Mass redditoid suicides in few months
Mass redditoid suicides in few months
It’ll be 200k end of year
demand will crash after supply gets cut drastically
Bottom signal, but the dip after April. It will be er be lower again.
The most bullish article in existence. Buying at 62k.
What the fuck are they hiring there? This is edited right
jpmorgan has been trolling every step of the way. i wouldnt put much stock in what they have to say (no pun intended)
they are warning you retards but you won't listen
There is always a sell-the-news event after the halving before the inevitable next leg up.
lol youre going to have to be more convincing than that schlomo
thats true, which is fine and why nobody needs to worry
it could also be different this time because of all the institutional money
either way just hodl as usual
ok i was skeptical that this rally could break ath but now I know it will kek
lol redditors are failures, btc will hit $100k, redditors will buy in, it will dump down to $40k when they'll sell and then it will go back up to $200k after, lol
White House FUD
now JP Morgan FUD
it's gonna overextend to $420k for the meme isn't it
JP Morgan has a dedicated Reddit department
anal cysts.
Should have that looked at.
420k is the peak last peak was 69k. So it has to top 420k.
420k blaze it faggot.
2 out of 3 halvings didn't have a drop in value to a level below the one the day the halving takes place
JP Morgan is looking at psych stocks. They want to get in on the shroom boom.
higher production cost
Why on Earth would that lower the price of any product? They can't even come up with FUD anymore
This isn't to try to shake out crypto holders, this is to buy them more time to accumulate and to scare off normalfag investors.
We're gonna hit BTC 1M by EOY aren't we lads?
Yes, because JPMorgan cares so much about the wellbeing of anons. They're so kind hearted that they simply cannot bear the thought of anons losing money.
Nice of the jews working for this trustworthy institution to hand out free advice like this.
always do the opposite was jews say
shroom boom.
I can grow enough for an entire village for €10 in materials, and its not hard. Not that I deny they work for depression (LSD helped me tremendously) but it should realistically be cheaper than paracetamol and with very low margins.
Surely JPM has our best interests in mind right?
Of course!!!! You don't get to be in their position without having copious amounts of compassion for the little people.
shit, halving month dump cancelled.
I remember these kind of articles back in 2021 when moonboys felt invencibles. I'm not saying you should sell, but this time take some gains along the way anon.
Delusional euphoric moonchuds who will have pistols in their mouths in six months. Literally as lowIQ as reddit tards.
JPMorgans first halving I see
This time it's different
Coping moonchud redditor. Crypto WILL crash and you'll be screaming and crying and shidding and farding
I guarantee it will go no lower than 50k, people will call for 42k or 38k or 30k, then JP Morgan will slurp and put out articles about how now is a great time to buy at 70k.
I believe the meme also fren. My thoughts exactly. It took me .ooo1 seconds to come to this conclusion and I know I don't need to think any harder on it. My 85iq power is on par with 165iq in these scenarios.
long DVOL niggers
Lust provoking image
Dogshit opinion
Checks out.
i always do the opposite of what the news says.
That means it’s going to explode
Coping future pink wojaks
I hope for this
and this.
I hope so so I can buy more for an easy 2x. We all know it's going north of 100k the only question is when
fags have yet to factor in the end of the world/apocalyptic signal which is when jews tell the truth to the goyim
jp ain't lying
Yeah it's just that... well.... I'm not selling it Jew. You cannot have my bags. Trick someone else with your UBI schemes.
yeah i mean it's just that well i'm not selling it jew you cannot have my bags trick someone else with your ubi schemes for sure it's just like i don't know how many times we have to tell you people honey badger is a scam and definitely not going to make everyone who buys some very rich and i am personally going to be buying your wife with my honey badger profits which again are scammy and very fake
They want you to sell.
I'm way too smug.
What's the source of this information?
If redditors are seriously this easily influenced and weak minded, then they deserve to stay in poverty and filth baka
Well, i'll keep investing and wait til it reaches 80k or 90k by the end of the year and maybe i'll spend on smaller coins like Dext for some quick bucks in the meantime
buy high sell low
Maybe is not being pumped by those juicy steamy checks, but the shaking is inevitable imo