass goy pills at age 15
i also just got done cycling 11 miles while you're on Anon Babble crying like a LITTLE BABYYYYYYYYYY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
be yourself means do what you like and say what you like without caring what other people say or think