LINU up 75% because of a CEX listing
This proves all Anon Babble dogs can make it. I imagine what happens to HOKK and Lucky both when it get a CEX listing
HOKK only needs $6k USD to get into a top 30 CEX, imagine what happens when they get in.
LINU up 75% because of a CEX listing
This proves all Anon Babble dogs can make it. I imagine what happens to HOKK and Lucky both when it get a CEX listing
HOKK only needs $6k USD to get into a top 30 CEX, imagine what happens when they get in.
Fucker needs to be more convincing then this, otherwise it’s go to FUN
Is there a hokk prize for the first anon to recommend sucking 6000 dicks?
Asking for a friend
Yeah, I hear your mother won it yesterday
HOKK only needs $6k USD to get into a top 30 CEX
If you know something that no one else does tell me.
BTW LINU struck a deal of a lifetime basically. Contract said 15k fee to list but Citex discounted it to 3.5k + 4k for the LP.
What's there to elaborate?
They negotiated a CEX listing offer from $20k USD down to $6k after 3 weeks of constant back and forth, THEY ARE RELENTLESS, CUNTS DON'T SLEEP
Its only a matter of time before these sick cunts get the cash, then its FLYING
Damn, sounds good. I think I'll buy a stack then.
What is the sui and make it
10 Trillion Sui, 100 Trillion Make it
This fucking revival metal is going to make me RICH AS FUCK, KEK
Alright don't fumble the deal hokk anons.
LINU homies almost fumbled their deal but they're gonna make it now. Godspeed.
This proves all Anon Babble dogs can make it
Unbelievably based.
I bought all three, I'm probably retarded but...
LUCKY 100x is merely 550K and almost HOKK's current MCAP.
HOKK 10x is merely 5M and 2x LINU's current MCAP.
LINU 10x is merely 30M and below KISHU MCAP
That's without even targetting shit like PEPE, DOGE, etc.
A couple years from now, Anons will be wishing they had bought all 3 of them and held
I was invited to partake in the negotiations as a by-stander, listing agents were chasing them even after the tg got nuked, that's how interested they are
fuck I am thankful in this dog eat dog of a world we got Anon Babble autists looking out for us
Autist: The meme sheepdogs of the meme shitcoin meme world.
Ikr? I am tired of anons not making it. It's been so fucking gay with the last 2 years of bobo and baggie posting. I am glad it's coming to an end again.
A new golden age for Anon Babble is being set up right now, and it hasn't fully hit bizbros yet
*smacks lips*
my eeferiums down 1.6% but my linus up 87.41%
*smacks lips*
Someone said if Linu gets to 20 million marketcap, they are donating HOKK the price of a CEX listing
fuck me ill buy a bag of hokk tomorrow and do that myself if linu gets to 20M mcap
Exactly. WHEN. lmao
"when" maby in your dreams. again linu will get around 7m max to sunday and then it kicks down again. the PND bots are doing some good work. next coin will be Fire and then rotate back to spyro ;)
those sound made up, anon. Who names a dog "Spyro"?
Spyro is SOVLESS, synthetic trash pumped by paying everyone and their mother to promote it, that's why it dipped so hard
Biz dogs are genuine, and authentic, you can't buy autism with money, it comes from the heart
who said anything about a dog? ;) read before you speak anon. take a hint do with it as you wish. for a quick pump you better be early
verification not required
you can't buy autism with money
you can buy mercury, anon
So it's not a dog? What's the use case, then?
Ok, made me laugh.
How come CITEX hasn't announced it on their twitter? Or did I miss it? Is LINU team breaching NDA?
Doubt it, CITEX is probably double checking every hair in their ass before posting anything from the their official twitter
But the money was paid, it will come
They would have had to sign an NDA (LINU team) and now it's all over the tg and Anon Babble
because its a pnd LIE? when you gonna wake up anon. read my posts ;)
verification not required
dog coins exist because crypto markets need a buffer coin to absorb major liquidity shock ripples. They are disguised as "memes" because one of the fundamental characteristics is that they are unexpected. There are two more attributes of liquidity buffers but this will be left as an exercise for the reader.
Its been announced
I told you, its a new era my man
awww c'mon anon. educate me
Holy shit no one has posted the fucking chart, LOOK RETARDS LOOK.
Sell singal
Dont worry ranjesh you will be able to buy too.
I will bye when it is back to 1million
nah im pretty sure people said the same shit about AVI and it CRUSHED the ath by like 12-15X
disclaimer I don't know anything
the second attribute can be inferred from the fact that these "flash in the pan", "stupid meme" coins actually stick around after their meteoric pumps.
Can you show me on their twitter or website where CITEX announced it?
Citex is about to announce it. You don't understand how early this is.
im literally f5ing their twitter why havent they yet
Did you guys not have to agree to an NDA, which you broke by telling the whole world?
the final attribute of a dog coin is it's ability to buffer. This is why they have large supplies. As large amounts of capital flow into BTC this value must flow into undervalued ALTs. This process is achieved by a buffer coin. The process of buffering is to rock back and forth.
