/gme/ familiar algo

Basic Information

gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

Daily reminder


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short




Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to deliver


SEC 10-K Annual report FY22


GameStop Investor Site


What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Real-Time Trades


Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions


All other news/DDs/etc

DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain

Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/:
As always:

sneed hedgies


GameStop Info

Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen

Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.210 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare

~75.4 (18.85) million shares 25% total held by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 (18.85) by Aug. 31, 2023, ~76.6 (19.15) by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co

Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22

and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021


Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares

'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:

friday RRP 520.107//79 parties of niggers
monday RRP 524.959//81 parties of niggers
tuesday RRP 519.725//84 parties of niggers
wednesday RRP 569.855//87 parties of niggers
thursday RRP 502.074//83 parties of niggers

4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)


2023 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.


Q3 2023 Earnings 8-K/10-Q


798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency


100 page comparison DD


Legacy links

gmedd.com/report-model/ (Nov 2021)

Use archives

Avoid DSPP:

GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


Please don't feed spammers and sliders.


This is the thread.


say nothing in the spamfag thread

say nothing in the fudfag frenchfag 3 way before it

gay checked

We have closed green every day this week. Tomorrow ending green is the rocket.

Finally a non homsexual thread
Get fucked shillsisters

Tomorrow is the day. Billions per share once this swap FUCKING MEGA-EXPLODES ALL OVER HEDGIE HAIRY ASSHOLES


swap.png - 568x562, 132.77K

Wow, so that means you're green right? Wow!

This doesn’t glow more to the Logoniggers somehow.

IMG_8328.jpg - 1161x1529, 932.35K


On all my shares bought this week yeah. I haven't recalculated my brokers+DRS combined average in a while but I'm either green now or will be at 15.



How many years ago was the thread with all the edits of that pic. Fun times, it feels different now.

beezos buying buttcoins

gme being wird as fuck

what's happening bros? i'm scared.

grand theft algo-IRL

hold on to your butts

dat catalogue

Something and someone broke. Full tantrum mode.

checked. desperate acts by desperate men

Give me one reason my I should continue to hold this this stock when I could be buying VOO, NVDA, and FZFXX instead?

download.jpg - 240x209, 8.43K

Your digits compel me to provide my pet theories, from my most favorite to least:
1. It's a BBBaggie finally coming to grips with the realization that he lost all his money.
2.It's an actual hedgoid finally coming to grips that it's over.
3. It's an actual low- to mid-level hedgoid ally/hedgoid-adjacent that is about to get himself and his known family killed for promising to get things under control (and couldn't).
4. It's Kennoid.
5. It's Lum.

kek lummies.jpg - 1327x595, 162.58K

You would never have to post here again, and what a relief that would be for all of us

#3. Tony’s mouth wrote some checks his butt will be cashing in the bbc cage.

Buy more and shut up. MOASS is soon

I don't get it, you fucks just keep buying and buying, even though the price goes down. What the fuck is wrong with all of you? This play ended back in 2021, and we're still here bagholding, all because we we can't face the truth that we got bamboozled. How can you still be bullish after all this time? Earnings will come and go, how is obe profitable quarter gonna justify how expensive GME is right now?


lol lmao.

IMG_8330.jpg - 960x720, 79.49K

You are not schizoid enough.

it's 2, 3, 5 all at once


I doubt that faggot is an actual hedgoid.

Imagine pretending to hold gme while also pretending to not believe in the thesis. All while also begging for justification for its price. Literally tying themselves into logic knots just to fud this stock.

I do own GME, Ryan hasn't done shit the last three years and now we're about the receive a lukewarm earnings, after which the price will continue its death debt spiral. You have no argument for why you still own this shit stock other than you have no choice, because you're bagholding it, like I am.

well in that case, remember why you’re in this play in the first place


You have no argument for why you still own this shit stock

Sorry I guess I just like the stock. If you don’t maybe you should sell.

