Rate my BTC strat biz

Initial capital:10k
Net profit: 196k
Max Drawdown: 13,6%
Average holding: 36 hours

Btccc.jpg - 1895x344, 113.75K


You could have bought 5-10 Bitcoin and just held lol

point was not holding shit

But you would have made more money and did so much more work.. you get a 0/10.

the point of not holding would be to outearn holding, and you didn't.

shut up and keep holding bags forever niggers

Sure thing serviette hands

in this space since 2017

only got 20x

jfc i'd just kms

I could make one sell order that eclipses your entire 7 year trading campaign.. KEK

from your really shitty graph, can you at least go into log ffs
i can see you underperformed just hodling btc by 2.5x aprox, so you would have 500k if you simply did nothing lol
and you come here in arrogance insulting everyone who points out what stupid shit you did

also are the tax liabilities already subtracted from your graph or not since again hodling would incur no tax penalties at all
i somewhat doubt you started out living in one of the 0% tax havens since then your buy in would be far higher

What changed in July 2023 that quadrupled your ROI?

all that effort

just holding makes more

are you serious OP
what did you expect people would say

20x in 7 years

40% yearly

Would be very impressive if your underlying asset didn't outperform you by 2x.
Most of your profits are results of natural asset appreciation, most movements of which you missed.

Try your strat on forex or anything else that doesn't triple in value every couple of years and you'd see the true ROI of your actual trading.

20x in 7 years

40% yearly

anon i think your excel skills need some review
that would amount to 53.5% yearly if i am not mistaken
40% would only get you a 10x over the 7 year time frame
the wonders of compounding returns right

that's just a simulation you mongoloids

And of course you didn't notice the drawdown: 13%
Let's increase it to 15%:
Initial capital 10k
Net gain 656k
Drawdown: 15.35%

Not holding bags like a nigger

Meaning you can actually use your money

Nothing, I guess the strategy performed just better

I just realized that it's even sadder than that.
Before the 3x he did in 2023, it had taken him 6 years for a 6x.

Start of the bear market. Normally if his strategy had any sort of merit it shouldn't really impact his ROI but strangely enough, it did a 3x the same year BTC did a 4x. Curious

Increasing size a little more makes a 66x in 7 years, and that's just because the broker I'm using is capped to 10btc trades


BTC does 72x over the same period of time

Again, if your strategy worked so well that a 2% drawdown difference multiplies your profits by 10x, you'd be the greatest trader of all time.

$10,000/$250 = 40 BTC
40*$69,000 = $2,760,000

Your chart just shows how much you absolutely fucked up.

b-but you fucked up

keep holding your bags at -70% DD

Meaning you can actually use your money

so you are not asking to rate your stategy, you are asking to rate your strategy + benefits external to the strategy (like that one)
i guess it's impossible, it depends on how you value those benefits
if i had extra money to "use", i would just put them in btc, so it's not for me

where did anybody say they are holding bags
everyone here pointed out op underperformed simply holding the underlying asset thus being of total retard
and op didnt even answer the tax question which would depress his gains even more

and even then with hodling through two -80+% moves that hypothetical anon would still laugh in ops face for his stupidity
do you not understand simple numbers anon

by raising the risk a lot, like reaching 25-30% (which is nothing compared to bitcoin drawdowns), I can easily outperform the holding strategy and remain in possession of money, which are not useless bags

and op didnt even answer the tax question which would depress his gains even more

I live in Switzerland, sorry Amerifat, even this simple information is a taxable event in your country, not in my country

where you live doesnt matter, where op lives matters
what hind of a retard are you barging into a conversation that doesnt concern your personal details and arrogantly checking in your life
also what ever makes you think i am an amerifat, most places have trader taxes except a very few high col places that require invester visas to qualify

Average holding: 36 hours


the average duration of trades

I'm the OP, I live in switzerland, capital gain tax is 0

and remain in possession of money

yeah that's cool if you are into that kind of stuff
sadly it's something external to the strategy (in term of pure profits), so we can't really rate it
it's like saying "yeeah i lost x% of profits BUT i bought a new car, the car is very important to me soooo i'm very cool"
ok bro sure, whatever works for you
in term of pure strategy, still, you are performing worst than just holding, so what do you want us to say lol
if you need to "remain in possession of money" then go ahead, if you value that just don't buy at all and you will be in possession of money all the time kek
in terms of "remaining in possession of money" your strategy sucks compared to one that remains in possession of money all the time
you can't mix things up expecting us to give the same value you do to stuff that's not important to us

If you really had a strategy that outperforms BTC by with a fifth of the risk, you could borrow BTC to trade and repay when it inevitably draws down while you're in profit.