The first two aspects are technical attributes. The third is psychological and accounts for their normie/meme wrapper. However, the tail does not wag the dog.
Thank you. Appreciated.
I solded.
Good choice. Again, the guys running the LINU tg are scamming everyone... again...
Why the fuck would a community coin sign an NDA do you realize how retarded that sounds?
There is no NDA. Never was.
it's rugging kek
this coin has the most paperhanded bagholder community on ethereum
I dont know the difference between selling and rugging
So you basically admit you're newfags, right?
baggies no more png
kek baggie
Reading LINU threads are always entraining.
So many salty jeets and Anon Babbletards that sold the bottom just malding.
Truly some of the best threads.
They sold the bottom and yet they still fud for an entry they will never get. It's pathetic really.
we're in this for the community
dumps on community after 4th revival
It took me a month but I finally could sell my bags and make a profit.
Thanks for playing.
Post proof you mentally challenged braindead nigger.
I'm waiting.
I'm waiting for the CEX before i dump my paycheck in
I don't need to post proof. all of Anon Babble can see what you pajeet tg admins are doing to them. Jesus lord I hope this 4th "revival" is the last time
Gonna just post here too since this seems to be literally every shitcoin (minus kenis)
be scammer
make ChudCoin
bot 100 wallets to buy ChudCoin
advertise on Le 4Chud
some chuds buy some don't (these are the chuds that will go on and try to legitimize other chud projects because they profited from ChudCoin)
bot buy more wallets
more chuds buy, dumb chuds begin advertising for scammer
btc actually does something
ChudCoin to the moon
btc stops
jazz music stops
6 gorillion ChudCoin wallets sell
chuds cope by saying it's all pajeet $50 wallets
eventually chuds lose (as always)
scammer begins bot buying ChudCoin into different wallets again
ChudCoin recovers
scammer gets to scam a new round of chuds because Le Redemption Arc
God I hate this fucking board if it isn't on ethereum network it's a fucking niggerwhale using chud memes to bait you stupid fucks
When did they update this? How fucking behind am i?
can't post proof
I don't need proof! Source: I made it the fuck up
Dude you do know if this was a court case you'd lose right? You need to back up your claims.
Is this you?
Gonna just post here too since this seems to be literally every shitcoin (minus kenis)
"I'm going to post my pasta that doesn't apply to the coin i like because I'm retarded"
post the chart again, baggie
If this was a court case, all of you in tg would be in jail for fraud...I hope you know that
tfw when you remember Shiba Inu was first posted on Anon Babble
Uhuh, so your ''chud'' coin didn't go to 1 billion in a month, and that makes it a scam?
The future looks bright for all the biz dogs
Kek baggies
You can win too if you are not retarded
Hey look you're literally the 5th line kek
Are you such a retard and poor at the same time you only hold one token ?
told you guys its a pnd. ;) it will keep up till sunday en next week fire will be pnd'ed ;) take a hint
People are selling at losses now realizing the scam.
Post the chart baggies
I found pics of you.
Why do you look so... down?
baggies no more png
kek baggie
Sorry fudders, but biz dog summer is coming and there's nothing you can do about it
Feel free to cope and seethe as you may
Most of the people selling are swing traders, check their wallets and trade history
You faggots aren't even trying anymore
Did you not get several billion Tokens for like 20 bucks ? Very few of us here are (((Baggies)))
do as you wish with the info. we are all herr for rhe gains right? i sure took it at the top. thank you very much ;)
Im gonna slurp this so hard
Every time some swinger sells the top of a candle there is a faggot on biz claiming to be the guy.
For every crypto. Even BTC.
There simply isn't that many of you, niggers.
You really wish you were rich it's pathetic.
It's always the same story. It was the same story with ANS at 0.40c and the same story with LINK at 0.25
Anon Babble is like 98% retards and 2% who understand actual Alpha when they see it.
keep thinking that way , it surely helps. ;) read my posts ;)
verification not required
You tards ever notice the fudders only ever post during a dip then disappear during pumps?
My pattern recognition tingling, but what does it mean?
They're always hovering around like mosquitoes just waiting for the "i told you so".
Honestly very childish mindset, clearly emotion based reactions. True incel behavior desu.
I'm glad the plebbitors took over linu.
Why are you slurring your words so much?
I'm thinking you didn't tell me you have downs or something.
Shilling spyro and fire ;)
Posts disregarded ;)
Looks at chart.
Oh what's that we rise again?
Damn, sorry bobos. Better luck next year.
Thanks for the top signal again habibi
What's going on with LUCKY anyway? Not a single transaction in two days. Has it been abandoned? Whatever happened to that coinflip game?
I know some Linu and HOKK guys are trying to lend a paw. I don't have details yet, but they are trying to set up a way to help all biz dogs out
Good. I'll keep holding. I bought at 1600-ish, so I'm not down much anyway.
Post it AGAIN, baggie