Say you get $100,000 for every finger you lose. How many fingers do you sacrifice and which ones?

Say you get $100,000 for every finger you lose. How many fingers do you sacrifice and which ones?

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Give up all 12 of them and have $1.2 million

I am willing to fund this for interested anons.


wedding ring finger, am I right fellow losers?

i play guitar, so none

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Left ring finger and nothing else. That has nothing to do with marriage btw. It just that I'm right handed and the ring finger is the least practically useful finger.


Jerry Garcia was missing one

You can play guitar with no fingers retard

jews already stole my foreskin, they'll never steal my fingers for any amount of money. fuck you kike.

none ofcourse
make it a million at least ffs

is that why the grateful dead were so shit?

alright lets do this shit. i'll give up both ring fingers and both index fingers so i can at least still jack off fuck with me

Tiny finger opposite thumb right hand where money

My curiosity is the only thing preventing me from calling you a retard...
Demonstrate this fingerless guitar playing, or show a video of it happening.

None, 100k isn't going to cover the prosthetic replacement for your fingers. Not worth it.

Double it and give it to the next person.

None. I use every finger to type my Anon Babble posts or play vidya. It would also fuck up my lifts.

not a single of my fingers is for sale
my toes on the other hand lol


I would take the finger of the person who made the offer.

Here is a better one, for every finger you lose you gain 1 inch of length and girth. How many fingers would you be willing to part with to have a massive cock?

Inch only applies to Amerimutts, Eurocucks and Asians only gain a Centimeter for each finger they lose.

You'd bite off his dick, but you'd suck to completion first, you total faggot.

can I take an inch off my dick to get an extra finger, then give that extra finger up for 100k?

Money isn’t everything faggot

gonna make it

fingers arent everything

2 pinkies no problem

Bet. Both pinky fingers.

None, what the fuck? I'm already rich, I'm not losing a finger for just $100k. You know what I don't think I'd do it even for $100 billion. I like my fucking fingers.

I’ll finger your mom tho.

Oh, is this like a stealth Kaiji thread?

You don't need your pinkies

the pinky is the strongest contributor for ur grip strength retard

Inch only applies to Amerimutts, Eurocucks and Asians only gain a Centimeter for each finger they lose.

That's fair; Amerimutts need it more

Inches are objectively superior to centimeters. It's a more natural measurement

Chop off OPs fingers

Assume ownership

Trade 8 fingers for $800,000

Feed thumbs to my cat

both small fingers.

first i was thinking i keep only midlefingers and thumb. but then i was thinking i need more finger for wasd when playing computer.
and for wiping my ass.

the ring finger is the least practically useful finger.

you cant play fps computer game anymore
you need it for wasd

I'm not losing a damn finger and I'm getting away with $500k stacking and Tapping on XTP in the crypto payment space, you deluded negative thinking pleb of an OP.

Little finger is a bad choice. Without it you lose like half of your grip strength.


i doubt this.
also for what do need i grip strength ?

bro you are literally the dumbest person i have ever had the displeasure of reading a reply from do you not understand basic math the little finger is a terrible choice to lose because it plays one of the most critical functions in a strong grip the average male penis is just over 5 inches long and my honey badger-themed penis is over 15 feet long so why on earth would i ever sacrifice any part of my finger to get money that would likely just be lost on bad investments like the $hoba pump and dump

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bye bye pinkies ez choice

Your bf will be disappointed

Permanently compromising the integrity of your body for a singular boost in raw currency is a supremely retarded idea.

i remember people was selling kidneys in asia to get an new iphone

i can see you're a moron who has never held a conversation without sounding like a buffoon if you actually think that giving up fingers in exchange for some shitty fiat currency is a good idea maybe you should go ahead and sell your kidneys too what could go wrong i remember people selling their kidneys in asia to buy a new iphone too so why not follow in their footsteps like a dumbass and make the worst decisions of all time go ahead we'll all point at you and laugh it'll be hilarious

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Sorry, I forgot Anon Babble is a board full of faggots that don’t do anything more strenuous than jerking off. My mistake.

i want say there are people who do more for less.

2 little fingers for 200k usa $ is a better deal

He doesn't wipe his ass using his feet


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also there was a guy freezing and loosing all fingers fon purpose for 0$ becouse he wanted to be more like a dog. i have the pictures somewhere.


none cause i already have a few bitcoins. 100k is nothing.

1 Hand is broken and wallet empty
2 Get random offer to fix issues
3 ????
4 Profit

How the fuck

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