Your claims become more absurd every post. Now you're claiming you have a literal money printing machine but you can't use it because your exchange only allows trades of 10BTC (Binance and any other exchange allows 10000BTC trades)

wait so you are the op and you switched ids, so this is also you the op
hahahahaha you absolute retarded child

in terms of "remaining in possession of money" your strategy sucks compared to one that remains in possession of money all the time

yes nigga, sell your btc low when BTC is at 6k, that hurts

yeah i was just saying that if you value:

"remaining in possession of money

then your strategy is worst than other strategy (which is: never trading at all)
if you value:


then your strategy is worst than holding
you can't mix up the 2 things and expects us to compute the weighted value of the 2 things together lol

OP posts become INCREASINGLY nonsense, we must downvote it NAO

You come from plebbit, you're not really accustomed to normal conversations, there always has to be some form of drama and shaming at some point

Mb23.gif - 480x270, 3.35M

so the summarize op, you didnt even actual trade as presented in your graph this is just backtesting your trading strat that you never even applied in live markets
the market will rape you going forward

then you present supreme retardation here that shows you never even invested any significant capital in real trades here
you couldnt even be arsed to look up real tax info rather than shit tier internet rules so that tells me you never made any gains that required you to go through a real tax attorney
but let me make this very clear to you op switzerland like every other country that isnt one of the few tax havens has professional trader laws that you will assuredly cross with a btc trading strategy that will reclassify your cap gains as personal income that will be taxed at the highest progressive rate your canton has
this absolutely craters your trading returns compared to a cycle 3 year hold strategy not to mention that you have a legit wealth tax lol
why anon do you think people move to certain semi shitholes for tax purposes if they could move to pristine switzerland otherwise

tl;dr dont bother anons its just another child who never traded real money in his life blabbering arrogantly on the internet abut things he doesnt understand

That's because of another parameter I want: low drawdown.
I can raise drawdown at 20-25% and outperform holding strategy easily

Nigga, just answer the question. If you really had this strategy that outperforms BTC while avoiding drawdown, could you not just borrow BTC to hedge your risks and print literally infinite money? Why are you not the richest person in the world right now?

trading is retarded outside of a few cycle tier trades, and you can still fuck it up and get yourself out of the market, since cycle patterns work until they dont

another parameter I want


maybe another trader doesn't give a fuck about having low drawdown, just like buying a car
so we can't really rate it objectevely, it's just depends on the parameters that are important for YOU
i guess the "generic trader" usually cares about profit, so he doesn't give a fuck about things like

remaining in possession of money

and low drawdown
you do you mate, just don't ask us to rate a strategy considering things outside profit, because we basically don't care

bla bla bla attorney taxes

Shut up plebbitor, you don't know shit, it's easier than you picture it

people actually take their time to school you on exactly how retarded you are and the real world will rape you over it
and your only response is you are from le plebbit
and i am just not gonna pay taxes on my trading account contained within a tradfi broker lol cause rules dont apply to me
you op are a supreme child and i wish you the best of luck on your road to destitution

to any lurking anons pay attention this is how you fuck up your life despite all the opportunity given to you

Yes I already paid 0% taxes on my capital gains and yes, you're an obnoxious tranny from reddit who is trying to construct bogus theories to make it seem extremely complicated

and he doubles down on his retardation
anon if on every trade you make you have to subtract 36% for combined taxes your compounding returns crater like a rock compared to a tax free long term holding strategy
just excel it out and see the difference, now yes you will have to make your own macros on this since most of the copy paste things online are insufficient

and again taxes on accounts within a tradfi broker are bogus theories lol, i thought we purged your kind of stupid from here when enough people got raped trying to cash out in cycles past
now if you said i have my shit in a binance account there would be a chance your government doesnt notice and you can go and cash out in dubai
but you very specifically stated you have it in a broker so your money is 100% tax captured

this is the last i will try and school you op, but if you think taxes on real amount of money are reddit bogus theories you will get to enjoy anal devastation
but that is none of my concern, i just post this for the lurkers

yes, of course, and indeed I told you that if you can tolerate a bigger DD you will get huge results with this strat

keep quoting anal practices in his 2000 words long posts

confirmed redditor

as I told you, I ALREADY paid capital gain taxes on my accounts, and it was... let's see... 0%

if you can tolerate a bigger DD you will get huge results with this strat

i see, so we care about profits again?
because in that case you can get even bigger results if you just, you know, hold

Highest BTC drawdown since 2017 is 80%. Tell me, how much would your strategy return if you tolerated 80% drawdown?

Point was:

I personally don't want big DDs, and so I'm ok with that profit

If ANOTHER TRADER would be ok with 25-30% DD, he could get HUGE gains and outperform holding strategy

Can you understand a written text? I'm not sure

13% is a 19k

15% is a 66x

19% is a 794%

I think even just a 20% DD would break the bank

i see, that's very cool then and kinda the whole point of trading imho
next time start with that if you want other traders to care




You ruined it

all I see is a gambling addict who would have earned more if he had done nothing.

hold bag forever

use bag as collateral for loan

never pay tax

I think its clear who the nigger is


sorry, typo