IMG_7690.jpg - 1024x768, 89.18K

It's been three years bro, this shit is getting fucking annoying.
Don't threaten me with a good time, I'm just about ready to be done with this play, but as evidenced by BTC and MSTR, every time I sell something it pops off three to four years later. We're just about approaching that time. I need to see this Q4 be positive with a profit YoY, otherwise why are we wasting our time here?

My mistake was putting more in than I should have, so I've got no one to blame for that but myself. You are all here forever, so am I. I seriously wish you all many green dildos in the near future, if anyone has deserved it it's you all.

so the entire graph is now moving inside less than a one dollar range. just as prophesized. flat theory confirmed. squeeze imminent.

No you don't understand anon you're supposed to argue with him about why you own the stock so he can use circular logic, dismiss all circumstancial evidence and press you for hard reported factual information that you clearly couldn't have access too and then claim there's no proof you can provide and because you can't convince a disingenuous random faggot it means you have to sell. You simply have to justify your reasons to others by his unreasonable and clearly compromised standards to earn the right to hold an investment. You can't just.. just NOT engage with him!


7 gme threads


This. Flat chads were always right

IMG_2010.png - 1231x1063, 192.83K

The funniest part is that I have to justify why I myself am holding an asset that he claims he’s holding. The absurdity of it all.


death debt spiral

GME has a small coof French loan and a billy cash on hand

Kek. Wut?

kys dumbfuck baggots

In b4 shill argument about rc burning money and not telling us his plans.

after which the price will continue its death debt spiral.

You can't just take what worked for BBBaggies and straight up apply it to GMEchads.

making me CTRL+F

You will have eternal bleeding.

Shills so mad it had to ctrl f. Hungry shills need fed. Here's some shill food.

I’m sorry. I personally will continue to deny those I do not like (you)s. I just will ok.

Jesus made all men free.

GME baggie

And you'll stay poor too!

woman moment



Why ctrl f, fren?

leave out one meme arrow

can't easily find out which post he was referring to

have to manually breathe and manually find the post

Just passive-aggressive things one would typically find a woman doing. Claim they don't deserve a response but responds anyway. The absolute state.


At least you’ve stopped claiming I’m doing it to shit up the thread somehow and that im a glownigger. This is real growth for you.

who said you arent

I got paid today.... Do you know what this means?


You when you started appeal to emotion by claiming I’m behaving like a woman. Again I’ll remind you you don’t seem to be having much trouble following the thread.

Kek stupid dumbfuck hedgies

mfw baggots rope

Threadly reminder that OIP never had anything to do with Citadel. He got sent the pictures via a connection on discord and people seriously fell for the Goofy meme. Even proved this by jumping in on this thread, proving his identity as top WSB mod by changing the subreddit discription, adding a dot at the end that remains there to this day.

Like Anon Babble found a Bloomberg Terminal.

you don’t seem to be having much trouble following the thread.

You're literally a few minutes from my post, while was about an hour from


Uh oh. Narrative controlies. It’s too late. The feds are coming for you.

Been talking a bit with a girl from the Philippines.
Matched on Bumble.
I dont know how to interpret her.
Just as every other girl on this world, she doesnt really seem that interested in me at this moment.
I dont get ppl that dont ask questions.
Should i really just lose my wizard status like that if im able tho?

Links active, including OIU saying he worked as goofy

Get fucked shitheads, only people with more than half a brain invest correctly, that's why you need and SHOULD invest in VINU
Trust me anon, i know what i'm talking about
You know you need it! it's pretty much one of the few "small/mid" coins with a pretty consistent and constant growth! it's an incredible investment, cmon anon you know you need it
They even have a waifu for the weebs to adore, they know what they're doing, TRUST ME ANON TRUST MEEEEEEEEEEEE

Tell her you lost a lot of money investing in bagstop that'll really make the third worlder think you're special. Then tell her about how in 2 more weeks you'll be a billionaire off your $300 investment


Also, OIU changing the WSB description is false. That has been there since before the sneeze, rimjabi


No thanks. Gonna do what I do every other week instead, which is buy GameStop. I’ll think of you when I make my next purchase as well if that makes you feel any better :)

Daniel pls.

