I knew about bitcoin back in 2010 when it was around a dollar

I knew about bitcoin back in 2010 when it was around a dollar.

There were threads on /new/ about it and 90% of anons were mocking it.

I thought "lol I'm not investing into some dumb internet scam".

I could have invested $100 and never had to work again in my entire life.

ohshit.jpg - 480x485, 17.84K

I knew it aswell 2010
Could would..... Doesn't matter

You're forgiven if you thought early bitcoin was a scam. Post 2017 however you have no excuse.

I was 6 in 2010

Good thing you didn't fall for the dumb internet scam. Now get back to the wagie cage and let the real adults make real money

Shoulda, woulda coulda. Woulda, shoulda, coulda

Oh wait

You would've sold at $5 don't kid yourseld

Yep same. Every time i look into a mirror i think "there's a sucker. There's a fuicking rube"

I knew about bitcoin back in 2010 when it was around a dollar.

I had several thousands invested in it when it was around $200 a pop

I literally read about in 2009 after the financial crisis but I was 14
then in 2012 again but I was 17
then learned about ETH in 2017 but was broke
2019 chainlink but too complicated even got a ledger
2020 got a big inheritance and bought... xrp
lost it all
building back again now learning from mistaking
better late than never
dont beat yourself up it doesnt help

If if's and buts were Bitcoin market buys in the early 2010s we'd all be millionaires.
Now fuck off back to plebbit.

If you bought early, you sold early. Trust me.

Or you're dead or lost it.

I have $2k in bitcoin that used to be only $400 when I initially bought it. When will I be able to retire?

Coppity cope cope

It's not really cope. If it even 5x you probably would have sold it. It's very unlikely you would have thought to yourself to just sit on it for 10 years. There's also a very high probability that you would lose your seed phrase, your wallet gets hacked, or you exchange goes down.

plebbit pic

plebbit spacing

OP is a plebbitor. He posted an image from plebbit.

I don't know why you think that's the case.

Early bitcoiners were a somewhat unusual mix.
Fairly technical folks, and able to protect their keys.
Ideologically deviant, and willing to do strange things on principle.

Also, don't underestimate the psychological effect of having a negligible cost basis.
It made it quite easier to sit on coins for a long time without losing one's mind.

OP is a plebbitor. He posted an image from plebbit.

I found it here faggot

Reddit is love.

Reddit is life.

Stop struggling against the inevitable.

dude I could've won the lottery bro!

even if you did buy BTC in 2010 you'd sell way too early like 99.9999% of people

do what you can today

Reddit is here to stay chud. Now roast me

B R E T T Y.jpg - 678x474, 127.07K

Now you know about




Yet you are sitting by the sidelines watching them get worked on to lift off, kek

Post 2017 however you have no excuse.

2018 is when I finally got into it...I got wrecked.

I knew about Bitcoin back in 2010 too, I tried to buy $8000 worth, I couldn't find a way to do it. Fuck this world

Reddit chads rise up! We'll put these 4chins in their place!

You were supposed to go on IRC, in #bitcoin-markets.
There, strange nicks would cater to your every desire, as long as they involved paypaling them money and hoping to receive some worthless made up coin in exchange.
If you express nervousness at the incongruity of the situation, they would have assuaged your every doubt by showing you their Web of Trust rating, an entirely made up and completely gameable metric that proved they were entirely trustworthy. With math.

In their defense, and in spite of how nonsensical this all seemed, they generally were trustworthy.

Interesting, every experience I had on mIRC or whatever was terrible back in the days, feels like faggots would ban you for no reason. Maybe that was just the anime ones. I remember searching for ways to buy Bitcoin with debit card and as my searches gave 0 results. I remember the frustration and it's almost like I could feel my future self screaming to the past that I was gonna miss something but "I don't have time for this" I thought to myself... I had a mind numbing job and the whole reason for the job was to trade my time for money to buy stuff. If I was unemployed and doing nothing at home I probably would have gotten into mining cause I would have had the time.

gosh i (you) should really buy at the high

Buy an ad samuel bankman

I did not learn about Bitcoin even being a thing until 2019.

I knew about it in my years lurking Anon Babble but wasted it on buying and experimenting with drugs through Silk Road and SR knock offs and was addicted to watching BangBros and Tube Porn sites at its peak during all the degenerate music, lifestyles and proto-SJWism, I literally wasted my youth

now I’m living iff the streets in some undisclosed west coast town addicted to fent and have full-blown AIDs and will wind up joining a communist jihadi group to blow myself up to destroy a power generator when they send me on my last mission after I owe the CCP and jeet drug dealers tens of thousands as a laid off failed millenial tech bro


I wonder where those guys are now

got a big inheritance and bought... xrp

You got a big inheritance and went all in in ONE token?
Absolute mongoloid. The all in meme is just a meme to fuck with newfags. Diversify, always.

At the time, a 2x was an amazing return. A 3x was insane. Anybody would've sold. We weren't used to crypto-like returns back then, only to 10-20% stock ROIs.

I don't know why you think that's the case.

Because that has in fact been the case for the virtual totality of early investors? How many stories of people who bought at $20 and sold at $50 thinking they were Gordon Gekko?
And how many actually held for years through 100x, 200x, 300x without selling? Basically no one.

From the get go, some people understood that Bitcoin's price might become rather crazy.
See for example Hal Finney estimating a $10 million price per coin *two days* after Bitcoin launched.

In the early years, many would reach similar conclusions in the forums and on IRC.

I'm sure plenty of people sold, but certainly not everyone did.

me and a friend mined it in hs, i dont remember what we used I remember using a mining pool. would have been like 2011-12 or maybe early 13
pretty sure I formatted that drive
was a neet for like 5 years going back and and the rest of the time I worked min wage jobs and was in like 10k+ minimum of credit card debt
really only started making actual money in 2021, bought some bitcoin but I didn't really get it so I sold it pretty quick (still had crazy CC debt, moved in with parents to pay it off quickly while working a decent job). barely had any and barely made anything.
only really understood what it actually was and the basic maxi idea and bought in fully started w/ a lump sum and dcaing in april 2023 when it was ~27k
got like .75 of a btc now
if it really takes off I think we will all be fine

damn thats crazy. you could also have won the lottery if you knew the numbers

pretty sure I formatted that drive

youre retarded for not doing data recovery on that drive if you still have it

I kept the drives around for a while but like 4 years after i was really paranoid and having a schiz freakout as a shutin so I pretty in depth destroyed all my old drives and threw them out

There weren't a lot of pools in the early day.
If you happened to use Slushpool, it's now called pool.braiins.com and any account you had there still exists on the new platform.

Also, some people have gone to clinically insane lengths to retrieve lost bitcoins, including protos.com/owner-of-8k-bitcoin-lost-in-landfill-threatens-to-bankrupt-local-council/
If you don't have to bankrupt a town and empty an entire landfill to find your old harddrive, things might be easier for you.

you're still on time to buy $LRDS, dont waste any time anon, this is the moment, this is the signal