This is really interesting.
If you want a 100x it's right here, but it'll require coinbase to be drained.
Notice anything?
biz didn't notice
I keep buying.
I didn't notice anything
OP enlighten me pls
Coinbase has no depth, aka no RLC. Users do not want to sell it. Even a fraction of demand placed on RLC will cause multiple X returns.
not even a combined volume of 15m with the two biggest exchanges
LMAO i remember when 5 days ago RLC baggies were shitting up every other thread constantly babbling about the 'big volume'
seems lime we already have this cycle's new baggies
So what you’re saying is my $1k could turn into $100 by eoy?
RLC's volume has always been extremely volatile.
But Nance has a lot and there are arb bots. I don't get it.
I watched the RLC coinbase listing and the price difference on CB vs Binance was ~$10.
If this happens again it will go viral and cause a bigger pump.
Rlc is a 1-3 dollar stablecoin, any price outside of this is un-natural, do not buy
this garbanzo can't even break 4.1. how embarrassing. It's over
Which is a sign of a ticker getting used for scalping which explains why it can have a double digit shifts intraday which is the antithesis of what you want to hold which I already explained to you retards but you coped about because obviously when you a braindead bagholder the volume being good is good and when the volume stops being good that also happens to be good too you see, for... huh...reasons.
New batch of RLC baggies just dropped.
Tell me how a rank 200 coin can have consistent high volume?
When volume goes up, RLC usually goes up. When it goes down, the downward movement hasn't been bad recently. If anything it's pretty mild.
Aint no one clickin that shit lil bro
I dont get it, I'm starting, what I'm suppose to see?
That's not how volume works my man.
You truly have what it takes to be a baggie. Congrats, you are part of their team now.
I bet it doesn't feel good reading this but you need to understand that i'm only doing it because you retards have been shitting the board the last two weeks. If you stayed in your containment thread you wouldn't have to face the harsh reality, you could have held your underperforming bags under the delusion that they are fine.
b-but we dont have a thread
That's because RLC baggies post for two months per cycle before they start underperforming and then leave for the next two years. What, you thought it was a coincidence that 90% of the RLC mentions happened in the last month and half? LOL
Next time create a thread instead of trying to hijack threads with more interesting tickers, loser.
That when RLC pumps on coinbase it's going to cause a lot of problems and the price difference between binance and coinbase will be so large something crazy will happen.
anon if you are new there are better places to get advise than Anon Babble people wil tell you literary anything in a stupid effort to make other waste money.
You said literally nothing, congrats. I do not care what your interpretation of RLC's volume is as that is not what this thread is about. It was 130M last week and will be much higher in the near future. Volume is a lagging indicator.
I just want to play games and earn, I don't have enough to buy into big coins
superverse has new games that use their token, you could check that.
90% drop
Very healthy, nothing to worry about KEK
i don't care that you are dropping hard pills to swallow
I bet you don't
volume is a lagging indicator
what the FUCK am I reading LMAO
RLC baggies doesn't know what arbitrage is
I couldn't make this shit up even if I tried holy fuck
The absolute state.
You're poor
You RLC baggies are pathetic. No one wants your chitcoin
You don't have to do anything little kid, just watch on the sidelines while the adults play
I'm gonna trust you on this one.
I mean the guy that knows nothing about volume, doesn't know what arbitrage is and that is willignly avoiding to face the fact that his bags have a bunch of redflags MUST know a thing or two about being poor, after all.
I know what volume is and it's a lagging indicator. You play in the past. I play in the future. We will see who comes out on top.
Last time there was a ~$10 price difference between CB and binance, binance locked trading. Good luck arbitraging retard
volume is a lagging indicator
RLC baggies truly are something special
binance locked trading
So that they could arbitrage it to pair it themselves. Where do you get that arbitrage is a retail-only thing?
Lol don't answer that you literally just google the term for the first time right now of course you don't know past the moat basic definition of it.
I'm so glad that average midwits like you are my counterparty. Google that one too and thanks for the liquidity.
The volume indicator is a lagging indicator, meaning it reflects past market activity rather than providing real-time insights into market sentiment.
Googling is so hard.
And binance can arbitrage RLC all they want to pair it, it wont matter in the long run.
So you admit that you don't know shit and you are actually googling basic terms LMAO
All data is a "lagging indicator" by that definition.
Do I have to remind you that you are the one that made this thread that talks about volume? So whatever it is that you were trying to show it's irrelevant because volume is a lagging indicagor so it already happened :)
it won't matter
Facts. RLC is a dead shitcoin.
So you admit that you don't know shit and you are actually googling basic terms LMAO
I googled it just for you to becaus you can't seem to
Do I have to remind you that you are the one that made this thread that talks about volume?
This thread was never about volume until your stupid ass tried bringing it in
But I clearly know what volume is. That's why I can identify RLC as a steaming pile of shit hold based on it as I already explained in one of my posts.
This thread was never about colume.
I guess it wasn't seeing as the volume is dead and buried so it wouldn't make sense to talk about it.
So I guess the thread was about you whiffing a mix of hopium and copium about your increasingly heavy bags while trying to bait people into buying so that you are not alone at the bottom of the bucket?
Because the alternative is that the thread was related to arbitrage but you made it clear you didn't know what the fuck that is 4 posts ago.
But I clearly know what volume is.
