And I’ve fully come the realization, and accepted, that I’ve wasted my youth and my life.
15 straight years of hard work has gotten me absolutely nowhere in life because I’m a risk averse, socially isolated fucking loser. I got perfect grades in high school, a nearly perfect SAT score, and I went to a shitty state school for college because I “didn’t want to pay out of school tuition, college debt is too risky”.
I got a worthless degree because I viewed it as the safe, risks averse option, Mechanical Engineering. I studied hard and never went out because it was too risky, I didn’t want to fail any classes or get poor grades. I took a shitty engineering job in my hometown because it was low risk, I didn’t want to try and move across the country for better work, what if I hated it? What if I couldn’t meet people or be successful? I never invested in anything risky, I kept all my money in safe things like my bank account or a high yield savings account
I’m now a 30 year old fucking loser. Ugly, weird, balding, make dogshit money, but at least I’m debt free!
I wasted my life.