What age is to old to invest

What age is to old to invest

probably mid 50s
but even then you might end up living to 100.
in theory you should have a retirement account just sitting in like 60/40 stocks/fixed income

Probably never…by the 2030s humans may have reached escape velocity and if you can make it to the 2050s you could potentially live for 1000s of years.

I hate this webm more than you could ever believe
The desperate dance.. the looks she gives... the added text.... the absolute cope.
Horrible webm

Yes and she probably had sex with more people in one weekend than I have in my entire 40 years of life. And no that’s not a good thing it’s repulsive and vile. I pray for her repentance and true conversion to Christ.


It's joever.jpg - 847x894, 72.12K

Agenda 30(plus).
You WILL marry them and you WILL be happy.

peyekcp57hed1.jpg - 1170x1169, 161.83K

God I wish. But I doubt the current monetary system can exist in such a society

Never too late but someone who started before you will be ahead of you for some time, as obvious as that may sound.

You can do the calculations yourself, if someone had started putting an amount into the S&P500, say 100 each month in, starting in 2015.
Compare it to someone else putting in 300 a month starting 2020, second guy wouldn't catch up to the first guy in total investment value until like 2025 and he will have invested more in total than first guy.

our time will come

jfc, reminds me of that kaiji's pic

aaaaaa.png - 529x799, 364.42K

who the fuck "trusts a fart" in the middle of yoga class
100% this is a disgusting fat bitch

The incels were ALWAYS right about women

Would be miserable living on an overpopulated planet with a bunch of old farts desu.

no such thing

you are too late at 25 but later is worse

I'm turning 30 soon as a guy and I feel great. I just need to get more in shape and I'll basically be well setup for my 30s. I'm lifting hard though but I can't seem to outrun my low test so im probably gonna get on test therapy soon if I can't clear this up

*too old

Jewish elite won’t allow the goys to live that long ever

We will have to kill off a lot of people like you so It doesn’t get overpopulated

That is not going to happen

these webms are old as fuck, get some new material so I can hate women more