Kek. He’s scared.

I will check you,
I bought today it was my fault sorry

Boy I sure hope this information never shows up in some future federal indictment. Luckily this post clears everything up

pepeenhance.png - 416x356, 52.42K

He doesn't know losing your wizardhood to the most powerful race on earth will not only make you get back your powers, but also enhance it a thousandfold

Jews fear this knowledge.

How exactly did he disprove that he wasn't a Citadel employee?

It was either this or you kicking the door of your new mansion in
You were never allowed to win so realize there's a barrel of a revolver pressed right against the back of society's head and act like it

You say that so confidently, but how can you be so sure of such a nebulous thing as MOASS? What if we really are wrong about this whole situation? Regardless, I will hold, at least until earnings and see what's in store. Multiple hedge funds, banks, and retirement firms keep buying GME.

Oh, and my ID keeps resetting so that's why there's multiple 1pbtid ITT.



You are a coward.

Fuck you, I hold this bitch to the end.


blackcat.gif - 480x480, 2.32M

Uhh so Anon Babble is the D E S I G N A T E D shitting board now? Hilarious how me holding my jiemies in book makes random people melting down

GOD DAMNIT, FUCK YOU. Just for that, I'm buying more. See you faggots at earnings.


Anon Babble has been half of the Anon Babble Curry Slurry for over a decade. Anon Babble is the other half.

of such a nebulous thing as MOASS?

There is this one (1) nebulous thing that you fear (because you can't control it) and it isn't MOASS (because MOASS is concrete, like pavement).
kys BBBaggie

Didn't pay attention to other shitcoin threads senpai
Kek, based RC and Pulte dabbing on BBBaggies' last hope

Ryan's trolling is on another level, it's worth the price of admission alone.


Does everything connected to Pulte or teddy have to be related to bbby? Seriously just asking?

king BBBYQ griftoid Alexander "ppseeds" Zarac, a literal mod of that subreddit, literally has the pinned post to that thread

how is this related to BBBY

For him it does. I wonder why that is.

I bought at 5


Who the fuck is pp? Also why do you know so much about this?

Kek check the GME maxis thread
They’re absolutely seething

To BBBYniggers, apparently
Kek BBBaggies

he reveals himself


I knew you were a BBBaggie. Always have.

I come here to discuss GME. I refuse to learn about BBBY or give one shit. Even if I end up being wrong and it's the best thing, I don't give a shit nor will I. I have missed many plays and will miss many more, so miss me with that BBBYullshit


Please explain.

IMG_8273.gif - 498x306, 2.14M

that algo in the AH is fucking amazing. RELEASE THE KRAKEN GARY GENSLER

stalks RC to public events

takes picture wirh RC

pretends to be acquainted despite previous public admission of no contact

probably gonna raise Atlanta grift session from 500 to 741 freedom bux

Just when PulteCon 1.0 is losing steam, based Pulte is once again going to deliver griftkino

please tell me how to better fit in

Kek BBBaggie

shut your wang, daniel.


I literally haven’t bought bbby up until you did you absolute nigger. You and Niggerfaggot are experts on bbby and pp. I just wanted to no why that is.

This is edited

IMG_3704.jpg - 828x1723, 690.92K

The Hairline ACKKKK

Kek bag rodents. Red every day



You're just low IQ. Simple as.

What's the newest March 2024 copium baggie bros?

Why is Cohen losing his hair bros?

Do we know for a fact it’s the same hoodie? Also what are the implications if it is?


So easy to spot

when is gme gon sqeez

Ryans face looks off like ai or some shit

Oh no you found me. Still red dumbfuck? Yeah I thought so. Buy more at open? Nah you won't. Broke pussy rat rodent. KEK

Post shorts :^)

won't buy

Kek I remember you, been hard at it the last few days huh?

What an interesting and unexpected surprise this picture was tonight. I wonder if we pump tomorrow.

Based, I'd take profit and close those a week before earnings though, just in case you unexpectedly get heemed.