Terra Luna Classic

Apes. Together. Strong.
Green ids = GMI
Red ids = paper hands

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Kinda sad lol

I'm going to rape that monkey

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LUNC will hit 1 dollar again.

Hodl until rich

This is so late 2022 lol
You didn't sell during the meme burn pump back them? LMAO baggies

Why do fag jannies keep liquidating LUNC threads?
There are worse coins than lunc

Cause Jannies hold this and is sour grapes they got rugged.

It's dead, Jim.

yellow tint ID will be god

Nobody can possibly be dumb enough.

will it

t. 50M mandarin milfhunter

This shits boring. Take me back to the pre fork days

Load your bags before next Binance burn.

Do you miss me niggaheads?

LUNC will moon.

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Ooooh so close. better luck next time

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Ok anons I need help. I had a bag of WLUNA and did some arcane (to me at the time) to unwrap it. But when I did it I was drunk as f, and now I can’t find it. I went from MetaMask to terratunnel(?) and my LUNA is wherever the tunnel landed. Does anyone know the name of the site?

t. Indian

This you?

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Les go

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I killed Hoge ;) hoge was a rugpull

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Thank fuck I cut my losses with this shit and started buying coins that actually pump

I'm sure you did bro

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kek I miss the old lunc threads


i have no doubt about my beloved lunc

give me hope

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Any fellow apes willing to trade something for my $DEXT? please i need to feed my little chimps

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who are you

be realistic

were all gonna make it fellow lunc chads

It's over

$10 is FUD
Lunc is inevitable

i killed Hoge and other shitdoggocoins

still the funniest chart to date

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It'll be even funnier when it's back up to those levels again.

what impossible is niggahead