You keep saying this but a simple google search proved you wrong. I don't care about your opinion of RLC, I'm here to make money.
Blah blah blah eat your own shit and die weirdo
no deep
I'm here to make money.
But you bought RLC?
A simple google search proved you wrong
But it didn't. Volume has a real-time component.
I also proved you wrong by extrapolating that everything that follows a timeline (read: everything) is technically a 'lagging indicator'.
Why are RLC baggies so low IQ?
Volume has a real-time component.
You cannot reliably make large amounts of gains on the volume indicator alone.
I'll just have to post again when RLC moons next week then kek
You cannot reliably make large amounts of gains on the volume indicator alone.
That has nothing to do with it not being a lagging indicator though.
You are moving the goalposts because you just realized you are wrong.
Why do RLC baggies pretend to be knowledgeable about things that they googlwd for the first time a couple posts ago?
I'll just have to post again when RLC moons next week then kek
Looking forward to it, I screencapped your posts and I will be posting them when the RLC baggies (which now includes you) come back in 3~ years to shit up the place for a month or two before disappearing again because everyone in the board is making fun of their underperforming trash for the 4th time.
I don't know why you think I give a fuck about what your subjective thoughts on volume are. If volume can be both a lagging and non-lagging indicator then it's useless as a metric you retard.
I don't know why you think I'm a "RLC baggie" either, I was just looking at it and noticed this funny depth difference. I made a bag off the coinbase listing and plan to make another bag. Maybe you feel threatened because you hold a competitor or something but I have zero care in the world for any coin.
come back in 3~ years
Nice self own saying you'll still be poor 3 years from now kek
I don't know hot to interpretate data so that means data = bad
Peak midwit. Love to see it.
Kind of funny how volume is LE bad but you tried to argue about the colume being choppy. Why would that matter if the volume indicator is bad? Hmm, really activates your almonds.
You unknowllingly proved the point I made here btw about how bagholders would rather move the goalposts and delude themselves than to thinking critically
when you a braindead bagholder the volume being good is good and when the volume stops being good that also happens to be good too you see, for... huh...reasons.
But nothing I said is subjective.
volume has died
choppy colume is a clear indicator that something gets scalped heavily
the chart agrees with this
RLC underperforms to tickers with similar metrics
All of those things are objective facts.
I don't know why you think I'm a baggie
I made a bag
Plan to make another bag
Maybe you feel threatened
So this projection is why you are so worked up? Because all the teuths I'm sayinf make tou feel threatened?
Nice self own saying you'll still be poor 3 years from now kek
Wait wait wait are you implying that you are here "to make it" ? As in you have not made it yet? And as in you ACTUALLY come here for alpha to help you make it? And your plan is to shill RLC to achieve that?
Are you sure that you are not the one self-owning yourself?
Nigga no one readin all that u got mental illness no wonder u think volume is a good indicator
Concession accepted.
You are " gonna make it" bro, believe it.
digital dogshit trannies now think that coinbase is suppressing them
I'm a multi millionaire. I don't care about your mental illness thoughts on volume kek
Implying coinbase bots weren't installed after getting governmental pressure for "manipulation"
I'm a multi millionaire
That needs to shill RLC like a jeet in a 90% botted website?
What a self-own.
You have some weird obsession about RLC, are you okay anon? I'm just showing information that I found and you're posting non stop in this thread about the coin rather than the intel.
I'm a multi millionaire. I don't care about your mental illness thoughts on volume kek
Implying coinbase bots weren't installed after getting governmental pressure for "manipulation"
You have some weird obsession about RLC
It's a RLC thread, Anon. Talking about other stuff would be kind of dumb don't you think?
Then again you retards have been shitting up threads all over the place with your shilling so I understand why not derailing may seem like a weird concept as that's what's normal to jeets like you.
You think I'm an RLC shill is what I'm saying about your obsession rather than what is clearly obvious in the OP image.
I'm just showing information
So am I. What's the probelm?
You think I'm an RLC
You are shilling RLC though.
rather than what is clearly obvious in the OP image
But I already talked about what is clearly obvious in OP, the dead volume that has decreased over 90% in a matter of days when days ago you guys were using the volume as a bull case.
Seems like your problem with my presence here is that I'm not agreeing with your schizo conspiracy about price suppression or that I'm not saying that RLC is not gonna do 100x.
So am I. What's the probelm?
Your information is a half truth. Disregarded
You seem emotionally invested in RLC's volume anon
Your information is a half truth.
You have said this (or something similar) a couple times but qhen confronted about it you actively avoid answering
volume has died
choppy volume is a clear indicator that something gets scalped heavily
the chart agrees with this
RLC underperforms to tickers with similar metrics
All of those things are objective facts.
Feel free to prove any of those facts wrong keep in mind any claim you make must be justified and accompanied with proof.
I'll wait.
Volume is fine for a rank 200 coin
Anyway I do not care about your mentally ill rants, have fun being poor retard
Volume is fine for a rank 200 coin
Not only this is subective, but it's also objectively wrong AND it's also a bearish case because RLC baggies like you were pushing the narrative that the high volume was bullish which in turn makes low volume bearish.
avoids addressing the rest of the points that are supposedly wrong/not true
Concession accepted, baggie ;)
have fun being poor
But enought about your RLC baggie biography.
How do you conciliate not being able to muster an argument to defent RLC while bagholding?
How can you hold aomething that you can't justify holding? How does that work?